
2012-08-15 00:50湖北省武汉市李琳供稿
中学生英语 2012年18期

湖北省武汉市 李琳供稿


湖北省武汉市 李琳供稿


1.I rang the bell but there was no a_______.

2.I don’t like this pen,please give me a_______.

3.A smile a_______on his face when he heard the good news.

4.I invited my five sisters but not a_______can come.

5.She a______________my idea.

6.I’d love to go on holiday but I can’t a_______the time.

7.I didn’t a_______his invitation yesterday because I was busy.

8.I know nothing a_______the accident.

9.Most people are a_______the new idea.

10.I came up with an idea.The students a_______with me.

11.She is a good a_______.She often appears on the stage.

12.Did you a_______your boss for a pay rise?

13.Don’t wake him up.He’s a_______.

14.My boss doesn’t a_______me to use the telephone.

15.The bell was ringing when he a_______at school.

16.I am very a_______about my son’s health because he often has a cold.

17.Tom got an A in an English exam,so he greatly a_______Jack’s help.

18.If you a_______a meeting or other event,you are present at it.

19.An a_______is a performer such as a musician,actor,or dancer.


20.We can hear the rain b_______on the roof.

21.If we help each other,I b_______our world will be more and more beautiful.

22.—Alice,don’t forget to b_______your homework tomorrow!—OK,Miss Green.

23.He’s alive.I can feel his heart b_______.

24.—May I b_______a pen from you?—Sure.Here you are.

25.His parents b_______him a new bike on his tenth birthday.

26.I always b_______my brother at chess.

27.Who else has a computer b_______Mike and Jack?

28.This bridge was b_______last year.

29.She b_______learning English at the age of six.

30.Lucy and Lily are b_______good students,so all the teachers like them.

31.My bike was b_______yesterday,so I walked to school.

32.—Do you know the b_______hours in Qunguang Square?—From 9:00 am to 9:00 in the evening.

33.—Whose book is this?—It must b_______to Tina.It has her name on it.

34.Is something b_______you?

35.A piece of china b_______easily.

36.The lifts in this building are always b_______.

37.The shops are very b_______before Christmas.


38.It’s not good to c_______others’homework.

39.—I would like a c_______of today’s newspaper.Who can help me?—I’d love to.

40.When the water boils,please take the c_______from the pan.

41.Do you think we should c______________Bob’s while we’re in London.

42.He laughed to c_______his nervousness.

43.We can’t c_______the street until the light is green.

44.C_______we’ll consider your suggestion,Alan.

45.Get c_______to me,I’ll tell you something funny.

46.The photos c______________memories of my childhood.

47.I think we should cross the road with c_______.

48.This box is too heavy.I can’t c_______it.

49.She c_______a cold,so she didn’t go to school this morning.

50.I didn’t get A this term because I was too c_______during the exams.

51.Winter holiday is coming.It will be a good c_______to relax.

52.—Where can I c_______my Chinese money for U.S dollars?—In the bank.

53.—This shirt is too expensive.Do you have c_______ones?—Let me see.

54.When we sit in the c_______classroom,we feel comfortable.

55.Be c_______,or you’ll be in trouble.

56.The c_______of the fire was carelessness.

57.The heavy rain was the c_______of the flood.

58.The neighbours c_______to the police about the dogs’barking.

59.I don’t think she c______________her study.

60.—Can you help me c_______up these potatoes?—Sure.

61.I often hear the c_______of a newspaper seller on my way to school.

62.He c_____________________a good idea to solve the problem.

63.My watch c_______me 300 yuan.

64.Would you c______________a drink?

65.How’s Martin c______________with his English?

66.Jobs are hard to c______________these days.

67.He c_______George as his assistant.

68.He c_______the bedroom just now.

69.The magazine c______________once a month.

70.The dream c______________.

71.The output of the factory this year has increased by 20 percent as c_______last year.

72.He can’t c______________Shakespeare as a write of tragedies.

73.I believe I c_______do it.

74.He made friends with a C_______girl.The girl is from Canada.

75.I c______________many unnecessary words in my composition.

76.He c______________me about his rudeness.

