基于风速预测与储能的可调度风电场并网功率控制…………………………………………毕大强,杨歆玉,吴正平123 1
含多种分布式电源的微电网经济调度研究………………………………………周晓燕,刘天琪,沈浩东,孙国城,等123 5
考虑风电场布局以及风向角的风电功率预测……………………………………陈 翔,王福军,刘天琪,陈振寰,等123 9
基于多策略差分进化算法的输电网规划……………………………………………聂宏展,郑鹏飞,于 婷,刘小满123 13
基于不对称电流的配电网接地故障区段定位…………………………………………………吴晓清,杨洪耕,叶茂清123 19
基于求根MUSIC算法的电压闪变参数估计……………………………………………………………程志友,刘 阳123 23
多机电力系统无源化反步控制研究……………………………………………………………吴忠强,宋明厚,付立元123 28
基于ESO的积分Terminal滑模励磁系统控制………………………………………李天云,张志华,陈 峰,于兴林123 32
多电平电压源逆变器降低共模电压的脉宽调制策略的研究 … ………………………姜卫东,汪正玲,赵 勇,王 非123 36
NPC三电平逆变器电压平衡研究………………………………………………………………………聂振宇,郭小斌123 43
三相“UШ”形无气隙可变耦合度耦合电感研究………………………………………………杨玉岗,李 涛,冯本成123 47
无极灯电子镇流器频率跟踪控制技术研究……………………………………………………沈 豫,林国庆,唐建山123 52
新型换流变压器的差动保护及整定计算………………………………………………………………许加柱,姜方财123 56
基于多模式脉宽调制的100%低地板车牵引控制策略研究……………………………赵明花,董 侃,赵雷廷,刁利军123 60
电动轿车制动能量回收效率与踏板感觉协调控制研究………………………………………苟晋芳,王丽芳,廖承林123 65
电动汽车充电设施的接入对电网稳态运行影响分析……………………………刘明志,张 军,于建成,迟福建,等123 71
基于两相电压sin/cos变换的ip-iq检测改进算法………………………………姚新丽,罗隆福,许加柱,张志文,等123 76
新型永磁接触器的智能化控制模块研究………………………………………………倪受春,汪先兵,林鹤云,房淑华123 80
GIS中隔离开关电弧模型对快速暂态过电压的影响…………………………………王 娜,林 莘,徐建源,王飞鸣123 85
高维多目标优化设计的改进多重单目标Pareto采样算法研究…………………………………………刘 磊,杨仕友123 89
适用于微电网的并网逆变器动态电压支持功能研究………………………………孙 凯,左 峰,陆晓楠,严干贵124 1
单相光伏并网逆变器的研究……………………………………………………………………李练兵,王同广,孙鹤旭124 7
交错并联磁集成Boost变换器的内部本质安全特性分析………………………………………………杨玉岗,吴建鸿124 11
基于能馈式牵引供电装置的城市轨道交通无功补偿策略研究… ……………………朱士友,阮白水,全恒立,张 钢124 16
无桥PFC电路改进单周期控制的仿真与实验分析…………………………………林维明,洪 翠,黄 超,张 强124 20
静止同步补偿器与双馈风电场的无功电压协调控制…………………………………………薛尚青,蔡金锭,刘丽军124 24
基于Fibonacci数列的MPPT仿真与初步实验………………………………………张 强,任小永,陈乾宏,于锁平124 28
储能型风电场系统的钒电池并联运行控制方法 … ……………………………………郭旭东,葛宝明,毕大强,杨歆玉124 34
基于扩展卡尔曼滤波算法的锂离子电池的SOC估算…………………………………………………方明杰,王群京124 39
500kV CVT内置低压电容C3测量过电压波形的试验研究… ……………………司文荣,贺 林,金 珩,傅晨钊,等124 43
LCC与VSC混联型多端高压直流输电系统运行特性的仿真研究 ………………雷 霄,王华伟,曾南超,闫 朝,等124 48
电能质量分析仪谐波测量频谱分析长度检测 蔡 维,何 伟,张红川,王建伟124 53…………………………………………
温控负荷对电力系统低频振荡的影响 徐长鸿,李培强,李欣然,徐振华,等124 58……………………………………………
公共连接点上闪变污染责任的分摊 邵振国,吴丹岳,张 嫣124 63……………………………………………………………
遵从OSI体系的CIM数据一致性测试框架研究 毛 鹏,李 颖,李 健,陈 颖,等124 68…………………………………
Q/GDW 376.1规约与DL/T 645规约相互转换的设计与实现…………………………………………刘 凯,廖晓群124 72
基于改进粒子群算法的ICPT系统多约束多参数优化………………………………左 兰,戴 鹏,李建功,夏晨阳,等124 76
谐振式无线供电系统最大有效传输距离研究 … ………………………………………邓亚峰,薛建国,乔向杰,张绪鹏124 82
车载真空断路器操作过电压及其保护研究…………………………………………欧阳乐成,吴广宁,高国强,李天鸷124 87
基于PFC变换器的非线性电感的设计研究……………………………………………………严开沁,李竹筠,陈乾宏125 1
交错并联磁集成Buck变换器的本安特性分析及优化设计……………………………………………杨玉岗,李龙华125 7
新型单开关高增益Boost变换器研究…………………………………………………………张士宇,许建平,杨 平125 12
LLCL型单相并网逆变器在不同滤波电感组合情况下的损耗计算 ………吴慧韫,吴卫民,黄 敏,Frede Blaabjerg 125 16
一种基于模拟电路MPPT技术的独立光伏电源系统…………………………………………蔡 衍,王莉娜,孙 凯125 22
电励磁同步电机无源性控制系统研究 … ………………………………………………宋 珂,戴 鹏,袁庆庆,符 晓125 27
直驱永磁同步风力发电机转子位置测量的研究………………………………………邓惠文,谢明李,曹 虎,郭育华125 31
永磁交流伺服系统转动惯量辨识方法…………………………………………………………韩亚荣,邱 鑫,朱德明125 36
一种新型的双馈风力发电系统LVRT技术研究…………………………………………………………………郭 强125 41
基于Crowbar的双馈风力发电系统LVRT仿真研究……………………………………………………林冠吾,王贵锋125 46
基于ADP的复合燃料电池发电系统控制策略…………………………………………………郑文迪,蔡金锭,刘丽军125 51
一种基于风功率预测修正的储能电池容量需求分析…………………………………………柯联锦,潘文霞,朱建红125 57
1140V链式静止同步补偿器关键技术的研究……………………………………曹雪祥,赵万云,徐天然,翟福军,等125 62
