《测绘学报》2014年总目次第43卷 第1—12期

2014-03-29 01:28:19
测绘学报 2014年12期


遥感大数据自动分析与数据挖掘……………………………………………………… 李德仁,张良培,夏桂松 (12—1211)


卫星定位定轨系统SPODS:理论与测试 ……………………………………………… 魏子卿,阮仁桂,贾小林,等 (1—1)

LMCCD相机影像摄影测量首次实践 …………………………………………………… 王任享,王建荣,胡 莘 (3—221)

全球30 m地表覆盖遥感制图的总体技术 … ………………………………………… 陈 军,陈 晋,廖安平,等 (6—551)


可量测影像高程同步模型及其在测图中的应用…………………………………………… 张祖勋,朱俊锋,胡翔云 (1—5)

小波包多阈值去噪法及其在形变分析中的应用 … …………………………………… 章浙涛,朱建军,匡翠林,等 (1—13)

GOCE地球重力场模型在青藏地区的评价及分析 … ………………………………… 高春春,陆 洋,张子占,等 (1—21)

总强度磁场稳健向下延拓的改进泰勒级数法 … ……………………………………… 卞光浪,翟国君,高金耀,等 (1—30)

改进高斯-牛顿法的位场向下延拓 …………………………………………………… 曾小牛,刘代志,牛 超,等 (1—37)

复数域最小二乘平差及其在PolInSAR植被高反演中的应用 ……………………… 朱建军,解清华,左廷英,等 (1—45)

局部坐标系的嫦娥二号月面影像自动拼接方法 … …………………………………… 杨阿华,李学军,谢剑薇,等 (1—52)

形状先验和图割的高分辨率遥感影像道路段提取 ……………………………………… 周绍光,陈 超,岳建平 (1—60)

附加约束条件的光束法区域网平差在四拼数码航空相机平台检校中的应用 … …… 徐 斌,李英成,刘晓龙,等 (1—66)

基于参考DEM的机载InSAR定标方法……………………………………………… 云 烨,曾琪明,焦 健,等 (1—74)

基于有理多项式模型的星载InSAR影像制作数字高程模型的研究 ……………… 费文波,张 过,唐新明,等 (1—83)

一种基于遗传算法的多模式多标准路径规划方法………………………………………………… 于海璁,陆 锋 (1—89)

对偶图节点重要度的道路网自动选取方法 … ………………………………………… 刘 刚,李永树,杨 骏,等 (1—97)

地标分层多粒度路径导引描述方法……………………………………………………… 李 霖,毛 凯,谭永滨 (1—105)

新一代探测地球重力场的卫星编队 ………………………………………………… 姜卫平,赵 伟,赵 倩,等 (2—111)

自回归移动平均模型的电离层总电子含量短期预报 ……………………………… 张小红,任晓东,吴风波,等 (2—118)

子午线弧长公式的简化及其泰勒级数解释………………………………………………………………… 过家春 (2—125)

宽巷组合及轨迹约束下的列车在轨动态单历元定位算法 ………………………… 王德军,熊永良,刘 宁,等 (2—131)

导航卫星星地/星间链路联合定轨中设备时延估计方法 ……………………………… 阮仁桂,冯来平,贾小林 (2—137)

一种基于极化距离测度的SAR变化检测方法 …………………………………… 张永红,张现峰,付 姣,等 (2—143)

混合Gamma拖尾Rayleigh分布的高分辨SAR图像建模 … ……………………… 王 灿,苏卫民,顾 红,等 (2—151)

多/高光谱遥感图像的投影和小波融合算法 …………………………………………… 丰明博,刘 学,赵 冬 (2—158)

利用角点进行高分辨率遥感影像居民地检测方法…………………………………… 陶 超,邹峥嵘,丁晓利 (2—164)

一种大陆坡脚点自动识别与综合判断方法 ……………………………………… 吴自银,李家彪,阳凡林,等 (2—170)

DEM插值参数优选的试验研究 ………………………………………………………… 张锦明,游 雄,万 刚 (2—178)

平面分割的线/线相接、交叉类型判断 …………………………………………………………… 陈 斐,周晓光 (2—186)

面向SPARQL查询的地理语义空间索引构建方法 … ……………………………… 段红伟,孟令奎,黄长青,等 (2—193)

三角网求交的共形几何代数算法 …………………………………………………… 宗 真,袁林旺,罗 文,等 (2—200)

城市汽车导航中一种改进的D-S证据理论地图匹配算法 … …………………………… 李 珂,杨 杨,邱雪松 (2—208)

常用纬度差异极值符号表达式…………………………………………………………… 李忠美,李厚朴,边少锋 (2—214)

实时GIS时空数据模型…………………………………………………………………… 龚健雅,李小龙,吴华意 (3—226)

GEO卫星东西机动监视与移动窗口轨迹拟合 … …………………………………… 杜 兰,张中凯,李晓杰,等 (3—233)

利用卫星激光测距技术研究全球垂直地壳运动的参考基准 ……………………… 朱新慧,杨 力,孙付平,等 (3—240)

基于球冠谐分析的区域精密对流层建模………………………………………………… 钱 闯,何畅勇,刘 晖 (3—248)

卫星激光测距与甚长基线干涉测量的天线旋转中心的直接解法 ………………… 马下平,沈云中,王解先,等 (3—257)

雷达干涉测量图像的梯度自适应光滑子函数滤波法 ……………………………… 付政庆,刘国林,陶秋香,等 (3—263)

利用局部自相似进行多光谱遥感图像自动配准 …………………………………… 叶沅鑫,单 杰,彭剑威,等 (3—268)

一种遥感影像超分辨率重建的稀疏表示建模及算法 ……………………………… 钟九生,江 南,胡 斌,等 (3—276)

遥感相机在轨点扩散函数高精度测量方法 ………………………………………… 郭玲玲,吴泽鹏,张立国,等 (3—284)

土地覆盖图斑多时相遥感影像自动配准 …………………………………………… 曹 森,潘耀忠,张锦水,等 (3—290)

机载重轨干涉合成孔径雷达数据的一种配准方法 ………………………………… 花奋奋,张继贤,黄国满,等 (3—298)

双峰型基础电子地图载负量变化规律的探究 ……………………………………… 江 南,曹亚妮,孙庆辉,等 (3—306)

利用位置签到数据探索城市热点与商圈………………………………………………… 胡庆武,王 明,李清泉 (3—314)

全张量地磁梯度基准图构建及其组合导航方法 …………………………………… 刘繁明,张迎发,钱 东,等 (3—322)

大地测量与地球物理中病态性问题的正则化迭代解法 …………………………… 顾勇为,归庆明,张 璇,等 (4—331)

卫星测高误差对海洋重力场反演的影响………………………………………………… 彭富清,陈双军,金群峰 (4—337)

对流层双向时间比对及其时延误差分析 …………………………………………… 刘 强,孙际哲,陈西宏,等 (4—341)

极区非奇异高斯投影复变函数表示……………………………………………………… 边少锋,李忠美,李厚朴 (4—348)

北斗导航卫星地影状态分析 ………………………………………………………… 毛 悦,宋小勇,贾小林,等 (4—353)

连续观测系统平差模型与有色噪声补偿 ………………………………………………………… 薛树强,杨元喜 (4—360)

改进M估计的抗多个粗差定位解算方法………………………………………………………… 仝海波,张国柱 (4—366)

