
2013-08-15 00:47:40
测井技术 2013年6期


考虑管线存储及表皮效应各向异性介质任意倾角下地层测试器流体分析 ……………………………………………………Wilson C Chin(1)

声反射成像测井数据处理研究进展 ………………………………………………………………… 李超 岳文正 金行林 李永权 张岩(13)

用于油水两相流流量测量的分流式电磁流量计 ……………………………………………… 张玉辉 刘兴斌 胡金海 李屹威 黄春辉(21)

阵列电磁传感器的频率特性测量实验研究 …………………………………………………………………………………… 蔡家铁 吴锡令(24)

靶膜对中子管中子产额的影响分析 …………………………………………………………………… 郤方华 王志全 陈路 丁柱 崔杰(28)

不同井斜角情况下随钻密度测井探测特性 ………………………………………………………… 张丽 孙建孟 于华伟 姜东 王向军(31)

基于改进高斯权重的多相流动成像算法 ……………………………………………………………………………… 董勇 郭海敏 李梦霞(35)

两端金属体对阵列感应测量数据的影响研究 ……………………………………………………… 仵杰 钟德伟 李梦春 王鲁 唐金波(39)

利用JNA技术对多语言测井应用程序集成方式的改进 ……………………………………………………………… 原野 尚福华 曹茂俊(44)

酸性火山岩储层孔喉结构分析及流体性质判别 ………………………………………………………………………………… 杨学峰 覃豪(48)

火山岩储层测井综合评价方法研究 ………………………………………………………………………………… 张丽华 潘保芝 单刚义(53)

测井数据自适应多项式拟合去噪 ………………………………………………………………………………… 蔡志东 张固澜 刘振亚(59)

一种基于Hough变换的地层压力测试资料解释图版 …………………………………………………………… 康晓泉 孙利国 胡友良(63)

濮城油田水淹层饱和度计算参数研究 ………………………………………………………………………………………… 申梅英 谭海芳(67)

模块式动态地层测试器井下大功率电机供电系统设计 ………………………………… 陈宝 朱斌 何绪新 刘付火 武向萍 唐金波(71)

基于DDS和DSM的多通道信号源的设计与实现 …………………………………………………………………… 陈洋 管国云 聂在平(75)

薄互层和倾斜地层阵列侧向测井响应计算分析 ………………………………… 冯琳伟 汪德刚 贺飞 张昊 王普海 关照星 张兴(80)

过套管电阻率测井高电阻率层段不稳定性分析 ……………………………………………………… 刘福平 陈小安 赵宝成 杨长春(85)

密井网区测井资料分期标准化方法 ………………………………………………………………………………… 柴愈坤 王志章 李汉林(90)

电缆测压资料在西非某深水油藏评价中的应用 ……………………………………………………………………………… 秦瑞宝 汤丽娜(94)

和顺地区煤层气工业组分与含气量计算研究 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 张作清(99)

成像测井技术在重力流沉积研究中的应用 … ……………………………………… 何小胡 张迎朝 张道军 左倩媚 何卫军 董贵能(103)

带电缆防烧装置高能气体压裂串……………………………………………………………………………………………… 孙海军 周绍民(110)

高温高压井射孔工艺技术在元坝×井的应用 … ………………………………………………………… 姚志中 赵开良 焦建国 姚慧智(114)


切向涡轮流量计小流量测量响应特性研究………………………………………………………………………………………………… 李军(119)

岩石介质流动电位影响因素实验研究 … ………………………………………………………………… 卜亚辉 李爱芬 刘均荣 张国浩(123)

基于岩心核磁共振实验数据确定阳离子交换容量…………………………………………………………………… 张冲 张占松 宋秋强(128)

等效双孔介质电-声曲折度分析及其与弹性参数的关系 …………………………………… 葛新民 谢关宝 范宜仁 卢志远 霍宁宁(132)

倾斜各向异性地层随钻电磁波测井响应模拟……………………………………………………………… 范宜仁 胡云云 李虎 孙庆涛(137)

相控环形阵辐射声场特性分析……………………………………………………………………………………… 段文星 乔文孝 车小花(143)

低孔隙度低渗透率岩石孔隙度与渗透率关系研究 … ………………………………… 邵维志 解经宇 迟秀荣 李俊国 吴淑琴 肖斐(149)

苏里格东区致密气藏成岩储集相分类及其测井响应特征研究 … ………………………… 成志刚 宋子齐 景成 何羽飞 张亮 段琼(154)

基于流动单元用多参数方法预测火山岩渗透率……………………………………………………………………… 吴一雄 张超谟 李玮(162)

利用压汞资料评价低电阻率油层含水饱和度………………………………………………………………………… 王翠平 潘保芝 陈刚(166)

博兴洼陷地层孔隙压力测井评价研究…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 李山生(169)

非线性有效孔隙度计算方法研究 … ………………………………………………………………………… 袁晓宇 张哨楠 李映涛 刘迪(173)

井间电磁成像测井系统分析与研究 … ………………………………………………… 臧德福 郭红旗 晁永胜 葛承河 柏强 王树松(177)

核磁共振测井仪低噪声模拟接收电路设计 … ………………………………… 于慧俊 肖立志 朱万里 李新 S.Anferova V.Anferov(183)

一种泥浆脉冲信号识别方法………………………………………………………………………………… 李传伟 杨亮 祝环芬 王芝峰(187)

川西须家河组地层井壁稳定性测井评价…………………………………………………………………… 陈俊 徐炳高 何传亮 周怀容(191)

CO2驱注入剖面测井方法及应用……………………………………………………………………………………………… 吴华磊 王卫国(196)

