AB103 36(12):572
Abraxane 36(11):526
ABT-072 36(5):239
ABT-450 36(5):239
acadesine 36(4):190
acetylcholinesterase inhibitor 36(9):385
action mechanism 36(6):251
activity 36(4):145
Adcetris 36(10):470
additive drug 36(2):83
adverse reaction 36(5):224
adverse drug reaction 36(12):546
ADXS-HPV 36(11):525
Afinitor 36(8):383
agomelatine 36(4):157
alemtuzumab 36(5):237
alert structure 36(1):1
aliskiren 36(5):封3
amino-functionalization 36(9):400
aminothiols 36(4):163
analgesia 36(5):224
androgen receptor antagonist 36(6):251
antibacterial activity 36(10):433;(11):481
antibacterial drug 36(4):173
antibacterialmechanism 36(2):49
anti-HIV drug 36(12):539
anti-inflammation 36(10):465
antioxidation 36(4):158
anti-radiation activity 36(4):163
antitumor 36(11):494
antitumor activity 36(2):65;(7):289
antitumor drug 36(7):300
antitumormetastasis 36(1):22
antiviral activity 36(9):394
antiviral drug 36(7):300
apoptosis 36(10):445
application analysis 36(11):514
apricoxib 36(4):186
AR-13324 36(11):525
arrhythmias 36(7):308
articaine 36(5):224
asymmetric oxidation 36(7):325
ATX-101 36(5):237;(12):573
Aurora kinase 36(4):145
avanafil 36(3):135
avastin 36(12):572
bacterial resistance 36(11):481
baicalin 36(8):373
betaine 36(8):370
bevacizumab 36(5):封3
bio-activity 36(6):241
bioavailability 36(7):300;(8):347
biological activity 36(10):452
biological therapy 36(5):207
bosutinib 36(9):附页2
bretuximab vedotin 36(5):240
brown adipose tissue 36(11):487
Budeprion XL 36(10):451
calcium regulatory protein 36(7):308
canagliflozin 36(2):92
capillary gas chromatography 36(11):508
carbon nanotube 36(9):400
carfilzomib 36(8):383;(11):519
carvedilol 36(9):418
castration-resistant prostate cancer 36(6):251
cell adhesionmolecule 36(4):158
cenicriviroc 36(2):93
centrifugal granulation 36(6):264
chalcone 36(6):241
chemicalmodification 36(9):394
chewing gum 36(12):552
chiral separation 36(1):34
chromatographic method 36(6):257
cis/transisomer 36(6):257
clindamycin phosphate 36(11):501
clinical application 36(1):22
cobicistat 36(8):378
combined use 36(4):173
compound glycyrrhizin 36(10):465
concentration polarization 36(3):116
content 36(12):564
content determination 36(1):38;(2):79
controlled-release preparation 36(9):406
correlation 36(8):356
CP-4126 36(9):423
CR845 36(6):285
cryopelletization 36(8):362
CT-1578 36(11):527
CTP-499 36(11):527
cubic liquid crystal 36(1):14
cyclinD1 36(2):73
cyclin dependent kinase 4 36(2):73
β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex 36(12):552
CYD-TDV 36(10):479
cytoprotection 36(10):445
delamanid 36(8):380
dexpramipexole 36(1):37
diabetic nephropathy 36(5):193
diacylglycerol acyltransferase inhibitor 36(2):57
dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor 36(8):337
disease 36(5):199
dissolution 36(9):418
distribution 36(10):452
dosage 36(6):277
dose-effect curve 36(4):180
drotrecoginα 36(4):157
drug 36(5):199
drug carrier 36(7):315;(9):400;(10):459
drug delivery system 36(1):14
drug design 36(1):1
druggability 36(4):151
drug resistance 36(2):49
drug response 36(8):356
drug synthesis 36(5):227
Dulera 36(4):封3
eltrombopag 36(12):574
endoplasmic reticulum stress 36(3):104;(5):193;(10):445
endothelial system 36(5):193
endothelin 36(3):104
endothelin-NADPH oxidase pathway 36(7):308
ENMD-2076 36(4):185
enzalutamide 36(10):480;(11):521
enzyme-responsive 36(10):458
EPI-743 36(10):479
Erivedge 36(2):封3
erythromycin 36(2):49;(11):481
etoposide 36(11):494
EVP-6124 36(11):524
experimentmodel 36(12):546
extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 36(2):73
extrusion spheronization 36(8):362
ferrous sulfate tablet 36(7):321
FICI 36(4):173
flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry 36(1):38
fluorescence technique 36(1):28
formula 36(12):564
formulation 36(9):406
fosinoprilat 36(3):123
fosinopril sodium tablet 36(2):79;(3):123
