
2013-01-13 17:19:31
火炸药学报 2013年6期

题 目 作 者 卷 (期) 页

纳米多孔硅基复合含能材料的研究进展 ……………………………………………………………………赵凤起,姚二岗,安 亭 36 (1) 1

二(2,2,2-三硝基乙基)硝胺的热安全性和密度泛函理论研究 …胡荣祖,赵凤起,高红旭,马海霞,张 海,徐抗震,赵宏安,姚二岗 36 (1) 9

RDX 基铝纤维炸药水下爆炸的能量分析 …………………………………………………………林谋金,马宏昊,沈兆武,薛 冰 36 (1) 17

2,6-二氨基-3,5-二硝基吡啶-1-氧化物和RDX 基PBX 的制备与表征 ……………………………………………何志伟,刘祖亮 36 (1) 21

对叔丁基苯基五唑及其分解产物的结构识别 …………………徐 敏,潘 清,陈智群,张 皋,宁艳利,王民昌,王 明,毕福强 36 (1) 26

粒径和晶形对ε-HNIW 感度的影响 ……………………………………郭学永,姜夏冰,于 兰,张 朴,焦清介,王正宏,常圣泉 36 (1) 29

碳纳米管和碳黑掺杂RDX 和HMX 的反应性光声谱 ……………………………………王惠娥,沈瑞琪,叶迎华,吴立志,张 伟 36 (1) 34

耐热炸药LLM-105的合成及量子化学研究 ……………………………王友兵,邓明哲,廉 鹏,李亚南,田战怀,叶志虎,王伯周 36 (1) 38

FT-IR法研究IPDI与GAP预聚及预聚物和NC的固化反应 ……………………………………吴艳光,罗运军,葛 震,赵芦奎 36 (1) 43

偶氮及氧化偶氮呋咱化合物的合成与表征 ………………………………………………高 莉,杨红伟,汤永兴,程广斌,吕春绪 36 (1) 47

药片落锤撞击试验中B炸药的响应特性 …………………………………………………廖 军,代晓淦,黄 谦,文玉史,向 永 36 (1) 52

爆炸冲击载荷作用下钢筋混凝土介质裂纹扩展速度的实验研究 ……………………………………………………赵向军,肖 川 36 (1) 55

DSC固化点法测定石蜡的熔点 ……………………………………………………………………康 冰,栾洁玉,邵颖惠,王一颖 36 (1) 59

含CL-20改性双基推进剂的燃烧性能 …………………………………王江宁,郑 伟,舒安民,陈智辉,陈 娜,袁志锋,宋秀铎 36 (1) 61

双金属有机化合物对星型聚叠氮缩水甘油醚推进剂燃烧性能的影响…………………………………………………………蔚红建,李 丁,朱欣华,李吉祯,樊学忠,李乃勤,宋秀铎,郑晓东,付小龙 36 (1) 64

