(黄河科技学院外国语学院,河南 郑州 450063)
许多人认为科技英语内容枯燥,形式单调,读之索然无味,科技文章的翻译也要追求“词对词,句对句”的对等翻译[1]。事实并非如此。译届前辈杨寿康(2004)指出,阅读科技英语和翻译的佳作,不仅能增长我们的科技知识,培养我们的思维能力,也能使我们体验丰富的美感。他还总结出优秀科技英语文章和翻译作品具有对称美、流畅美、逻辑美、完整美、精练美和修辞美的特点[2]。不约而同,译届专家毛荣贵(2004)也提出了科技文章造句的3 种境界,即逻辑美、人性美和练达美[3]。因此,进行科技翻译尤其是汉译英时,译者不能满足于准确通顺,应极力体现英语句法之美,给目的语读者美的享受。
It is nothing else than impurities prenatally inherent in ore that seriously affect the quality of the latter,which is formed as a result of geological vicissitudes including diastrophic movement,eruption of volcano,sedimentation,glaciation and weathering,etc.,under the action of which pyrogenic rocks volcanic complex,aqueous rocks,sedimentary rocks etc.,come into being,some of which exist in a stage of symbiosis,the main cause of the absence of pure rocks in nature.
The strongest spring leads to fatigue caused by excessive high stress.
这个简单句包含了两重逻辑关系:The strongest spring leads to…实际上是even the strongest spring leads to…,暗含了一种让步关系,后面的caused by…表示一种因果关系,据此应该译为:即使是强度最大的弹簧,在应力过大的情况下,也会疲劳。
(1)Later on in life the society puts strain on the man to compete,produce,and succeed;this also affects the survival rate.
(2)Later on in life man suffer from the strain of modern life to compete,produce,and succeed;this also affects the survival rate.
句(1)的“the society puts strain on the man to…”和句(2)中的“ man suffer from the strain of modern life to…”相比,前者的主语是非人称主语the society,而后者的主语是人称主语man,前者的谓语结构puts strain on the man。非人称主语句the society puts strain on the man to compete,produce,and succeed,与后者的man suffer from the strain of modern life 相比,新意拂面,闪现出人文亮色,增添了人性美感。
译文(1)The substitution of rolling friction for sliding friction results in a considerable reduction in friction.
译文(2)If rolling friction is substituted for sliding friction,the friction will be considerably reduced.
译文(1)中非人称主语The substitution of rolling friction for sliding friction 代替(2)中的条件句If rolling friction is substituted for sliding friction,体现了科技英语的精练。
除了非人称主语句,科技英语还大量使用被动语态,既体现了客观性,也实现了练达美。R.Quirk 等4 人在“A Grammar of Contemporary English”中说:事实上5 个被动句里面大约有4 个不把施动者说出来[5]。因此,科技文章中使用无施动者的被动语态客观性强,强调了所要突出的内容,表达也更加练达。如:Turns are made in a helicopter by banking(无施动者);而很少说:He made turns in a helicopter by banking(有施动者)。
译文:The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led,in the first instance,to the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse vibrations,but later to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis.
上面的英译读来一气呵成,语势如瀑,美感溢出。究其原因,被动结构的使用使全句上下贯畅,表达紧凑。试想,如果将原文第一句译成主动语态:In order to explain optical phenomena,people have made efforts to hypothesize that there exists a medium…,译文将不再是地道的科技英语表述方式,也使一句话变成了两句,不再简洁流畅。
值得注意的是,科技英语句法的3 种美不是互不关联,一个句式可能同时体现几种美。在科技文章英译过程中,应牢记这3 种美,不要太拘泥于原文形式,要在透彻理解原文含义的基础上按照英语思维和写作规范组织译文,舍“形”取“神”。
汉语重意合,很少甚至不用衔接手段,注重隐形连贯,以神统形。其句式结构疏散,不符合英语句型的“SV 提携形式规范”[4]。因此,科技英译时,要把握汉语分句间隐含的逻辑关系,把汉语句子的“波浪形结构”转换成英语句子的“树状性结构”[4],使译文结构紧凑、层次分明、逻辑严密。如:
译文(1):With others(other metals than copper,iron and platinum),notably lead,mercury and tin,there was a temperature,different for each one but well below zero,at which the resistance dropped to nothing at all.
