
2014-01-10 04:21:00张书锋董庆峰于新蕊
天然产物研究与开发 2014年6期

张书锋,董庆峰,于新蕊,胡 聪,秦 葵,屈 磊,郝 勇

1白求恩医务士官学校药学教研室,石家庄 050081;2 中国药科大学生药学教研室,南京 210009


The genus Vitex (family:Verbenaceae)consists of about 250 species and is represented in the flora of China by 14 species,7 varieties and 3 forms.Vitex negundo L.var.heterophylla (Franch.)Rehd.is a shrubby wild plant distributed in China and Japan and used in traditional medicine.The stems and leaves of this plant have been used for diarrhea,the fruits as sedatives and analgesic,and the roots as anthelmintic[1].The leaf essential oil has been used for chronic tracheitis,and can significantly enhance the phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophages in mice[2].The chemical components of the essential oils from the leaves[3-6],stems[5,6],leaves-inflorescences[7]and fruits[8]of V.negundo var.heterophylla have been analyzed.However,the chemical constituents of the aborted flower essential oil of V.negundo var.heterophylla have not been reported.The objective of this study was to analyze the chemical constituents of the aborted flower essential oil of V.negundo var.heterophylla growing wild in Shijiazhuang,China.

Materials and Methods

Plant material

The aborted flowers (consist mostly of indeciduous calyces)of V.negundo var.heterophylla growing wild in Shijiazhuang were collected during fruiting period in November 2010.The plant was identified and authenticated by one of the authors (ZHANG Shu-feng).A voucher specimen was deposited in the Herbarium of the Department of Pharmacy,Bethune Medical Noncommissioned Officer Academy.

Extraction of the essential oil

The essential oil of the dried aborted flowers was extracted by hydrodistillation in an essential oil determination apparatus for 5 h[9].The oil was dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate and stored at 4 °C.

Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS)analysis

The oil was analyzed by GC-MS using a Thermo Fisher DSQII GC-MS system equipped with a Thermo TR-5MS GC column (30 m×0.25 mm i.d.and 0.25 μm film thikness).Temperature program:from 40 °C (1 min)to 200 °C (5 min)at 8 °C/min,and then to 250 °C(2 min)at 10 °C/min.Injection temperature:250 °C.Carrier gas:He,flow rate:1.0 mL/min.Injection mode:split (1∶30).MS mode:EI;ionization voltage:70 eV;ion source temperature:250 °C;mass range:50–400 amu.

Identification of the components

Identification of the essential oil components was based on a comparison of their mass spectra and retention time with those of the authentic compounds and by computer matching with NIST library.

Results and Discussion

Hydrodistillation of the dried aborted flowers of V.negundo var.heterophylla yielded 0.6% (v/w)essential oil.The total ion chromatogram of the aborted flower essential oil of V.negundo var.heterophylla are shown in Fig.1.Twenty one compounds representing 94.8% of the oil were identified and listed in Table 1.Monoterpenes(80.2%)constituted the major fraction of the oil,while sesquiterpenes accounted to 11.6% of the oil.The major components of the oil were β-caryophyllene (42.2%),sabinene (12.2%)and 1,8-cineole (5.5%).

Fig.1 The total ion chromatogram of the aborted flower essential oil of V.negundo var.heterophylla

Table 1 Chemical composition of the aborted flower essential oil of V.negundo var.heterophylla

aRT:Retention time

Previous studies on the leaf,stem,leaf-inflorescence and fruit essential oils of V.negundo var.heterophylla showed various components (Table 2).β-Caryophyllene,sabinene and 1,8-cineole have been previously detected in the leaf or stem essential oils of V.negundo var.heterophylla from different regions of China,and the most dominant constituent of the leaf or stem essential oils of V.negundo var.heterophylla was β-caryophyllene[3-6].However,the most dominant constituent of the fruit essential oil of V.negundo var.heterophylla was β-elemene[8].The aborted flower essential oil of V.negundo var.heterophylla presently investigated shared similar composition pattern with respect to the major constituents in the leaf oil of V.negundo var.heterophylla grown in Beijing[3],and can be used as a good source of βcaryophyllene,which possesses anti-inflammatory,antibiotic,antioxidant,anticarcinogenic and local anaesthetic activities[10]and is commercially used in cosmetics and as a food additive[11]that potentially modulates inflammatory and other pathophysiological processes[12].Consequently,further phytochemical and pharmacological studies of this oil should be addressed in future.

Table 2 Major components of the essential oil of V.negundo var.heterophylla from different regions


In conclusion,the aborted flower essential oil of V.negundo var.heterophylla growing wild in Shijiazhuang,China is characterized by high content of β-caryophyllene,sabinene and 1,8-cineole,and can serve as a good source of β-caryophyllene for meeting the increasing demands of food,cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

AcknowledgementThe authors are grateful to Ms.HAN Ya-nan,Experimental Center,Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang for GC-MS analysis of the oil.

1 Flora Repubulicae Popularis Sinicae Editorial Committee.Flora Repubulicae Popularis Sinicae.Beijing:Science Press,1982,Vol 65.131,145.

2 Yang SY,He W,Qian CF,et al.Effect of the essential oils of Vitex negundo,V.negundo var.heterophylla and V.negundo var.cannabifolia on phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophages in mice.China J Chin Mater Med,1981,6:34-35.

3 Pan JG,Xu ZL,Fan JF.GC-MS analysis of the leave essential oils of Vitex negundo,V.negundo var.heterophylla,V.negundo var.cannabifolia and V.trifolia.China J Chin Mater Med,1989,14(6):37-38.

4 Wang FS,Ren SX,Yang DP,et al.Determination of the volatile oil extracted from leaves of Vitex negundo var.heterophylla Rehd.by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.J Chin Mass Spectrom Soc,2004,25:61-64.

5 Xie JC,Sun BG,Yu M.Analysis of volatiles in the leaf and stem of fragrant plant Vitex negundo L.var.heterophylla(Franch.)Rehd.Food Ferment Ind,2005,31:100-103.

6 Xie JC,Sun BG,Zheng FP,et al.Components of extract from leaf or stem of Vitex negundo L.var.heterophylla(Franch.)Rehd.by supercritical CO2fluid.Food Sci,2005,26:281-283.

7 Sun LY,Wang SZ,Yang BC.Research note of essential oil composition of Vitex negundo var.heterophylla.Practical Forestry Technol,1990,(2):30-31.

8 Liu XB,Cao H,Tian GH.Study on essential oil obtained from seeds of wild Vitex negundo var.heterophylla.Amino Acids Biotic Resour,2010,32:75-78.

9 Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission.Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China.Beijing:China Medical Science Press,2010.Vol Ⅰ,Appendix 63.

10 Legault J,Pichette A.Potentiating effect of beta-caryophyllene on anticancer activity of alpha-humulene,isocaryophyllene and paclitaxel.J Pharm Pharmacol,2007,59:1643-1647.

11 Sköld M,Karlberg AT,Matura M,et al.The fragrance chemical beta-caryophyllene-air oxidation and skin sensitization.Food Chem Toxicol,2006,44:538-545.

12 Gertsch J,Leonti M,Raduner S,et al.Beta-caryophyllene is a dietary cannabinoid.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,2008,105:9099-9104.

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