
2013-06-18 01:49
阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2013年5期




众所周知,中国人擅长打乒乓球。他们在奥运会乒乓球项目赢得的金牌数量远远超过其他国家。然而,假如你认为中国人发明了这项运动,英国人会马上纠正你。他们会指出,乒乓球始于一项饭后游戏,维多利亚时期的绅士们抽着雪茄,用香槟酒的软木塞当作球,用书当作球网和球拍,在餐桌上玩这种游戏。他们把这种游戏叫做“乒乓球(wiff waff)”。







随着今年奥运会的临近,英国人已经沉浸在他们发明的运动之中。在一本新书里,伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊夸耀说,这些运动显示了英国与其他国家的本质区别。约翰逊说,其他国家的人——比如法国人看到餐桌,只会想到用餐;而富有发明天分的英国人看到同样的餐桌,则玩起了乒乓球(wiff waff)。


Like everyone, everywhere, the British are dreaming of winning piles of Olympic medals. But if other athletes from other nations happen to run off with the lions share[最大的一份] of the golds again, the Brits will know how to console[安慰] themselves. Theyll head for the pub, order a beer, and ruminate[反复思考] on the fact that half of these sports wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for them. Theres a curious conviction[深信] among the British, that the best games on this planet were invented by them. Well, maybe not by them directly; by their sporty ancestors[祖先], looking for something wholesome[有益身心的] to do when they needed a break from drinking and running the British Empire.

The list of sports the Brits say they created is surprisingly long. It includes tennis, field hockey, soccer, badminton, golf, squash[壁球] and modern boxing.

Everyone knows the Chinese are the masters of ping pong. Theyve won far more Olympic gold medals than anyone else. Yet, if you suggest they invented that sport, the British will swiftly[很快地] put you straight. Theyll point out it began as an after-dinner game, played on the dinner table by cigar-puffing[喷出] Victorian gentlemen, using a champagne[香槟] cork[软木塞] as the ball, and books as the net and paddles[球拍]. They called it wiff waff.

Some Brits even suggested this nation invented baseball, after a 260-year-old diary surfaced in England, containing a description of a kid, playing something that sounded a little like that great game.

Theres more. The British also firmly believe Britain is the birthplace of the modern Olympics. In the heart of rural England—in a county called Shropshire—lies the little market town of Much Wenlock. Its inns[旅馆] and crooked[弯曲的] houses go back to medieval[中世纪的] times.

In the mid-19th century, the local doctor was a man called William Penny Brookes. Brookes was a passionate[充满热情的] believer that sports good for mind, body and soul, and that everyone should be allowed a crack[尝试] at it, from farm hands to the local gentry[乡绅]. So he organized the Much Wenlock Olympics.

The games began with a procession[行列,队伍] through town, led by a band—the model, perhaps, for todays opening ceremony[仪式]. There were wheelbarrow[独轮手推车] races, singing, and quoits[掷铁环游戏]—another Old English invention that involved throwing a piece of rope or a horseshoe. Townsfolk ran around a track, and tossed[投,掷] a big rock. Much Wenlock still holds its Olympics annually[一年一次], though with different sports.

Brookes was as interested in ancient Greece as he was in sports. He began to bombard[炮轰] the Greek government with letters, urging[力劝] it to revive[(使)复兴] the Olympic Games in Athens. Eventually, Brookes recruited[征募] the support of a sports-mad French baron注 who took up his cause[事业] with gusto[由衷的高兴] and won the Greeks around.

In 1896, the first modern Summer Olympics were held in Athens, four months after Brookes died. The rest is history.

As this years games approach[接近], the British are already reveling[陶醉] in all their sporting inventions. In a new book, the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, boasts[自夸] that these reveal[显示] the essential[本质的] difference between Britain and the rest of the world. The people of other nations, like the French, looked at a dining table and merely saw the opportunity to have dinner, says Johnson. The ingenious[有独创性的] British looked at the same table and played wiff waff.

I know, I know—big deal. But dont we all need something to hang onto[紧紧抓住] when were weeping into our beer?
