2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data
"Cloud"is a common metaphor for an Internet accessible infrastructure(e.g.data storage and computing hardware)which is hidden from users.Cloud Computingmakes data trulymobile and a user can simply access a chosen cloud with any internet accessible device.In Cloud Computing,IT⁃related capabilities are provided as services,accessiblewithout re⁃quiring detailed know ledge of the underlying technology.Thus,manymature technologies are used as components in Cloud Computing,but still there aremany unresolved and open problems.CloudCom⁃Asia 2015 aims to bring together researchers who work on cloud computing and related technologies.
Topics of interest of the CloudCom⁃Asia 2015 conference include,but are not limited to:
-Cloud Architecture
-Big Data
-MapReduce,and other PaaS aspects
-Cloud Services and Applications
-Security and Privacy in Cloud
-HPC on Cloud
-IoT and Mobile on Cloud