全谱饱和度测井在塔河碎屑岩储层评价中的应用 … ……………………………………………………… 王勤聪 马立新 许克亮 邹宁(200)

变密度测井能量谱法定量评价固井第Ⅱ界面………………………………………………………………………… 王卫 李永杰 王玉娟(205)

南图尔盖盆地下白垩统河流沉积微相测井识别与地震预测……………………………………………………………………………… 李健(209)

BH38RDX-46-89型大孔径射孔弹性能优化 ……………………………………………………… 吴焕龙 向旭 杜明章 杨超 王庆兵(214)

基于TrueGrid软件的射孔弹有限元仿真模型参数化建立方法 … ………………………………………… 罗宏伟 郭鹏 王树山 徐豫新(219)


石油测井仪器的刻度标准化工作…………………………………………………………………………………… 陆大卫 邱益香 胡秀妮(223)

苏里格气田致密砂岩储层条件下声波速度与孔隙度实验研究 … ………………………… 张永浩 杜环虹 李新 罗燕颖 吴迪 朱斌(229)

存储式电磁流量计模拟井实验及理论计算分析 … …………………………………………… 马水龙 张玉辉 黄春辉 胡金海 王延军(235)

多种心脏疾病的终末阶段或严重期可表现为心力衰竭,这也是造成死亡的重要原因。新生儿心力衰竭的治疗重在早期诊断并给予正确的治疗,但由于早期心力衰竭发病隐匿,确诊时已多为晚期,治疗效果较早期治疗显著下降,因而探寻有效的新生儿心力衰竭早期诊断方法对提高本病的疗效具有重要意义[1]。B型脑钠肽(BNP)属于机体质量要内分泌激素,近年来BNP 及其前体 N 端脑钠肽前体(NT-proBNP)已是公认的反映心功能及诊断成人心力衰竭的特异标志物,但关于新生儿心力衰竭的研究资料较缺乏[2]。本研究探讨血浆BNP、NT-proBNP在新生儿心力衰竭治疗前后的变化及其意义。现将研究结果报道如下。

随钻感应电阻率测井响应影响因素分析 … ………………………………………………… 张甜甜 唐章宏 李安宗 朱军 牒勇 鲁晔(239)

基于曲线重构的高伽马地层泥质含量计算方法……………………………………………… 司马立强 罗兴 张凤生 张庆红 夏冬冬(244)

旋转磁场导向定位方法研究与应用……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 刘庆龙(249)

利用岩石声学特性评价致密砂岩储层含气性 … ……………………………………… 成志刚 张蕾 赵建武 林伟川 冯春珍 罗少成(253)

基于孔隙结构的酸性火山岩含气饱和度计算方法…………………………………………………………………… 覃豪 李洪娟 张超谟(258)

基于横波测井资料的神经网络火山岩流体性质识别………………………………………………………………… 边会媛 潘保芝 王飞(264)

梨树断陷砂砾岩测井岩性识别 … ………………………………………………………………… 刘倩茹 薛林福 潘保芝 白烨 张程恩(269)

南海天然气水合物测井解释方法研究与应用实例 … …………………………………………… 马龙 莫修文 陆敬安 沙志彬 梁金强(280)

基于模糊模式识别的贴近度法判别煤田测井岩性………………………………………………………………… 连增增 谭志祥 邓喀中(285)

鄂东气田煤层气储层测井综合评价方法研究 … ………………………………………………………… 刘之的 杨秀春 陈彩红 张继坤(289)

基于LZW算法的声波测井数据压缩研究 ………………………………………………………………… 邹学玉 冯振 张少华 韩付伟(294)

一种多功能井下信号转换适配器的设计与应用 … ……………………………………… 罗明璋 熊晓东 陈宝 贺晓真 吴爱平 朱斌(297)

多极子阵列声波测井仪多通道采集系统…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 王莹(302)

基于Nios II的随钻声波测井仪器调试台架系统设计 ………………………………………… 吴文河 鞠晓东 王德国 卢俊强 张凯(306)

单相地层流体取样筒的研制与应用…………………………………………………………………………………………… 尤国平 冯永仁(310)

TCFR型过套管电阻率测井仪研制 ……………………………………………………… 包德洲 刘杰 王利宁 李科 李妙侠 彭慧琴(314)

利用频谱分析方法评价快速地层固井质量……………………………………………… 范文同 王天雨 艾勇 郭喜纯 袁仕俊 李科(317)

多井电阻率成像测井古水流方向分析方法及实例应用…………………………………………………… 杨世夺 蔡军 龚宏杰 吴红霞(322)

滴西18井区石炭系气层压裂改造技术研究 ……………………………………………………………… 丁士辉 陈效领 鱼文军 许骏(327)


偶极横波远探测测井技术进展及其应用………………………………………………………………… 唐晓明 魏周拓 苏远大 庄春喜(333)

碳酸盐岩非阿尔奇特性的诠释………………………………………………………………………………………………… 曾文冲 刘学锋(341)

页岩气岩石物理分析技术及研究进展 … …………………………………………………………… 李霞 周灿灿 李潮流 程相志 胡松(352)

致密气藏岩石渗透率应力敏感对气水两相流动影响实验研究 … …………………………… 郑小敏 成志刚 林伟川 董国敏 杨智新(360)

分流式电导含水率计测量区域流场分布与实验比较…………………………………………………………………………………… 杨志刚(364)

氧活化测井水流时间谱解释方法研究 … …………………………………………………… 马焕英 赵捷 吴乐军 李斐 杨志华 王栋(368)

层状非均质各向异性地层中多分量感应测井数值模拟与响应特征…………………………………………………………………… 汪建勋(374)

利用常规测井资料识别裂缝方法研究 … ………………………………………………………………… 董双波 柯式镇 张红静 刘春艳(380)