采用Hilbert谱带通滤波和暂态波形识别的谐振接地系统故障选线新方法 …………………郭谋发,刘世丹,杨耿杰125 67
梳状电场屏蔽体高频电磁场屏蔽特性分析与应用……………………………………………………陈庆彬,陈 为125 75
无锁相环三相电压暂降检测……………………………………………………………………薛尚青,蔡金锭,刘丽军125 81
氢氧非平衡等离子体合成过氧化氢的研究………………………………………苟建霞,解胜利,徐 月,周军成,等125 85
大规模双馈风电接入对东北电网稳定性的影响…………………………………岳 涵,郑 宽,于 洋,张雪敏,等126 1
牵引负荷负序电流对电网运行状况影响研究………………………………………刘乾勇,李欣然,肖 聪,李金鑫126 7
基于概率的含大规模风电场的多目标输电网规划……………………………………………………曾令全,王立娟126 11
基于V-I特性的多端柔性直流输电系统的控制策略……………………………赵雄光,宋 强,饶 宏,李笑倩,等126 15
配网静止同步补偿器直流电容的优化选择……………………………………………………………张新闻,同向前126 21
一种十五相感应电机的矢量控制算法……………………………………………艾 胜,孙 驰,张 成,胡亮灯,等126 26
双Y移30°永磁同步电机空间矢量PWM技术零矢量分配研究……………………………任 远,章 玮,张 平126 31
基于矩阵变换器双馈风力发电系统矢量解耦控制……………………………………………陈才学,谢运祥,李 辉126 35
单相光伏并网逆变控制器的优化………………………………………………………………………郭晓瑞,郭吉丰126 40
一种双极性增益Boost变换器研究……………………………………………………陈 强,许建平,陈章勇,刘雪山126 44
数字控制全桥LLC谐振变换器…………………………………………………………………………钱 娟,陈乾宏126 49
一种新颖的IGBT串联电路……………………………………………………………李镇福,林维明,葛良安,姚晓莉126 55
混合磁悬浮系统电磁装置的温度计算与降温处理……………………………………………耿志慧,马宏忠,王 刚126 59
两种重接型电磁推进模式的仿真比较分析……………………………………………王 亮,罗文博,李海涛,王 豫126 65
基于小波变换和LMD算法的变压器振动信号分析…………………………………李纯子,陈 峰,刘书成,王建元126 69
基于小波变换和改进的RVM的电能质量扰动分类……………………………………………………赵立权,谢妮娜126 74
地下直埋电力电缆周期载流量的数值计算………………………………………鲁志伟,胡国伟,李艳飞,李 明,等126 79
双馈异步发电机电刷滑环系统状态监测技术研究现状与发展 陈涛涛,马宏忠125 89………………………………………
Z-源逆变器PWM调制策略的分析与比较……………………………………………………薛必翠,张承慧,丁新平125 95
FACTS和新型输电技术发展现状及在我国特高压电网中的应用前景研究 ………王义红,周勤勇,卜广全,郭小江126 84
基于无通道保护的配电线路自动化系统现场应用方案 ………………………施慎行,许 刚,董新洲,殷迪清,等123 94
故障行波信息理论在大型发电机故障检测中的应用研究—继电保护与故障定位 ………党晓强,邰能灵,刘继春123 98
高压缩比电力系统波形数据压缩方法的实现与性能分析……………………………党三磊,肖 勇,杨劲锋,申妍华123 104
基于本体的电能质量监测信息智能检索模型………………………………………谢 康,杨洪耕,黄 静,张 逸123 108
基于PSoC3的步进电机控制的研究…………………………………………………………周 峰,李智华,张 帅123 113
基于工作流和电子签名技术的继电保护信息管理系统……………………………李廷敏,周 亮,苏剑虹,孙 伟,等123 117
一种基于LabVIEW控制的电压尖峰发生器…………………………………………………杨鸣强,陈乾宏,张 超124 92
变电站电能质量在线监测系统………………………………………………………滕志军,王中宝,索大翔,李国强124 97
改进的最大功率跟踪算法在变速风力发电系统中的应用 … …………………………………南晓强,李群湛,吴 浩124 102
一种改进的非线性神经元PID控制方法在高压SVC中的应用………………………………………杨晓峰,吴敬兵124 107
基于IPC在潮流调节中的研究应用………………………………………………李 娟,陈晓晋,王 坤,周建颖,等124 111
改进的HHT方法在小电流接地选线中的应用………………………………………………商立群,赵佳佳,王江宁124 116
基于LLC谐振变换器的微波炉用高压变频电源……………………………………………王春芳,张志勇,朱世盘125 101
双极性微弧电沉积电源系统研制 … ………………………………………………陈海涛,吴护林,马跃洲,张隆平,等125 105
BP和RBF神经网络在气隙击穿电压预测中的应用和对比研究 …………………罗 新,牛海清,林浩然,游 勇125 110
基于振动信号的电力变压器故障诊断系统的开发………………………………朱跃光,马宏忠,陈 楷,王春宁,等125 116
计及贝叶斯纳什均衡的事故演习专家系统研究………………………………汤晓伟,朱 夏,余浩斌,王承民,等126 91
双向反激微功率光伏并网逆变器的分析与设计……………………………………毛行奎,王小彬,张锦吉,陈 为126 96
计及Scott牵引变压器的短路计算方法研究…………………………………………侯瑞鹏,张永浩,周庆捷,杨明玉126 102
声表面波在MOA比例单元中的热特性研究……………………………………郭凤仪,郭志勇,刘志岭,何维涛,等126 106
基于物联网的变电站在线监测系统…………………………………………………邬春明,程 亮,田章超,牟晓敏126 110
issue page
Treatise and Report
Wind speed forecasting and energy storage based power control of grid-connected wind farm ………BIDa-qiang,et al.123 1
Research on economic dispatch ofmicrogrid withmulti-distributed generation ……………………ZHOU Xiao-yan,et al.123 5
Wind power prediction considering wind farm layout and wind direction……………………………CHEN Xiang,et al.123 9
