by Gretchen Rubin
With all the supply lists, school clothes and emergency contact sheets required before September begins, I can barely 1)keep track of everything I have to buy, fill out or turn in. The new school year means that a bunch of new stuff will pour into our apartment—and I still havent figured out what to do with all the stuff from last year.
I recently pulled down from a shelf a large, wooden art project that my 7-year-old had made and tried to decide its fate. On the one hand, I couldnt imagine throwing away this precious relic of her childhood. On the other hand, I live in Manhattan, and I needed to make room for her new creations. 2)Paralyzed with indecision, I shoved it back on the shelf.
This is the cultural 3)dilemma that supports a multibillion-dollar storage industry: we love our stuff, and we also dream of being free of it. According to the Self Storage Association, 1 in 10 American households rents a storage unit. And still our closets, attics, basements and garages are jampacked with stuff.
The Department of Energy estimates that 25 percent of people who have two-car garages dont park their cars inside.
All this 4)clutter can drive people to desperate lengths. I know a guy who recklessly deleted every e-mail in his in-box to achieve the 5)ecstasy of“in-box zero.” Another 6)acquaintance celebrates New Years by tossing out every single item in her fridge. “Even a bottle of ketchup thats still half full?” I pressed. “Everything,” she answered. Theres something about getting control over stuff that makes us feel more in control of life. While were constantly bombarded with messages of“More!” and “Buy now!” were also offered the 7)tantalizing promise “Youll be happier with less!”
But simplicity is complicated. (Even 8)Thoreau, in his famous 9)admonition “Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!” couldnt limit himself to a single “simplicity.”)
Id argue that, because we dont want to think of ourselves as 10)materialistic or preoccupied with acquiring things, we too often deny the importance of our possessions and dont spend enough time thinking about how possessions can boost happiness. The things we own exert a powerful influence over the atmosphere of our homes. Objects received as gifts 11)commemorate important milestones like weddings, births and graduations. Photos remind us of those we love. Possessions cant make us happy alone, but they can indeed play an important role in a happy life.
The key to resolving the contradiction at the heart of ownership—the battling lures of accumulation and elimination—is to cultivate a true simplicity, in which were both surrounded by useful, beloved things and free from the oppressive weight of meaningless possessions.
To do this, it helps to consider, first, the“12)endowment effect”: once we own an object, we value it more. For this reason, it pays to 13)be wary of 14)hand-me-downs, 15)tag sales and promotional swag. The innocent-looking 16)gimcrack you pick up on a whim may root itself in your home for years.
The second consideration is the charm of 17)procrastination. When I was helping a friend clear out her closets, we discovered a 18)cache of dusty business suits left over from her days at an investment bank. “Um, why exactly are you saving these?” I asked. “Well, my daughter might want to wear them some day,” she answered. “Youre nuts,”I said kindly. “Theres no way your first-grader is ever going to wear a decades-old business suit.”
The third consideration is the tug of 19)nostalgia. I find this one particularly powerful when I associate an object with my daughters childhoods. To deal with this impulse, I exploit the power of the nostalgia effect by deliberately 20)curating and preserving memories.
Heres how it works: Once I decide that this art project is the one thats truly worth keeping, I place it prominently on a shelf, and this action frees me to toss out most of my childs other creations. I can cherish one first-grade art project, but I cant cherish every art project. One of my secrets is this: Someplace, keep an empty shelf, and someplace, keep a junk drawer.
We all need simplicity, order and enough room to 21)accommodate new possibilities. But we also need luxurious abundance and collections of things that are precious to us. By mindfully deciding what to put in, we know what we can leave out.
1. Do you purchase or collect items that you do not need?
A) Yes B) Sometimes C) No
2. Are you able to restrain yourself from buying or collecting items that you do not need?
A) Yes B) Sometimes C) No
3. Do people around you argue that you collect useless items, and is it causing problems in your relationships?
A) Yes B) Sometimes C) No
4. If you are short of space, would you willingly dispose such objects?
A) Yes B) Sometimes C) No
5. Is your habit of accumulating objects interfering with your studies, work, social or family life by eating into your time?
A) Yes B) Sometimes C) No
6. Are you unable to use living spaces in your home because they are filled with clutter?
A) Yes B) Sometimes C) No
7. Does collecting items that others find useless, make you feel good?
A) Yes B) Sometimes C) No