《河海大学学报( 哲学社会科学版) 》2013 年总目次

2013-04-06 03:29:50


论马克思主义理论内容整体性的逻辑推进 ……………………………………………………吴 远,李秀娟(1,1)

马克思主义中国化理论视野下的陈云文化思想研究 …………………………………………李 宁,龙 飞(1,7)


论生态文明与马克思主义“生态化” ……………………………………………………………………白 煜(1,17)

求真务实:中国共产党思想路线的认识飞跃和科学表述 ………………………………………………张森年(1,21)

水库移民安置不同阶段的公众参与研究——以A水库昌平县移民公众参与为例……………………………………………………………………………………蔡萌生,蒋 力,曹志杰(1,26)

水库移民社会支持网与安置效果分析 …………………………………………………………周现富,张华山(1,30)

环保“土政策”:环境法失灵的一个解释 ………………………………………………………耿言虎,陈 涛(1,34)

灾区居民恢复重建的社会资本构成及其形式——对L安置社区的考察 …………王理平,许佳君,王晓怡(1,39)

水库移民后期扶持资源整合:理论解析与框架优化 ………………………………郑瑞强,张锦文,徐元刚(1,43)

多元视角下用水户协会配置的节水研究 ………………………………………………………郑志来,章仁俊(1,47)

基于市场信号理论的广告有效性影响实证研究 ………………………………………………施国良,姚 斌(1,51)

宏观经济不确定性与公司投资行为——基于时期随机效应的实证研究 ……………………陆庆春,朱晓筱(1,56)

冲突与缓和:市民社会语境中市民和国家——以集体土地征收补偿立法为维度 ……………………胡 建(1,60)

论温室气体排放管制的法哲学根据 ……………………………………………………………………刘明明(1,64)

环境公害犯罪适用严格责任的必要性 …………………………………………………………………魏汉涛(1,67)

我国水市场法律制度的非均衡研究 ……………………………………………………………………张莉莉(1,72)

论萧红形象的历史变异 …………………………………………………………………………王金茹,王学谦(1,77)

从文学语言的角度看“五四”散文的成功 ………………………………………………………………王佳琴(1,81)

论《特别响,非常近》的创伤书写 ………………………………………………………………朱桂成,彭莉莉(1,85)

论实事求是的实践障碍——以中国共产党九十余年奋斗历史为叙事主线 …………………………张 明(2,1)

以高度的理论自觉推进马克思主义中国化进程——“理论自觉与文化自觉:马克思主义与当代中国发展”学术研讨会综述 ……………………………………………………………………………………程广丽(2,6)

中国马克思主义哲学研究范式问题的生成逻辑与前提反思 …………………………………………蒋 楼(2,10)


思想政治工作视角下的农民精神困境及对策 …………………………………………………………刘学坤(2,19)

当代西方政治思潮对大学生政治自觉的消解及应对 …………………………………………………李青励(2,23)

真理与谎言之辨——理解尼采哲学的新起点 …………………………………………………………宋海勇(2,27)

试论后现代主义对“科玄论战”的消解 ………………………………………………………张 雁,许陈训(2,31)

生存哲学:论林语堂对道家哲学的现代转化 ……………………………………………………………雷文学(2,35)

互动机制下的教育与社会分层 …………………………………………………………………………史秋霞(2,39)

生存压力下农村民办学校的组织运作——一项基于Y校的个案研究 ……………………王毅杰,汪 毅(2,44)

失地农民非正式渠道的利益诉求方式——以L村失地农民诉求为例 ………………………陈绍军,李 晖(2,49)

现代性:思想政治教育社会学建构的起点 ………………………………………………………………叶方兴(2,54)

虚拟水贸易研究综述 ……………………………………………………………………………李 锋,王春月(2,57)

碳排放、贸易结构与产业转移研究综述 ………………………………………………朱智洺,沈天苗,何冰雁(2,63)

低碳背景下我国国际贸易与环境保护协同发展研究 …………………………………………………丁 黎(2,67)

资源型地区科技创新的变动趋势研究——基于DEA-Malmquist指数的实证研究 …………郑永杰,齐中英(2,73)

近年来我国文化体制改革研究述评 ……………………………………………………………………郝清杰(2,77)

文化领导权重构的整体性治理研究 ……………………………………………………………朱倬然,张 炜(2,81)

多元文化视角下“文化定型”的破与立 ………………………………………………………孙晓凌,郑亚南(2,85)


马克思幸福观的三重意蕴 ………………………………………………………………………………庄忠正(3,5)

消费模式的绿色转向——本·阿格尔生态学马克思主义理论的启示 ………………………………常宴会(3,9)

“视域融合”下的马克思主义中国化与“儒学复兴”… …………………………………………………韦汉吉(3,13)

中国特色社会主义理论体系逻辑构建研究综述 ………………………………………………………任 琳(3,17)

