Principal Architect: zHU Wenyi
The China Cement Industry Museum, Tangshan, Hebei, China, 2012
Principal Architect: zHU Wenyi
The project focuses on the conservation and renovation of industrial heritage. Tanghshan's China Cement Industry Museum was built out of the Qixin Cement Factory, the site where China's first barrel of cement was produced. The historic hundred year old industrial buildings provoked us to do intense research and analysis of the functions, histories, typologies they represented. And our design developed out of this process. From research into the urban planning of Tangshan-its functional centers, public activity centers, transportation and open space systems-we developed preservation and renovation strategies for the complex that included the planning of public areas, creative zones and city leisure areas as design goals for the open museum.The vision became to turn the factory/museum into an all-weather play area and energetic center for the city. We have completed the regulatory detailed planning, urban design guidelines and architectural design for most of the buildings.
项目信息/Credits and Date
设计团队/Design Team:
建筑设计/Architectural Design: 赵建彤,王悦,裴雷,尹璐,韩少扬,钱晓庆,朱乃伟/zHAO Jiantong, WANG Yue, PEI Lei, YIN Lu, HAN Shaoyang, QIAN Xiaoqing, zHU Naiwei结构鉴定/Structural Determination: 罗云兵/LUO Yunbing设计单位/Designing Institutions: 清华大学建筑学院,清华大学建筑设计研究院,唐山市城乡规划局,唐山盾石房地产开发有限公司/School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; Architectual Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University; Tangshan District Urban Planning Bureau; Dunshi Real Estate
建筑面积/Area: 51300m2
7 二层平面/Floor 1 plan
8 三层平面/Floor 2 plan
6 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
5 总平面/Site plan