基于PICKETT交会图油气层渗透率计算方法研究 ……………………………… 李文湘 王培春 吕洪志 崔云江 张琳琳 陈红兵(385)

大庆油田中浅层宽能域中子伽马能谱测井泥岩解释模型………………………………………………………… 高艳芳 樊玉秀 仇加宇(389)

储层裂缝发育等级划分研究…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 张晓峰 潘保芝(393)

一种考虑邻近泥岩特征的油水层识别方法 … ……………………………………………………………………… 郑建东 王晓莲 高吉峰(397)

低对比度储层流体替换识别技术方法与应用 … …………………………………… 陈义国 任来义 贺永红 高胜利 孟旺才 董丽红(401)

动电效应测井探测器电子系统设计………………………………………………… 门百永 鞠晓东 乔文孝 王德国 卢俊强 贺海龙(406)

FEM地层元素测井仪研制 ………………………………………………………… 岳爱忠 王树声 何绪新 石丽云 贺晓真 雷震宇(411)

基于单芯测井电缆的高速遥传系统设计…………………………………………………………… 顾庆水 陈伟 伍瑞卿 陶爱华 李谦(417)

DPSD算法的FPGA高效实现 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 陈洋 聂在平(421)

罗家地区泥页岩岩相特征及测井分析技术 … …………………………………………… 王敏 朱家俊 余光华 郝运轻 关丽 李英英(426)

渤南洼陷低孔隙度低渗透率地层岩石力学参数测井计算方法…………………………………………………………………………… 翟勇(432)

碳氧比能谱测井在冀东油田的应用 … ………………………………………………… 汤金奎 王绍春 高伟 郑佳佳 轩玲玲 陈小东(436)

胜利油田水平井射孔参数优化技术……………………………………………………… 任闽燕 田玉刚 张峰 刘晓燕 杨慧 伊伟锴(441)

水平井复合射孔技术研究与应用 … …………………………………………………… 赵海华 师西宏 王文军 刘荫忠 李元斌 徐波(445)

动力旋转定方位射孔工艺技术 … …………………………………………………… 贺红民 路利军 慕光华 孙志忠 吴少威 平朋勃(451)


基于新“七性”关系的煤层气、页岩气测井评价 ………………………………………………………………………………………… 孙建孟(457)

泥饼动态生长与泥浆侵入模拟研究 … ……………………………………………………………… 范宜仁 胡云云 李虎 孙庆涛 陈芳(466)

基于差压与电导传感器组合的油水两相流流动特性实验研究 … …………………………… 黄春辉 胡金海 刘兴斌 邢春明 罗淑艳(472)

垂直上升管内多光纤传感器持气率估计算法研究 … ………………………………………… 于莉娜 孔维航 孔令富 刘晓磊 李英伟(476)

HRDL高分辨率双侧向测井仪与普通双侧向测井仪探测特性研究 … ………………… 冯琳伟 汤天知 贺飞 徐拥 孙军军 贺晓真(481)

层状各向异性地层三维感应测井响应快速反演…………………………………………………………………… 张国艳 肖加奇 洪德成(487)

碳氧比能谱铁峰漂移校正方法 … ………………………………………………………………………………… 姜亦忠 徐成 魏静 润雪(492)

断裂带结构单元特征及其测井识别方法研究 … ………………………………………… 刘伟 朱留方 许东晖 翟勇 吕曾伟 王新娥(495)

马井-什邡地区低渗透率储层测井评价 ………………………………………………… 李阳兵 张筠 葛祥 徐炳高 黎泽刚 侯克均(499)

核磁共振测井采集质量影响因素及控制措施研究 … ………………………………… 丁娱娇 邵维志 李庆合 李健 郭保华 唐金波(505)

CIFLog-CMR核磁共振测井处理解释软件研发及应用 ……………………………………………………… 冯庆付 何宗斌 张宫 樊鹤(513)

咸水泥浆侵入型低电阻率油层特征及测井解释方法 … ………………………………………… 苏妮娜 刘江涛 宋璠 张瑞香 朱春艳(517)

成像测井图像呈正弦形地质构造自动拾取方法…………………………………………………………………… 刘英明 秋英淑 冯庆付(523)

数字信号处理器在随钻声波测井仪中的应用 … …………………………………… 卢俊强 鞠晓东 乔文孝 肖红兵 王瑞甲 吴文河(527)

高分辨率双侧向测井仪器(0.2 m)设计和应用 … …………………………………………… 宋建华 童茂松 于恒祥 郭志强 梁晓成(531)

偶极声波接收换能器圆形压电振子振动数值模拟……………………………………………………………………… 何峰江 余刚 赵婷(537)

PNST脉冲中子全谱测井仪在大庆油田的应用 ………………………………………………… 郑华 刘宪伟 董建华 沈付建 吕俊涛(541)

探边工具AziTrak在开发井地质导向中的应用 ………………………………………………………… 吴意明 熊书权 李楚吟 方永军(547)

塔河油田测井工程事故处理及预防探讨………………………………………………………………………………… 罗荣 蒋建平 崔光(552)

利用测井资料研究×区块下白垩统沉积相 … …………………………………………………………… 王改云 王嘹亮 刘金萍 胡小强(557)

莫西庄油田三工河组砂体精细对比与油气富集规律……………………………………………………… 管永国 李艳英 吴春文 张翊(562)

BP神经网络在西湖凹陷烃源岩评价中的应用 ………………………………………… 赵兴齐 陈践发 郭望 刘高志 陈斐然 张文(567)

非常规水平井多簇射孔与分段压裂联作管串泵入控制模型……………………………………………… 朱秀星 薛世峰 仝兴华 张林(572)

