我们也爱母亲 We also love our mothers
却和母亲爱我们不一样 But it differs from mothers’love
我们的爱是溪流 Our love is a stream
母亲的爱是海洋 Mothers’love is the ocean
岌岌草上的露珠 Dewdrops on the Achnatherum splendens
又圆又亮 Are round and bright
那是太阳给予的光芒 It is the sunshine from the sun
四月的日子 The days of April
半是烂漫 Half brilliant
半是辉煌 Half glorious
那是春风走过的地方 It is the place where the breeze passed
我们的欢乐 Our joy
是母亲脸上的微笑 Is the smile on mothers’faces
我们的痛苦 Our pain
是母亲眼里深深的忧伤 Is the deep gloom in mothers’eyes
我们可以走得很远很远 We can go far away
却总也走不出 But cannot get out
母亲心灵的广场 Of the square of mothers’hearts