Transmission network planning based on multi-strategy differential evolution algorithm …………NIE Hong-zhan,et al.123 13
Distribution network earth fault section location based on asymmetric current ………………………WU Xiao-qing,et al.123 19
Parameter estimation of voltage flicker based on Root-MUSIC……………………………………CHENG Zhi-you,et al.123 23
Passivity-based backstepping control formulti-machine power system……………………………WU Zhong-qiang,et al.123 28
Integral terminal slidingmode control for excitation system based on ESO……………………………LITian-yun,et al.123 32
PWM algorithm formulti-level voltage source inverter with reduced common mode voltage ……JIANGWei-dong,et al.123 36
Research on balance of voltage of neutral point clamped three-level inverter ………………………NIE Zhen-yu,et al.123 43
Research of three phase“UШ”shaped coupled inductor of variable coupling degree and without air gap……………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Yu-gang,et al.123 47
Research on frequency tracking technology of electronic ballasts for electrodeless lamp ………………SHEN Yu,et al.123 52
Differential protection and setting calculation of new-type converter transformer ………………………XU Jia-zhu,et al.123 56
Research on traction control of100%low floor vehicle based onmulti-mode pulse width modulation……………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAOMing-hua,et al.123 60
Research on coordinated control of brake regenerative efficiency and pedal feel for electric cars …GOU Jin-fang,et al.123 65
Impact of electric vehicle charging facilities on power grid steady state……………………………LIU Ming-zhi,et al.123 71
An improved ip-iqdetection method based on two phase voltage sin/cos transforms …………………YAO Xin-li,et al.123 76
Study of intelligent controlmodule for a novel permanentmagnet contactor……………………………NIShou-chun,et al.123 80
Influence of arcingmodel of GIS switching to VFTO……………………………………………………WANG Na,et al.123 85
An improved multiple single objective Pareto sampling algorithm formany-objective optimizations ………LIU Lei,et al.123 89
Dynamic voltage support function of grid-connected inverters formicro-grids……………………………SUN Kai,et al.124 1
Study on single-phase photovoltaic grid-connected inverter system……………………………………LILian-bing,et al.124 7
Research on internal-intrinsic safety for interleavingmagnetic Boost converter ……………………YANG Yu-gang,et al.124 11
Study of urban rail reactive power compensation strategy based on energy-fed traction power supply equipment………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Shi-you,et al.124 16
Analysis of a bridgeless PFC based on improved one-cycle-control…………………………………LINWei-ming,et al.124 20
Coordinated reactive power and voltage control for wind farm and STATCOM ……………………XUE Shang-qing,et al.124 24
MPPT simulation and preliminary experiment based on Fibonacci numbers ………………………ZHANG Qiang,et al.124 28
Controlmethod of parallel vanadium batteries operating in energy stored wind farm system ………GUO Xu-dong,et al.124 34