油气井复合射孔/高能气体压裂信息获取与信号特征分析 …………………………………………… 崔春生 马铁华 裴东兴 张士飞(579)

井水平井射孔枪爆裂原因分析和打捞措施 … …………………………………………… 周扬 路立军 王生战 李鹏 王建华 吴少威(583)


三大类储层参数测井评价技术及其应用………………………………………………………………………………………………… 张晋言(587)

基于测井信息泥岩盖层评价技术综述 … ……………………………………………………………………………………… 赵军龙 高秀丽(594)

基于核磁共振T2谱三组分分解的致密砂岩储层孔隙结构研究 ………………………………… 丛云海 范宜仁 邓少贵 叶绮 陈芳(600)

热式流量计测量油水两相流量的实验研究 … ………………………………………………… 王延军 胡金海 刘兴斌 姜兆宇 刘继新(605)

岩电响应的数值近似及其应用探究 … ………………………………………… 程道解 李东平 万金彬 王慧 白松涛 冯俊贵 田扬(608)

三维感应测井仪器刻度响应有限元法数值模拟研究……………………………………………………… 俞燕明 肖加奇 柯式镇 李强(613)

基于半空间刻度的阵列感应测井仪线圈系误差确定方法 … ……………………………… 李梦春 王成龙 陈宝 党峰 江有宏 王鲁(619)

测井曲线几何因子理论………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 朱留方 沈建国(624)

多分量感应测井的刻度研究……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 卢涛 孙向阳(629)

胜利油区低电阻率油层多参数识别技术应用 … …………………………………………………………… 黄质昌 黄新平 贺菲 范英锋(633)

吉木萨尔凹陷芦草沟组复杂岩性致密油储层测井岩性识别 … ……………………………… 匡立春 孙中春 欧阳敏 常秋生 王振林(638)

三元耦合方法评价孔洞型储层有效性……………………………………………………………………………… 张兆辉 高楚桥 高永德(643)

致密砂岩气层识别方法研究及应用效果分析 … ………………………………………… 张蕾 成志刚 冯春珍 罗少成 席辉 杨智新(648)

基于毛细管压力曲线储层自动分类及测井评价…………………………………………………… 李宁 王波 邢艳娟 张建民 潘保芝(653)

石油测井新型光纤干涉含水率计研究……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 王昌(658)

地层流体双泵抽技术研究及应用 … ……………………………………………………………… 尤国平 冯永仁 王辉 张小康 褚晓冬(662)

微电阻率井径组合仪单电机双驱动推靠器设计………………………………………………………… 王利宁 陈草棠 包德洲 李玲芝(667)

韩城矿区煤岩类型测井解释技术及产能预测方法 … ………………………………… 邵先杰 董新秀 汤达祯 孙玉波 胥昊 王海洋(671)

基于岩石脆性系数的压裂缝高度与宽度预测方法研究…………………………………………………………… 王成龙 夏宏泉 杨双定(676)

基于曲线样式的非常规油层产能评价方法探索 … ………………………………………………… 邵维志 肖斐 贵兴海 孔海军 易勇(681)

RY凹陷致密砂岩神经网络产能分类预测方法 ………………………………………… 李玮 张占松 祗淑华 丁一 安继星 王晓林(688)

超低渗透油层产能测井快速评价技术研究 … ………………………………………… 郭浩鹏 石玉江 李高仁 张少华 宋琛 汤宏平(694)

涩北气田出水流动特征及解释方法研究…………………………………………………………… 黎明 郭海敏 邱金权 李波 吴朝全(703)

气井井下腐蚀检测技术及其应用……………………………………………………………………… 郑云萍 刘奇 聂畅 陈崎奇 肖杰(707)

聚能药柱与药型罩间空隙对射孔弹穿深影响试验探究……………………………………………………………… 吴焕龙 向旭 赵世华(711)

电缆输送两次下井定方位射孔工艺 … ………………………………………………………… 汤红梅 南迎飞 李元宏 舒淑宁 王秋娥(715)

WLT 2013 Index

Issue No.1

Formation Tester Flow Analysis in Anisotropic Media with Flowline Storage and Skin at Arbitrary Dip …………………………Wilson C Chin(1)

Progresses of Data Processing Methods for Acoustic Reflection Imaging Logging ………………LIChao,YUEWenzheng,JIN Hanglin,et al(13)

Application of Diffluence Electro-magnetic Flowmeter to Oil/water Two-phase Flowrate Measurements…………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yuhui,LIU Xingbin,HU Jinhai,et al(21)

Experimental Study on Frequency Property with Array Electromagnetic Sensor …………………………………………CAIJiatie,WU Xiling(24)

The Influence of Target Film Properties on the Yield of Neutron Tube …………………………XIFanghua,WANG Zhiquan,CHEN Lu,et al(28)

Investigation Characteristics of Density Logging While Drilling Under Different Deviation Angle Conditions……………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Li,SUN Jianmeng,YU Huawei,et al(31)

An Oil-gas-water Three-phase Flow Imaging Algorithm Based on Modified Gaussian Weighted Interpolation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………DONG Yong ,GUO Haimin,LIMengxia(35)

Two-end Metal Effects on the Measurement Accuracy of Array Induction Log ……………………WU Jie,ZHONGDewei,LIMengchun,et al(39)

Improvement of the Integration Mode on Multi-language Logging Applications Using JNA Technology…………………………………………………………………………………………………………YUAN Ye,SHANG Fuhua,CAOMaojun(44)

Pore-throat Configuration Analysis and Fluid Identification of Acidic Volcanic Reservoir ……………………………YANG Xuefeng,QIN Hao(48)

