
2014-03-23 09:56:02张晓梅
东北水利水电 2014年1期


(辽宁省柴河水库管理局 ,辽宁 铁岭 112000)



(辽宁省柴河水库管理局 ,辽宁 铁岭 112000)


除险加固 ;投资控制;柴河水库

1 概述

柴河水库位于辽河中游左侧一级支流柴河上,坝址座落在铁岭县熊官屯乡大白梨沟村,距铁岭市区 12 km 处,是一座以防洪、灌溉、工业和城市供水为主,兼顾发电、养鱼等综合利用的大Ⅱ型水利枢纽工程。

柴河水库除险加固工程建设工期为 2年,工程批复总投资为 4 820.11 万元。由于工程规模大,线长面广,结构复杂,涉及专业多,更加受到经济、技术、自然资源因素的制约,投资控制的难度大。从招标开始,项目法人就把投资控制作为重点,坚持全过程、全方位投资控制理念。2010 年 8月 30 日审计确认完成投资 4 821.9 万元,与批复投资基本一致,柴河水库除险加固工程投资控制取得这样的成果主要在3个方面起到了决定性作用。

2 设计工作对投资控制起主导作用

水库除险加固工程的特殊性和不确定性致使设计工作在常规工作条件下,还得综合考虑其他因素,以达到合理的、能够实现的设计目标最终目的。设计工作对投资控制是起着主导作用的,主要做好以下 2个方面工作。





3 招标工作对投资控制起决定作用


1)结合工程实际,对加固方案进行优化。优化后的方案有上游坝坡选择利用料翻砌,102 m 高程以下堆石护坡;下游坝采取分层铺筑,基层利用原来合格的料。泄洪洞加固时渗漏点、渗漏面采用不同的方案;溢洪道底板分段处理等。



4)根据加固工程的工期安排和施工布置等,合理划分工程标段项目、各合同标段的工程任务界限和招标时间。柴河水库除险加固工程划分为 3个标段,分别为泄洪洞尾水渠水毁修复应急工程、一标段(大坝、溢洪道、泄洪洞加固、房屋建筑改造、交通工程及水环境保护工程等)和二标段(大坝安全监测自动化改造工程)。


4 管理工作对投资控制起关键作用





[Abstract]Atpresent,the seedling transplantation is themain cultivation pattern of the rice in China.Based on the little water requirement during the rice seedling,the water consumption of the rice isusually the field transpiration after the transplantation.Comparing the experimental data of the rice deep water irrigation and rice shallow wet irrigation,the paper analyzes the rice water requirement and the requirement regular under the different irrigation ways,which propose the constructive suggestions for the optim izing irrigation patterns,water-saving irrigation and the significance of the water resourcesassessment.

[Key words]w ater requirement;flood irrigation;shallow wet irrigation;phreatic evaporation;water saving irrigation;Liaohe river

Selection ofmain dam type of W endegen hydro project in water conveyance project from Chaoerhe river to Xiliaohe river

WU Yun-zheng,YIN Yi-guang,ZHAO Xian-jian,DU Xing-yang

The natural building materialsare them ore speciesand the large reserves in the near o f themain dam site of W endegen hydro project,which includes the stone,gravel sand,clay material,alkaline aggregate,and so on.The paper describes the constructional dam type,analyzes the factors of the natural building material index, material field land,m ining transportation,construction condition,soil and water conservation,environmental protection and the project investment,compares the advantagesand disadvantagesof the each dam type and selects the clay-core sand-gravel dam by using the careful selection.

water conveyance from Chaoerhe to Xiliaohe river;W endegen hydro project;main dam;dam type selection

Position selection of working gate chamber for spillway and diversion tunnel of Pangduo hydro project

FAN Jing-chun,DONG Yan-chao,SHILiang-liang,GU Bin

[Abstract]The spillway and diversion tunnel of Pangduo hydro project undertakes the tasks of the construction diversion,the ecological discharge,the flood discharge and reservoir emptying,it is the typical case ofmore use w ith one tunnel.The paper discusses the problemsof the position selection ofworking gate chamber and tunnel pressure state and provides the some experience,which provides the reference for the sim ilar project design.

