Journal of Economics of Water Resources

2014-04-09 11:21:08
水利经济 2014年3期

ProfitandlossofpublicawarenessofenvironmentalprotectionofresidentsinWuxiCityinresponsetoBlue-greenAlgaeEvent/SHEN Juqin, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: Taking the Blue-green Algae Event in Taihu Lake in 2007 as an example, the influencing factors and approaches for residents’environmental protection awareness in response to the water pollution event are analyzed from the perspective of their sewage discharge awareness. The economic profit and loss of public awareness of environmental protection due to the water pollution event are calculated by using the theory of environmental accounting. Through numerical modeling, it is found that the water pollution event has changed the residents’awareness of environmental protection in Wuxi City. Furthermore, the change has resulted in considerable economic benefits with persistent and hysteretic characteristics from 2007 to 2012.

Keywords: water pollution; environmental awareness; economic profit and loss; Wuxi City

Decisionofvirtualwatertradebasedonminimalpositiveperiodofrainfallfunctions/TAO Wen, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: To provide theoretical and methodological supports for virtual water trade, a model for the minimal positive period of rainfall functions is established according to the periodic law of rainfall and the theory of periodic function. The model shows that the agricultural water consumption is periodic with the time series, and the periodicities have different minimal positive periods in various regions. The minimal positive periods of rainfall functions will cause change of grain yield in a certain region. A conclusion is drawn that people can take advantage of change of the grain yield induced by the minimal positive period of rainfall functions to make trade in different regions in order to realize the balance of virtual water trade in various regions and to optimize the allocation of water resources in both arid and wet regions so as to ensure the national food security.

Keywords: rainfall; arid region; minimal positive period; virtual water trade

EfficiencyofwaterinvestmentbasedonMalmquistindex/WANG Shan, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The Malmquist index based on the DEA model is used to analyze the trend of water investment efficiency in 31 provinces (Municipalities and autonomous regions) in China during the “Eleventh Five-year Plan” period. The results show that the total factor productivity of water investment generally has a gradual increase from 2006 to 2010, with the average being 1.152. The total factor productivity is divided into several sections, and it is found that the technical efficiency, 0.844, is low, the technical progress, 1.568, is satisfactory, the pure technical efficiency changes little, and the scale efficiency, 0.846, is low. It indicates that the growth of the total factor productivity mainly results from the improvement of the technical progress. The low technical efficiency of water investment is induced by the low level of scale efficiency. The construction scale of hydraulic projects should be reasonably expanded. From the regional perspective, the efficiency of water investment in the western region of China is better than that in the eastern and central regions.

Keywords: Malmquist index; water investment; total factor productivity; technical efficiency; technical progress

Measurementandcomparisonofregionaldifferencesoffinancialinvestmentinruralwaterconservancy/CAO Qianxi, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The unbalanced behavior of financial investment in the rural water conservancy in China is depicted and measured by using the financial investment data in recent 10 ten years. The scale and intensity of the financial investment in the rural water conservancy as well as the spatial differences of its impact on the economy are analyzed and compared. The Theil’s index is adopted to explain the regional and interregional differences of the financial investment in rural water conservancy. The results show that the financial investment in rural water conservancy in the eastern, middle and western regions of China presents the basic situation of high investment in the eastern region and low investment in the middle region. The gap is created by both the regional and interregional differences. The interregional difference has more contribution to the overall gap than the regional one. The regional difference is mainly caused by the gap in the eastern region. As a result, on one hand, it is necessary to establish and improve the system of financial investment in rural water conservancy, to clarify the relationship between the central and local governments, and to promote the diversity of the main inputs. On the other hand, for the financial investment in rural water conservancy, much attention should be paid to the middle region, and the regional difference in the eastern region should be reduced.

Keywords: rural water conservancy; financial investment; regional difference; Theil’s index

Marketoperatingmechanismofwaterconservancyfinance/GONG Ping, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: Based on the definition of the water conservancy finance, the possibility and problems of market operation of water conservancy finance are analyzed. The market operating mechanism of water conservancy finance in China is established under the market economy. In the market operating mechanism of water conservancy finance, the price mechanism, supply and demand mechanism, competition mechanism, risk mechanism are the core, main part, key and foundation, respectively. The four mechanisms are interactional and play a cooperative role in the market operating mechanism of water conservancy finance. Some measures are proposed for promoting the reform of the market operation of water conservancy finance in China.

Keywords: water conservancy finance; market operating mechanism; framework design

Evaluationofwaterprojectsbasedonproportional2-tuple/MAO Xiaofen, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: A fuzzy linguistic evaluation method for water projects is proposed based on the proportional 2-tuple. On one hand, the proposed method integrates the experts’ advices, and the qualitative linguistic evaluation is symbolized. On the other hand, this method can reduce losing of information so as to improve the scientific and accurate properties of the evaluated results. Finally, an example of water project is used to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.