On Comprehensive Log Evaluation Method of Volcanic Reservoir …………………………………ZHANG Lihua,PAN Baozhi,SHAN Gangyi(53)

Log Data Noise Removalwith Self-adaptive adaptive Polynome Fitting Technique …………………CAIZhidong,ZHANGGulan,LIU Zhenya(59)

An Interpretation Plot for Formation Pressure Testing Data Based on Hough Transform………………………………………………………………………………………………………KANG Xiaoquan,SUN Liguo,HU Youliang(63)

On Water-flooded Layer Saturation Calculating Parameter in Pucheng Oilfield …………………………………SHEN Meiying,TAN Haifang(67)

The Power Supply System Designing for Underground High-power Motor of Formation Dynamics Tester(FDT)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Bao,ZHU Bin,HE Xuxin,et al(71)

Design and Implementation of DDS and DSM-based Multi-channel Signal Sources …………………CHEN Yang,GUAN Guoyun,NIE Zaiping(75)

On Response Characteristics Analysis of HAL Tool in Thin Inter-beds and Deviated Hole Formation……………………………………………………………………………………………………FENG Linwei,WANGDegang,HE Fei,et al(80)

Instability Analysis of Through Casing Resistivity Logging Responses in Higher Resistance Formation………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Fuping,CHEN Xiaoan,ZHAO Baochen,et al(85)

Staged Log Data Normalization In Dense Well Pattern………………………………………………CHAIYukun,WANG Zhizhang,LIHanlin(90)

Application ofWireline Formation Test Pressure Data to West Africa Deepwater Reservoir Evaluation ………………QIN Ruibao,TANG Lina(94)

On Coalbed Methane Industrial Components and Gas Content Calculation Model in Heshun Area ……………………………ZHANG Zuoqing(99)

Application of Imaging Logging to Deep-water Gravity Flow Deposits Study ………………HE Xiaohu,ZHANG Yingzhao,ZHANGDaojun,et al(103)

High Energy Gas Fracturing Shells with Cable Burn Prevention Device …………………………………………SUN Haijun,ZHOU Shaomin(110)

Application of Perforating Technique for High Temperature and Pressure Well to Yuanba×Well…………………………………………………………………………………………YAO Zhizhong,ZHAO Kailiang,JIAO Jianguo,et al(114)

Issue No.2

Response Characteristics of Tangential Turbine Flowmeter in Low Flow Rate……………………………………………………………LIJun(119)

Experimental Study on Streaming Potential Influence Factors of Flow in Rock Porous Media……………………………………………………………………………………………BU Yahui,LIAifen,LIU Junrong,ZHANGGuohao(123)

QVDetermination Based on NMR Testing Data …………………………………………ZHANGChong,ZHANG Zhansong,SONGQiuqiang(128)

Analysis of Electrical-acoustic Tortuosity of Equivalent Dual Porosity Media and Its Relationshipswith Elastic Parameters……………………………………………………………………………………………………GE Xinmin,XIE Guanbao,FAN Yiren,et al(132)

Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Logging Response While Drilling in Anisotropic Dipping Formation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………FAN Yiren,HU Yunyun,LIHu,et al(137)

The Characterization of the Radiation Acoustical Fields of an Annular Phased Array…………………………………………………………………………………………………DUANWenxing,QIAOWenxiao,CHE Xiaohua(143)

On the Relation of Porosity and Permeability in Low Porosity and Low Permeability Rock…………………………………………………………………………………………………SHAOWeizhi,XIE Jingyu,CHIXiurong,et al(149)

Tight Gas Reservoir Diagenetic Reservoir Facies Classification and Log Responses in Sulige East Area………………………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Zhigang,SONG Ziqi,JINGCheng,et al(154)

Volcanic Reservoirs Permeability Prediction Using Multi-parameter Approach Based on Hydraulic Flow Units…………………………………………………………………………………………………………WU Yixiong,ZHANGChaomo,LIWei(162)

Evaluation ofWater Saturation in Low Resistivity Reservoir Using Mercury Injection Data……………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Cuiping,PAN Baozhi,CHEN Gang(166)

Log Evaluation About Formation Pore Pressure of Boxing Subsag…………………………………………………………………LIShansheng(169)

Nonlinear Algorithm on Calculating Effective Porosity ……………………………………YUAN Xiaoyu,ZHANGShaonan,LIYingtao,et al(173)

Analysis and Research of Cross-well Electromagnetic Imaging Logging System……………………………………………………………………………………………ZANGDefu,GUO Hongqi,CHAO Yongsheng,et al(177)

Low Noise Analog Receiver Design for NMR Logging Tool ………………………………………YU Huijun,XIAO Lizhi,ZHUWanli,et al(183)

An Identification Method for Mud Pulse Signal Processing …………………………………LIChuanwei,YANG Ling,ZHU Huanfen,et al(187)

Log Evaluation of Borehole Stability in West Sichuan Xujiahe Formation……………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Jun,XU Bingao,HE Chuanliang,ZHOU Huairong(191)

CO2Injection Profile Logging Method and Its Application…………………………………………………………WU Hualei,WANGWeiguo(196)

The Applications of Pulsed Neutron Spectrum Saturation Log to Clastic Rock Reservoir Evaluation in Tahe Oilfield…………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Qincong,MA Lixin,XU Keliang,et al(200)

Energy Spectrum Method to Quantitatively Evaluation for the Second Cementation Interface in VDL…………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANGWei,LIYongjie,WANGYujuan(205)

Log Identification and Seismic Prediction of Lower Cretaceous Fluvial Deposit in South Turgay Basin,Kazakhstan …………………LIJian(209)

Performance Optimization of BH38RDX-46-89 Big Hole Perforating Charge………………………………………………………………………………………………WU Huanlong,XIANG Xu,DU Mingzhang,et al(214)