[Key words]spillway and diversion tunnel;working gate chamber;position selection;tunnelpressure state;Pangduo hydro project

Review of concrete face rock fill dam construction in Jishixia hydropower station


[Abstract]The concrete face rockfill dam of Jishixia hydropower station is typical duplex valley dam,which has themaximum dam height of 103 m and is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River w ith the high cold and the high altitude.The dam is built on schedule and quality by using the design optim ization and technical innovation in the process of the project construction.By the monitoring during operation,the dam settlement deformation and dam seepage are controlled in the design and specification range,and then the dam behavior is normal.

[Key words]concrete face rockfill dam;duplex valley;filling;construction;Jishixia hydropower station

Com prehensive assessment of quaternary groundwater quality in Harbin city and the surrounding area

LIYe-ping,DENG Chang-zhou,YANG Xiang-kui,YANGWen

[Abstract]Based on the groundwater quality standard,the paper evaluatessynthetically the quaternary groundwater quality in Harbin city and the surrounding areaw ith the 19 indexesof the PH value,nitrogen ammonia,mercury, and so on,by using the fuzzymathematicsmethod.The resultsshow that the integralgroundwater quality isgood in the area,the water with the class ofⅠ , Ⅱ and Ⅲ,which could be used as the drinking water,accounts for 77.1%of the totalsample.Becauseof the influenceof the storagewater formation reduction sedimentary environment, the sensory properties and the general chem ical indicators are beyond the standard,include the iron,manganese and ammonia nitrogen.In addition,the total hardness,the nitrate,the total soluble solids and the potassium permanganate solution are beyond the standard for the groundwater in there is the phenomenon of excessive groundwater for the groundwater in some areas.

[Key words]Harbin;groundwater quality;fuzzym athematics;comprehensive evaluation

Analysis of numerical simulation of recharge groundwater w ith sandpit recirculation

DU Chao,TIAN Zhu-jun,XIAO Chang-lai,TIAN Hao-ran

[Abstract]The general model o f the recharge groundwater w ith sandpit recirculation is generalized and the hydrogeological conceptualmodel and the numericalmodel are built,the effect of recharge groundwater w ith sandpit recirculation is simulated and analyzed by using the GMS software.The results show that the cumulative leakage of the recharge groundwater w ith sandpit recirculation is the linear relationship w ith the time,the leakage rate of early leakage is greater than the later leakage and the leakage rate become stable after a certain time,the water level increase range issmall and the effect is little occurring by the recharge groundwaterw ith single sandpit recirculation.

[Key words]sandpit recirculation;groundwater;seepage quantity;leakage rate;numericalsimulation

Analysis of flood and tide encountering in estuary region of Daliaohe river

ZHANG Fu-ran,WANG Hai-hong

[Abstract]The paper uses themeasure tide data of sanchahe and yingkou station at daliaohe river estuary region from 1954 to 2010 and analyzes the flood and tide encountering combinationsw ith the flood dom inated and the tide dom inated and determ ines the desired starting level and the initial flow for the calcu lation o f the Daliaohe river water surface profile,which provides the important design basis for the flood control and regulation of the Daliaohe river.

[Key words]design flood;flood level;tidal level;flood and tide encountering;Daliaohe river

Influence analysis of age on concrete blaxial and uniaxial strength ratio

HUANGHui,DONGWei,WU Zhi-min,QU Xiu-hua

[Abstract]The ratio β between the concrete blaxial constant pressure and uniaxial pressure strength is the key parameter to determ ine the concrete failure criterion.The test study of blaxial constant pressure and uniaxialpressure strength ismade for the concretew ith the different intensity levelsand agesby using the static and dynam ic triaxial electro-hydraulic servo system.The results show that the β value decreasesw ith the increase of the concrete age and the little change w ith the increase o f the concrete strength levels.

[Key words]concrete;early age;blaxialand uniaxial strength ratio;test study

Analysis of rice water demand law in lower Liaohe river

CHEN Sheng-li





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