freeze pelletization 36(8):362
furoxan 36(3):97
gastrointestinal toxicity 36(3):110
gene vector
geniposide 36(4):158
genotoxicity 36(3):110
genotype 36(8):356
geographic information system 36(2):87
GKT137831 36(11):524
GLPG0634 36(4):192
glucarpidase 36(7):328
glycididazole sodium 36(11):508
golimumab 36(6):286
GraphPad Prism 5.0®36(4):180
GRPR 36(2):封3
gutmicrobiota 36(5):199
halloysite 36(7):315
HCV 36(9):394
heart failure 36(7):308
hepatotoxicity 36(3):110
hexagonal liquid crystal 36(1):14
highly active antiretroviral therapy 36(12):539
high performance capillary electrophoresis 36(1):34
high-throughput screening 36(1):28
HIV 36(5):231;(9):394;(11):526
HIV-1 36(1):46
H2N2 36(12):575
H5N1 36(2):封3;(12):575
hotmelt extrusion 36(8):362
HPLC 36(8):373
HPLC-ELSDmethod 36(8):370
HPLCmethod 36(2):79
huB4-DM4 36(8):377
hydrogel 36(11):501
hydrophilic matrice 36(5):216
4 -hydroxy-1-butanesulfonic acid 36(3):128
hypertension 36(12):529
hypoxia-activated prodrug 36(2):65
hypoxic selectivity 36(2):65
iCALM 36(7):320
idiosyncratic liver injury 36(12):546
idiosyncratic drug toxicity 36(1):1
imipenem and cilastatin sodium 36(6):277
immune therapy 36(5):207
individualized treatment 36(8):356
inflammatory cytokine 36(3):104
inflammatory factor 36(10):465;(11):511
influenza virus 36(9):394
influncing factor 36(5):216
inhibitor 36(4):145
inhibitory activity 36(9):385
insoluble particles 36(2):83
insulin resistance 36(6):270
interaction 36(5):199
intravenous infusion 36(2):83
invitrorelease 36(11):501
iodine 36(12):552
ion chromatography 36(3):128
ivacaftor 36(3):144
kidney damage 36(10):445
KW-3357 36(3):142
Kyprolis 36(8):383
lansoprazole 36(7):325
Latuda 36(5):238
Lazanda 36(3):144
LC-MS/MS 36(3):123;(9):413
lesinurad 36(7):331
levornidazole 36(6):277
lidocaine 36(5):224
linaclotide 36(9):附页1
lipopolysaccharide 36(10):465
Lipoquin 36(12):576
lixisenatide 36(3):132
local anesthesia 36(5):224
low-temperature vacuum drying 36(10):471
LuAA21004 36(5):238
luteolin 36(4):173
Lycii Fructus 36(8):370
macitentan 36(5):240
macrolide 36(2):49
male hypogonadism 36(3):104
malignant lymphoma 36(5):207
mambalgins 36(10):480
Marqibo 36(8):384
MDV-3100 36(3):131
medicine selling system 36(2):87
melanin 36(4):158
membrane filtration method 36(12):559
membrane fouling 36(3):116
membrane selectivity 36(3):116
metabolic activation 36(1):1
metal complex 36(4):163
method validation 36(12):559
MetMAb 36(7):330
MIC 36(4):173
micronomicin sulfate injection 36(12):559
mifepristone 36(6):270
mirabegron 36(3):133
molding technique 36(10):471
monoclonal antibody 36(5):207
monolithic osmotic pump 36(9):406
Mosquirix 36(3):136
moxifloxacin 36(6):277
MRSA 36(4):173
NanoTab 36(12):571
nanotube 36(7):315
natural benzophenones 36(10):452
natural product 36(9):385
near-infrared spectroscopy 36(7):321
Negishi coupling reaction 36(5):227
nephrotoxicity 36(3):110
new target 36(12):539
NF-κB/IκB pathway 36(4):158
nitric oxide 36(3):97
nitric oxide-donating drug 36(3):97
nonpeptide renin inhibitor 36(12):529
nucleoside drug 36(7):300
Nucynta ER 36(9):399
NVC-422 36(5):232
obesity 36(2):57;(11):487
obinutuzumab 36(5):233
occurrencemechanism 36(12):546
ocriplasmin 36(12):570
omacetaxinemepesuccinate 36(12):569
onartuzumab 36(7):330
ON 01910.Na 36(1):44
OPC-67683 36(8):380
oral administration 36(8):347
oral hypoglycemic agent 36(11):514
organic solvent residue 36(11):508
orthogonal experimental design 36(12):552
orthogonal test 36(10):471
oxidative stress 36(3):104;(5):193
oxybutynin 36(1):34
palonosetron hydrochloride injection 36(12):564
pasireotide 36(5):236
patent protection 36(4):151
peginesatide 36(11):520
pellet 36(6):264;(8):362
PGC-1α 36(11):487
pharmaceutical salt 36(4):151
pharmacokinetic parameter 36(3):123
pharmacokinetic profile 36(4):145
pharmacological action 36(4):158
pharmacological activity 36(3):97
