Magda: (talking into phone) So…OK…hmm...yeah! Thats great news!
Olivia: So? Did you get the job?
Magda: Yes!
All: Oh…well done! Fantastic!
Magda: But...
Harry: Theres always a “but”...
Magda: Its only on a trial basis...just for a month.
Harry: OK, thats pretty normal actually. Most companies do that.
Olivia: But they are paying you, yes?
Magda: Oh yes, the salary isnt bad. Its not an 1)internship.
Harry: I did internships for ages...had to work for a month to get experience—no pay!—and then I never got offered a real job at the end. Like now! Im doing this work for Johnnys company—they want me to work at weekends too—Saturdays and Sundays—with no extra money!
Olivia: Thats terrible!
Harry: I dont know what to do...I want to say“no”, but Im afraid Ill lose the job...
Olivia: Youll have to think carefully about it!
Magda: Or youll be trying to do an internship again! Only joking! It can be important to do an internship if you want to get experience—things to put on your CV.
Harry: Yeah, I guess youre right, but Im past that stage...Ive got lots of experience now.
Magda: Im really worried though, about my first day, really nervous. I might be terrible!
Olivia: Dont worry Magda, youll be great. Show them how good you are in the first month and theyll be offering you more money by the second month!
Magda: Lets hope so!
Harry: What are you going to be doing exactly?
Magda: Well, its a lot of 2)admin work, but I do get a chance to work with the senior partners on some designs.
Harry: Great...What is it you do again?
Olivia: (sigh) Harry! How come you always forget this stuff?
Magda: Architecture! Im an architect! I design buildings!
Harry: Oh yeah, right, of course.
(enter Sarah)
Sarah: Shes a good one too, Harry—Ive seen some of her drawings.
Harry: Oh really, Sarah!
Sarah: I keep on telling her that she should go to China—there are lots of opportunities there at the moment.
Magda: Maybe, one day. Thatd be really interesting. How are you, Sarah?
Sarah: OK.
Harry: Hows the new flat?
Sarah: Thats the problem...
Olivia: Oh no! Youve only just moved in!
Magda: I thought the flat was great.
Sarah: The flat is nice, but the problem is the 3)landlord...
Olivia: Isnt that Fadis cousin?
Sarah: Yes, exactly. But hes really 4)intrusive.
Magda: Intrusive?
Sarah: He comes round all the time, wants to know everything about me. I think that if I pay rent, thats it, I shouldnt have to tell him anything else.
Olivia: I see...well thats not on, is it? Have you mentioned it to Fadi?
Sarah: No, I dont know how to. He was so kind helping me get the place. I dont want to seem rude.
Olivia: Would you like me to have a word with him?
Sarah: Could you? Thatd be really great. Id really appreciate it.
Olivia: Ill say something the next time I see him. Promise.
Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition.
1. You are working here___________ a trial basis.
2. I need to think carefully___________ it before I give you my answer.
3. I have a chance to work___________ the senior partners.
4. We are working___________ some designs for a new bridge.
5. He comes___________ to my place every day.
6. Shall I have a word___________ him?
千年穹顶(Millennium Dome)位于伦敦东部泰晤士河畔的格林威治半岛上,是英国政府为迎接21世纪而兴建的标志性建筑。
1. on 2. about 3. with
4. on 5. round 6. with