点、线相似不变性的城区航空影像与机载激光雷达点云自动配准 … ……………… 张 良,马洪超,高 广,等 (4—372)

机载激光雷达点云与定位定姿系统数据辅助的航空影像自动匹配方法 ………… 张永军,熊小东,王梦秋,等 (4—380)

资源三号测绘卫星影像平面和立体区域网平差比较 ……………………………… 汪韬阳,张 过,李德仁,等 (4—389)

基于拓扑参考的定性方向关系矩阵描述模型…………………………………………… 唐雪华,秦 昆,孟令奎 (4—396)

顾及通名语义的汉语地名相似度匹配算法 ……………………………………………………… 程 钢,卢小平 (4—404)

顾及时空目标边界不一致性的增量识别计算 … …………………………………… 林 艳,陈 军,赵仁亮,等 (4—411)

中误差和邻近关系的多尺度面实体匹配算法研究 … …………………………………… 刘 坡,张 宇,龚建华 (4—419)

保持城市道路格网模式的街区合并混合整数规划模型 … ……………………………… 栾学晨,杨必胜,李秋萍 (4—426)

自适应参数估计与内外部精度的关系…………………………………………………… 杨元喜,景一帆,曾安敏 (5—441)

星载GPS卫星定轨的UKF-EKF算法 …………………………………………………………… 吴江飞,雷 辉 (5—446)

GEO广播星历参数设计的无奇点根数法 … ………………………………………… 张中凯,杜 兰,刘 利,等 (5—452)

位场向下延拓的加速Landweber迭代法………………………………………………… 朱占龙,杨功流,杨淑洁 (5—458)

结合结构和光谱特征的高分辨率影像分割方法 ………………………………………………… 刘 婧,李培军 (5—466)

面向路径优化的变分辨率栅格成本表面模型建模方法 …………………………… 刘 震,余 洋,李建松,等 (5—474)

利用参考站增强信息进行精密单点定位 …………………………………………… 李 黎,龙四春,李浩军,等 (5—481)

顾及协方差函数的自适应四叉树InSAR数据压缩算法 … ………………………… 张 静,张 勤,赵超英,等 (5—486)

高分辨率遥感影像的压缩纹理元分类…………………………………………………… 金 晶,邹峥嵘,陶 超 (5—493)

利用极值梯度的通用亚像素边缘检测方法 ………………………………………… 陈小卫,徐朝辉,郭海涛,等 (5—500)

有监督的邻域保留嵌入的高光谱遥感影像特征提取 …………………………………………… 骆仁波,皮佑国 (5—508)

增强形态学建筑物指数应用于高分辨率遥感影像中建筑物提取 … …………………… 胡荣明,黄小兵,黄远程 (5—514)

联合稀疏约束的双通道星载SAR图像重建……………………………………………………… 卜丽静,张 过 (5—521)

地磁异常场的多重分形谱分析及构图法 … ……………………………………………… 赵玉新,常 帅,张振兴 (5—529)

利用曲面求交提取低潮线的方法 …………………………………………………… 李 宁,张立华,田 震,等 (5—537)

融合语义特征与GPS位置的地面激光点云拼接方法 ………………………………… 浦 石,李京伟,郭四清 (5—545)

由垂直重力梯度异常反演全球海底地形模型…………………………………………… 胡敏章,李建成,邢乐林 (6—558)

航空重力数据向下延拓的波数域迭代Tikhonov正则化方法 … …………………… 孙 文,吴晓平,王庆宾,等 (6—566)

病态总体最小二乘问题的虚拟观测解法 ………………………………………………………… 王乐洋,于冬冬 (6—575)

汶川地震前后四川盆地CORS站运动特性分析 …………………………………… 李 萌,黄丁发,严 丽,等 (6—582)

支持向量回归辅助的GPS/INS组合导航抗差自适应算法 …………………………… 谭兴龙,王 坚,韩厚增 (6—590)

负载分配的CPU/GPU高分辨率卫星影像调制传递补偿方法 …………………… 方留杨,王 密,李德仁,等 (6—598)

高光谱影像稀疏解混的空间同质分析法 ………………………………………………………… 王毓乾,邵振峰 (6—607)

植被高度的极化干涉互协方差矩阵分解反演法 …………………………………… 宋桂萍,汪长城,付海强,等 (6—613)

从机载激光雷达点云提取建筑物屋顶边界的活动轮廓模型改进方法 … ……………… 孙 颖,张新长,罗国玮 (6—620)

分布式遥感空间在线分析处理的多维分析模型及其旱情应用 …………………… 李继园,孟令奎,蔡 阳,等 (6—627)

更充分利用独立弯曲结构的线状要素Morphing变换方法 …………………………… 彭东亮,邓 敏,刘慧敏 (6—637)

一种面向海量数字高程模型数据的洪水淹没区快速生成算法 …………………… 沈定涛,王结臣,张 煜,等 (6—645)

专题地图符号的句法结构及其自动构建机制 ……………………………………… 赵 飞,杜清运,任 福,等 (6—653)

双星伴飞卫星测高模式及其轨道设计 …………………………………………………………… 鲍李峰,许厚泽 (7—661)

非线性整体最小平差迭代算法 …………………………………………………………………… 胡 川,陈 义 (7—668)

线性插值的海洋磁力测量测线布设评价方法 ……………………………………… 边 刚,金绍华,夏 伟,等 (7—675)

声速剖面精简运算的改进D-P算法及其评估 ……………………………………… 赵荻能,吴自银,周洁琼,等 (7—681)

极化SAR图像自适应增强Lee滤波算法 ……………………………………………… 郎丰铠,杨 杰,李德仁 (7—690)

相对定向的机载惯性测量装置视准轴误差求解方法……………………………………………………… 付建红 (7—698)

基于线状特征增强的TM遥感影像细小河流提取方法 …………………………… 姜 浩,冯 敏,肖 桐,等 (7—705)

光束法区域网平差的地面激光扫描多站点云自动定向方法 ……………………… 姚吉利,马 宁,贾象阳,等 (7—711)

影像匹配粗差的局部矢量面元剔除方法 …………………………………………… 张永军,王 博,黄 旭,等 (7—717)

曲折道路遥感影像圆投影匹配改进追踪法 ………………………………………… 傅 罡,赵红蕊,李 聪,等 (7—724)

地面三维激光扫描仪系统误差标定 ………………………………………………… 官云兰,程效军,詹新武,等 (7—731)

结合滤波算法的不敏卡尔曼滤波器相位解缠方法………………………………………………………… 谢先明 (7—739)

渐进式异源光学卫星影像SIFT匹配方法……………………………………………… 戴激光,宋伟东,李 玉 (7—746)

PC集群环境下的并行地理网络车辆路径算法 … …………………………………… 闫志远,孙文彬,陈宗娟,等 (7—753)

道路网智能选取的案例类比推理法 ………………………………………………… 郭 敏,钱海忠,黄智深,等 (7—761)

测距定位方程非线性平差的封闭牛顿迭代公式 … ……………………………………… 薛树强,杨元喜,党亚民 (8—771)

块对角最小二乘方法在确定全球重力场模型中的应用 …………………………… 李新星,吴晓平,李姗姗,等 (8—778)

GNSS/INS紧组合导航系统自主完好性监测分析 ………………………………… 吴有龙,王晓鸣,杨 玲,等 (8—786)