硝化体系及精制棉干燥处理对硝化棉含氮量均匀性的影响 ……………………………张云华,邵自强,王文俊,王飞俊,吕少一 36 (1) 68

退役单基药的热分解行为 ……………………………………………………………………………………俞进阳,陈利平,彭金华 36 (1) 73

大长径比点传火管的点传火性能 …………………………………………………焦旭英,张玉成,杜江媛,张江波,严文荣,李 强 36 (1) 78

硝化棉气凝胶的制备与表征 ……………………………………………………………………………………………晋苗苗,罗运军 36 (1) 82

发射药导热系数测定的影响因素 ……………………………………………………………………………强文学,张丽华,程劲松 36 (1) 87

固体推进剂低温力学性能的研究进展 ……………………………………………………………………赖建伟,常新龙,王朝霞,等 36 (2) 1

温压炸药爆炸能量的测量方法 ………………………………………………………………………………王晓峰,冯晓军,肖 奇 36 (2) 9

小分子法合成1,5-二乙酰基-3,7-二硝基-1,3,5,7,-四氮杂辛烷工艺研究 ………………………………史 楠,胡炳成,吕春绪 36 (2) 13

3,3′-二氨基-4,4′-偶氮呋咱合成工艺的改进及性能 …………………………………………………周 群,王伯周,张叶高,等 36 (2) 16

用C-H-N-O 炸药的M、ρ、ΔfHθm、Cp、Tigorb和爆轰产物的ΔfHθm估算炸药的爆轰性能 ………胡荣祖,赵凤起,高红旭,等 36 (2) 20

RDX 基含铝炸药和TNT 浅层土壤中爆炸开坑的数值模拟与试验 ……………………………………杨亚东,李向东,王 辉,等 36 (2) 24

热固性浇注PBX炸药装药的界面性质 …………………………………………………………………段伯祯,陈 竚,曹少庭,等 36 (2) 30

HMX 基混合炸药大隔板厚度的数值计算 ………………………………………………………………袁俊明,刘玉存,常双君,等 36 (2) 33

TNT 在热和撞击加载作用下的点火性能 ………………………………………………………………肖 玮,李亮亮,苏健军,等 36 (2) 38

国内外TNT 炸药的JWL状态方程及其能量释放差异分析 …………………………………………宋 浦,杨 凯,梁安定,等 36 (2) 42

含硼富燃料推进剂一次燃烧产物组分的计算研究 …………………………………………………………刘林林,何国强,王英红 36 (2) 46

高能填料对星型GAP推进剂燃烧性能的影响 …………………………………………………………蔚红建,李吉祯,舒安民,等 36 (2) 52

NC/DINAP共混体系力学性能的分子动力学模拟计算 ………………………………………………齐晓飞,张晓宏,郭 昕,等 36 (2) 57

叠氮硝胺发射药的表面钝感试验研究 ………………………………………………………………………黄振亚,范建芳,陈余谦 36 (2) 62

改性单基发射药中聚酯钝感剂的扩散研究 ………………………………………………………………潘 清,王琼林,苏鹏飞,等 36 (2) 65

采用组合发射提高某型火炮初速的理论研究 ………………………………………………………………邹 华,张领科,周彦煌 36 (2) 69

超声-光化学氧化法处理精制棉废水 ……………………………………………………………………王 铮,张静萱,李润青,等 36 (2) 76

直接电解吸收法处理氮氧化物废气 ……………………………………………………………………………………景香顺,李玉平 36 (2) 82

聚焦战斗部破片聚焦性能的数值计算和试验研究 ………………………………………………………王娟娟,郭双锋,袁宝慧,等 36 (2) 87

国外火炸药技术发展新动向分析 …………………………………………………彭翠枝,范夕萍,任晓雪,张 培,王敬念,王 昕 36 (3) 1

固体推进剂断裂性能研究进展 ………………………………………………………………………常新龙,龙 兵,胡 宽,赵文利 36 (3) 6

2-偕二硝甲基-5-硝基四唑的合成、热性能及量子化学研究 ……………………张 敏,葛忠学,毕福强,许 诚,刘 庆,王伯周 36 (3) 14

滴定法测定CL-20的酸值 …………………………………………申帆帆,张 静,董 凯,孙成辉,庞思平,宋建伟,赵信岐 36 (3) 20

气相色谱分析方法测定2,6-二氯吡嗪的纯度 ……………………………………………余 堃,卿小霞,刘 宁,赵颖彬,李 哲 36 (3) 25

1-甲基-3,4,5-三硝基吡唑的合成与表征 …………………………………………………李雅津,曹端林,李永祥,杜 耀,王建龙 36 (3) 28

高效液相色谱法测定FOX-12的纯度 …………………………………………马 玲,周 诚,张 毅,王伯周,邢 颖,葛忠学 36 (3) 31

3,5-二硝氨基-1,2,4-三唑肼盐的色谱分析及热稳定性 ………崔可建,孟子晖,徐志斌,薛 敏,王伯周,葛忠学,覃光明,林智辉 36 (3) 35

密闭条件下TNT 的爆炸压力特性 ………………………………………………金朋刚,郭 炜,王建灵,任松涛,高 赞,严家佳 36 (3) 39

HMX 基PBX 的作功能力及其JWL状态方程 ……………………………谭凯元,韩 勇,罗 观,殷 明,黄毅民,卢校军 36 (3) 42

小型爆炸容器中TNT/Al炸药的后燃烧性能 ………………………………………………………………姬建荣,苏健军,王胜强 36 (3) 46

铝含量对RDX 基含铝炸药驱动能力的影响 ………………………………………………………沈 飞,王 辉,袁建飞,杨 凯 36 (3) 50

水浴和自然条件下熔铸炸药凝固过程的数值计算 ………………………………马 松,袁俊明,刘玉存,常双君,王建华,于雁武 36 (3) 54

不同气体环境中温压炸药爆炸特性的试验研究 ……………………………………………………………李芝绒,王胜强,殷俊兰 36 (3) 59

水下滑移爆轰试验确定JWL状态方程参数 ……………………………………杨 凯,孔军利,沈 飞,谷鸿平,王 辉,袁建飞 36 (3) 62

AP/HTPB底排推进剂高压燃烧实验及燃速的优化模型 …………………………………………曹永杰,余永刚,叶 锐,姚 远 36 (3) 65

纳米材料对双基和改性双基推进剂燃烧性能的影响 …………………袁志锋,王江宁,张 超,郑 伟,陈 娜,张 军,皮文丰 36 (3) 69

三种能量计算程序在推进剂配方设计中的比较 ……李 猛,赵凤起,徐司雨,高红旭,仪建华,裴 庆,谭 艺,李 娜,李 鑫 36 (3) 73

聚叠氮缩水甘油醚改性NC的制备与性能 ………………………………………………………丁海琴,菅晓霞,肖乐勤,周伟良 36 (3) 78

团聚硼颗粒与不同黏合剂的表-界面作用 ………………………………庞维强,樊学忠,蔚红建,张 伟,胥会祥,周文静,李 焕 36 (3) 83

叠氮硝胺发射药内溶法成球工艺研究 ……………………………………………杨建兴,舒安民,张 阔,袁忍让,许灿啟,刘金玉 36 (3) 87

炸药装药有限空间内爆炸威力评估方法综述 ……………………………………………胡宏伟,肖 川,李 丽,冯海云,宋 浦 36 (4) 1

铝粉在温压炸药爆炸过程中的响应分析 ………………………………裴明敬,田朝阳,胡华权,陈立强,张景森,于 琴,刘 瑜 36 (4) 7

4-硝基-2-(1-硝基-1,2,4-三唑-3-基)-1,2,3-三唑(DNDTZ)合成、热性能及量子化学研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………罗义芬,陈晓芳,王伯周,周 诚,毕福强,黄新萍 36 (4) 13