77.I haven’t c_______the dinner.

78.They c_______the meeting because nobody could attend it.


79.Is there any d_______of fire?

80.The river is d_______for swimmers.

81.I don’t know how she d_______wear that dress.

82.Mr Smith,it’s already been d_______with.

83.It’s difficult to d_______between the two.

84.Everybody must make d_______for themselves.

85.Their future d_______on how well they do in these exams.

86.My grandfather d_______at the age of 87.

87.I’v d_______a super restaurant near here.

88.We d_______when we should go.

89.The plans have been under d_______for a year now.

90.Tom d_______going to the dentist.

91.She d______________in maths.

92.She d_______a house last night.

93.I d_______my chair up to the table.

94.Can I d_______$50 from the bank?

95.The facts are quite clear—it’s no use trying to d_______them up.

96.The bottle d_______and broke just now.

97.Math is difficult for me,I want to d_______it.

98.Please d_______the wet clothes!

99.Is the clothes d_______or wet?


100.There is a line of trees on e_______side of the river.

101.E_______of us had a try.

102.He got up too late to catch the e_______bus.

103.The bush was planted e_______in the season.

104.He sat in the car with policeman on e_______of him.

105.If he doesn’t go,I won’t e_______.

106.There is no e_______of progress.

107.The party e_______at midnight.

108.He e_______up taking the train.

109.This book is easy e_______for me to read.

110.A new idea e_______his mind.

111.Three monkeys have e_______from the zoo.

112.Please make my e_______to your friend.

113.E_______me,but could you tell me the time?

114.He is e_______a letter.

115.He bought a very e_______new car for his girl friend.

116.It’s$20 for dinner,and drinks are e_______.

117.All e_______computers consist of five units although they are of different kinds.


118.They tried to f_______you into coming after us.

119.“You f_______! ”she shouted.

200.He f_______her birthday.

201.He is f_______to us all.

202.Have f_______at the party tonight!

203.She is from F_______.

204.New York is f_______for itsskyscrapers(摩天大楼).

205.He f_______the exam though he studied hard.

206.She was so tired that she f______________in her chair.

207.The little boy f_______down and hurt his knee.

208.Did your father go f_______?

209.Oranges are my f_______fruit.

210.His mother f_______him with a spoon when he was young.

211.The silk f_______very soft.

212.I have a f_______that he is right.

213.Please f_______me some water.

214.He had f_______in the First World War.

215.Could you f_______in the application form,please?

216.We never f_______out her real name.

217.The concert f_______when we got there.

218.You should take exercise to keep f_______.

219.Her height f_______her for basketball.

220.The electrician’s coming to f_______up the cooker.

221.We f_______up the guest bedroom before my parents came to stay.

222.We’ll have to f_______up a time to meet.


223.Can you g_______her age?

224.Besides English,he has to study G_______.

225.He chose G_______,but personally I’d prefer to go to Spain.

226.G_______are eating leaves on trees.

227.He joined the two pieces of wood together with g_______.

228.Which colour do you like?White or g_______.

229.I g_______a letter from my sister this morning.

230.How’s your son g_______along at University?

231.Do you g_______on well with your parents?

232.How on earth did the dog manage to g_______out?

233.Can you help me g_______out of the meeting tomorrow?

234.She still hasn’t g______________the shock of her mother’s death.

235.If you want to watch TV,g_______your lessons finished first.

236.I have g_______r_______to make a cake.

237.I don’t want to take the text yet,I’m not r_______f_______it.

238.We finally g_______t_______London at six o’clock.

239.Can you do and g_______the children u_______?

240.I g_______each of the boys an apple.

241.I’ve g_______a_______most of the children’s toys.

242.Mr.Smith has g_______u_______smoking.

243.We’re g_______away this weekend and we’ll be back on Sunday evening.

244.I think we ought to g_______back now.

245.Suddenly the kitchen light w_______out.

246.I w_______through the whole house looking for my purse.

247.He got up from behind his desk to g_______me.

248.Cotton g_______wild here.


249.The sun has h_______itself in the clouds.

250.The girl was h_______her father’s hand.

