本片改编自著名棒球手Jackie Robinson的事迹。他出生于1919年1月31日,于1972年10月24日逝世。他是美国职业棒球大联盟史上第一位黑人球员,在此之前,黑人球员只允许在自己的黑人联盟打球。虽然当时美国奴隶制度已废除许久,但有许多地区依然实行种族隔离政策,无所不在的种族偏见仍强烈左右着社会各个阶层,因此Jackie踏上大联盟舞台的这一天,被公认为美国近代民权运动史上最重要的事件之一。
1947年4月15日,Jackie穿着42号球衣以先发一垒手的身份划时代地代表布鲁克林道奇队登场比赛。美国职业棒球大联盟决定从2004年开始将4月15日定为“Jackie Robinson Day”。而该片于2013年4月上映也颇有深意。如今,每年4月,大联盟球员都会穿上42号球衣纪念他在球场内外的成就,42号球衣是美国棒球界唯一退役的球衣。
Wendell Smith: In 1945, Americas greatest generation came back from war.
Man 1: The flags of freedom fly over Europe.
Wendell: Nazi Germany had been defeated. And three months later, Imperial Japan surrendered as well.
Man 2: And theres 1)jubilation around this earth.
Wendell: Men returned home. Among them, some of baseballs most beloved names: Musial, DiMaggio, Williams. Life in the United States could return to normal.
Man 3: I dont know whats the guys name on third base.
Man 4: Whats on second?
Man 3: Whos on second?
Man 4: Whos on first?
Man 3: I dont know.
Man 4: Third base.
Wendell: And baseball was proof positive that democracy was real. A baseball box score, after all, is a democratic thing. It doesnt say how big you are or what religion you follow. It does not know how you voted or the color of your skin. It simply states what kind of ballplayer you were on any particular day.
Man 5: And he did it. Its a 2)home run. They knew hed do it. Wendell: African Americans had served their country 3)gallantly. But they returned home from fighting a war to free the world from 4)tyranny only to find 5)racism, 6)segregation and 7)Jim Crow Law still waiting at home.
Man 6: Segregation was the law and custom of the land, and no group was more 8)scrupulous in its 9)observance of custom than organized baseball.
Wendell: There was a long road ahead. If African Americans dreamed of playing baseball, it was not for the 10)New York Yankees, but for teams like the Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro Leagues where the 11)barnstorming style of play stood in contrast to the Majors. In 1946, there were 16 Major League baseball teams with a total of 400 players on their rosters. Every one of the 400 players were white. But when opening day came in 1947, that number dropped to 399 and one man stood apart.
文德尔·史密斯:1945年,美国最伟大的一代从战场上胜利凯旋。(译者注:Wendell是《匹兹堡信使报》记者,也是Jackie Robinson的传记作家)
Who and Why is the Guy?
布鲁克林棒球俱乐部的老板Branch Rickey临近退休之年,却不顾众人反对的声音,执意要做一件有悖常规的事情—签一名黑人棒球手到布鲁克林队。Rickey在一众黑人球手中,最终挑中了Jackie。
(Brooklyn, New York, spring of 1945)
(At the Brooklyn National League Baseball Club office.)
Clay: Roy Campanella.
Rickey: Hell of a player. Hes too sweet. Theyd eat him alive.
Clay: All right.
Harold: Oh, sorry. Oh, wait. Sorry.
Clay: Satchel Paige, then.
Rickey: Hes too old. We need a player with a future, not a past. Here. Jack Roosevelt Robinson. Four-sport college man, out of UCLA. That means hes played with white boys. Playing for the Kansas City Monarchs. 26 years old. Hes batting .350. .350. 12)Methodist. Commissioned Army officer.
Clay: He was 13)court-martialed. Hes a troublemaker. Well, he argues with 14)umpires. A quick temper is his reputation.
Harold: Well, what was he court-martialed for?
Rickey: Wouldnt sit in the back of a military bus. Fort Hood, Texas. Driver asked him to, uh, move back. 15)MPs had to take him off.
Clay: There, you see?
Rickey: I see he 16)resents segregation. If he were white, wed call that spirit. Robinsons a Methodist. Im a Methodist. Gods a Methodist. We cant go wrong. Find him. Bring him here.
First Meeting
(In Aug. 28, 1945)
(At the Brooklyn National League Baseball Club office.)
Rickey: This is about baseball, Jackie. I see you starting in spring with our 17)affiliate in Montreal. If you make it there, well try you down here with the Dodgers. With the white Brooklyn Dodgers. Hmm. Ill pay you $600 a month. And a $3500 bonus when you sign the contract. That agreeable?
Jackie: Yes, thats fine but...
Rickey: Theres one condition. I know you can hit behind the runner. That you can read a pitch. One question is, can you control your temper? Jackie: My temper?
Rickey: Yes, your temper! What are you, deaf? A black m a n i n w h i t e baseball, heh, can you imagine the reaction? The 18)vitriol? Dodgers check into a hotel, a, uh, a decent, good hotel. Youre worn out from the road. Some clerk wont give you the pen to sign in with. “We got no room for you, boy. Not even down in the coal bin where y o u b e l o n g .”Team stops at a restaurant. Waiter wont take your order. “Didnt you see the sign on the door? No niggers allowed.” What are you gonna do then? Fight him? Ruin all my plans? Answer me!
Jackie: You want a player who doesnt have the 19)guts to fight back?