Strategy of estimating state of charge for Lithium ion battery based on extended Karlman filter……………………………………………………………………………………………………FANG Ming-jie,et al.124 39
Testing research on overvoltage waveshapemeasurements using capacitor element C3in series connection within 500kV CVT…………………………………………………………………………………SIWen-rong,et al.124 43
Simulation research on operation characteristics of hybrid multi-terminal HVDC system with LCC and VSC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………LEIXiao,et al.124 48
Method for test of FFTwindow width of voltage harmonic in power quality analyzers ……………………CAIWei,et al.124 53
Effects of thermostatically controlled load on low-frequency oscillations in power systems ………XU Chang-hong,et al.124 58
Distributing contribution of voltage flicker at PCC………………………………………………SHAO Zhen-guo,et al.124 63
Research on framework of CIM conformance test based on OSIarchitecture……………………………MAO Peng,et al.124 68
Design and implementation of Q/GDW 376.1 protocol and DL/T 645 protocol conversion ………………LIU Kai,et al.124 72
Multi-constraintmulti-parameter optimization on efficiency of inductive coupling power transfer system based on improved particle swarm optimization…………………………………………………………………ZUO Lan,et al.124 76
Study on maximum effective transmission distance of electromagnetic resonantwireless power supply……………………………………………………………………………………………………DENG Ya-feng,et al.124 82
Study on vehicle-mounted vacuum circuit breaker switching overvoltage and its protection …OUYANG Le-cheng,et al.124 87
Design and research of nonlinear inductor in PFC converter…………………………………………YAN Kai-qin,et al.125 1
Intrinsically safe performance analysis and optimization design of staggered parallelmagnetic integrated
Buck DC-DC converter……………………………………………………………………………YANG Yu-gang,et al.125 7
Research on a new single-switch high gain Boost converter………………………………………ZHANG Shi-yu,et al.125 12
Power loss calculation for LLCL-filter based single-phase grid-tied inverter with different kinds of
inductor selection………………………………………………………………………………………WU Hui-yun,et al.125 16
Independent photovoltaic power system based on analog circuit MPPT control……………………………CAIYan,et al.125 22
Design of passivity-based controller for synchronousmotors……………………………………………SONG Ke,et al.125 27
Research on rotor positionmeasurement of direct driving permanentmagnet synchronouswind generator……………………………………………………………………………………………………DENG Hui-wen,et al.125 31
Inertia identification methods for permanentmagnetic AC servo system……………………………HAN Ya-rong,et al.125 36
Research on doubly-fed induction generator low voltage ride-through based on a new technology ……………GUO Qiang 125 41
Simulation research for LVRT of DFIG with Crowbar………………………………………………LIN Guan-wu,et al.125 46
Control strategy on hybrid fuel cell generation system based on ADP……………………………ZHENGWen-di,et al.125 51
Analysis of capacity requirements of battery energy storage based on forecasted wind power correction………………………………………………………………………………………………………KE Lian-jin,et al.125 57