Parametric Modeling Method for Finite Element Simulation of Perforating Charge Based on TrueGrid Software………………………………………………………………………………………………LUO Hongwei,GUO Peng,WANG Shushan,et al(219)

Issue No.3

On The Calibration Standardization for Petroleum Nuclear Logging Tools …………………………………LU Dawei,QIU Yixiang,HU Xiuni(223)

Experiment Research on Relation of Acoustic Velocity and Porosity in Compact Sandstone Reservoir,Sulige Gas Field………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANGYonghao,DU Huanhong,LIXin,et al(229)

Experiments and Theoretical Calculation of Memory Electromagnetic Flowmeter in Simulation Well…………………………………………………………………………………………MA Shuilong,ZHANG Yuhui,HUANGChunhui,et al(235)

The Response Factors Analysis of the LWD Induction Resistivity Tool

…………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Tiantian,TANG Zhanghong,LIAnzong,et al(239)

On the Method of Clay Content Calculation Based on the Curve Reconstruction of the Formation with High Gamma Value…………………………………………………………………………………………SIMA Liqiang,LUO Xing,ZHANG Fengsheng,et al(244)

On Research and Application of Rotating Magnetic Guidance Method……………………………………………………………LIU Qinglong(249)

Gas Evaluation in Tight Sand Reservoir Using Acoustic Characteristics of Rock…………………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Zhigang,ZHANG Lei,ZHAO Jianwu,et al(253)

Gas Saturation Calculation Method Based on the Pore Structure of the Acidic Volcanic Reservoir………………………………………………………………………………………………………QIN Hao,LIHongjuan,ZHANGChaomo(258)

Volcanic Reservoirs Fluid Identification by Neural Network Based on ShearWave Log Data………………………………………………………………………………………………………BIAN Huiyuan,PAN Baozhi,WANG Fei(264)

Study on Glutenite Reservoir Lithology Identification in Lishu Fault ……………………………LIU Qianru,XUE Linfu,PAN Baozhi,et al(269)

On Oil Shale Reservoir Log Evaluation Technique ……………………………………………WANG Xinlong,LUO Anyin,DIShuhua,et al(274)

Log Interpretation of Natural Gas Hydrate and Its Case History in South China Sea ………………MA Long,MO Xiuwen,LU Jingan,et al(280)

Closeness Degree Methods to Identify Logging Lithology in Coalfield Base on Fuzzy Pattern Recognition………………………………………………………………………………………………LIAN Zengzeng,TAN Zhixiang,DENG Kazhong(285)

Comprehensive Log Evaluation for Coalbed Methane Reservoir in Eastern Block of Ordos Basin……………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Zhidi,YANG Xiuchun,CHEN Caihong,et al(289)

On the Sonic Logging Data Compression Based on LZW Algorithm ………………………ZOU Xueyu,FENG Zhen,ZHANG Shaohua,et al(294)

Design and Application of a Multi-function Logging Signal Format Adapter…………………………………………………………………………………………LUOMingzhang,XIONG Xiaodong,CHEN Bao,et al(287)

A Multi-channel Data Acquisition System for Multi-pole Array Sonic Logging Tool………………………………………………WANG Ying(302)

Design of Test-bench System for Acoustic Logging While Drilling Tool Based on Nios II…………………………………………………………………………………………………WUWenhe,JU Xiaodong,WANGDeguo,et al(306)

Development and Application of Downhole Mono-phase Sampling Tank ………………………………………YOU Guoping,FENG Yongren(310)

Development of TCTR Casedhole Resistivity Logging Tool ………………………………………BAO Dezhou,LIU Jie,WANG Lining,et al(314)

Cementing Quality Evaluation in Tarim Oilfield Through Frequency Spectrum Analyses…………………………………………………………………………………………………FANWentong,WANG Tianyu,AIYong,et al(317)

Application of Mult-well Rsistivity Imaging Data to Paleocurent Drection Analyses and Case Study…………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Shiduo,CAI Jun,GONG Hongjie,et al(322)

Research on Fracturing Technology of Carboniferous Gas Reservoir in Dixi18 Region………………………………………………………………………………………………DING Shihui,CHEN Xiaoling,YUWenjun,et al(327)

Issue No.4

A Review on the Progress and Application of Dipole Acoustic Reflection Imaging Technology……………………………………………………………………………………………TANG Xiaoming,WEIZhoutuo,SU Yuanda,et al(333)

Interpretation of Non-Archie Phenomenon for Carbonate Reservoir ……………………………………………ZENGWenchong,LIU Xuefeng(341)

Advances in Petrophysical Analysis Technology of Shale Gas ……………………………………LIXia,ZHOU Cancan,LIChaoliu,et al(352)

Gas/water Flowing Ability Influence Experimental Study of Permeability Stress Sensibility in Tight Gas Reservoir……………………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Xiaomin,CHENG Zhigang,LINWeichuan,et al(360)

A Comparison Between Experimental Study and Flow Distribution in Measurement Channel of Divided-flow ConductanceWater-cut Meter ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Zhigang(364)

On Water Flow Time Spectrum Interpretation Method in Oxygen Activation Log

……………………………………………………………………………………………………MAHuanying,ZHAO Jie,WU Lejun,et al(368)

Numerical Simulation of Multicomponent Induction Logging Tool in Stratified Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Formation and Its Response Characteristics……………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Jianxun(374)

On Fracture Identification with ConventionalWell Logging Data

………………………………………………………………………………………DONG Shuangbo,KE Shizhen,ZHANGHongjing,et al(380)

