Retired Researcher at the Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Professor at the Center for Social & Economic Behavior Studies, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics
Former CCTV host and professor at the Communication University of China
Genetically modif i ed (GM) crops are achieved across species. The genetically modif i ed protein may have never been consumed before. Although researchers may “embellish” the genes, the correspondent protein of the “embellished” genes does not exist in nature. Even some transgenesis researchers admit that such crops may have a long term inf l uence that will be revealed after several generations. Human evolution has only been going on for two to three million years, a very short time when put in proper perspective. Such scientif i c research has broken the boundaries between species. GM researchers claim that it's safe, after only few months' experimenting with a white mouse, lacking reliable proof. Once the damage is done, the serious consequences can never be reversed. As of now, no country in the world dares or is willing to commercialize transgenic technology of main food sources. How franticly enthusiastic they (GM food proponents) are, which makes all Chinese people wonder: are they supported by certain interest groups? - guangming. cn byGuangming Daily,Feburary 8, 2013
Supporters of the commercial applications for transgenic technology publically acknowledge the possible risks, but fail to further investigate its nature and scale, let alone remedies. In fact, genetic engineering can be applied in medical treatments, agriculture, and even weapons. Recent studies on micro RNA carried out by the School of Life Sciences in Nanjing University have suggested possible communication between animal bio-information and that of plants through food consumption. This solves the dispersal problems for genetic weaponry. Theoretically, a biological strike can be carried out by planting specif i c micro-RNA into crops to breed a new generation and commercialize the product for target groups to consume. A micro-RNA only consists of some 10 to 20 nucleotides—its sequence is easy to design and synthesize. The same biological principle that kills the pests in GM crops might as well exist for humans.- Environment and Life, October, 2012
The opinions on transgenesis-based food from scientists are only one among many opinions. For us, the ordinary citizens who are largely ignorant of the matter, we still have the right to be part of the debate. For instance, if I fear it (GM food) and don't want to eat it, I should be able to have it separated from normal food. Popularizing GM food is not something a few scientists in a lab can decide. No one can doubt this point. But some people in China are so foolish that they think, if research proves no risk, then it can be pushed into the market. When people say GM food is absent of controversy in mainstream science, they are lying according to my investigations. I believe there are people who intentionally block such information. The Chinese experts in GM food are either pedantic or intentionally lying. I suggest the government regulate the commercialization of transgenic technology to death—the stricter the better.- Beijing Youth Daily,March 2, 2014