Information Pollution 信息污染
Meaning: Information pollution (also referred to as “info pollution”) is the contamination of an information supply with irrelevant, redundant, unsolicited and low-value information. The spread of useless and undesirable information can have a detrimental effect on human activity. It is considered one of the adverse effects of the information revolution.
Information pollution is hard to control.
Message Anxiety 信息焦虑
Meaning: Message anxiety refers to the act of pausing, freezing up, dreading, or avoiding the viewing of an e-mail, text message, or voice mail that you fear might be bad, negative, or of major importance for you.
Hey, Mike, I just got a message from that girl I met last night. But I have message anxiety about it. Can you open it for me?
Personality Spam 个人垃圾信息
Meaning: Personality spam refers to incessant online posts and messages relating to ones personal life and interests, particularly on social media. And people who frequently do this are called personality spammers.
个人垃圾信息指发布在网络上,尤其是社交网站上频繁发布有关个人生活和个人兴趣的帖子和信息,经常发布这类帖子的人就叫做个人垃圾信息工(personality spammer)。
有些人一说起自己的事情就滔滔不绝,这样的行为就叫personality spamming,推特或微博上的很多更新信息都是这些人在跟大家分享他们的活动信息:他们在做什么,午饭吃了什么,以及他们上班迟到是因为打不到车等等类似的信息。你可以采取措施将自动发送的垃圾信息过滤掉,但这样的个人垃圾信息却无法过滤。更糟糕的是,发布这些信息的人总认为自己发布的每一个字都传递了重要的信息。
Many people like to post personality spam on Weibo.
Bacn 培根邮件
Meaning: Bacn is so-named because its better than spam, but not as good as a personal e-mail. And unlike spam, bacn is self-inflicted. You signed up for it, and you actually do want that information. But yet it feels like its wasting your time.
Is your mail box filled with a lot of Bacn?
Information Overload Syndrome 信息超载综合征
Meaning: Information overload syndrome (IOS) is the result of trying to manage a huge amount of non-stop information that comes in the form of e-mails, attachments, text messages, thought-starters and FYIs. As a result, sufferers of IOS will find accomplishing the simplest of everyday tasks nearly impossible.
Do you suffer from information overload syndrome?