On Calculation Method of Hydrocarbon Reservoir Permeability Based on PICKETT Crossplot……………………………………………………………………………………………LIWenxiang,WANG Peichun,LU Hongzhi,et al(385)

Clay Volume Model for Wide-range Spectrometric Neutron GR Log in Medium-shallow Layers of Daqing Oilfield

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………GAO Yanfang,FAN Yuxiu,QIU Jiayu(389)

Study on Classification of Fracture Growth…………………………………………………………………ZHANG Xiaofeng,PAN Baozhi(393)

An OilWater Layer Recognition Method for Consideration of AdjacentMudstone Characteristics………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Jiandong,WANG Xiaolian,GAO Jifeng(397)

Fluids Replacement Identification Technology of Low-contrast Reservoir and Its Application………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Yiguo,REN Laiyi,HE Yonghong,et al(401)

Electronic System Design for Electrokinetic Logging Sonde ……………………………MEN Baiyong,JU Xiaodong,QIAOWenxiao,et al(406)

On the Formation Element and Mineralogy Logging Tool …………………………………YUE Aizhong,WANG Shusheng,HE Xuxin,et al(411)

Design of High-speed Telemetry System Based on Single-core Logging Cable ………………GU Qingshui,CHENWei,WU Ruiqing,et al(417)

Efficient Implementation of FPGA-based DPSD Algorithm………………………………………………………CHEN Yang,NIE Zaiping(421)

The Shale Lithofacies Characteristics and Logging Analysis Techniques in Luojia Area………………………………………………………………………………………………WANGMin,ZHU Jiajun,YU Guanghua,et al(426)

Computation Method of Rock Mechanical Parameter to Low Porosity and Permeability Formation in Bonan Subsag ………………ZHAIYong(432)

Application of C/O Spectral Logging in Jidong Oilfield …………………………………TANG Jinkui,WANG Shaochun,GAOWei,et al(436)

Perforating Parameter Optimization Technique for HorizontalWell in Shengli Oilfield……………………………………………………………………………………………REN Minyan,TIAN Yugang,ZHANG Feng,et al(441)

Research and Application of Composite Perforation Technology in HorizontalWells……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Haihua,SHIXihong,WANGWenjun,et al(445)

On Dynamic Rotary Oriented Perforation Technology …………………………………………HE Hongpin,LU Lijun,MU Guanghua,et al(451)

Issue No.5

Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas Evaluation Based on New Seven Related Logging Goals … ……………………………………SUN Jianmeng(457)

Numerical Simulation of Mud-cake Dynamic Formation and Reservoir Mud Filtrate Invasion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………FAN Yiren,HU Yunyun,LIHu,et al(466)

Experimental Analysis of Flow Characteristics of Oil-water Two-phase Flow Based on Combination of Differential Pressure and Conductance Sensor ……………………………………………………………………HUANGChunhui,HU Jinhai,LIU Xingbin,et al(472)

Estimation Method of Gas Holdup in Vertical Rising Pipe by Multi-fiber Sensors………………………………………………………………………………………………YU Lina,KONGWeihang,KONG Lingfu,et al(476)

On the Response Characteristics of High Resolution Dual Laterolog and Common Dual Laterolog…………………………………………………………………………………………………FENG Linwei,TANG Tianzhi,HE Fei,et al(481)

A Fast Inversion Method of3D Induction Logging Responses in Layered Anisotropic Formation…………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANGGuoyan,XIAO Jiaqi,HONGDecheng(487)

Correction Method for Iron Peak Drift of C/O Spectral Logging ………………………………JIANG Yizhong,XU Cheng,WEIJing,et al(492)

On Features and Logging Recognition Method of Structure Unit in Fracture Belt ………………LIUWei,ZHU liufang,XU Donghui,et al(495)

Log Evaluation for Low Permeability Reservoir in Majing-Shifang Area ………………………LIYangbing,ZHANG Yun,GE Xiang,et al(499)

Factors Affecting NMR Data Acquisition Quality and Control Measures ………………………DING Yujiao,SHAOWeizhi,LIQinghe,et al(505)

Development and Application of CIFLog-CMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data Processing and Interpretation Software……………………………………………………………………………………………FENGQingfu,HE Zongbin,ZHANGGong,et al(513)

On Characteristics of SaltMud Invaded Low Resistivity Reservoirs and Its Logging Interpretation Method……………………………………………………………………………………………………SU Nina,LIU Jiangtao,SONG Fan,et al(517)

A Method to Pick up Fractures Automatically in Imaging Logging … ……………………………LIU Yingming,QIU Yingshu,FENG Qingfu(523)

Application of Digital Signal Processor to Acoustic LWD Tool …………………………LU Junqiang,JU Xiaodong,QIAOWenxiao,et al(527)

Design and Application of0.2 Meter High Resolution Dual Laterolog Tool…………………………………………………………………………………………SONG Jianhua,TONGMaosong,YU Hengxian,et al(531)

Numerical Simulation on Vibration of Circular Acoustic Dipole Transducer …………………………HE Fengjiang,YU Gang,ZHAO Ting(537)

Applications of the PNST Pulsed Neutron Spectral Tool in Daqing Oilfield……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Hua,LIU Xianwei,DONG Jianhua,et al(541)

Application of AziTrak Tool to Geosteering of HorizontalWell Development ………………WU Yimin,XIONG Shuquan,LIChuyin,et al(547)

On Logging Engineering Accident Treatment and Prevention in Tahe Oilfield ……………………LUO Rong,JIANG Jianping,CUIGuang(552)

Sedimentary Facies Analysis Using Multiple Logging Data for the Lower Cretaceous in×Block…………………………………………………………………………………………WANGGaiyun,WANG Liaoliang,LIU Jinping,et al(557)