超声波对RDX 晶体酸清洗效果的影响 ……………………………………………………………………张幺玄,胡秀娟,陈厚和 36 (4) 18

1,1′-二羟基-5,5′-联四唑的合成及理论研究 …………………………毕福强,樊学忠,许 诚,李吉祯,蔚红建,付小龙,王伯周 36 (4) 22

2-2,4-二硝基苯氧基乙醇和双-2,4-二硝基苯氧基乙烷的合成与分离 …………………徐若千,丁 峰,范红杰,郝 虹,刘 明 36 (4) 26

水下法测试微纳米RDX的冲击波感度 ……………………………………………………田文慧,何中其,彭金华,李凤生,姜 炜 36 (4) 29

六硝基二苯砜基PBX 的制备及性能 ………………………………………………………邓明哲,赵省向,戴致鑫,张 川,周杰文 36 (4) 33

改性B炸药装药的老化行为 ………………………………………………………………任晓宁,常 海,邵颖惠,王克勇,王红星 36 (4) 37

炸药爆轰参数与空中爆炸冲击波超压的关系 ……………………………………………牛余雷,冯晓军,李媛媛,南 海,郭 昕 36 (4) 42

高氯酸羟胺的合成及表征 …………………………………………………………张蒙蒙,姬月萍,潘永飞,刘卫孝,汪 伟,刘亚静 36 (4) 46

用改性直链烷烃改善硝酸铵的吸湿性 …………………………………………………………………………………熊言涛,刘祖亮 36 (4) 50

发射药床初始堆积形态对破碎程度的影响 …………………………………………………………王 燕,芮筱亭,陈 涛,王国平 36 (4) 53

用于电热化学炮的放电毛细管烧蚀模型研究 ………………………………………………………张玉成,严文荣,张江波,李 强 36 (4) 57

P(BAMO-r-AMMO)在推进剂中的应用 …………………………………………………张 弛,张向飞,翟 滨,李 杰,罗运军 36 (4) 61

湿热环境对无烟改性双基推进剂性能的影响 …………………………………张亚俊,樊学忠,李吉祯,付小龙,张林军,张昊越 36 (4) 65

固体仪器发动机粘接界面应力监测系统设计 …………………………………………………………………………高 鸣,任海峰 36 (4) 69

螺压改性双基推进剂吸收物料的质量控制 ………………………………………………………秦 能,王江宁,张 超,裴江峰 36 (4) 74

3,6-二肼基-1,2,4,5-四嗪与推进剂组分的相互作用 …………巨荣辉,樊学忠,刘子如,毕福强,李吉祯,蔚红建,王伯周,郑朝民 36 (4) 78

不同粒度硼粉在Mg/PTFE烟火药中的应用 ……………………………………魏永奇,陈 昕,胥会祥,韩爱军,叶明泉,潘功配 36 (4) 83

HMX/CL-20基传爆药的挤注装药工艺及传爆性能 ………………………………………………胡 菲,刘玉存,王建华,吴 凯 36 (4) 87

含能材料热分解研究中的几个重要问题 …………………………………………………舒远杰,丁小勇,徐金江,李华荣,宋 驰 36 (5) 1

4,4,4-三硝基丁酸-2,2,2-三硝基乙酯的热安全性和密度泛函理论研究………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………胡荣祖,马海霞,赵凤起,高红旭,张 海,姚二岗,赵宏安 36 (5) 8

DSC/DPTA 热分析动力学及应用 …………………………………………………………刘 芮,张同来,杨 利,周遵宁,张建国 36 (5) 16

1-氨基-1,2,3-三唑硝酸盐的热分解动力学 ………………………………………………杜旭杰,李晓东,杨荣杰,李玉川,庞思平 36 (5) 22

纳米氧化铁的合成及对NTO 热分解性能的影响 ………………………………贺翠翠,赵宁宁,刘健冰,马海霞,赵凤起,宋纪蓉 36 (5) 29

RG-1炸药的热分解特性 …………………………………………………………高大元,谭凯元,李敬明,文尚刚,何松伟,周建华 36 (5) 35

六硝基六氮杂异戊兹烷的热分解反应动力学参数和热安全性评估……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………高红旭,赵凤起,胡荣祖,罗 阳,肖立柏,李 娜,任晓宁,郝海霞,裴 庆 36 (5) 41

微热量热法测定斯蒂芬酸碳酰肼盐在DMF中溶解过程的热动力学参数 ………………………………刘 影,杨 利,张同来 36 (5) 49

压强对DAATO3.5热分解特性的影响 …………………………巨荣辉,樊学忠,赵凤起,蔚红建,毕福强,李吉祯,王伯周,罗义芬 36 (5) 54

高软段PBT 基含能热塑性弹性体的热分解性能 ……………………………………………………………张在娟,葛 震,罗运军 36 (5) 58

3,4-双3-氰基呋咱-4-氧基呋咱的晶体结构及热行为……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………翟连杰,王伯周,李亚南,霍 欢,李 辉,苏鹏飞,周 诚,樊学忠,马 玲 36 (5) 63

3-硝基邻苯二甲酸铅的热分解机理 ……………………………………………………王 晗,樊学忠,李笑江,李宏岩,孟玲玲 36 (5) 68

用DSC曲线数据估算硝化棉的CnB和表观经验级数自催化分解反应热爆炸临界温升速率………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………姚二岗,胡荣祖,赵凤起,张 海,王 尧,常象宇,高红旭,赵宏安 36 (5) 72