从德勒兹哲学中的反辩证法精神看差异的创造性生产 ………………………………………………吴 静(3,22)

节俭的四重维度论析 ……………………………………………………………………………………姚郁卉(3,27)

论禅宗思想的生态诠释 …………………………………………………………………………………丁建华(3,31)

城市独生子女父母养老风险探析——以南京市为例 …………………………………………王 萍,陈 颖(3,35)

国内农民环境维权研究的结构与文化路径 ……………………………………………………………张金俊(3,41)

社会变迁中的水库移民融入——来自章村移民融入经验 ……………………………………王沛沛,许佳君(3,46)

我国城市水价定价方法研究进展 ……………………………………………………姜翔程,周 迅,宋夏阳(3,51)

文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业研究综述 …………………………………………………陈玉国,陈子薇(3,56)

完善影子银行系统银信理财产品金融管制的研究 …………………………………颜 霖,尹庆民,张凌靖(3,61)

行政强制、行政诉讼与国有土地上房屋征收和补偿问题研究——江苏省法学会行政法学研究会2012年年会综述 ……………………………………………………………………………………钱 卿(3,65)

论水行政强制制度的规范及改进——以《行政强制法》的实施为视角 ……………………顾向一,吴志红(3,69)

应对灾害提供保护的框架原则及其构建完善 …………………………………………………………赵 洲(3,74)

环境变迁:解读人与自然的关系——《象之退隐》评述 ………………………………………………黄齐东(3,78)

经济伦理学利益相关者理论视角下的译者主体性研究:《红高粱家族》英译本个案分析……………………………………………………………………………………………孙宁宁,韩 甜(3,82)

舞台指令视角下话语对语境的顺应:《推销员之死》个案分析 ………………………………………方 颖(3,86)

马克思的三大社会形态理论辨析 ………………………………………………………………………洪光东(4,1)


苏东解体以来马克思恩格斯政权思想研究综述 ………………………………………………………李红亮(4,9)

思想政治教育者素质构成新论 …………………………………………………………………………刘五景(4,15)

思想政治教育研究的科学精神及其建构 ………………………………………………………刘取芝,孙其昂(4,19)

政治共识视域下的中国特色政党制度发展探析 ………………………………………………王孝勇,郭智勇(4,25)

中国社会认同研究十年 …………………………………………………………………………………王琪瑛(4,29)

农村环境问题的三重维度——义村个案研究 …………………………………………………………蒋 培(4,35)

生态危机的根源与治理——基于社区主义的视角 ……………………………………………………李金红(4,40)

居民参与大多数冷漠的原因与对策 ……………………………………………………………………孙旭友(4,45)

水利科技进步投入产出作用机理及贡献率测算——来自江苏省的实证分析…………………………………………………………………袁汝华,孔德财,吴凤平,陈 辉,朱 敏(4,50)

重大水利工程环境损害的社会稳定风险评价研究述评 ……………………………张长征,黄德春,王 波(4,54)

我国流域初始水权分配研究综述 ………………………………………………………………尹庆民,刘思思(4,58)

国内外水业投融资体制改革研究综述 ………………………………………………徐 敏,王 凌,徐 勇(4,63)

价值链国际分工下的研发知识外溢:治理模式差异比较 ………………………………………………徐道娟(4,69)

《情感教育》的“螺旋体”空间叙事 ………………………………………………………………………朱婷婷(4,74)

论济慈诗歌中的启蒙思想及当代意义 …………………………………………………………………马 涛(4,79)

论《边城》中“父”的观念与意识 ………………………………………………………………冉 华,魏 巍(4,84)


(Figures in brackets are No.Page respectively)

Logical Progression of ContentIntegrity of Marxism ……………………………………………………………Wu Yuan,et al(1,1)

Study of Cultural Thought of Chen Yun from the Perspective of Sinicization of Marxism ………………………Li Ning,et al(1,7)

The Original State and ContemporaryInterpretation of Ecological Thought of Marxism:A Case Study of the Report of the 18th National Congress of the CPC on Constructing Ecological Civilization ………………………Zhang Yixiu(1,12)

Ecological Civilization and Ecology-Oriented Marxism …………………………………………………………………Bai Yu(1,17)

Seeking Truth and Concerning Reality:The Understanding Leap and Scientific Statement of CPCIdeological Lines………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Sennian(1,21)

Public Participation in Different Stages of the Reservoir Resettlement:A Case Study of Reservoir Migrants of Changping County………………………………………………………………………………………………………Cai Mengsheng,et al(1,26)

An Analysis of Social Support Network and Resettlement Effect of Reservoir Migrants ……………………Zhou Xianfu,et al(1,30)

Local Policies on Environmental Protection:An Explanation to the Failure of Environmental Law ………Geng Yanhu,et al(1,34)