不同观测技术的Jason-2卫星精密定轨评估 … ……………………………………… 盛传贞,甘卫军,赵春梅,等 (8—796)

径向基函数神经网络在GPS卫星钟差预报中的应用 … …………………………… 王国成,柳林涛,徐爱功,等 (8—803)

亚洲地区EGNOS天顶对流层延迟模型单站修正与精度分析 …………………… 黄良珂,刘立龙,文鸿雁,等 (8—808)

模糊度降相关的整数分块正交化算法…………………………………………………… 范 龙,翟国君,柴洪洲 (8—818)

综合多种特征的后方交会法……………………………………………………………… 付仲良,周 凡,俞志强 (8—827)

地面激光扫描多站点云整体定向平差模型 ………………………………………… 姚吉利,贾象阳,马 宁,等 (8—835)

纹理特征与视觉注意相结合的建筑区提取……………………………………………… 沈小乐,邵振峰,田英洁 (8—842)

联合云量自动评估和加权支持向量机的Landsat图像云检测 … ……………………… 胡根生,陈长春,梁 栋 (8—848)

聚类特征和SVM组合的高光谱影像半监督协同分类 …………………………… 张 磊,邵振峰,周熙然,等 (8—855)

光线追踪遮挡检测算法 ……………………………………………………………… 肖卫峰,张 良,孙大鹏,等 (8—862)

全球遥感数据剖分组织的GeoSOT网格应用 ……………………………………… 宋树华,程承旗,濮国梁,等 (8—869)

重力与磁力测量数据向下延拓中最优正则化参数确定方法 ……………………… 刘晓刚,李迎春,肖 云,等 (9—881)

稳健加权总体最小二乘法 ………………………………………………………………………… 龚循强,李志林 (9—888)

精选基准消秩亏的GNSS参考网数据处理方法 … ……………………………………… 张宝成,欧吉坤,袁运斌 (9—895)

北斗导航定位系统单点定位中的一种定权方法 …………………………………… 肖国锐,隋立芬,刘长建,等 (9—902)

迁移学习支持下的遥感影像对象级分类样本自动选择方法 ……………………… 吴田军,骆剑承,夏列钢,等 (9—908)

大气折射率时间变化对地球同步轨道圆迹SAR聚焦性能的影响 … …………………………… 寇蕾蕾,向茂生 (9—917)

融合嫦娥一号CCD影像与DEM数据的月球撞击坑自动提取和识别 ……………… 罗中飞,康志忠,刘心怡 (9—924)

短基线InSAR探测龙门山主断裂带两侧震后雨期的滑坡空间分布特征 … ……… 程海琴,陈 强,刘国祥,等 (9—931)

高分辨率SAR图像中建筑物特征融合检测算法 … ………………………………… 苏 娟,张 强,陈 炜,等 (9—939)

融合多特征的遥感影像变化检测方法 ……………………………………………… 李 亮,舒 宁,王 凯,等 (9—945)

卫星摄影测量中偏流角修正余差改正技术……………………………………………… 王建荣,王任享,胡 莘 (9—954)

城市建筑群网格模式的图论识别方法 …………………………………………………………… 巩现勇,武 芳 (9—960)

几何部件缓冲区域合并的Buffer算法及其并行优化方法 ………………………… 范俊甫,马 廷,周成虎,等 (9—969)

一种形式概念分析的陆地水系语义分类 …………………………………………… 李军利,何宗宜,晏雄锋,等 (9—976)

面向地理空间信息的轨迹模型及时空模式查询 … ……………………………………… 向隆刚,吴 涛,龚健雅 (9—982)

宽角相机低空航测的精度分析 ………………………………………………………… 林宗坚,解斐斐,苏国中 (10—991)

空间直角坐标与大地坐标转换的拉格朗日反演方法 ………………………………… 过家春,赵秀侠,吴艳兰 (10—998)

空间坐标系变换的函数梯度描述方法 …………………………………………… 段鹏硕,刘根友,龚有亮,等 (10—1005)

附有不等式约束的加权整体最小二乘算法 ……………………………………… 曾文宪,方 兴,刘经南,等 (10—1013)

航空矢量重力测量水平分量的带限直接地形影响 ……………………………… 周波阳,罗志才,宁津生,等 (10—1019)

相对论框架下脉冲星导航的2PN观测方程 ………………………………………… 任红飞,魏子卿,周庆勇 (10—1025)

载噪比加权的GPS单频单历元定姿算法 … ……………………………………… 金 天,原 青,郑光辉,等 (10—1032)

资源三号卫星成像在轨几何定标的探元指向角法 ……………………………… 曹金山,袁修孝,龚健雅,等 (10—1039)

资源三号卫星三线阵影像自检校区域网平差 …………………………………… 刘楚斌,张永生,范大昭,等 (10—1046)

极化方位角补偿信息支持下的植被参数反演 … ……………………………………… 龙江平,丁晓利,汪长城 (10—1051)

极化干涉SAR植被高反演复数最小二乘平差法 … ……………………………… 付海强,朱建军,汪长城,等 (10—1061)

压缩感知和万有引力模型相结合的高光谱混合像元分解 ……………………… 杨可明,王林伟,刘士文,等 (10—1068)

基于网络Voronoi图的大规模多仓库物流配送路径优化 … ………………………… 涂 伟,李清泉,方志祥 (10—1075)

道路交叉口自动检测与基于OpenSceneGraph的三维自动建模方法 ……………… 马小龙,李成名,赵占杰 (10—1083)

地图上居民地空间信息的特征度量法 …………………………………………… 刘慧敏,邓 敏,樊子德,等 (10—1092)

渤海湾航空重力及在海域大地水准面精化中的应用 … ……………………………… 孙中苗,翟振和,肖 云 (11—1101)

高空飞行器被动段运行轨迹精密解算方法研究 ………………………………… 翟国君,卞光浪,孙君亮,等 (11—1109)

卫星双向载波相位时间频率传递及其误差分析 ………………………………… 荆文芳,卢晓春,刘 枫,等 (11—1118)

北斗导航系统卫星频间钟差偏差 ……………………………………………………………… 李浩军,朱卫东 (11—1127)

多GNSS融合的北斗卫星精密定轨 ……………………………………………… 刘伟平,郝金明,李建文,等 (11—1132)

三维坐标转换的通用整体最小二乘算法 ………………………………………… 方 兴,曾文宪,刘经南,等 (11—1139)

常加速度模型的简化自协方差最小二乘法…………………………………………… 林 旭,罗志才,姚朝龙 (11—1144)

不同Klobuchar模型参数的性能比较 …………………………………………… 王 斐,吴晓莉,周 田,等 (11—1151)

轨道约束的资源三号标准景影像区域网平差 …………………………………… 张 过,汪韬阳,李德仁,等 (11—1158)

一种非共线TDI CCD成像数据内视场拼接方法 … ……………………………… 潘 俊,胡 芬,王 密,等 (11—1165)

高噪声环境下基于参考影像的车载序列影像定位方法 ……………………………………… 季顺平,史 云 (11—1174)

属类概率距离构图的半监督高光谱图像分类 … ……………………………………… 邵远杰,吴国平,马 丽 (11—1182)

等时线模型支持下的路网可达性分析………………………………………………… 何亚坤,艾廷华,禹文豪 (11—1190)