251.Our h_______for fine weather werenot disappointed(失望的).

252.They are in a h_______to get new supplies.

253.I’m seriously h_______in the leg.

254.They spent h_______the time looking for a parking place.

255.I used to h_______out in supermarkets.

256.How did the accident h_______?

257.Plastic flowers are a particular h_______of mine.

258.Exericise is good for the h_______.

259.Please h______________your exercise books at the end of the lesson.

260.The teacher h______________the examination papers.

261.How did the accident h_______.

262.We try h_______to succeed.

263.We h______________when we all go on hoilday together.

264.A h_______is something you do often or regularly.

265.The meeting will be h_______in the Town Hall.

266.We h_______that you are well.

267.Don’t you think smoking is h_______to health?

268.I cannot make out what your h_______is.You write terribly.

269.There were twelve of us,i_______me and Tom.

270.For fuller i_______,please contact our local agent.

271.Let me i_______myself,my name is Simpson.

272.The telephone is a wonderful i_______.

273.All our relatives were i_______to my birthday party.

274.I work hard i_____________________go to college.

275.A good teacher has a good i_______on his students.


276.Membership is free,so j_______today!

277.I was only j_______.Don’t be serious.

278.This hammer is j_______the thing I need.

279.It was a long j_______,but we eventually arrived.


280.Warm clothing helps to k_______out the cold.

281.If the door won’t open,give it a k_______.

282.Would you be k_______enough to help me?

283.He cut up the tomato with a kithchen k_______.

284.If you k_______into someone,you should say sorry to him or her.


285.How long do you think this fine weather will l_______?

286.It’s not kind to l_______at a chlid’s mistakes.

287.He l_______his hand on my shoulder.

288.—How did you_______about our product?—We’re l_______Canada soon.

289.I’m sorry,he’s just l_______for London.

290.In Britain cars are driven on the l_______.

291.His story is nothing but a pack of l_______.

292.—Give him a l_______.—He’s too small to see anything.

293.This l_______is too poor to read by.

294.The books are l_______alphabetically(照字母顺序排列地).

295.Will you l_______to me carefully while I am talking to you?

296.She’s a l_______chlid and popular with everyone.

297.Is the gate l_______?Make sure it’s safe.

298.Mother was well l_______after in hospital.

299.If you don’t know the meaning of a word,l_______it_______in a dictionary.

300.I’ve l_______t_______all my papers but I still can’t find the letter.

301.I have l_______my book.I’ll buy another one.

302.He had a l_______afternoon with his wife.

303.There is l_______water in the bottle than in the glass.


304.The school is m______________of 34 classes.

305.Bob and Mary got m_______in 2008.

306.This word has two different m_______in English.

307.We agreed to m_______in front of the theater.

308.I’m sorry.I m_______you for a friend of mine.

309.Don’t m_______up those papers,or we’ll never find the ones we need.

310.The cat has caught a m_______.

311.Please m_______your car.It’s blocking the drive.

312.Hurry up or you’ll m_______the bus!


313.Though he is n_______80.He is rather healthy.

314.The old man has two sons,but n_______of them lives with him.

315.Many students will get n_______before the big exams.

316.Is it n_______to listen to it once more?

317.Have you n_______who went by the classroom just now?

318.Let’s walk to the library.It’s quite n_______.

319.I don’t eat meat and n_______did Jean.

320.Have you heard the latest n_______?

321.The n_______bus leaves in twenty minutes.

322.This is just a n_______to thank you for having us all to stay.

323.I can only remember the first few n_______of the songs.

324.He n______________lives here.


325.He o_______me a glass of wine.

326.He o_______knew her,but they are no longer friends.

327.I want to o_______a large pizza and a glass of juice.

328.I saw the whole accident with my o_______eyes.

329.He o_______threes cars.

330.Who is the o_______of the motorcyale?

331.I o_______the window after I got up.

332.Can you o_______this computer?

333.Jack has a blue bike while Linda’s is o_______.

334.The names are in alphabetical o_______.


335.Don’t p_______the car on the street.

336.Wuhan has lots of beautiful p_______.

337.I p_______tea to coffee.