Research on key technologies in 1140V cascaded STATCOM……………………………………CAO Xue-xiang,et al.125 62
A new approach to detect fault line in resonant earthed system based on Hilbert spectrum band-pass filter and transientwaveform recognition…………………………………………………………………GUO Mou-fa,et al.125 67
Analysis&applications of comb-shaped electric shielding characteristics on high frequency electromagnetic fielding shielding effect in SMPS…………………………………………………………………………CHEN Qing-bin,et al.125 75
Three-phase voltage sag detection without phase lock loop………………………………………XUE Shang-qing,et al.125 81
Synthesis of hydrogen peroxide via hydrogen-oxygen plasma…………………………………………GOU Jian-xia,et al.125 85
Impact of large-scale DFIG based wind power on stability of Northeast Power Grid …………………YUE Han,et al. 126 1
Research of impact of traction load negative sequence current on grid operating status ……………LIU Qian-yong,et al.126 7
Multi-objective transmission planning associated with large scale wind farms based on probability…………………………………………………………………………………………………ZENG Ling-quan,et al.126 11
Control ofmulti-terminal VSC-HVDC system based on V-I characteristics …………………ZHAO Xiong-guang,et al.126 15
Optimal selection for DC capacitor in distribution STATCOM……………………………………ZHANG Xin-wen,et al.126 21
Vector control algorithm for fifteen-phase induction motor………………………………………………AISheng,et al.126 26
Analysis of zero state vector distribution based on space vector PWM techniques for dual Y shift30 degree PMSM………………………………………………………………………………………………………REN Yuan,et al.126 31
Vector decoupling control for AC exited of DFIG wind power generator system based on matrix converter……………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Cai-xue,et al.126 35
Optimization of controller for single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic inverters ……………………GUO Xiao-rui,et al.126 40
Research on bipolar gain Boost converter……………………………………………………………CHEN Qiang,et al.126 44
Research on digital control strategy of LLC resonant converter…………………………………………QIAN Juan,et al.126 49
Research on a novel scheme of IGBT in series…………………………………………………………LIZhen-fu,et al.126 55
Temperature calculation and cooled treatment ofmagnetic levitation device ………………………GENG Zhi-hui,et al.126 59
Contrast and analysis between two improved modes of reconnection electromagnetic launcher ………WANG Liang,et al.126 65
Analysis of transformer vibration signal based on wavelet transform and LMD algorithm ………………LIChun-zi,et al.126 69
Classification of power quality disturbances based on wavelet transform and improved RVM ………ZHAO Li-quan,et al.126 74
Numerical calculation of cyclic ampacity of buried power cables………………………………………LU Zhi-wei,et al.126 79
Summary and Review
Survey of fault diagnosismethod for brush and slip ring system of doubly-fed induction generators……………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Tao-tao,et al.125 89
Analysis and comparison of PWM modulation strategies for Z-source inverter……………………………XUE Bi-cui,et al.125 95