Keywords: proportional 2-tuple; water project; evaluation

BenefitanalysisofintegratedmanagementofsmallwatershedinShaheCity/LIN Congjie (Shahe Water Affairs Bureau of Hebei Province, Shahe 054100, China)

Abstract: The integrated management of small watersheds is to establish the comprehensive management mode of small mountainous watersheds with soil and water conservation and high-efficient ecological and economic functions according to their natural, social and economic conditions and the regional development demand by the national economy, with the treatment of soil and water loss being the center, the strengthening of ecological and economic benefits and sustainable development of socio-economy being the goal, and the optimization structure and efficient utilization of basic farmland and the vegetation being the key. The benefits of integrated management of small watershed in Shahe City from 2003 to 2012 are analyzed, and the value of economic benefits is 187.28 million RMB Yuan, including terracing on slopes, soil and water conservation forests, economic forests and prohibition governance. The value of ecological benefits is 785.11 million RMB Yuan, including the total value of thee above soil and water conservation measures. It is seen that in the treatment and management of water and soil conservation, the ecological benefits are far greater than the economic ones.

Keywords: integrated management of small watershed; soil and water conservation; economic benefit; ecological benefit; Shahe City

Water-pricingmechanismofseawaterdesalinationintypicalcountriesanditsenlightenmenttoChina/XING Shuying, et al (Tianjin Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization, SOA, Tianjin 300192, China)

Abstract: In recent years, the seawater desalination technology in China has rapidly developed, and the seawater desalination industry has become an important marine strategic emerging industry. However, there still exist many problems for the product of seawater desalination entering into the municipal water supply system, including narrow supply scope, insufficient users, higher water price and certain deficit. Compared with the municipal tap water as public utilities, the product of seawater desalination is lack of competitive advantage in the market. 5 typical countries of seawater desalination, Israel, Spain, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, are chosen to analyze and summarize their operation experience and water-pricing mechanism by adopting the product of seawater desalination as the municipal water supply. Their enlightenment and reference to China are investigated. Some suggestions are put forward for the product of seawater desalination entering into the municipal water supply system in China so as to provide basis for improving the water-pricing mechanism of seawater desalination.

Keywords: seawater desalination; municipal water supply; water price; water-pricing mechanism

Comparisonoftransactioncostsofdifferentbasinecologicalcompensationmodes/PAN Na, et al (College of Economics and Management, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an, Shandong 271018, China)

Abstract: The transaction costs of basin ecological compensation is an important index to measure the efficiency of compensation mechanism. The current basin ecological compensation modes mainly include government compensation, market compensation and quasi-market compensation. Different compensation modes have a variety of forms. By defining and comparing the content of the transaction costs of different modes, it is found that the transaction costs of the basin ecological compensation under different modes have the same part of metering content. However, due to the efficiencies of different modes, the magnitude of the costs is different. At present, the unit transaction costs of the quasi-market mode are the best. The choice of basin ecological compensation modes should adapt to the external social environment and the actual situation.

Keywords: basin ecological environment; basin ecological compensation; compensation mode; transaction cost

PracticesandconsiderationsofconstructionandmanagementofecologicalrestorationofYongdingRiver/DONG Zhengju, et al (Beijing Water Science and Technology Institute, Beijing 100048, China)

Abstract: Taking the ecological restoration project of Yonging River in Beijing as an example, the characteristics and challenges of its current construction and management are analyzed from the aspects of integrated management of river basin, urban landscape management and ecological restoration management based on the thorough investigation of its construction and management situations. It is suggested that based on the existing management system, the construction and management of the ecological restoration should be improved from the viewpoints of innovating management ideas, improving management organizations and strengthening technical management methods. Accordingly, it will provide references for the construction and management of ecological restoration of Yongding River and similar urban rivers in North China.

Keywords: ecological restoration; urban river; construction and management; Yongding River

ProtectivemeasuresfordrinkingwatersourceofGuchengLakeinNanjing/FANG Guohua, et al (College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: The current security situations and problems of drinking water source of Gucheng Lake in Nanjing are analyzed. The goal of drinking water source to achieve the standards is formulated. The corresponding engineering and non-engineering measures are put forward for protecting the drinking water source of Gucheng Lake, including further provision of water supply of drinking water source from the aspects of water storage and diversion, utilization of isolation, ecological protection and restoration projects for strengthening the construction of drinking water source, improvement of monitoring facilities of drinking water, establishment and improvement of the management institutions, formulation of the relative laws and regulations, and preparation of regular safety assessment of water quantity and quality and emergency security schemes. All these measures will provide a scientific basis for the protection of the drinking water source of Gucheng Lake.

Keywords: Gucheng Lake; drinking water source; safety evaluation; engineering measure; non-engineering measure

Optimizationofrole-basedaccesscontrolmodelformonitoringinformationsystemofwaterconservancyindustry/ZHANG Liujun, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China; Institute of Project Management, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The current situations of access control of monitoring information system of water conservancy industry as well as the existing problems are analyzed. Based on the RBAC models and their extended models, a method for the secondary definition of the main body and the roles is put forward. An optimization model for role-based access control is established. The model is applied to the optimization design of a construction supervision enterprise of water conservancy industry. The results show that the proposed model increases the flexibility of authorization of the RBAC model so as to satisfactorily solve the authorization problem of the monitoring information system of the supervision enterprise of water conservancy industry.