The Precise Comparision and the Hydrocarbon Accumlation Regularity of Sangonghe Group Moxizhuang Oilfield……………………………………………………………………………………………GUAN Yongguo,LIYanying,WU Chunwen,et al(562)

The Application of BP Neural Network to the Source Rocks Evaluation in Xihu Sag………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Xingqi,CHEN Jianfa,GUOWang,et al(567)

The Control Model for Pumping Down Toolstring Composed of Tussocky Perforation Guns and Frac Plug in Unconventional HorizontalWell ………………………………………………………………………ZHU Xiuxing,XUE Shifeng,TONG Xinghua,et al(572)

Composite Perforation of Oil and GasWells/HEGF Access to Information and Signature Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………CUIChunsheng,MA Tiehua,PEIDongxing,et al(579)

Analysis of Perforating Gun Explosion Accident and Its Salvage Measures for the HorizontalWell……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Yang,LU Lijun,WANG Shengzhan,et al(583)

Issue No.6

Application and Development of Reservoir Quality Evaluation Technology Based on Three Kinds of Logging Parameters……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Jinyan(587)

Evaluation Technique of Mudstone Caprock Based on Logging Data ………………………………………………ZHAO Junlong,GAO Xiuli(594)

The Research on Pore Structure in Tight Sand Reservoir Based on the Three-component Decomposition Theory of the NMR T2Spectrum ……………………………………………………………………………CONG Yunhai,FAN Yiren,DENG Shaogui,et al(600)

Experimental Study on the Thermal Flowmeter Measuring the Flowrate of Oil-water Two-phase Flow………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Yanjun,HU Jinhai,LIU Xingbin,et al(605)

On the Numerical Approximation Study of Rock-electricity Relationship and Its Application……………………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Daojie,LIDongping,WAN Jinbing,et al(608)

On the Nummerical Modeling of3D Induction Logging Response Calibration by FEM…………………………………………………………………………………………………YU Yanming,XIAO Jiaqi,KE Shizhen,et al(613)

Determining the Sonde Error of Array Induction Logging Based on the Half Space Measurement…………………………………………………………………………………………LIMengchun,WANG Chenglong,CHEN Bao,et al(619)

The Geometric Factor Theory for Logging Curves………………………………………………………………ZHU Liufang,SHEN Jianguo(624)

Research on the Calibration for Multi-component Induction Logging………………………………………………LU Tao,SUN Xiangyang(629)

The Application of Multi-parameters Identification Technology to Low Resistivity Payzones in Shengli Oilfield…………………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Zhichang,HUANG Xinping,HE Fei,et al(633)

Complication Lithology Logging Identification of the Lucaogou Tight Oil Reservoir in Jimusaer Depression………………………………………………………………………………………KUANG Lichun,SUN Zhongchun,OUYANGMin,et al(638)

Effectiveness of Evaluating Vuggy Reservoir with Ternary Factors Coupling Approach…………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Zhaohui,GAO Chuqiao,GAO Yongde(643)

On Identification Methods of Tight Sand Gas Layer and Their Application Effect Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Lei,CHENG Zhigang,FENGChunzhen,et al(648)

Auto-classification and Evaluation of Reservoirs with Logs Based on Capillary Pressure Curves……………………………………………………………………………………………………LINing,WANG Bo,XINGYanjuan,et al(653)

Design of New Water Cut Meter Based on Fiber Optic Interferometer for Well Logging …………………………………………WANGChang(658)

R&D and Applications of Dual Flow Pump for Downhole Fluid …………………………YOU Guoping,FENG Yongren,WANGHui,et al(662)

Design of Pushing Device for Single Motor Double Drive of Micro-electrode Caliper Logging Tool…………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Lining,CHEN Caotang,BAO Dezhou,et al(667)

Coal Type Definition and Productivity Production of Hancheng Mining Area Based on Logging Data…………………………………………………………………………………………SHAO Xianjie,DONG Xinxiu,TANGDazhen ,et al(671)

On Fracture Height and Width Prediction Method Based on Rock Brittleness Coefficient………………………………………………………………………………………WANGChenglong,XIAHongquan,YANG Shuangding(676)

Exploration of Productivity Evaluation Methods Based on Curve Styles in Unconventional Reservoir…………………………………………………………………………………………………SHAOWeizhi,XIAO Fei,GUIXinghai,et al(681)

Neural Network Productivity Prediction in Tight Sandstone of RY Depression ………………LIWei,ZHANG Zhansong,ZHIShuhua,et al(688)

On Well Logging Technology to Quickly Evaluate Productivity of the Ultra-low Permeability Reservoir…………………………………………………………………………………………………GUO Haopeng,SHIYujiang,LIGaoren,et al(694)

On Flow Characteristics ofWater and Interpretation Method in Sebei Gasfield …………………LIMing,GUO Haimin,QIU Jinquan,et al(703)

A Review of Casing Inspection Technology and Its Application in Downhole Corrosion Evaluation of GasWell…………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Yunping,LIU Qi,NIE Chang,et al(707)

Experimental Research on the Effect of Variable Clearance Between Shaped Charge and Liner on the Perforators Penetration……………………………………………………………………………………………………WU Huanlong,XIANG Xu,ZHAO Shihua(711)

On Wireline Conveyed Directional Perforation Technology by Two Trips Downhole……………………………………………………………………………………………TANGHongmei,NAN Yingfei,LIYuanhong,et al(715)

测井技术(2022年3期)2022-11-25 21:41:51
中国煤层气(2021年5期)2021-03-02 05:53:12
测井技术(2019年1期)2019-02-17 21:05:16
测井技术(2017年5期)2017-03-25 03:05:04
中国煤层气(2015年4期)2015-08-22 03:28:01