用加速量热仪研究双基发射药的绝热分解特性 …………………………………………贾昊楠,路桂娥,江路明,安振涛,江劲勇 36 (5) 77

四种高密度碳氢燃料的热分解性能 …………………………………………………………………李春迎,徐 强,何 飞,李凤仙 36 (5) 82

NTO 在DMSO 和NMP中的溶解性能 ………………李 娜,赵凤起,罗 阳,高红旭,肖立柏,胡荣祖,姚二岗,黄新萍,常 佩 36 (5) 86

丙酮对RDX 溶液热分解的影响 ……………………………………………………………………韩苗苗,曹 雄,谷明朝,朱晋宇 36 (5) 90

超细PbSnO3的制备及对HMX 的催化热分解 …………………………………黄晓川,秦明娜,邱少君,唐 望,张 彦,葛忠学 36 (5) 93

改黑铜推进剂的热分解动力学 ……………………………………………………………张 涛,陈明华,陈永康,常文平,贾昊楠 36 (5) 99

High-energy Metal Fuels for Rocket Propulsion:Characterization and Performance……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Luigi T.DELUCA,Filippo MAGGI,Stefano DOSSI,et al 36 (6) 1

4-氨基-1,2,4-三氮唑二硝基胍盐的合成及量子化学研究 ………………………………金兴辉,胡炳成,贾欢庆,刘祖亮,吕春绪 36 (6) 15

废旧B炸药组分在超临界二氧化碳中的溶解性及其分离工艺 ………………宋小兰,王 毅,宋 丹,安崇伟,王晶禹,张景林 36 (6) 20

铝粉粒度和爆炸环境对含铝炸药爆炸能量的影响 …………………………………………………冯晓军,王晓峰,李媛媛,徐洪涛 36 (6) 24

间苯二酚/AP复合氧化剂的制备及性能研究 ……………………………………………………胡 俊,郭效德,刘宏英,李凤生 36 (6) 28

弹丸侵彻铝合金靶过程中炸药的动态响应 …………………………………………………………………乔相信,于 锋,李 广 36 (6) 31

炸药格尼系数的一种简易估算法 ……………………………………………………………………沈 飞,王 辉,袁建飞,田清政 36 (6) 36

石墨含量和粒度对RDX/石墨混合炸药爆速的影响 ………………………………………………………曹 渊,仝 毅,黄风雷 36 (6) 39

硝仿肼的合成工艺与晶体结构 ……………………………………………………………汪惠英,文 亮,杨红伟,吕春绪,程广斌 36 (6) 43

超细CL-18的制备及窄脉冲起爆性能研究 ……………………………………卢丞一,盛涤伦,陈利魁,霍 欢,朱雅红,杨 斌 36 (6) 47

2,6-二氨基-3,5-二硝基吡啶-1-氧化物的热分解特性 ………………………………………………………何志伟,颜事龙,刘祖亮 36 (6) 51

高压水射流清理NEPE推进剂装药的可行性分析 …………………………………………………………朱左明,王煊军,韩启龙 36 (6) 55

含ACP丁羟复合推进剂的燃烧性能和热分解行为 ………………………………………………王国强,王 晗,冉秀伦,李吉祯 36 (6) 60

富勒烯衣康酸共聚物铅盐的合成与表征 …………………………………………刘强强,金 波,彭汝芳,赵凤起,徐司雨,楚士晋 36 (6) 64

复合降速剂对低燃速推进剂燃烧性能的影响 …………………………………………………………………………杨立波,周 瑞 36 (6) 70

复合材料内高含量固体的分散性评价方法 …………………………………………………………何 飞,黄振亚,刘 靖,汪俊杰 36 (6) 74

浇铸改性双基推进剂硝化棉球形药的制备工艺 ………………………李 丁,付小龙,李吉祯,蔚红建,刘小刚,屈 蓓,邵重斌 36 (6) 78

粒状发射药的力学性能 ……………………………………………………………………陈言坤,罗兴柏,甄建伟,刘国庆,王国栋 36 (6) 82

RDX 基高能发射药的抗撞击损伤性能 …………………………………………周 敬,杨丽侠,陈晓明,张邹邹,赵宝明,靳建伟 36 (6) 86

Chinese Journal of Explosives and Propellants 2013Vol.36 Total Contents

Progress of Research on Nanoporous Silicon-based Composite Energetic Materials … ……ZHAO Feng-qi,YAO Er-gang,AN Ting 36 (1) 1

The Thermal Safety and A Density Functional Theoretical Study on Bis(2,2,2-Trinitroethyl)-Nitramine(BTNNA)………………………………………………………………………………………………………HU Rong-zu,ZHAO Feng-qi,GAO Hong-xu,et al 36 (1) 9

Analysis on Explosion Energy of Aluminum Fiber Explosive on Underwater Detonation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIN Mou-jin,MA Hong-hao,SHEN Zhao-wu,XUE Bing 36 (1)17

Preparation and Characterization of 2,6-Diamino-3,5-dinitropyridine-1-oxide and RDX-based Polymer Binder Explosives…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HE Zhi-wei,LIU Zu-liang 36 (1)21

Structure Recognition of p-Tertbutylphenylpentazole and Its Decomposition Product…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Min,PAN Qing,CHEN Zhi-qun,et al 36 (1)26

Effect of Particle Size and Morphology on the Sensitivity ofε-HNIW ………GUO Xue-yong,JIANG Xia-bing,YU Lan,et al 36 (1)29