交通网络旅行商路径优化的遗传禁忌搜索算法 … …………………………………… 余 丽,陆 锋,杨 林 (11—1197)

面向等高线与河流冲突处理的多约束移位方法 ………………………………… 李国辉,许文帅,龙 毅,等 (11—1204)

环境负载对区域GPS基准站时间序列的影响分析 … …………………………… 姜卫平,夏传义,李 昭,等 (12—1217)

CE-1立体相机与激光高度计数据联合平差 … …………………………………… 赵双明,冉晓雅,付建红,等 (12—1224)

整数相位钟法精密单点定位模糊度固定模型及效果分析 ……………………… 刘 帅,孙付平,郝万亮,等 (12—1230)

激光测绘卫星对不同地表形貌探测能力分析 …………………………………… 李 鑫,廖 鹤,赵美玲,等 (12—1238)

遥感影像低秩信息的矩阵填充复原方法……………………………………………… 孟 樊,杨晓梅,周成虎 (12—1245)

多镜头组合型全景相机两种成像模型的定位精度比较 ……………………………………… 季顺平,史 云 (12—1252)

机载双天线InSAR联合定标算法 … ……………………………………………… 王萌萌,黄国满,花奋奋,等 (12—1259)

光流特征聚类的车载全景序列影像匹配方法 … ……………………………………… 张正鹏,江万寿,张 靖 (12—1266)

一种视觉变量相似性驱动的点数据符号化过程模型…………………………………………………… 吴明光 (12—1274)

面向道路网络地图示意化的线形简化方法 ……………………………………… 遆 鹏,贾洪果,徐 柱,等 (12—1280)

矢量数据变化对象的快速定位与最优组合匹配方法 …………………………… 罗国玮,张新长,齐立新,等 (12—1285)

球面菱形离散格网正二十面体剖分法 …………………………………………… 周良辰,盛业华,林冰仙,等 (12—1293)

利用层次Voronoi图进行点群综合 …………………………………………………… 李佳田,康 顺,罗富丽 (12—1300)


遥感影像亚像元定位研究…………………………………………………………………………………… 李晓冬 (3—329)

多基线PolInSAR植被高度与植被下地形估计 …………………………………………………………… 史 磊 (3—330)

海空重力测量数据处理关键技术研究 … ………………………………………………………………… 欧阳永忠 (4—435)

GAT高精度磁悬浮陀螺全站仪寻北关键技术及其应用研究 …………………………………………… 石 震 (4—436)

多源遥感数据在南极冰雪变化监测中的应用研究………………………………………………………… 张 辛 (4—437)

渐进式多特征异源高分辨率卫星影像密集匹配方法研究………………………………………………… 戴激光 (4—438)

基于流形学习的高光谱影像降维理论与方法研究………………………………………………………… 孙伟伟 (4—439)

低空摄影测量航带重构及数据处理方法研究……………………………………………………………… 何海清 (4—440)

顾及上下文特征的地图综合选取方法与应用研究………………………………………………………… 杨 敏 (8—877)

CRInSAR与PSInSAR联合监测矿区时序地表形变研究………………………………………………… 邢学敏 (8—878)

基于形状特征的矢量数据与影像数据配准方法研究……………………………………………………… 逯跃锋 (8—879)

面向更新的网络化空间标报模型研究……………………………………………………………………… 邢汉发 (8—880)

空间型热点会商系统的动态服务计算研究………………………………………………………………… 承达瑜 (9—989)

基于几何代数的GIS计算模型研究………………………………………………………………………… 罗 文 (9—990)

GNSS非差非组合精密单点定位的理论方法与应用研究 … …………………………………………… 张宝成 (10—1099)

[简 讯]

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《测绘学报》2014年总目次 ………………………………………………………………………………………… (12—1308)


Satellite Positioning and Orbit Determination System SPODS:Theory and Test…………………………………………………………………………… WEI Ziqing,RUAN Rengui,JIA Xiaolin,et al.(1)

Measurable Orthoimage Elevation Synchronous Model and Its Applications in Mapping…………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Zuxun,ZHU Junfeng,HU Xiangyun (5)

Multi-threshold Wavelet Packet De-noising Method and Its Application in Deformation Analysis…………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Zhetao,ZHU Jianjun,KUANG Cuilin,et al.(13)

Evaluation and Analysis of GOCE Earth Gravity Field Model in Qinghai-Tibet Region……………………………………………………………………… GAO Chunchun,LU Yang,ZHANG Zizhan,et al.(21)

Improved Taylor Series Approach for Stable Downward Continuation of Total Strength of Geomagnetic Field…………………………………………………………………… BIAN Guanglang,ZHAI Guojun,GAO Jinyao,et al.(30)

A Modified Gauss-Newton Method for Downward Continuation of Potential Field…………………………………………………………………………… ZENG Xiaoniu,LIU Daizhi,NIU Chao,et al.(37)

Criterion of Complex Least Squares Adjustment and Its Application in Tree Height Inversion with PolInSAR Data…………………………………………………………………………ZHU Jianjun,XIE Qinghua,ZUO Tingying,et al.(45)

Automatic Mosaic Method for CE-2 Lunar Imagery Based on Local Coordinate System………………………………………………………………………………YANG Ahua,LI Xuejun,XIE Jianwei,et al.(52)

Extracting Roads from High-resolution RS Images Based on Shape Priors and Graph Cuts………………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Shaoguang,CHEN Chao,YUE Jianping (60)

The Application of Bundle Block Adjustment with Constraint Conditions in Platform Calibration of Four-Head Aerial Digital Camera………………………………………………………………XU Bin,LI Yingcheng,LIU Xiaolong,et al.(66)

Calibration of Airborne Interferometric SAR Data Based on Reference DEM……………………………………………………………………………… YUN Ye,ZENG Qiming,JIAO Jian,et al.(74)

Research of DEM Generation by Spaceborne InSAR Images Based RFM Model……………………………………………………………………… FEI Wenbo,ZHANG Guo,TANG Xinming,et al.(83)

A Multi-modal Multi-criteria Route Planning Method Based on Genetic Algorithm … ………YU Haicong,LU Feng (89)

Auto-selection Method of Road Networks Based on Evaluation of Node Importance for Dual Graph……………………………………………………………………………… LIU Gang,LI Yongshu,YANG Jun,et al.(97)

Hierarchy Landmarks Multi-granularity Description Method for Route Guidance… LI Lin,MAO Kai,TAN Yongbin (105)

Satellite Formation for a New Gravity Field Exploration Mission … JIANG Weiping,ZHAO Wei,ZHAO Qian,et al.(111)

Short-term TEC Prediction of Ionosphere Based on ARIMA Model………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Xiaohong,REN Xiaodong,WU Fengbo,et al.(118)

A Simplification of the Meridian Formula and Its Taylor-series Interpretation…………………………GUO Jiachun (125)

Train on Track Kinematic Single Epoch Positioning Algorithm Based on Wide-lane Combination and Track Constraints……………………………………………………… WANG Dejun,XIONG Yongliang,LIU Ning,et al.(131)

Equipment Delay Estimation for GNSS Satellite Combined Orbit Determination with Satellite-ground Link and Inter-Satellite Link Observations……………………………………… RUAN Rengui,FENG Laiping,JIA Xiaolin (137)

