Factors Influencing Blended Teaching Quality at Higher
Education Institutions
Xie Xiaoshan and Zhu Zulin
Using the research instruments of questionnaire survey, interview and literature review, this study set out to analyze factors influencing blended teaching quality at higher education institutions. In light of the findings in relation to teacher, student, teaching support system, teaching outcomes and its evaluation, specific measures are discussed with the aim of maximizing the positive impacts of these factors and minimizing their adverse effects on blended teaching quality.
Keywords: higher education institution; blended teaching; teaching quality; influencing factors
A New Approach to Distance Education for Corporate
Training: A Case Study
Li Wenfei
With the advancement and popularization of information technology (IT) and network technology, IT-mediated professional training is in increasing demand. As a provider of corporate training in Guangzhou, South China, Guangzhou Radio and Television University (GZRTVU) has offered IT-mediated training since 2010. GZRTVU provides its training courses via a specially-designed website in an attempt to develop a new approach to distance education for corporate training, including learning support, learning resources development and learning management. It is found that the sustainability of distance education for corporate training depends on whether the training courses can cater both for corporate requirements and employees’ learning needs.
Keywords: distance education; corporate training; IT-based training
An Analysis of the Guiding Principles of Modern Community Education
Wang Hong and Yang Dong
Guiding principles for community education come from community education practice. Informed by the development of community education in Shanghai, it is argued that there is a close non-linear relationship between community education and external factors such as economic development, social construction and educational development and that key issues influencing community education include such internal factors as demands, leadership, specialized institution, staff, learning resources, informatization, and socialization.
Keywords: community education; development; guiding principle
e2M2:An Assessment Tool for E-education Informatization
Based on Maturity Model
Li Qing, Wang Yu, Gou Xuerong, and Liu Hongpei
Despite the rapid progress of e-learning in higher education, a scientific system to evaluate the informatization of education institutions is yet to be developed. This article presents an assessment tool based on maturity model. The development of such a tool is informed by the survey results of education informatization at 12 online education schools and feedback from expert reviews.
Keywords: education informatization; assessment index; online education; maturity
Creating a Virtual Learning Community for Normal University
Students and In-service Teachers
Zhao Chengling, He Qing, Wan Liyong and Liao Weiwei
This article reports on an attempt to establish a virtual learning community for normal university students and in-service teachers so that the two cohorts could learn from each other to improve their competence in educational technology. It first analyzes the status quo of educational technology training for normal university students before proposing a model for these students and in-service teachers to form a virtual learning community. It then elaborates on the possible benefits that such a virtual learning community may bring about. Findings from a case study, covering interview feedback, participation, and social networking, serve as empirical evidence of the feasibility of such a community. Suggestions are discussed in relation to the establishment and development of virtual learning communities of this kind.
Keywords: educational technology competence; normal university student; in-service teacher; membership heterogeneity; virtual learning community
The Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in
Web-enhance Course Evaluation
Wang Yajie
The theory of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is used in the study to construct the evaluation system of Web-enhanced course. The relative indexes on Web-based course effect are studied and the hierarchy model is established. MeanWhile, the different evaluations of experts are treated seriously in building the matrix based on the comparative of every two factors at different levels. The Weights of these factors in the Whole evaluation system of Web-enhanced course are get through processing data of matrix. The implementation in Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture shows that the Web-enhanced course evaluation system is objective and scientific.
Keywords: AHP; Web-enhanced course; evaluation syst