Rickey: No. No. I want a player whos got the guts not to fight back. People arent gonna like this. Theyre gonna do anything to get you to react. Echo a 20)curse with a curse and, uh, theyll hear only yours. Follow a blow with a blow and theyll say, “The Negro lost his temper.” That “The Negro does not belong.” Your enemy will be out in force and you cannot meet him on his own low ground. We win with hitting, running, fielding. Only that. We win if the world is convinced of two things: That you are a fine gentleman and a great baseball player. Like our Savior, you gotta have the guts to turn the other cheek. Can you do it?
Jackie: You give me a uniform. You give me a, heh, number on my back. And Ill give you the guts.
(Panama City, Panama, 1947)
Leo Durocher: It has come to my attention that some of you 21)fellas dont wanna play with Robinson. That youve even got a 22)petition youve drawn up and youre all going to sign. Well, boys, you know what you can do with your petition? You can wipe your asses with it.
Dixie Walker: Oh, come on, Leo.
Leo: Come on, what?
Dixie: Ballplayers gotta live together, shower together. It aint fair to force him on us like this. Besides, I got a 23)hardware store back home...
Leo: Screw your hardware store, Dix! And if you dont like it, screw you. Mr. Rickey will be happy to make other arrangements for you. Now, I dont care if he is yellow, or black, or has stripes like a zebra. If Robinson can help us win, and everything I have seen says he can, then he is gonna play on this ball club! Like it, 24)lump it, make your minds up to it, because hes coming! And think about this when your heads hit the pillows tonight. Hes only the first, boys. Only the first. There are more coming right behind him every day and they have got talent and they wanna play. Oh, yeah, they are gonna come scratching and diving. So I would forget your petition and worry about the field because unless you fellas pay a little more attention to your work, theyre gonna run you right out of the ball park!
More Troubles
(At the Brooklyn National League Baseball Club office.)
Happy Chandler: Branch. Ha! How are you?
Rickey: Good. Happy, what can I do for you?
Happy: Howd you feel about losing Durocher for the year, Branch?
Rickey: Uh, Im sorry, Happy, heh, I thought you said lose Durocher for a year.
Happy: I got a notice today from the Catholic Youth Organization 25)vowing a ban on baseball if Durocher wasnt punished for his moral looseness.
Rickey: Youre joking.
Happy: I wish I were, Branch, but its this business of this actress out in California. Shes recently divorced and Durochers the cause. They say they may even be illegally married.
Rickey: Now I know youre joking.
Happy: Im not. Thing of it is, Branch, uh...this CYO, they buy a lot of seats, they draw a lot of water and I cant afford to 26)ruffle their feathers. Im sorry, am I mixing my 27)metaphors there?
Rickey: Happy, you know very well my organization is entering a 28)tempest. I need Durocher at the 29)helm. Hes the only man that can handle this much trouble. In fact, he loves it. Youre cutting off my right hand!
Happy: I have no choice. Im gonna sit your manager, Branch. Leo Durocher is 30)suspended from baseball for a year.
Herb Pennock: Branch, its Herb.
Rickey: Hello, Herb. What can I do for you?
Herb: Branch, how long have we known each other?
Rickey: Oh, 20 years, maybe more.
Herb: Thats right. Been over some solid road together. So, urn, you can trust me when I tell you Brooklyns due here tomorrow, but you cannot bring that nigger down here with the rest of your team.
Rickey: Whys that, Herb? His name is Jackie Robinson, by the way.
Herb: Yeah, Branch, I understand hes got a name but were just not ready for that sort of thing here in Philadelphia. Now Im afraid were not gonna be able to take the field against your team if that boys in uniform.
Rickey: Well, what you do with your team is your decision, Herb. But my teams gonna be in Philadelphia tomorrow with Robinson. And if we have to claim the game as a 31)forfeit, so be it. Thats 9-0, in case you forgot.
Herb: You know what, Branch? Youve had a hell of a hair across your ass over this for a long time. Id like to know what it is youre trying to prove.
Rickey: You think God likes baseball, Herb?
Herb: What...? What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Rickey: It means someday youre gonna meet God and when he inquires as why you didnt take the field against Robinson in Philadelphia and you answer that its because he was a Negro. It may not be a 32)sufficient reply!
Rickey: You know what I saw this morning? I was passing a 33)sandlot, little white boy was up at 34)bat. You know what he was doing?
Jackie: Sitting on a 35)fastball?
Rickey: He was pretending he was you. 36)Rubbing dirt on his hands. 37)Swinging with his arms 38)outstretched, like you do. Little white boy pretending he is a black man.
Jackie: Whyd you do this, Mr. Rickey?
Rickey: We had a victory over 39)fascism in Germany. Its time we had a victory over racism at home.
Jackie: No. Why? Whyd you do it? Come on. Tell me.
Rickey: I love this game. I love baseball. Given my whole life to it. Forty-odd years ago, I was a player-coach at Ohio Wesleyan University. We had a Negro catcher. Best hitter on the team. Charlie Thomas. Fine young man. I saw him laid low, broken, because of the color of his skin. And I didnt do enough to help. Told myself I did, but I didnt. There was something unfair at the heart of the game I loved. And I ignored it. But the time came when I could no longer do that. You…you let me love baseball again. Thank you.
Wendell: Since the 4th of July, the Brooklyn Dodgers have gone on a hot streak holding off all challengers. During that time and during this season, I have watched J a c k i e R o b i n s o n 40)submerge himself to serve something greater. And I dont mean the Brooklyn Dodgers, though hes doing that too. The man flat-out has guts. A stand-up force of nature, hes complicated everything but himself. Hes changing the world and refusing to let it change him. But baseball isnt tennis. It takes a team. Joining together was a start. Staying together, a big step forward. But working together is how you win.