A SAR Change Detection Method Based on Polarimetric Distance Measure………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Yonghong,ZHANG Xianfeng,FU Jiao,et al.(143)

SAR Image Modeling Based on the Mixture Gamma Heavy-tailed Rayleigh Distribution……………………………………………………………………………… WANG Can,SU Weimin,GU Hong,et al.(151)

A Fusion Method of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Images Based on Projection and Wavelet Transformation………………………………………………………………………………… FENG Mingbo,LIU Xue,ZHAO Dong (158)

Residential Area Detection from High-resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Corner Distribution………………………………………………………………………………TAO Chao,ZOU Zhengron,DING Xiaoli(164)

An Integrated Method for Automatic Identification of the Foot Point of Slope…………………………………………………………………………… WU Ziyin,LI Jiabiao,YANG Fanlin,,et al.(170)

Experimental Research on Optimization of DEM Interpolation Parameters……………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Jinming,YOU Xiong,WAN Gang (178)

An Algorithm for Determining the Touching and Crossing Relations between a Pair of Lines Based on One Line Splitting Plane to Two Parts………………………………………………………… CHEN Fei,ZHOU Xiaoguang (186)

A Method for Geo Semantic Spatial Index on SPARQL Query……………………………………………………………DUAN Hongwei,MENG Lingkui,HUANG Changqing,et al.(193)

Triangulation Intersection Algorithm Based on Conformal Geometric Algebra……………………………………………………………………… ZONG Zhen,YUAN Linwang,LUO Wen,et al.(200)

An Improved Map Matching Algorithm Based on D-S Evidence Theory in City Vehicle Navigation……………………………………………………………………………………LI Ke,YANG Yang,QIU Xuesong (208)

Symbolic Expressions of Difference Extrema between Regular Latitudes… LI Zhongmei,LI Houpu,BIAN Shaofeng (214)

First Practice of LMCCD Camera Imagery Photogrammetry…………… WANG Renxiang,WANG Jianrong,HU Xin (221)

Spatiotemporal Data Model for Real-time GIS……………………………………GONG Jianya,LI Xiaolong,WU Huayi (226)

Station-keeping Maneuver Monitoring and Moving-window Ground Track Fitting of GEO Satellites……………………………………………………………………………DU Lan,ZHANG Zhongkai,LI Xiaojie,et al.(233)

Study on Reference Datum of Global Vertical Crustal Motion by SLR Techniques…………………………………………………………………………… ZHU Xinhui,YANG Li,SUN Fuping,et al.(240)

Regional Precise Troposphere Delay Modeling Based on Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis……………………………………………………………………………… QIAN Chuang,HE Changyong,LIU Hui(248)

Direct Solution of SLR and VLBI Antenna Rotation Center……MA Xiaping,SHEN Yunzhong,WANG Jiexian,et al.(257)

Adaptive Smoothing Function Filtering Based on Gradient in InSAR Image……………………………………………………………………… FU Zhengqing,LIU Guolin,TAO Qiuxiang,et al.(263)

Automated Multispectral Remote Sensing Image Registration Using Local Self-similarity………………………………………………………………………… YE Yuanxin,SHAN Jie,PENG Jianwei,et al.(268)

A Super-resolution Model and Algorithm of Remote Sensing Image Based on Sparse Representation………………………………………………………………………… ZHONG Jiusheng,JIANG Nan,HU Bin,et al.(276)

A Precise Method to Measure the On-orbit Point Spread Function of Remote Sensors………………………………………………………………………GUO Lingling,WU Zepeng,ZHANG Liguo,et al.(284)

Land Cover Patches Based Automatic Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images Registration……………………………………………………………………… CAO Sen,PAN Yaozhong,ZHANG Jinshui,et al.(290)

A Registration Approach for Airborne Repeat Pass InSAR … HUA Fenfen,ZHANG Jixian,HUANG Guoman,et al.(298)

Exploration of Two-peak Changing Law of Basic Electronic Map Load… JIANG Nan,CAO Yani,SUN Qinghui,et al.(306)

Urban Hotspot and Commercial Area Exploration with Check-in Data……… HU Qingwu,WANG Ming,LI Qingquan (314)

Full Tensor Geomagnetic Gradient Reference Map Building and Its Integrated Navigation Algorithm………………………………………………………………………LIU Fanming,ZHANG Yingfa,QIAN Dong,et al.(322)

Sub-pixel Mapping of Remotely Sensed Imagery………………………………………………………… LI Xiaodong (329)

Vegetation Height and Underlying Ground Altitude Estimation Based on Multi-Baseline PolInSAR Images……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SHI Lei(330)

Iterative Solution of Regularization to Ill-conditioned Problems in Geodesy and Geophysics…………………………………………………………………… GU Yongwei,GUI Qingming,ZHANG Xuan,et al.(331)

Influence of Altimetry Errors on Marine Geopotential Recovery……… PENG Fuqing,CHEN Shuangjun,JIN Qunfeng (337)

Analysis of Two Way Troposphere Time Transfer and Its Delay Errors……………………………………………………………………………LIU Qiang,SUN Jizhe,CHEN Xihong,et al.(341)

The Non-singular Formula of Gauss Projection in Polar Regions by Complex Numbers……………………………………………………………………………… BIAN Shaofeng,LI Zhongmei,LI Houpu (348)

Earth Eclipse Status Analysis of Beidou Navigation Satellites … ………MAO Yue,SONG Xiaoyong,JIA Xiaolin,et al.(353)

Adjustment Model and Colored Noise Compensation of Continuous Observation System………………………………………………………………………………………… XUE Shuqiang,YANG Yuanxi(360)

Robust Positioning Algorithm with Modified M-estimation for Multiple Outliers…… TONG Haibo,ZHANG Guozhu (366)

Automatic Registration of Urban Aerial Images with Airborne LiDAR Points Based on Line-point Similarity Invariants…………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Liang,MA Hongchao,GAO Guang,et al.(372)

A New Aerial Image Matching Method Using Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud and POS Data……………………………………………………………ZHANG Yongjun,XIONG Xiaodong,WANG Mengqiu,et al.(380)

Comparison between Plane and Stereo Block Adjustment for ZY-3 Satellite Images…………………………………………………………………………WANG Taoyang,ZHANG Guo,LI Deren,et al.(389)

A Qualitative Matrix Model of Direction-relation Based on Topological Reference………………………………………………………………………………TANG Xuehua,QIN Kun,MENG Lingkui(396)

Matching Algorithm for Chinese Place Names by Similarity in Consideration of Semantics of General Names for Places…………………………………………………………………………………… CHENG Gang,LU Xiaoping (404)

Increments Recognition and Calculation Considering the Inconsistency of Spatio-temporal Boundaries……………………………………………………………………………LIN Yan,CHEN Jun,ZHAO Renliang,et al.(411)

Root Mean Square Error and Neighbouring Relation Matching Approach for Multi-scale Areal Feature………………………………………………………………………………… LIU Po,ZHANG Yu,GONG Jianhua (419)

A Mixed Integer Programming Model of Block Aggregation for Grid Pattern Maintenance in Urban Network……………………………………………………………………………LUAN Xuechen,YANG Bisheng,LI Qiuping (426)

On Key Technologies of Data Processing for Air-sea Gravity Surveys………………………… OUYANG Yongzhong (435)

Research on Key Technology and Application of GAT High-accuracy Magnetic Suspension Gyro Station………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SHI Zhen (436)