Keywords: water conservancy industry; monitoring information system; RBAC; optimization model

Predictionmodelformark-upofwaterconservancyprojectsbasedonPCA-ANN/SHI Linlin, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China; Institute of Project Management Informationization, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: In competitive bidding of water conservancy projects, the rationality of construction companies’ offer is the prerequisite to a successful bidding. The accuracy of mark-up directly relates to the rationality of the offer. A prediction model for the mark-up is established by using the BP artificial neural network method based on the principal component analysis (PCA). The dimension of the factors to affect the mark-up is reduced by means of the PCA method, that is, under the conditions of retaining the original data, the network nodes are simplified by eliminating the correlation between the sample data and reducing the number of model input variables. The BP artificial neural network is adopted to search for the internal relation and law of the data so as to objectively and more accurately predict the mark-up. According to the proposed model, the mark-up of an example is predicted by using the original data of a contractor’s offer of water conservancy projects for years. The results of the proposed model are practical.

Keywords: water conservancy project; mark-up; principal component; BP artificial neural network

EstablishmentandmanagementofeconomicarchivesofHualiangtingIrrigationDistrict/CHEN Weiguo, et al (Anqing Hualiangting Irrigation District Management Bureau of Anhui Province, Anqing 246411, China)

Abstract: Based on the status of collection, classification, identification, analysis and management of economic archive information in Hualiangting Irrigation District, the existing problems in the management of economic archives are analyzed. Some measures and suggestions are proposed for strengthening the establishment and management of economic archives Hualiangting Irrigation District as follows: (1) innovation of management modes of economic archives, (2) promotion of modernization of archive management, (3) establishment of integrated management mode for scientific archives.

Keywords: archive management; economic archive; Hualiangting Irrigation District

SupervisionandadministrationsystemforresettlementarrangementofDanjiangkouReservoirareainHenanProvince/HAN Zhenyan, et al (School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: Through the analysis of field investigation, it is found that during the process of resettlement arrangement of Danjiangkou Reservoir area in Henan Province, a supervision and administration system combining the whole process supervision with the specialized supervision is established, and it is characterized by multi-subject participation, that is, the government supervision as the leading force, the resettlement supervision as the key force and the public supervision as the engine. Meanwhile, based on the effect of supervision and administration of resettlement arrangement, useful reference may be provided for other reservoirs from the perspective of establishing a supervision network of multi-subject participation, highlighting resettlement supervision, focusing on public supervision, promoting cadre supervision and strengthening the third party supervision.

Keywords: reservoir resettlement; resettlement arrangement; supervision and administration system; Danjiangkou Reservoir; South-to-North Water Diversion Project

StructuralequationforresettlementsatisfactionofTCity/LI Bin, et al (National Research Center for Resettlement, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: The structural validity of index system for resettlement satisfaction is estimated by using the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and the applications of CFA in the late-stage support satisfaction of reservoir resettlement are investigated. Based on the survey data of late-stage support satisfaction in T City, three resettlement satisfactions of living conditions, production conditions and late-stage support policy implementation are adopted to formulate implicit variables, and a structural equation for the satisfaction is established by regarding various specific indices as the observed variables. The validity of the proposed equation as well as the distinction degree and contribution of the various observed variables is analyzed by using CFA. The results show that CFA has a large superiority to analyzing the satisfaction index system, and the structural equation has a higher validity. The satisfaction index of late-stage support policy implementation has the largest contribution and closely relates with other two implicit variables. The resettlement has better satisfaction.

Keywords: resettlement; late-stage support; resettlement satisfaction; index system; CFA

Internalmechanismandupgradepathsofadaptivecapacityofwaterparks/XU Caizhi, et al (Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot 010020, China)

Abstract: By discussing their function, the internal mechanism and influence of adaptive capacity of water parks are introduced based on the systematic analysis of structure-behavior-performance. Then, the upgrade paths of adaptive capacity of water parks are determined as follows: basic function-oriented path, water conservancy tourism-oriented path and function-balanced path. Finally, some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to improve the adaptive capacity of water parks combining with the upgrade paths.

Keywords: water park; adaptive capacity; internal mechanism; upgrade path

DevelopmentsituationsandmeasuresofreservoirwaterparksinZhejiangProvince/SHAO Ting, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The researches on the tourism development of reservoir water parks are an important guarantee for the healthy and sustainable development of tourism industry. The background of tourism development of reservoir water parks and distribution of tourism resources in Zhejiang Province are introduced. The tourism development situations of reservoir water parks in Zhejiang Province are fully analyzed by means of the SWOT method. The development strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of tourism resources of reservoir water parks are put forward. On this basis, some countermeasures are proposed for tourism development of reservoir water parks from the aspects of management mechanism, park planning, business mode and archive construction. The experience and achievements will provide references for the development of reservoir water parks.

Keywords: reservoir; water park; tourism development; Zhejiang Province