Reactivity Photoacoustic Spectra of RDX and HMX Doped with Carbon Nanotubes and Carbon Black……………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Hui-e,SHEN Rui-qi,YE Ying-hua,WU Li-zhi,ZHANG Wei 36 (1)34

Study on the Synthesis and Quantum Chemistry of Heat Resistant Explosive LLM-105……………………………………………………………………………WANG You-bing,DENG Ming-zhe,LIAN Peng,LI Ya-nan,TIAN Zhan-huai,YE Zhi-hu,WANG Bo-zhou 36 (1)38

FT-IR Study on the Curing Reaction of Isophorone Diisocyanate With the Glycidyl Azide Polymer and Its Prepolymer with Nitrocellose………………………………………………………………………………WU Yan-guang,LUO Yun-jun,GE Zhen,ZHAO Lu-kui 36 (1)43

Synthesis and Characterization of Azofurazan and Azoxyfurazan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………GAO Li,YANG Hong-wei,TANG Yong-xing,CHENG Guang-bin,LüChun-xu 36 (1)47

Reaction Characteristic for Composition B in Drop Hammer Impact Sensitivity Test…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIAO Jun,DAI Xiao-gan,HUANG Qian,WEN Yu-shi,XIANG Yong 36 (1)52

Experimental Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Medium Crack Growth Rate Under Explosion Impact Load………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Xiang-jun,XIAO Chuan 36 (1)55

Determination of Paraffin Melting Point by DSC Solidification Point Method…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………KANG Bing,LUAN Jie-yu,SHAO Ying-hui,WANG Yi-ying 36 (1)59

Combustion Properties of CMDB Propellant Containing Hexaazaisowurtzitane(CL-20)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Jiang-ning,ZHENG Wei,SHU An-min,CHEN Zhi-hui,et al 36 (1)61

Influence of Double-metal Organic Salts on Combustion Characteristics of Satellite GAP Based Propellant……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YU Hong-jian,LI Ding,ZHU Xin-hua,et al 36 (1)64

Effect of Nitrification System and Refined Cotton Drying Process on the Nitrogen Distribution Uniformity of Nitrocellulose……………………………………………………………ZHANG Yun-hua,SHAO Zi-qiang,WANG Wen-jun,WANG Fei-jun,LüShao-yi 36 (1)68

Thermal Decomposition Behavior of Retired Single-base Propellant ……………YU Jin-yang,CHEN Li-ping,PENG Jin-hua 36 (1)73

Ignition and Flame Propagation Characteristics of Igniter in Large Slenderness Ratio……………………………………………………………………………………………JIAO Xu-ying,ZHANG Yu-cheng,DU Jiang-yuan,ZHANG Jiang-bo,YAN Wen-rong,LI Qiang 36 (1)78

Preparation and Characterization of Nitrocellulose Aerogel ………………………………………JIN Miao-miao,LUO Yun-jun 36 (1)82

Influence Factors of Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Gun Propellant……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………QIANG Wen-xue,ZHANG Li-hua,CHENG Jin-song 36 (1)87

Progress of Study on Low Temperature Mechanical Properties of Solid Propellant……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LAI Jian-wei,CHANG Xin-long,WANG Chao-xia,et al 36 (2) 1

Method for Measuring Energy of Explosion of Thermobaric Explosives ………WANG Xiao-feng,FENG Xiao-jun,XIAO Qi 36 (2) 9

Study on the Process of Synthesizing 1,5-Diacetyl-3,7-dinitro-1,3,5,7-tetraazacyclooctane by Small-Molecule Method……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SHI Nan,HU Bing-cheng,LüChun-xu 36 (2)13

Improvement on Synthesis Process and Properties of 3,3′-Diamino-4,4′-azofurazan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Qun,WANG Bo-zhou,ZHANG Ye-gao,et al 36 (2)16

Estimation of Detonation Performances of Explosives Using M、ρ、ΔfHθm、Cp、Tigorbof C-H-O-N Explosives andΔfHθmof Detonation Products……………………………………………………………………………HU Rong-zu,ZHAO Feng-qi,GAO Hong-xu,et al 36 (2)20

Numerical Simulation and Experiment of Craters Formed by RDX-based Aluminized Explosive and TNT in Shallow Soil……………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Ya-dong,LI Xiang-dong,WANG Hui,et al 36 (2)24

Characteristics of the Interface between Two Types of Heat-cured Cast Charges………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………DUAN Bo-zhen,CHEN Zhu,CAO Shao-ting,et al 36 (2)30

Large Scale Gap Thickness of HMX-based Composite Explosive…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YUAN Jun-ming,LIU Yu-cun,CHANG Shuang-jun,et al 36 (2)33

Ignition Performances of TNT under Temperature and Impact Loading Actions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………XIAO Wei,LI Liang-liang,SU Jian-jun,et al 36 (2)38

Difference Analysis on JWL-EOS and Energy Release of Different TNT Charge…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SONG Pu,YANG Kai,LIANG An-ding,et al 36 (2)42

Study on the Calculation of the Combustion Products of the Boron-based Fuel-rich Propellant during First Combustion Stage…………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Lin-lin,HE Guo-qiang,WANG Ying-hong 36 (2)46

Influence of High Energy Fillers on Combustion Characteristics of Stellate GAP Based Propellant……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YU Hong-jian,LI Ji-zhen,SHU An-min,et al 36 (2)52

Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Mechanical Properties of NC/DIANP Blends…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………QI Xiao-fei,ZHANG Xiao-hong,GUO Xin,et al 36 (2)57