The Monitoring of Antarctic Snow and Ice Changes from the Multiple-sources Remote Sensing Data…ZHANG Xin (437)

Study on Progressive Multi-feature Dense Matching Techniques for Multi-source High Resolution Satellite Image……………………………………………………………………………………………………………DAI Jiguang (438)

Theory and Methods of Dimensionality Reduction Using Manifold Learning for Hyperspectral Imagery……………………………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Weiwei(439)

The Study of Strips Reconstruction Oriented Data Processing Methodology in Low-altitude Photogrammetry…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… HE Haiqing (440)

Adaptive Parameter Estimation and Inner and External Precision………… YANG Yuanxi,JING Yifan,ZENG Anmin (441)

Space-borne GPS Satellite Orbit Determination Algorithm Based on UKF-EKF……………… WU Jiangfei,LEI Hui (446)

Parameter Design of GEO Broadcast Ephemeris Based on the Nonsingular Orbital Elements………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Zhongkai,DU Lan,LIU Li,et al.(452)

Accelerated Landweber Iteration Method for the Downward Continuation of Potential Field………………………………………………………………………… ZHU Zhanlong,YANG Gongliu,YANG Shujie (458)

A High Resolution Image Segmentation Method by Combined Structural and Spectral Characteristics…………………………………………………………………………………………………… LIU Jing,LI Peijun (466)

A Variable-resolution Raster Cost Surface Model for Path Optimization … …LIU Zhen,YU Yang,LI Jiansong,et al.(474)

Precise Point Positioning Based on Reference Stations Augmentation Information………………………………………………………………………………… LI Li,LONG Sichun,LI Haojun,et al.(481)

A Quadtree InSAR Data Reduction Method Based on Covariance Function…………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Jing,ZHANG Qin,ZHAO Chaoying,et al.(486)

Compressed Texton Based High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification………………………………………………………………………………… JIN Jing,ZOU Zhengrong,TAO Chao (493)

Universal Sub-pixel Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Extremal Gradient……………………………………………………………………… CHEN Xiaowei,XU Zhaohui,GUO Haitao,et al.(500)

Supervised Neighborhood Preserving Embedding Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Imagery……………………………………………………………………………………………… LUO Renbo,PI Youguo (508)

An Enhanced Morphological Building Index for Building Extraction from High-resolution Images……………………………………………………………… HU Rongming,HUANG Xiaobing,HUANG Yuancheng (514)

Reconstruction of Dual Channel Satellite-borne SAR Images Based on Joint Sparsity Constraints……………………………………………………………………………………………… BU Lijing,ZHANG Guo (521)

Multifractal Spectrum Analysis and Mapping Method of Geomagnetic Anomaly Field………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Yuxin,CHANG Shuai,ZHANG Zhenxing (529)

A Method for Extracting Low Tide Line Using the Surface-surface Intersection…………………………………………………………………………… LI Ning,ZHANG Lihua,TIAN Zhen,et al.(537)

Registration of Terrestrial Laser Point Clouds by Fusing Semantic Features and GPS Positions……………………………………………………………………………………… PU Shi,LI Jingwei,GUO Siqing (545)

Concepts and Key Techniques for 30 m Global Land Cover Mapping…… CHEN Jun,CHEN Jin,LIAO Anping,et al.(551)

Global Bathymetry Model Predicted from Vertical Gravity Gradient Anomalies……………………………………………………………………………… HU Minzhang,LI Jiancheng,XING Lelin (558)

Wave Number Domain Iterative Tikhonov Regularization Method for Downward Continuation of Airborne Gravity Data……………………………………………………………………… SUN Wen,WU Xiaoping,WANG Qingbin,et al.(566)

Virtual Observation Method to Ill-posed Total Least Squares Problem … ……………WANG Leyang,YU Dongdong (575)

Characteristics of Position Time Series at CORS Stations in Sichuan Basin before and after Wenchuan Earthquake………………………………………………………………………………LI Meng,HUANG Dingfa,YAN Li,et al.(582)

SVR Aided Adaptive Robust Filtering Algorithm for GPS/INS Integrated Navigation……………………………………………………………………………TAN Xinglong,WANG Jian,HAN Houzeng (590)

A Workload-distribution Based CPU/GPU MTF Compensation Approach for High Resolution Satellite Images…………………………………………………………………………… FANG Liuyang,WANG Mi,LI Deren,et al.(598)

Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Image Based on Spatial Homogeneous Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Yuqian,SHAO Zhenfeng (607)

A Novel Vegetation Height Inversion Method Based on Polarimetric Interferometric Covariance Matrix Decomposition……………………………………………… SONG Guiping,WANG Changcheng,FU Haiqiang,et al.(613)

Improved Active Contour Model for Building Roof Boundary Extraction from LiDAR Point Cloud………………………………………………………………………… SUN Ying,ZHANG Xinchang,LUO Guowei(620)

A Distributed Multi-dimensional SOLAP Model of Remote Sensing Data and Its Application in Drought Analysis…………………………………………………………………………… LI Jiyuan,MENG Lingkui,CAI Yang,et al.(627)

Morphing Transformation of Linear Features by Using Independent Bend Structures More Sufficiently…………………………………………………………………………… PENG Dongliang,DENG Min,LIU Huimin (637)

A Quick Flood Inundation Algorithm Based on Massive DEM Data…………………………………………………………………… SHEN Dingtao,WANG Jiechen,ZHANG Yu,et al.(645)

Syntactic Characteristics and Smart Construction Mechanism of Thematic Map Symbol……………………………………………………………………………… ZHAO Fei,DU Qingyun,REN Fu,et al.(653)

Twin-satellites Altimetry Mode and Its Orbit Design………………………………………… BAO Lifeng,XU Houze (661)

An Iterative Algorithm for Nonlinear Total Least Squares Adjustment……………………… HU Chuan,CHEN Yi (668)

Evaluating Method of the Survey Line Layout Based on the Linear Interpolation in Marine Magnetic Survey………………………………………………………………………………BIAN Gang,JIN Shaohua,XIA Wei,et al.(675)

A Method for Streamlining and Assessing Sound Velocity Profiles Based on Improved D-P Algorithm……………………………………………………………………… ZHAO Dineng,WU Ziyin,ZHOU Jieqiong,et al.(681)

An Adaptive Enhanced Lee Speckle Filter for Polarimetric SAR Image…………LANG Fengkai,YANG Jie,LI Deren (690)

A Solving Method for the Boresight Misalignment of Airborne IMU Based on Relative Orientation…FU Jianhong (698)

A Narrow River Extraction Method Based on Linear Feature Enhancement in TM Image…………………………………………………………………………… JIANG Hao,FENG Min,XIAO Tong,et al.(705)

Auto-registration for Terrestrial Laser Scanning Multi-stations Point Clouds with Bundle Block Adjustment Method……………………………………………………………………………… YAO Jili,MA Ning,JIA Xiangyang,et al.(711)

Eliminating of Image Matching Gross Errors Based on Local Vector Field………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yongjun,WANG Bo,HUANG Xu,et al.(717)

A Method by Improved Circular Projection Matching of Tracking Twisty Road from Remote Sensing Imagery………………………………………………………………………………FU Gang,ZHAO Hongrui,LI Cong,et al.(724)