phase transition 36(1):14
phosphorylation 36(2):73
photo-responsive 36(10):458
pH-responsive 36(10):458
pill-airing process 36(10):471
Plac8 36(11):487
plasma concentration 36(3):123;(9):413
platelet aggregation 36(11):511
podophyllotoxin 36(11):494
polypropylene 36(2):83
polyurethane 36(11):501
polyvinyl chloride 36(2):83
ponatinib 36(10):475
poorly soluble drug 36(9):406
PRDM16 36(11):487
preparation method 36(9):400
Primacaine Adrenaline 36(5):224
process parameter 36(6):264
prodrug 36(7):300;(8):347
protein separation and purification 36(3):116
protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor 36(1):28
p66shcgene 36(5):193
PSN821 36(11):封3
PSN842 36(11):封3
push-pull osmotic pump 36(9):406
PV-10 36(11):528
PVPVA64 36(9):418
Qing-Re-Jiang-TangGranules 36(8):373
Qnasl 36(9):封3
Qnexa 36(4):183
Qsymia 36(9):附页1
qualitative analysis 36(7):321
quality control 36(12):564
quality standard 36(8):373
quinolone 36(10):433
radioprotective agent 36(4):163
ranibizumab 36(11):522
rapid identification 36(7):321
RAW264.7 cell 36(10):465
RDEA-594 36(7):331
redox-responsive 36(10):458
regorafenib 36(4):184
related substance 36(12):564
related substance A 36(2):79
release rate 36(5):216
renin 36(12):529
reproductive toxicity 36(3):110
resistance 36(12):539
resistant mutant prevention concentration 36(6):277
rⅧFc 36(11):523
ribavirin 36(9):413
rigosertib 36(1):44
rindopepimut 36(12):573
RNA interference 36(2):73
ryanodine receptor 2 36(7):308
salt form 36(4):151
sandwiched osmotic pump 36(9):406
saponins 36(3):110
SAR3419 36(8):377
sarpogrelate hydrochloride 36(11):511
Sativex 36(4):封3
SB-509 36(9):424
secukinumab 36(9):425
selectivity 36(4):145
selumetinib 36(12):568
side effect 36(8):347
signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 36(7):289
single enantiomer 36(7):325
smart nanomaterials 36(10):458
SMYD3gene 36(2):73
sofosbuvir 36(12):563
solid dispersion 36(9):418
solithromycin 36(2):94
solubility 36(9):418
spectroscopic method 36(6):257
spherical agglomerate 36(8):362
STAT3 36(11):518
Steovess 36(10):480
sterility test 36(12):559
Stribild 36(9):附页1
strontium ranelate suspension 36(1):38
structural feature 36(10):452
structuralmodification 36(6):241;(10):433;(11):494
structure-activity relationship 36(2):49;(4):163;(6):241; (7):289;(8):337;(9):394; (10):433;(11):494
structuremodification 36(11):481
structure optimization 36(4):145
sufentanil 36(12):571
sulfated-β-cyclodextrin 36(1):34
sulfobutyl ether-β-cyclodextrin 36(3):128
sustained release 36(7):315
sustained release effect 36(8):347
sustained release formulation 36(5):216
synergestic effect 36(4):173
Synribo 36(12):569
synthesis 36(10):433
tafacitinib 36(5):235
TAK-875 36(1):43
targeted therapy 36(5):207
teduglutide 36(6):285
teriflunomide 36(3):143
testicular lesion 36(3):104
TG-101348 36(10):476
TH-302 36(10):477
thermo-responsive 36(10):458
thiaheterocycles 36(4):163
4 -thiazolidone 36(9):394
thin layer chromatography 36(8):373
thoracic aortic 36(6):270
time-kill curve 36(4):173
tinidazole 36(6):277
TNF-α 36(6):286
toxicity risk 36(1):1
toxicokinetic parameter 36(9):413
traditional Chinesemedicine 36(1):22
transient ischemic attack 36(11):511
trastuzumab emtansine 36(6):284
triglyceride 36(2):57
Truvada 36(9):附页2
Tudorza Pressair 36(8):355
tumor vaccine 36(5):207
type 2 diabetes 36(8):337
type 2 diabetesmellitus 36(2):57
ultrafiltration technique 36(3):116
ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry 36(12):552
unfolded protein response 36(10):445
using frequency 36(11):514
vaginal pessary 36(11):501
valsartan 36(5):227
vasoconstriction 36(6):270
VEGF-A 36(9):424
veltuzumab 36(4):188
vismodegib 36(2):封3
volitinib 36(11):封3
Voraxaze 36(7):328
water-solubility 36(4):145
Web service 36(2):87
Yuan-Hu-Zhi-Tongdropping pill 36(10):471
Zaltrap 36(8):384
ziv-aflibercept 36(8):384