Formation of Reestablished Social Capital of Disaster-Stricken Area’sInhabitants:A Survey of L Resettlement Community…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Wang Liping,et al(1,39)

Resources’Integration of Later-Stage Support of Reservoir Migrants:Theoretical Analysis and Frame Optimization………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zheng Ruiqiang,et al(1,43)

Research into Water-Saving from the Multi-Perspective ofWater-User Association Allocation ……………Zheng Zhilai,et al(1,47)

An Empirical Study of Advertising Effectiveness Based on Signal Theory …………………………………Shi Guoliang,et al(1,51)

Macro-Economic Uncertainty andInvestments:An Empirical Study Based on the Random Effect ………Lu Qingchun,et al(1,56)

Conflict and Reconciliation:City Residents and State in the Context of Civil Society from the Perspective of the Law of Collective Land Expropriation Compensation ………………………………………………………………………Hu Jian(1,60)

Jurisprudential Basis of Emission Regulation of Greenhouse Gas ………………………………………………Liu Mingming(1,64)

The Necessary Argument on Strict Liability in Environmental Crime ………………………………………………Wei Hantao(1,67)

A Study of the Disequilibrium of Legal System in Chinese Water Market …………………………………………Zhang Lili(1,72)


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Traumatic Writing of Extremely Loud andIncredibly Close …………………………………………………Zhu Guicheng,et al(1,85)

Practical Barrier to Seeking Truth from Facts:A Study of Ninety-Year History of The Communist Party of China…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Ming(2,1)

Promoting the Process of Adapting Marxism to China’s Conditionswith High Theoretical Consciousness:A Summary of Symposium on Marxism and the Development of Contemporary China ……………………………………Cheng Guangli(2,6)

Generation Logic and Premise Reflection on China’s Research Paradigm of Marxist Philosophy ……………………Jiang Lou(2,10)

A Study of Fictitious Use Value of Theory of Generalized Fictitious Economy:Research Development of the Connotation of Use Value from the Perspective of Marxist Two Factors of Commodity ………………………………Wang Yanliang,et al(2,14)

On Spiritual Predicament of Chinese Farmers and Countermeasures Concerned from the Perspective ofIdeological and PoliticalWork ………………………………………………………………………………………………Liu Xuekun(2,19)

Impact ofWestern Political Thoughts on College Students’Political Consciousness and Countermeasures …………LiQingli(2,23)

Distinction between Truth and Lies:A New Starting Point for Understanding Nietzsche’s Philosophy …………Song Haiyong(2,27)

Reconciliation of Science School and Metaphysics School:Impact of PostmodernismIdeas …………………Zhang Yan,et al(2,31)

Philosophy of Survival:Lin Yutang’sImpact on Modern Transformation of Taoist Philosophy ……………………LeiWenxue(2,35)

Education and Social Stratification in the Context ofInteractive Mechanism ………………………………………Shi Qiuxia(2,39)

Organizational Operation of Rural Private Schools under Survival Pressure:A Case Study of Y School ……Wang Yijie,et al(2,44)

Informal Channel of Seeking for DeservedInterests of Land-Lost Farmers:A Case Study of L Village …Chen Shaojun,et al(2,49)

Modernity:The Starting Point of Constructing Sociology ofIdeological and Political Education …………………Ye Fangxing(2,54)

Research Review of VirtualWater Trade …………………………………………………………………………Li Feng,et al(2,57)

Research Review on Carbon Emission,Trade Structure andIndustrial Transfer …………………………Zhu Zhiming,et al(2,63)

Coordinating Development of China’sInternational Trade and Environmental Protection in the Context of Low-Carbon Economy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Ding Li(2,67)

An Analysis of Trend andInfluential Factors of TechnicalInnovation in Resource-Based Regions:An Empirical Study Based on DEA-MalmquistIndex ………………………………………………Zheng Yongjie,et al(2,73)

Research Review of China’s Cultural System Reform in Recent Years ……………………………………………Hao Qingjie(2,77)

Holistic Governance Study on the Reconstruction of Cultural Leadership …………………………………Zhu Zhuoran,et al(2,81)

Breaking Old Cultural Stereotype and Rebuilding New Cultural Stereotype from the Perspective of Multiculturalism…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Sun Xiaoling,et al(2,85)

The Difficult Transformation of Marx’s New View of History in The GermanIdeology:from Marx’s Critique andInherit to Hegel’s View of History ……………………………………………………………………………………Weng Hanbing(3,1)

Triple Meanings in Marx’s Concept of Happiness …………………………………………………………Zhuang Zhongzheng(3,5)

The Green Turning of Consumption Mode:theInspiration from Ecological Marxism of Ben Agger ………………Chang Yanhui(3,9)