Research on Systematic Errors Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner………………………………………………………………… GUAN Yunlan,CHENG Xiaojun,ZHAN Xinwu,et al.(731)

An UKF Phase Unwrapping Algorithm with a Filtering Procedure……………………………………XIE Xianming (739)

Progressive SIFT Matching Algorithm for Multi-source Optical Satellite Images……………………………………………………………………………………DAI Jiguang,SONG Weidong,LI Yu (746)

A Parallel Geographical Network Vehicle Routing Algorithm on PC Clusters…………………………………………………………………… YAN Zhiyuan,SUN Wenbin,CHEN Zongjuan,et al.(753)

Intelligent Road-network Selection Using Cases Based Reasoning……………………………………………………………………GUO Min,QIAN Haizhong,HUANG Zhishen,et al.(761)

A Closed-form of Newton Iterative Formula for Nonlinear Adjustment of Distance Equations…………………………………………………………………………XUE Shuqiang,YANG Yuanxi,DANG Yamin (771)

The Application of Block-diagonal Least-squares Methods in Geopotential Model Determination………………………………………………………………………… LI Xinxing,WU Xiaoping,LI Shanshan,et al.(778)

Autonomous Integrity Monitoring of Tightly Coupled GNSS/INS Navigation System…………………………………………………………………… WU Youlong,WANG Xiaoming,YANG Ling,et al.(786)

Assessment of Precise Orbit Determination of Jason-2 Satellite Using Different Observation Technologies………………………………………………………………SHENG Chuanzhen,GAN Weijun,ZHAO Chunmei,et al.(796)

The Application of Radial Basis Function Neural Network in the GPS Satellite Clock Bias Prediction……………………………………………………………………… WANG Guocheng,LIU Lintao,XU Aigong,et al.(803)

Single-site Improvement and Accuracy Analysis for Zenith Tropospheric Delay of EGNOS Model over Asia Area……………………………………………………………………HUANG Liangke,LIU Lilong,WEN Hongyan,et al.(808)

Ambiguity Decorrelation with Integer Block Orthogonalization Algorithm…………………………………………………………………………… FAN Long,ZHAI Guojun,CHAI Hongzhou (818)

A Space Resection Synthesized the Multiple Features … ……………………FU Zhongliang,ZHOU Fan,YU Zhiqiang (827)

Overall Orientation Adjustment Model of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Multi-station Point Clouds…………………………………………………………………………… YAO Jili,JIA Xiangyang,MA Ning,et al.(835)

Built-Up Areas Extraction by Textural Feature and Visual Attention Mechanism……………………………………………………………………… SHEN Xiaole,SHAO Zhenfeng,TIAN Yingjie (842)

Cloud Detection for Landsat Images by Combination of ACCA with WSVM……………………………………………………………………… HU Gensheng,CHEN Changchun,LIANG Dong (848)

Semi-supervised Collaborative Classification for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image with Combination of Cluster Feature and SVM … …………………………………ZHANG Lei,SHAO Zhenfeng,ZHOU Xiran,et al.(855)

Ray-tracing Based Occlusion Detection Algorithms … ……………XIAO Weifeng,ZHANG Liang,SUN Dapeng,et al.(862)

Global Remote Sensing Data Subdivision Organization Based on GeoSOT……………………………………………………………………SONG Shuhua,CHENG Chengqi,PU Guoliang,et al.(869)

Research on Feature Selection Considering Spatial Context in Map Generalization and Its Application………………………………………………………………………………………………………… YANG Min (877)

Study on Monitoring the Time Series Ground Deformation in Mining Area Based on CRInSAR and PSInSAR Integration … …………………………………………………………………………………………XING Xuemin (878)

Research on Registration Method between Vector Data and Image Data Based on Shape Feature … …LU Yuefeng (879)

Models of Spatial Marking and Reporting for Geographic Updating … …………………………………XING Hanfa (880)

Optimal Regularization Parameter Determination Method in Downward Continuation of Gravimetric and Geomagnetic Data … …………………………………………………………………LIU Xiaogang,LI Yingchun,XIAO Yun,et al.(881)

A Robust Weighted Total Least Squares Method…………………………………………GONG Xunqiang,LI Zhilin (888)

Method of Processing GNSS Reference Network Data with Refined Datum Definition for Rank-deficiency Elimination………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Baocheng,OU Jikun,YUAN Yunbin (895)

A Method of Determining the Weight Matrix for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Single Point Positioning………………………………………………………………………… XIAO Guorui,SUI Lifen,LIU Changjian,et al.(902)

An Automatic Sample Collection Method for Object-oriented Classification of Remotely Sensed Imageries Based on Transfer Learning … ………………………………………………WU Tianjun,LUO Jiancheng,XIA Liegang,et al.(908)

Effect of Temporal Variation of Atmospheric Refraction on Geosynchronous Circular SAR Focusing Performance…………………………………………………………………………………………KOU Leilei,XIANG Maosheng (917)

The Automatic Extraction and Recognition of Lunar Impact Craters Fusing CCD Images and DEM Data of Chang’e-1…………………………………………………………………………… LUO Zhongfei,KANG Zhizhong,LIU Xinyi(924)

Post-earthquake Landslides Distribution along Longmenshan Major Fault during Rainy Season with Short-baseline InSAR … ………………………………………………………CHENG Haiqin,CHEN Qiang,LIU Guoxiang,et al.(931)

A Building Detection Algorithm Based on Feature Fusion in High Resolution SAR Images…………………………………………………………………………… SU Juan,ZHANG Qiang,CHEN Wei,et al.(939)

Change Detection Method for Remote Sensing Images Based on Multi-features Fusion…………………………………………………………………………………LI Liang,SHU Ning,WANG Kai,et al.(945)

Drift Angle Residual Corrrection Technology in Satellite Photogrammetry…………………………………………………………………………… WANG Jianrong,WANG Renxiang,HU Xin (954)

The Graph Theory Approach to Grid Pattern Recognition in Urban Building Groups… GONG Xianyong,WU Fang (960)

Research on a Buffer Algorithm Based on Region-merging of Buffered Geometry Components and Its Parallel Optimization … ………………………………………………………FAN Junfu,MA Ting,ZHOU Chenghu,et al.(969)

A Semantic Categorization of Hydrological Domain Based on Formal Concept Analysis…………………………………………………………………………… LI Junli,HE Zongyi,YAN Xiongfeng,et al.(976)

A Geo-spatial Information Oriented Trajectory Model and Spatio-temporal Pattern Querying…………………………………………………………………………… XIANG Longgang,WU Tao,GONG Jianya (982)

Study on Dynamic Service Computing of HSOSCS … …………………………………………………CHENG Dayu (989)

The Study of GIS Computational Model Based on Geometric Algebra … …………………………………LUO Wen (990)

Accuracy Analysis of Low Altitude Photogrammetry with Wide-angle Camera…………………………………………………………………………………LIN Zongjian,XIE Feifei,SU Guozhong (991)

Transformation from Cartesian to Geodetic Coordinates Using Lagrange Inversion Theorem………………………………………………………………………………GUO Jiachun,ZHAO Xiuxia,WU Yanlan (998)

The Functional Gradient Description Method of Space Coordinate Transformation……………………………………………………………… DUAN Pengshuo,LIU Genyou,GONG Youliang,et al.(1005)

