刘 鹏,陈素梅,房伟民,蒋甲福,管志勇,陈发棣
(南京农业大学园艺学院,南京 210095)
刘 鹏,陈素梅,房伟民,蒋甲福,管志勇,陈发棣*
(南京农业大学园艺学院,南京 210095)
切花菊;基因型差异; 低磷胁迫;筛选指标
磷是植物最重要营养元素之一,植物体内的绝大部分代谢都离不开磷的参与。磷矿作为一种不可再生的资源,预计在不久的将来将会耗竭[3]。另外,施入土壤的磷肥极易被土壤吸附或固定,磷肥的当季利用率仅为10%—25%,未被利用的磷素长期或暂时滞留在土壤中,造成磷素资源的浪费和土壤次生盐渍化,加大淋溶损失所造成的污染风险[4]。切花菊一般采用设施栽培且复种指数高,为维持高产优质需要大量施用化肥,导致肥料浪费和土壤连作障碍,造成的环境污染也较大田更为严重[5- 6]。
1.1 试验材料
1.2 方法
1.2.1 筛选体系
2010年进行预实验确定筛选体系与合适的筛选压力,2011年进行正式试验。试验选用石英砂作为培养基质,石英砂按毛达如等的方法处理[8]。设全磷(KH2PO4300 μmol/L)、低磷(KH2PO415 μmol/L,用KCl使钾盐浓度与正常供磷一致)2个处理。营养成分配方参照荷兰花卉研究所岩棉滴灌用配方[9],取其1/3用量。除磷酸盐外的各成分分别为:KNO31.67 mmol/L,MgSO4250 μmol/L,K2SO4300 μmol/L,CaCl2750 μmol/L,Fe-EDTA 15 μmol/L,H3BO345 μmol/L,MnCl24.5 μmol/L,ZnSO41 μmol/L,H2MoO40.13 μmol/L,CuSO40.16 μmol/L。全部营养液pH调至5.8。
1.2.2 试验处理
选取长势一致的切花菊插穗扦插于生根基质(1∶1的蛭石和珍珠岩),15d后插穗生根形成扦插苗。将洗净基质的扦插苗置于全磷营养液中预培养3d,然后定植于砂培槽中,浇入相应的营养液,各处理每个品种20株,7d换1次营养液,换营养液前从砂面浇蒸馏水淋洗1次,每天视光照和气温调整灌溉次数以补充水分消耗,防止萎蔫,每隔2—3d调节pH 1次。处理20d后各品种间出现明显差异,进行数据采集。
1.2.3 数据采集与分析
测量的指标包括株高、干重、磷含量、磷积累量。植物材料置于105℃杀青0.5h,80℃烘干至恒重后测干重。材料经浓H2SO4和H2O2消煮后用钼锑抗法测磷含量[10]。磷积累量(吸磷量)=生物量×磷含量。为了消除不同品种间固有生物学差异,采用相对耐性指数,如:相对株高、相对干重等综合指标来衡量不同品种间的耐低磷胁迫能力。相对耐性指数 = (低P处理的测定值/完全培养液的测定值)×100%,包括相对株高(RPH)、相对总生物量(RPW)、相对磷含量(PPC)、相对磷积累量(RPA)。试验结果利用Excel和SPSS软件进行统计分析。
2.1 低磷胁迫下切花菊品种的生物学性状差异
表1 32个切花菊品种在低磷胁迫下的生物学性状统计
2.2 筛选指标的建立
表2 低磷胁迫条件下不同切花菊各筛选指标间的相关系数
*Plt; 0. 05 ; **Plt; 0. 01
部分切花菊品种在低磷胁迫下株高出现反常现象,如南农金蝶植株表现为又细又高,即较高的株高、较低的干物质积累和磷含量,因此相对株高(RPH)只能作为鉴定切花菊耐低磷特性的辅助指标。相对干重、相对磷含量和相对磷积累量反映切花菊对磷素的吸收及同化能力,这些指标在各品种间差异显著且变异系数较大(表1),且各指标间呈显著正相关(表2),可作为切花菊耐低磷特性的评价指标。根据这3个评价指标计算耐低磷指数,耐低磷指数= (RPW+ RPC+RPA)/3,见表3。
表3 32个切花菊品种耐低磷指数
图1 32个切花菊品种耐低磷性的聚类图 Fig.1 Cluster tree of tolerance to low phosphorus of 32 cultivars of cut chrysanthemum
以耐低磷指数为变量,将数据在0—1标准化,采用系统聚类法,当类间距离为5时可将32份供试品种的耐低磷胁迫能力分为极强、强、中等、弱、极弱5个级别(图1),其中耐低磷能力极强(1份):南农银山;耐低磷能力强(4份):T1102、南农玉盘、南农功勋、南农白雪;耐低磷能力中等(14份):南农红袖、南农雪峰、南农皇冠、南农金轮、南农紫星、南农舞风车、南农红荷、绿安娜、希望之光、Tiona、月黄、Wimbledon、703、Noa; 耐低磷能力弱(10份):南农玉珠、黄寒菊、蒙黄、蒙粉、Noa Yellow、南农金绒、南农金蝶、南农紫唇、南农月桂、神马;耐低磷能力极弱(3份):南农红枫、南农香槟、优香。
植物在营养元素利用能力上存在基因型差异[11- 12]。由于磷元素参与沉积循环,磷矿是一种不可再生的资源,存储量有限,选育耐低磷的作物品种是一种比单纯施用磷肥更为持续有效地解决作物对磷素需求的方法[13]。
由于作物耐低磷胁迫的生理生化和遗传机制非常复杂,因而与之有关的性状指标也非常多,采用合适的评价指标才能对作物的耐低磷特性进行准确评价。相对地上部干重、相对分蘖数是水稻耐低磷种质筛选的指标[7, 14- 17],相对根长、相对根表面积、相对根体积可为玉米耐低磷基因型的筛选指标[18]。乔振江等[19]的研究发现随着土壤磷素水平的增加,大豆植株的生物量和叶片叶绿素含量显著增加,根冠比则显著下降。磷素对切花菊的生长影响很大,缺磷会导致切花菊的一系列反应,如下部叶片出现黄斑、生长变缓、根冠比增大等。姜贝贝[20]等指出不同切花菊苗期干物质重的差异在一定程度上能反应它对养分的吸收、转运和利用效率的差异。本研究发现,利用植株相对干重、相对磷含量和相对磷积累量来综合评价切花菊的磷利用效率较为有效。
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LIU Peng, CHEN Sumei, FANG Weimin, JIANG Jiafu, GUAN Zhiyong, CHEN Fadi*
Cut chrysanthemum(Chrysanthemum×moriflorumRamat.) is one of the most important ornamental plants in cut flower market all over the world. Phosphorus is a principal limited factor for plant growth, more than 90% of the added fertilizer phosphorus may rapidly be transformed to phosphorus forms that are not easily available to plants. Due to low natural phosphorus and high fixation capacity, a heavy dose of phosphorus is needed to achieve high production. Developing cultivars with tolerance to phosphorus deficiency may represent a more sustainable solution than sole reliance on fertilizer application. The possibility of exploiting genotypic differences in absorption and utilization of phosphorus to improve efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer use or to obtain higher productivity on phosphorus deficient soils has