Study on state-of-the-art of FACTSand new transmission technologies and prospect of utilizing in UHV of China……………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Yi-hong,et al.126 84
New Technology Application
Field scheme of feeder automation system based on non-communication protection ………………SHIShen-xing,et al.123 94
Theoretical analysis and application research of fault traveling waves in huge electrical generators-for relay protection
and fault location…………………………………………………………………………………DANG Xiao-qiang,et al.123 98
Analysis and implementation of electric power waveform data compression method with high compression ratio………………………………………………………………………………………………………DANG San-lei,et al.123 104
Ontology-based intelligent retrievalmodel for power qualitymonitoring information ……………………XIE Kang,et al.123 108
Study of steppermotor control based on PSOC3……………………………………………………ZHOU Feng,et al.123 113
Information management system of protective relaying based on workflow and digital signatures technology…………………………………………………………………………………………………………LITing-min,et al.123 117
Voltage spike generator based on LabVIEW’s control………………………………………YANG Ming-qiang,et al.124 92
On-linemonitoring system for substation power quality……………………………………………TENG Zhi-jun,et al.124 97
Improved maximum power point tracking algorithms used in variable-speed wind-power generation system……………………………………………………………………………………………………NAN Xiao-qiang,et al.124 102
Improved non-linear neuron PID controlmethod for application of high-voltage SVC …………YANG Xiao-feng,et al.124 107
Research and application on flow calculation of power system based on interaction power controller ……LI Juan,et al.124 111
Application of improved HHTmethod in non-solidly earthed line detection ……………………SHANG Li-qun,et al.124 116
High voltage frequency-variable power source formicrowave oven based on LLC resonant converter…………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Chun-fang,et al.125 101
Research and development of bipolarmicro arc electrodeposition power supply system …………CHEN Hai-tao,et al.125 105
Application and contrast analysis of BP and RBF neural network in prediction of breakdown voltage of air gap……………………………………………………………………………………………………………LUO Xin,et al.125 110
Development of fault diagnosis system for power transformer based on vibration ………………ZHU Yue-guang,et al.125 116
Study of accidents exercises expert system with Bayesian Nash equilibrium ……………………TANG Xiao-wei,et al.126 91
Analysis and design for bi-directional flyback photovoltaic grid-connected micro-inverter ………MAO Xing-kui,et al.126 96
Research of short circuit calculation method considering Scott traction transformer ………………HOU Rui-peng,et al.126 102
On-linemonitoring system for substation using internet of things
Research on thermal characteristics of SAW in MOA unit…………………………………………GUO Feng-yi,et al.126 106
On-linemonitoring system for substation using internet of things………………………………WU Chun-ming,et al.126 110
2013 Index………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………126Ⅰ