Adapting Marxism to China’s Conditions from the Perspective of"Fusion of Horizons"and Revival of Confucianism……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Wei Hanji(3,13)

Research Review of Logic Structure of Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics …………………Ren Lin(3,17)

An Analysis of Deleuze’s Anti-Dialectical Spirit:Creative Production of Difference …………………………………Wu Jing(3,22)

An Analysis of Frugality from Four Dimensions ………………………………………………………………………Yao Yuhui(3,27)

EcologicalInterpretation of the Thought of Chan Sect ……………………………………………………………Ding Jianhua(3,31)

An Analysis of Risk of Living out One’s Life in Retirement of Urban One-Child Parents:A Case Study of Nanjing……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Wang Ping,et al(3,35)

Structural and Cultural Approaches to Safeguarding Domestic Peasants’Environmental Rights …………………Zhang Jinjun(3,41)

TheIntegration of Reservoir Migrants’Resettlement in Social Changes:A Case Study of Zhang Village……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Wang Peipei,et al(3,46)

Research Progress of Pricing Methods of Urban Water Price in China …………………………………Jiang Xiangcheng,et al(3,51)

Research Review of Making CulturalIndustry Be PillarIndustry of National Economy ………………………Chen yuguo,et al(3,56)

Research into theImprovement of Financial Regulation of Bank-Trust Financial Products in Shadow Banking System………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Yan Lin,et al(3,61)

Research into Administrative Compulsion,Administrative Litigation and Expropriation and Compensation of State-Owned Buildings:A Review of 2012 Annual Conference of the Jiangsu Administrative Law Society ……………………………Qian Qing(3,65)

Regulation andImprovement on Water Administrative Compulsion System from the Perspective of theImplementation of Administrative Compulsory Enforcement Law ……………………………………………………………Gu Xiangyi,et al(3,69)

On Framework Principles and its Construction Perfection of Addressing Disasters and Offering Protection ………Zhao Zhou(3,74)

Environmental Changes and Man-Nature Relationship:Meditation on The Retreat of the Elephants ……………Huang Qidong(3,78)

A Study of Translator’s Subjectivity from the Perspective of Business Ethics’Stakeholder Theory:A Case Analysis of English Version of Hong Gaoliang Jiazu ………………………………………………………………Sun Ningning,et al(3,82)

Pragmatic Adaptations of Conversations to Contexts from the Perspective of Stage Directions:A Case Study of Death of a Salesman……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Fang Ying(3,86)

A Study of Marx’s Theory of Three Types of Social Formation ………………………………………………Hong Guangdong(4,1)

A Probe into Marx’s Theory of Leap over“Kafdin Valley”of Backward Countries—Interpretation of TheIntroduction to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right ………………………………………………Wu Riming(4,5)

Review of Marx and Engels Regime Thoughts Research Since Disintegration of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Li Hongliang(4,9)

A New Perspective of Quality Composition ofIdeological and Political Educators …………………………………Liu Wujing(4,15)

Science Spirit andIts Construction inIdeological and Political Education Research …………………………Liu Quzhi,et al(4,19)

On Development of the Political Party System with Chinese Characteristics from Perspective of Politics Consensus………………………………………………………………………………………………………Wang Xiaoyong,et al(4,25)

Chinese SocialIdentity Research for Recent Decade ……………………………………………………………Wang Qiying(4,29)

Triple Dimensions of Rural Environment Problems:A Case Study of Yi Village ……………………………………Jiang Pei(4,35)

Causes and Treatment of Ecological Crisis—From Communitarianism Perspective …………………………………Li Jinhong(4,40)

IndifferenceWeakening:Reasons and Countermeasures of Residents’Participation in MajorityIndifference…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Sun Xuyou(4,45)

Input-OutputMechanism and Contribution Portion Measure of Science&Technology in Water Conservancy:An Empirical Study of Jiangsu Province …………………………………………………………………Yuan Ruhua,et al(4,50)

Research Review of Social Stability Risk Evaluation of Environmental Damages Caused by Large Hydraulic Projects Construction ……………………………………………………………………………Zhang Changzheng,et al(4,54)

Review and Prospect of Researches onInitialWater Rights Allocation in a Basin in China ………………Yin Qingmin,et al(4,58)

Research Review ofInvestment and Financing Reform in WaterIndustry at Home and Abroad …………………Xu Min,et al(4,63)

Research and Development Knowledge Spillover UnderInternational Division of Value Chain:Comparison of Governance Differences ………………………………………………………………………………………Xu Daojuan(4,69)

On Spatial Narrative of“Spiral”in The Sentimental Education …………………………………………………Zhu Tingting(4,74)

Enlightenment in John Keats’Poetry and Contemporary Significances ………………………………………………Ma Tao(4,79)

On Concept and Consciousness of Patriarchy in Border Town …………………………………………………Ran Hua,et al(4,84)

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