
2013-04-29 00:44:03菲尔·康崔诺
电影中国 2013年6期


In the last issue of CineChina, I wrote about high expectations for Gravity. I'm happy to report that the film has now exceeded even the most optimistic expectations—both commercially and artistically.


As I write this article, Gravity has earned more than $430 million in North America—and thats before it opened theatrically in China. We are optimistic that the film's performance in China will be very strong, and that it will move well past $500 million globally as a result.


Groundbreaking works of art like Gravity don't come our way every year. If they did, well, then they wouldn't be truly groundbreaking. Every once in a while a film comes along with the power to completely shatter genre expectations in such a way that similar films released after it cannot avoid comparisons. I feel bad for new films set in space that open after Gravity. It will be extremely difficult for any effort to match the impact that Gravity has had. Of course, that won't stop Hollywood from trying. One thing that Hollywood is good at is copying success stories. Unfortunately, they don't know when to stop copying and the result is that certain genres begin to come across as boring because the market is full of lazy efforts to cash in. Just look at what happened after the first Paranormal Activity film hit theaters and started to make a lot of money. There were several films released soon after, and now a genre that was once exciting is being made fun of by people in the industry as well as paying moviegoers. I'm worried that if too many films try to copy Gravity its legacy will weaken. That's often an unfortunate side effect of great success.


Anyway, the aim of this article is not point out Hollywood's flaws, but rather to celebrate a moment when the filmmaking community took a chance on something new and exciting and it paid off. The value of Gravity to the general well-being of our industry cannot be underestimated. It's important to remember that movie theaters now face more competition than they ever have before from more viewing options at home. As a result, many moviegoers want to walk out of a theater feeling like they experienced something that they couldn't possibly achieve while sitting on their couch. Gravity is giving customers around the world that very feeling.


Ive already seen Gravity two times in theaters and I know that I want to go back at least one more time. The first time I saw the film, it was an IMAX 3D showing. I was blown away just like everyone else. (Of course, my fear of heights made the experience even more intense.) The second time I saw the film, it was just in 2D. While I still had a great time watching it, the 2D version just didnt compare to the IMAX 3D version. Gravity is a film that is meant to be seen on the biggest screen possible. I feel bad for anybody who misses out on the experience, and its the job of everyone in this industry to use Gravity as an example of how superior the theatrical experience is to watching a movie on a television, tablet or a cell phone.

我已经在影院看过两遍《地心引力》,我想我至少还会再去一次。我第一次看这部电影,是IMAX 3D版本的。我像其余每个人那样大为震撼。(当然,我的恐高症使体验更强烈。)我第二次看的电影只是2D版本。虽然我仍观赏得津津有味,但2D版本绝对不可与IMAX 3D版本相提并论。《地心引力》是一部原本就该在最大的银幕上观赏的电影。谁错过这种体验,我都为他感到遗憾;我们每一个从业人员都有责任,以《地心引力》为例告诉大家,优越的电影院体验远胜在电视、平板电脑或手机上观看电影。

The notion that movie theaters are simply not necessary is one that needs to be stopped quickly. It doesn't help that media often likes to embrace the negative side of that argument. Members of the American media especially love to write articles about the death of movie theaters, and they aren't willing to let facts get in the way of their lazy efforts to speak negatively about an industry that is still very healthy. When movies like Gravity come along, those same writers speak as though a groundbreaking work has single-handedly brought the movie theater industry back from ruin. This kind of writing is an unfortunate result of a media climate that rewards negative stories over positive ones. After all, a lot of Internet users clearly seem to think that a negative headline is often more interesting than a positive one. We could all stand to be a little more positive about an industry that has provided such great memories and will continue to do so in the years to come.


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