212018 Clinicopathological observation of gastric cancer with pathological complete response following neoadjuvant chemotherapy

2012-08-15 00:54:32WuAiwen武爱文KeyLabCarcinogenTranslatResMinisityEducationDeptGastrointestSurgPekingUnivSchoolOncolBeijingCancerHospBeijing100142ChinGastrointestSurg201114596598
外科研究与新技术 2012年1期

/Wu Aiwen(武爱文,Key Lab Carcinogen Translat Res(Minisity Education),Dept Gastrointest Surg Peking Univ School Oncol Beijing,Cancer Hosp Beijing 100142)…∥Chin Gastrointest Surg.-2011,14(8).-596 ~598

ObjectiveTo observe the clinicopathological characteristics of gastric cancer with pathological complete response(pCR)followingneoadjuvantchemotherapy.MethodsData of gastric cancer patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy from 2002 to 2008 in Beijing Cancer Hospital were reviewed.Five cases were found to have pCR.The slides were reviewed by two experienced pathologists independently.Histological structure,morphology of tumor cells,morphology and quantity of stromal cells were evaluated.ResultsStructure of the gastric wall was distinguishable in all the 5 cases,while distortion and rupture of muscular layer were found in 2 cases.Exudative inflammatory reaction was present in the whole gastric wall including the serosa layer.Three patients had ulcerative lesions with epithelial layer shedding,and atypical hyperplasia was found around the border of the ulcer,and vascular endothelial cells were swollen.Residual distorted necrotic tumor cells resided in 1 case only and no residual tumor cells was present in the other 4 patients.Significant hyperplasia of fibroblasts was present in 4 cases,large amount of lymphocytes infiltration in 3 cases including concurrent plasma cell infiltration in 1 case,multinucleated giant cell reaction in the muscular layer of 1 case,and foam cells aggregation in 1 case with mucinous adenocarcinoma.In addition,there were 2 cases with pCR had lymph node metastasis.ConclusionFor cases with pCR following neoadjuvant chemotherapy,heterogeneity of stromal cells reaction is found in previous tumor site.Furthermore,the response of primary tumor does not necessarily parallel to that of lymph nodes.9 refs,1 fig,1 tab.