Clinical analysis of primary carcinoma of the gallbladder:report of 111 cases

2012-08-15 00:54:32RenPeitu
外科研究与新技术 2012年1期

/Ren Peitu

(任培土,Dept Hepatobil Surg,Shaoxing Peop Hosp,Shaoxing 312000)…∥Chin JGen Surg.-2011,26(11).-947~949

ObjectiveTo improve the rate of early diagnosis and prolong the survival of patients with gallbladder carcinoma.MethodsClinical data of 111 cases of primary carcinoma of the gallbladder undergoing surgery from Jan 2002 to Dec 2010 were analyzed retrospectively.ResultsThe preoperative diagnositic rate was 61.3%.Among the 111 cases of primary carcinoma of the gallbladder,22 patients received simple cholecystectomy,47 patients received radical resection,18 patients received extended radical resection,12 patients received palliative operation while the other 12 patients only got biopsy due to widespread intraabdominal metastasis.The 3 years survival rate of the patients was 29.7%(33/111)while the 5 years survival rate was 9.9%(11/111).ConclusionB-ultrasonography and CT are the mainstay for the diagnosis of primary carcinoma of the gallbladder.For those suspected of having the carcinoma,an exploration is recommended.11 refs,1 tab