Experimental Study on the Surface Deterring of Azidonitramine Gun Propellant……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Zhen-ya,FAN Jian-fang,CHEN Yu-qian 36 (2)62

Study on Diffusion of Polyester Deterrent in Modified Single-base Propellant………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PAN Qing,WANG Qiong-lin,SU Peng-fei,et al 36 (2)65

Theoretical Study of Increasing Projectile Initial Velocity by Using Combined Firing…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZOU Hua,ZHANG Ling-ke,ZHOU Yan-huang 36 (2)69

Treatment of Wastewater from Refined Cotton Production by Using US+UV/H2O2Process………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Zheng,ZHANG Jing-xuan,LI Run-qing,et al 36 (2)76

Treatment of Nitrogen Oxides Waste Gas by Direct Electrolytic Absorption Method … …………JING Xiang-shun,LI Yu-ping 36 (2)82

Numerical Simulations and Experimental Study on Directional-Focused Fragmentation Warhead……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Juan-juan,GUO Shuang-feng,YUAN Bao-hui,et al 36 (2)87

Analysis on Recent Trends of Foreign Propellants and Explosives Technology Development………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PENG Cui-zhi,FAN Xi-ping,REN Xiao-xue,et al 36 (3) 1

Progress of Study on the Fracture Performance of Solid Propellant … ………CHANG Xin-long,LONG Bing,HU Kuan,et al 36 (3) 6

Study on the Synthesis,Thermal Performance and Quantum Chemistry of 2-Dinitromethyl-5-nitrotetrazole………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Min,GE Zhong-xue,BI FU-qiang,et al 36 (3)14

Determination of Acid Value of CL-20by Titration Method …………………SHEN Fan-fan,ZHANG Jing,DONG Kai,et al 36 (3)20

Determination of the Purity of 2,6-Dichloropyrazine by Gas Chromatography ……YU Kun,QING Xiao-xia,LIU Ning,et al 36 (3)25

Synthesis and Characterization of 1-Methyl-3,4,5-trinitropyrazoles … …………LI Ya-jin,CAO Duan-lin,LI Yong-xiang,et al 36 (3)28

Determination of the Purity of FOX-12by HPLC … ………………………………MA Ling,ZHOU Cheng,ZHANG Yi,et al 36 (3)31

Chromatography Analysis and Thermal Stability of Hydrazonium Salt of 3,5-Dinitroamine-1,2,4-triazole……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………CUI Ke-jian,MENG Zi-hui,XU Zhi-bin,et al 36 (3)35

Explosion Pressure Characteristics of TNT under Closed Condition ………JIN Peng-gang,GUO Wei,WANG Jian-ling,et al 36 (3)39

Power Ability and JWL Equation of State of a HMX-based PBX ……………TAN Kai-yuan,HAN Yong,LUO Guan,et al 36 (3)42

After-Burning Performances of TNT/Al Explosive in Small Explosion Vessel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………JI Jian-rong,SU Jian-jun,WANG Sheng-qiang 36 (3)46

Influence of Al Content on the Driving Ability of RDX-based Aluminized Explosives…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SHEN Fei,WANG Hui,YUAN Jian-fei,et al 36 (3)50

Numerical Calculation of Solidification Process of Melt-cast Explosive in Water Bath and Natural Conditions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………MA Song,YUAN Jun-ming,LIU Yu-cun,et al 36 (3)54

Experiment Study of Blast Performance of Thermobaric-explosive under Different Gas Environment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Zhi-rong,WANG Sheng-qiang,YIN Jun-lan 36 (3)59

Determining the Parameters of JWL EOS by Underwater Sliding Detonation Test…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Kai,KONG Jun-li,SHEN Fei,et al 36 (3)62

Combustion Experiment of AP/HTPB Base Bleed Propellant under High Pressure and Optimization Model of Burning Rate………………………………………………………………………………………………………CAO Yong-jie,YU Yong-gang,YE Rui,et al 36 (3)65

Effects of Nano-materials on Combustion Properties of DB and CMDB Propellants………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YUAN Zhi-feng,WANG Jiang-ning,ZHANG Chao,et al 36 (3)69

Comparison of Three Kinds of Energy Calculation Programs in Formulation Design of Solid Propellants…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Meng,ZHAO Feng-qi,XU Si-yu,et al 36 (3)73

Preparation and Properties of Glycidyl Azide Polymer Modified NC … ……DING Hai-qin,JIAN Xiao-xia,XIAO Le-qin,et al 36 (3)78

Surface and Interface Actions of Agglomerated Boron Particles with Different Binders……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PANG Wei-qiang,FAN Xue-zhong,YU Hong-jian,et al 36 (3)83

Study on the Inner Dissolution Manufacture Process for Conglobating of Azidonitramine Gun Propellant………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Jian-xing,SHU An-min,ZHANG Kuo,et al 36 (3)87

Review on Evaluation Methods of Blast Power in Confined Space …………………HU Hong-wei,XIAO Chuan,LI Li,et al 36 (4) 1

Response Analysis of Aluminum in the Process of Thermobaric Explosive Detonation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PEI Ming-jing,TIAN Zhao-yang,HU Hua-quan,et al 36 (4) 7

Synthesis,Thermal Performance and Quantum Chemistry Study on 4-Nitro-2-1-nitro-1,2,4-triazole-3-yl-1,2,3-triazole………………………………………………………………………………LUO Yi-fen,CHEN Xiao-fang,WANG Bo-zhou,et al 36 (4)13