译文(2):As far as other metals(except copper,iron and platinum)are concerned,mainly lead,mercury and tin,when it reaches a temperature,its resistance dropped to zero.The temperature is different for each of the three metals but well below zero.
译文(1)中句子主干很短there was a temperature…,除了句子主干,with 引导的复合结构使译文简洁新颖,at which 引导的定语从句修饰主干中的temperature,逻辑层次分明。而译文(2)按照汉语表达习惯直译,貌似“忠实”原文,实则句式复杂凌乱,佶屈聱牙。
译文(1):The slightly porous nature of the surface of the oxide film allows it to be colored with either organic or inorganic dyes.
译文(2):The surface of the oxide film has slightly porous nature,so it can be colored with either organic or inorganic dyes.
从语法结构上说,译文(2)可谓无可挑剔,也很符合汉语原意,但相比较,译文(1)用一个名词化结构做非人称主语,用简单句代替因果关系的复句,更加客观简洁;而且非人称主语后续的谓语动词allow 通常是人称主语所使用的动词,其搭配可谓新颖,非人称主语句的使用给全句染上一层拟人的修饰色彩,使原本显得有些单调乏味的科技内容闪现着人性美。
译文(1):Seismic measurements of travel time and amplitude would define the subsurface geometry and give estimates of the acoustic impedances related to rock velocities and densities.
译文(2):If we measure the seismic travel time and amplitude,we can define the subsurface geometry and give estimates of the acoustic impedances related to rock velocities and densities.
译文(1)中名词化结构“Seismic measurements of travel time and amplitude”表达了译文(2)中If 条件从句的内容,将汉语原句译成了一个简单句,具有明显优点:行文结构紧凑,表达客观简洁,逻辑严谨,正切合科技文体表达的需要,体现了科技英语句法之美。
汉语中虽也有被动语态,但科技汉语文章中大多是主动句式,主语多是人或有生命的东西,有时则为无主句。而根据英国利兹大学John Swales 的统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动语态[6],这是因为科技文章侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确。科技文章汉译英时应广泛使用被动语态,使叙述显得公正客观,结构紧凑,实现练达美。试比较:
译文(1):Natural rubber is obtained from rubber trees as a white,milky liquid known as latex.This is treated with acid and dried,before being dispatched to countries all over the world.
译文(2):People get natural rubber from rubber from rubber trees as a white,milky liquid,which is called latex.They mix it with acid,and dry it,and then they send it to countries all over the world.
译文(1)与(2)相比,少了人称主语:People,They,and then they…,因此多了几分理性和客观,而被动语式从1 个(is called)增加至4 个(is obtained,known as,is treated,dispatched),显得更加简洁流畅。
译文:Each cylinder therefore is encased in a water jacket,which forms part of a circuit,through which water is pumped continuously,and cooled by means of air drawn in from the outside atmosphere by large rotary fans.
科技文章之行文不一定要“一本正经”,毫无文采,也可以充满美感。本文首先举例分析说明了科技英语蕴含的句法之美:逻辑美、人性美和练达美,然后探讨了这3 种美对科技英译的启示:要正确理解汉语原文,把握分句间隐含的逻辑关系,把汉语句子的“波浪形结构”转换成英语句子的“树状性结构”,实现逻辑美;正确使用名词化结构尤其非人称主语,使科技文章增添人性美感,也使表达简洁明快;广泛使用被动语态,使译文流畅贯通,实现练达美。
[1]Newmark,P.A textbook of Translation[M].Oxford:Pergamon Press Ltd.,1981.
[5]Quirk,R,etc.A Grammar of Contemporary English[M].London:Longman Press,1972.