(中央财经大学应用数学学院,北京 100081)
(中央财经大学应用数学学院,北京 100081)
DO I:10.3969/j.issn.1008-5513.2013.05.003
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W ave-b reaking phenom ena for a generalized com p ressib le elastic-rod equation
Jiang Lingyu
(Department of M athematics,Central University of Finance and Econom ics,Beijing 100081,China)
We investigate in the paper the wave-breaking phenomenon of a generalized hyperelastic-rod wave equation,which occurs in f nite time for certain initialp rof les.M oreover,we obtain the existence of some peaked solitary wave solu tions.The results obtained enriches the research of the type of the Cam assa-Holm equation.
generalized hyperelastic-rod wave equation,b low-up phenom enon,peaked solitary wave solutions
2010 MSC:35J15