Influence of Ultrasound on the Washing Effect of RDX Containing Crystal Acid………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yao-xuan,HU Xiu-juan,CHEN Hou-he 36 (4)18

Synthesis and Theoretical Study of 1,1′-Dihydroxy-5,5′-bitetrazole … ………BI Fu-qiang,FAN Xue-zhong,XU Cheng,et al 36 (4)22

Synthesis and Separation of 2-2,4-Dinitrophenoxy Ethanol and Bis 2,4-Dinitrophenoxy Ethane……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Ruo-qian,DING Feng,FAN Hong-jie,et al 36 (4)26

Determination of Micro-nano RDX Shock Sensitivity by Underwater Method……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………TIAN Wen-Hui,HE Zhong-Qi,PENG Jin-hua,et al 36 (4)29

Preparation and Properties of Hexanitrodiphenyl Sulfide Based Plastic Bonded Explosive…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………DENG Ming-zhe,ZHAO Sheng-xiang,DAI Zhi-xin,et al 36 (4)33

Aging Behavior of Modified Composition B Explosive Charge … ………REN Xiao-ning,CHANG Hai,SHAO Ying-hui,et al 36 (4)37

Relation of Air Explosion Shock Wave Overpressure and Detonation Parameters of Explosives……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………NIU Yu-lei,FENG Xiao-jun,LI Yuan-yuan,et al 36 (4)42

Preparation and Characterization of Hydroxylamine Perchlorate … …ZHANG Meng-meng,JI Yue-ping,PAN Yong-fei,et al 36 (4)46

Improvement of the Hygroscopicity of AN by Modified Paraffin … ………………………………XIONG Yan-tao,LIU Zu-liang 36 (4)50

Effect of Initial Packing Pattern on Fragmentation Degree of Propellant Beds …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Yan,RUI Xiao-ting,CHEN Tao,et al 36 (4)53

Study on Ablation Model for Discharge Capillary Used in Electrothermal-chemical Guns……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yu-cheng,YAN Wen-rong,ZHANG Jiang-bo,et al 36 (4)57

Application of PBAMO-r-AMMO in Propellant … ……………………………ZHANG Chi,ZHANG Xiang-fei,ZHAI Bin,et al 36 (4)61

Influences of the Wet and Hot Environment on the Performances of Smokeless Composite Modified Double-base Propellants…………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Ya-jun,FAN Xue-zhong,LI Ji-zhen,et al 36 (4)65

Design of the Bond Stress Monitoring System of Instrumented Motor ………………………………GAO Ming,REN Hai-feng 36 (4)69

Quality Control of the Slurry Materials of CMDB Propellant by Screw Extrusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………QIN Neng,WANG Jiang-ning,ZHANG Chao,et al 36 (4)74

Interaction of 3,6-Dihydrazino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine with Components of Solid Propellant………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………JU Rong-hui,FAN Xue-zhong,LIU Zi-ru,et al 36 (4)78

Application of Different Particle Sizes of Boron in Mg/PTFE Pyrotechnic Compositions……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………WEI Yong-qi,CHEN Xin,XU Hui-xiang,et al 36 (4)83

Squeeze Charge Process and Booster Performances of HMX/CL-20-based Booster………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HU Fei,LIU Yu-cun,WANG Jian-hua,et al 36 (4)87

Some Important Problems in the Research of Thermal Decomposition of Energetic Materials…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SHU Yuan-jie,DING Xiao-yong,XU Jin-jiang,et al 36 (5) 1

Studies on Thermal Safety and a Density Functional Theory of 2,2,2-Trinitroethyl-4,4,4-Trinitrobutyrate………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HU Rong-zu,MA Hai-xia,ZHAO Feng-qi,et al 36 (5) 8

DSC/DPTA Thermal Analysis Kinetics and Their Applications … ………………LIU Rui,ZHANG Tong-lai,YANG Li,et al 36 (5)16

Thermal Decomposition Reaction Kinetics of 1-Amino-1,2,3-triazolium Nitrate………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………DU Xu-jie,LI Xiao-dong,YANG Rong-jie,et al 36 (5)22

Synthesis of Fe2O3Nanoparticles and Its Effect on the Thermal Decomposition Property of NTO……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HE Cui-cui,ZHAO Ning-ning,LIU Jian-bing,et al 36 (5)29

Thermal Decomposition Characteristics of RG-1Explosive ………………GAO Da-yuan,TAN Kai-yuan,LI Jing-ming,et al 36 (5)35

Estimation of the Kinetic Parameters of Thermal Decomposition Reaction and Thermal Safety on Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane…………………………………………………………………………………………GAO Hong-xu,ZHAO Feng-qi,HU Rong-zu,et al 36 (5)41

Determination of Thermokinetic Parameters of Dissolution Process of DMF in Carbohydrazide Styphnates by Microcalorimetry……………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Ying,YANG Li,ZHANG Tong-lai 36 (5)49

Influence of Pressure on Thermal Decomposition Characteristics of DAATO3.5…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………JU Rong-hui,FAN Xue-zhong,ZHAO Feng-qi,et al 36 (5)54

Thermal Decomposition Properties of PBT-based Energetic Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers with High Content of Soft Segment………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Zai-juan,GE Zhen,LUO Yun-jun 36 (5)58

Crystal Structure and Thermal Behavior of 3,4-Bis 3-cyanofurazan-4-oxyfurazan FOF-12…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAI Lian-jie,WANG Bo-zhou,LI Ya-nan,et al 36 (5)63