considerable attention in recent years. In this study, to assess genotypic variation of cut chrysanthemum for tolerance to phosphorus deficiency, 32 cultivars of cut chrysanthemum were screened and evaluated for tolerance to low phosphorus using sand culture at seedling stage with two treatments of low phosphorus(15 μmol/L) and normal phosphorus(300 μmol/L) in the Chrysanthemum Germplasm Resource Preserving Centre, Nanjing Agricultural University, China. The results showed that there existed evident genotype differences in different cultivars of cut chrysanthemum in tolerant ability to low phosphorus stress. Among all the characters studied, relative plant dry weight (low phosphorus supply / normal phosphorus supply), relative phosphorus content and relative phosphorus accumulation demonstrated significant genotypic variation (the CV was 12.14%, 20.99% and 26.41%, respectively). Moreover, correlation analysis showed that there were significant positive correlations between relative plant dry weight and relative phosphorus content, between relative plant dry weight and relative phosphorus accumulation, and between relative phosphorus content and relative phosphorus accumulation (Plt;0.01), the correlative coefficients are 0.3067, 0.7391 and 0.8258 respectively. Therefore, relative plant dry weight, relative phosphorus content and relative phosphorus accumulation were suggested as screening indexes of cut chrysanthemum on tolerance to low phosphorus stress. A comprehensive evaluation of low phosphorus tolerance of 32 cultivars was made by using hierarchical clustering analysis. Clustering analysis showed that 32 cultivars could be divided into extremely low phosphorus tolerant, low phosphorus tolerant, moderately low phosphorus tolerant, low phosphorus sensitive and extremely low phosphorus sensitive group respectively. Among 32 tested materials, the tolerant ability to low phosphorus stress of Nannongyinshan is higher than other cultivars, belonging to extremely low phosphorus tolerant cultivar; T1102, Nannongyupan, Nannonggongxun and Nannongbaixue are low phosphorus tolerant cultivars; Nannongyuzhu, Nannongjinrong, Nannongjindie, Nannongzichun, Nannongyuegui, huanghanju, Monalisa Yellow, Noa Yellow, Monalisa Rosy and Jinba are low phosphorus sensitive cultivars; the tolerant ability to low phosphorus stress of Nannonghongfeng, Nannongxiangbin and Youxiang are lower than other cultivars, these cultivars are extremely low phosphorus sensitive genotypes; the others are moderately low phosphorus tolerant cultivars. Efficient genotypes with the desirable characteristics can be used directly in advance field trials or in breeding programs to cope phosphorus deficiency.
cut chrysanthemum; genotypic differences; low phosphorus stress; screening index
2012- 07- 17;
2012- 10- 26
*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail: chenfd@njau.edu.cn
刘鹏,陈素梅,房伟民,蒋甲福,管志勇,陈发棣.32个切花菊品种的耐低磷特性.生态学报,2013,33(21):6863- 6868.
Liu P, Chen S M, Fang W M, Jiang J F, Guan Z Y, Chen F D.Preliminary evaluation on tolerance to phosphorous deficiency of 32 cultivars of cut chrysanthemum.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2013,33(21):6863- 6868.