Weighted Total Least Squares Algorithm with Inequality Constraints………………………………………………………………………ZENG Wenxian,FANG Xing,LIU Jingnan,et al.(1013)

Band-limited Direct Topographical Effects of Horizontal Components in Airborne Vector Gravimetry…………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Boyang,LUO Zhicai,NING Jinsheng,et al.(1019)

The 2PN Observation Equation for Pulsar Navigation in Framework of General Relativity………………………………………………………………………… REN Hongfei,WEI Ziqing,ZHOU Qingyong (1025)

Carrier to Noise Ratio Weighted Algorithm in GPS Single Epoch Single Frequency Attitude Determination………………………………………………………………………JIN Tian,YUAN Qing,ZHENG Guanghui,et al.(1032)

The Look-angle Calibration Method for On-orbit Geometric Calibration of ZY-3 Satellite Imaging Sensors…………………………………………………………………… CAO Jinshan,YUAN Xiuxiao,GONG Jianya,et al.(1039)

Self-calibration Block Adjustment for Three Line Array Image of ZY-3…………………………………………………………………LIU Chubin,ZHANG Yongsheng,FAN Dazhao,et al.(1046)

Forest Parameters Inversion with the Support of Compensation Information of Radar Polarization Orientation Angle … ………………………………………………………LONG Jiangping,DING Xiaoli,WANG Changcheng (1051)

Polarimetric SAR Interferometry Vegetation Height Inversion Method of Complex Least Squares Adjustment…………………………………………………………………FU Haiqiang,ZHU Jianjun,WANG Changcheng,et al.(1061)

Hyperspectral Pixel Unmixing Combined with the Compressive Sensing and the Universal Gravitation Model…………………………………………………………………… YANG Keming,WANG Linwei,LIU Shiwen,et al.(1068)

Large Scale Multi-depot Logistics Routing Optimization Based on Network Voronoi Diagram……………………………………………………………………………… TU Wei,LI Qingquan,FANG Zhixiang (1075)

Three-dimensional Road Intersection Automatic Inspection and Robotization Modeling Based on OpenSceneGraph………………………………………………………………………… MA Xiaolong,LI Chengming,ZHAO Zhanjie (1083)

A Characteristics-based Approach to Measuring Spatial Information Content of the Settlements in a Map…………………………………………………………………………… LIU Huimin,DENG Min,FAN Zide,et al.(1092)

Study on the Theoretical Methodology and Applications of Precise Point Positioning Using Undifferenced and Uncombined GNSS Data … ……………………………………………………………………ZHANG Baocheng (1099)

Airborne Gravimetry in Bohai Bay and Its Role on the Refining of the Regional Marine Geoid……………………………………………………………………………SUN Zhongmiao,ZHAI Zhenhe,XIAO Yun (1101)

The Precise Flight Trajectory Tracking Approach of Altitude Vehicle in Unpowered Phase………………………………………………………………… ZHAI Guojun,BIAN Guanglang,SUN Junliang,et al.(1109)

Two-way Satellite Carrier-phase Time and Frequency Transfer and Its Error Analysis…………………………………………………………………………JING Wenfang,LU Xiaochun,LIU Feng,et al.(1118)

Inter-frequency Clock Bias of BeiDou … ……………………………………………………LI Haojun,ZHU Weidong (1127)

Multi-GNSS Joint Precise Orbit Determination of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System…………………………………………………………………………LIU Weiping,HAO Jinming,LI Jianwen,et al.(1132)

A General Total Least Squares Algorithm for Three-dimensional Coordinate Transformations………………………………………………………………………FANG Xing,ZENG Wenxian,LIU Jingnan,et al.(1139)

Simplified Autocovariance Least-squares Method for Constant Acceleration Model………………………………………………………………………………… LIN Xu,LUO Zhicai,YAO Chaolong (1144)

Performance Comparison between Different Klobuchar Model Parameters…………………………………………………………………………… WANG Fei,WU Xiaoli,ZHOU Tian,et al.(1151)

Block Adjustment for ZY-3 Satellite Standard Imagery Based on Strip Constraint……………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Guo,WANG Taoyang,LI Deren,et al.(1158)

An Inner FOV Stitching Method for Non-collinear TDI CCD Images ………PAN Jun,HU Fen,WANG Mi,et al.(1165)

Georegistrationof Ground Sequential Imagery with Geo-referenced Aerial Images in High Noise Environments…………………………………………………………………………………………………JI Shunping,SHI Yun (1174)

Graph based Semi-supervised Learning with Class-probability Distance for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification … ………………………………………………………………SHAO Yuanjie,WU Guoping,MA Li (1182)

Accessibility Analysis of Road Network Supported by Isochrone Model……HE Yakun,AI Tinghua,YU Wenhao (1190)

A Hybrid Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem in Road Network … …………YU Li,LU Feng,YANG Lin (1197)

A Multi-constraints Displacement Method for Solving Spatial Conflict between Contours and Rivers…………………………………………………………………………… LI Guohui,XU Wenshuai,LONG Yi,et al.(1204)

Automatic Analysis and Mining of Remote Sensing Big Data … …………LI Deren,ZHANG Liangpei,XIA Guisong (1211)

Analysis of Environmental Loading Effects on Regional GPS Coordinate Time Series…………………………………………………………………………JIANG Weiping,XIA Chuanyi,LI Zhao,et al.(1217)

Combined Adjustment of CE-1 Stereo Camera Image and Laser Altimeter Data…………………………………………………………………ZHAO Shuangming,RAN Xiaoya,FU Jianhong,et al.(1224)

Modeling and Effects Analysis of PPP Ambiguity Fixing Based on Integer Phase Clock Method……………………………………………………………………… LIU Shuai,SUN Fuping,HAO Wanliang,et al.(1230)

Research on LiDAR Surveying Satellite Detection Capacity for Different Terrains……………………………………………………………………………… LI Xin,LIAO He,ZHAO Meiling,et al.(1238)

A Novel Approach for Restoration of Low-rank Information from Remote Sensing Images via Matrix Completion…………………………………………………………………………MENG Fan,YANG Xiaomei,ZHOU Chenghu (1245)

Comparison of Two Sensor Models for Multi-camera Rig System in Measurements … ……JI Shunping,SHI Yun (1252)

Joint Calibration Method of Airborne Dual-antenna Interferometric SAR…………………………………………………………… WANG Mengmeng,HUANG Guoman,HUA Fenfen,et al.(1259)

An Image Match Method Based on Optical Flow Feature Clustering for Vehicle-borne Panoramic Image Sequence………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Zhengpeng,JIANG Wanshou,ZHANG Jing (1266)

A Visual Variable Similarity-driven Symbolization Process Model for Point Datasets … …………WU Mingguang (1274)

A Line-shape-simplification Method for Schematization of Road Network Map…………………………………………………………………………………TI Peng,JIA Hongguo,XU Zhu,et al.(1280)

The Fast Positioning and Optimal Combination Matching Method of Change Vector Object…………………………………………………………………… LUO Guowei,ZHANG Xingchang,QI Lixin,et al.(1285)

Diamond Discrete Grid Subdivision Method for Spherical Surface with Icosahedron……………………………………………………………… ZHOU Liangchen,SHENG Yehua,LIN Bingxian,et al.(1293)

Point Group Generalization Method Based on Hierarchical Voronoi Diagram … LI Jiatian,KANG Shun,LUO Fuli (1300)

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