Thermal Decomposition Mechanism of LeadⅡ3-Nitro-phthalate … ………WANG Han,FAN Xue-zhong,LI Xiao-jiang,et al 36 (5)68

Estimation of the Critical Rate of Temperature Rise for Thermal Explosion of CnB and Apparent Empiric-order Autocatalytic Decomposing Re

action of Nitrocellulose from DSC Curves …………………………………YAO Er-gang,HU Rong-zu,ZHAO Feng-qi,et al 36 (5)72

Study on Adiabatic Decomposition Properties of Double-base Gun Propellant by Accelerating Rate Calorimeter ARC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………JIA Hao-nan,LU Gui-e,JIANG Lu-ming,et al 36 (5)77

Thermal Decomposition Properties of Four Kinds of High Density Hydrocarbon Fuels………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Chun-ying,XU Qiang,HE Fei,et al 36 (5)82

Dissolution Properties of NTO in Dimethyl Sulfoxide and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Na,ZHAO Feng-qi,LUO Yang,et al 36 (5)86

Effect of Acetone on Thermal Decomposition of RDX Solution … ………HAN Miao-miao,CAO Xiong,GU Ming-chao,et al 36 (5)90

Preparation of PbSnO3Ultrafine Powder and Its Catalytic Effect on Thermal Decomposition of HMX…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Xiao-chuan,QIN Ming-na,QIU Shao-jun,et al 36 (5)93

Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of RDX-based CMDB Propellant……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Tao,CHEN Ming-hua,CHEN Yong-kang,et al 36 (5)99

High-energy Metal Fuels for Rocket Propulsion:Characterization and Performance……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Luigi T.DELUCA,Filippo MAGGI,Stefano DOSSI,et al 36 (6) 1

Synthesis and Quantum Chemical Studies of 4-Amion-1,2,4-Triazole Dinitroguanidium…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………JIN Xing-hui,HU Bing-cheng,JIA Huan-qing,et al 36 (6)15

Solubility of the Components of Wasted Composition B in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Its Separation Process…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SONG Xiao-lan,WANG Yi,SONG Dan,et al 36 (6)20

Effect of Aluminum Particle Size and Explosion Atmosphere on the Energy of Explosion of Aluminized Explosive……………………………………………………………………………………………………FENG Xiao-jun,WANG Xiao-feng,LI Yuan-yuan,et al 36 (6)24

Preparation and Study on Properties of Resorcinol/AP Composite Oxidizer …HU Jun,GUO Xiao-de,LIU Hong-ying,et al 36 (6)28

Dynamic Response of Explosive in Projectile Penetrating Aluminum Alloy Target Process…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………QIAO Xiang-xin,YU Feng,LI Guang 36 (6)31

A Simple Estimation Method for Gurney Coefficient of Explosive ……………SHEN Fei,WANG Hui,YUAN Jian-fei,et al 36 (6)36

Effect of Graphite Content and Granularity on the Detonation Velocity of RDX/Graphite Mixed Explosive………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………CAO Yuan,TONG Yi,HUANG Feng-lei 36 (6)39

Synthesis Technique and Crystal Structure of HNF … ………………WANG Hui-ying,WEN Liang,YANG Hong-wei,et al 36 (6)43

Preparation of Ultrafine CL-18and Research on Its Narrow Pulse Detonation Performance………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LU Cheng-yi,SHENG Di-lun,CHEN Li-kui,et al 36 (6)47

Thermal Decomposition Characteristics of 2,6-Diamino-3,5-dinitropyridine-1-oxide………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HE Zhi-wei,YAN Shi-long,LIU Zu-liang 36 (6)51

Feasibility Analysis of High-Pressure Waterjet Clearing NEPE Propellant Charge…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Zuo-ming,WANG Xuan-jun,HAN Qi-long 36 (6)55

Combustion Performance and Thermal Decomposition Behaviors of HTPB Composite Propellant Containing ACP…………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Guo-qiang,WANG Han,RAN Xiu-lun,et al 36 (6)60

Preparation and Characterization of Fullerene Itaconic Acid Copolymer Lead Salt……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Qiang-qiang,JIN Bo,PENG Ru-fang,et al 36 (6)64

Effects of Composite Deceleration Agents on the Combustion Characteristics of the Propellant with Low Burning Rate……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Li-bo,ZHOU Rui 36 (6)70

Evaluation Methods of Dispersivity of Solid with High Content in Composite Material……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HE Fei,HUANG Zhen-ya,LIU Jing,et al 36 (6)74

Preparation Process of Composite Ball NC for Cast Modified Double-base Propellants………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Ding,FU Xiao-long,LI Ji-zhen,et al 36 (6)78

Mechanical Properties of Granular Gun Propellant … …………………CHEN Yan-kun,LUO Xing-bai,ZHEN Jian-wei,et al 36 (6)82

Anti-impact Fracture Property of RDX-based High-energy Gun Propellants……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Jing,YANG Li-xia,CHEN Xiao-ming,et al 36 (6)86

火炸药学报(2022年1期)2022-03-18 09:26:40
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化工进展(2015年3期)2015-11-11 09:08:25
火炸药学报(2014年5期)2014-03-20 13:17:53
火炸药学报(2014年5期)2014-03-20 13:17:53
火炸药学报(2014年5期)2014-03-20 13:17:48
火炸药学报(2014年3期)2014-03-20 13:17:40