338.You’d better p_______for the coming examination.

339.He p_______the door and came in.

340.You mustn’t do that in a p_______place.

341.The shop p_______water for gueats.

342.Learning English needs a lot of p_______.

343.It’s rude to p_______your fingers at people.

344.What p_______you best?

345.He finds great p_______in reading.

346.The trip was very p_______.

347.We p_______many flowers in our garden.

348.She didn’t p_______me anything.

349.The boys walked p_______our house.

350.We p_______two stores before we came to the barber’s.

351.I think you should p_____________________his advice.

352.The artist should be p______________his work.

353.My husband will p_______you_______in his car.

354.He was p______________a pencil all the time when he was talking.

355.Make sure she eats well and gets p______________flesh air.

356.Sarah p_______to be cheerful and said nothing about the problem.

357.The English party will be p______________till next weekend.

358.He p______________his coat hurriedly and ran out of the house.

359.They will p______________a new play this week.

360.P______________the lights before leaving the room.

361.Do you know how to p______________a tent?

362.You are not allowed to p______________advertisements on the wall.


363.Everyone wants to get rich q_______.


364.The plants need r_______.

365.I r_______my hand quickly in class.

366.My watch has broken.I’ll have to have it r_______.

367.I asked him,but she gave no r_______.

368.They came back after a week to r_______progress.

369.Did you read the newspaper r_______of the accident?

370.The sun r_______in the east.

371.I r_______a letter from her.

372.You must obey the school r_______.

373.He r_______me of his father.

374.He asked her to marry him but she r_______.

375.I’ll always r_______that wonderful day.

376.The news only r_______me yesterday.

377.I’ve r_____________________money.Could you lend me some?


378.That s_______like a child crying.

379.She opened the door without a s_______.

380.How much do you s_______on food each week?

381.My camera has been s_______.

382.Will the bus stop at the next s_______?

383.If you keep on trying,you’ll s_______in the end.

384.Hard work is the key to s_______.

385.He is a s_______manager.

386.Can anybody s_______ways of raising more money?

387.S_______you had a million pounds.What would you do?

388.You must be s_______of your facts before you make a decision.

389.They looked up in s_______when she walked in.

390.Children usually like s_______things.

391.We need to s_______our teachers.

392.He thinks money will s_______all his problems.

393.I want to s______________early in order to aviod the traffic.

394.Mike s______________a shop when he was 21.

395.You will have to s______________her because she can’t hear very well.


396.T_______your coat!It’s cold.

397.Have a t_______of this cheese to see if you like it.

398.Do you t_______it’s going to snow?

399.She waited t_______he had finished.

400.They t_______60 kilometres to come and see us.

401.Tell me about your t_______.

402.Please wait in the queen until it is your t_______.

403.Buy the right shampoo for your hair t_______.


404.Don’t leave the building u_______you are instructed to do so.

405.We won’t start u_______Bob comes.

406.I’ve u______________all the paper.


407.While we’re in Europe we ought to v_______Europe.


408.We must have w_______ten miles today.

409.Don’t w_______your money on silly things.

410.Do you w_______a lot of TVs?

411.I w_______what really happened.

412.She w_______in a factory.

413.People w_______more about their health than they used to.

414.I’ve been w______________the bus for half an hour.

415.At what time did you w______________this morning?




1.answer 2.another 3.appeared 4.all

5.agreed to 6.afford 7.accept 8.about

9.against 10.agreed 11.actress 12.ask

13.asleep 14.allow 15.arrived 16.anxious

17.appreciated 18.attend 19.artist


20.beat 21.believe 22.bring 23.beating

24.borrow 25.bought 26.beat 27.besides

28.built 29.beagn 30.both 31.broken

32.business 33.belong 34.bothering

35.breaks 36.breaking 37.busy


38.copy 39.copy 40.cover 41.call at

42.cover 43.cross 44.Certainly45.close

46.called up 47.care 48.carry 49.caught

50.careless 51.chance 52.change 53.cheaper

54.clean 55.careful 56.cause 57.cause

58.complained 59.cares about

60.cut 61.cry 62.came up with

63.costs 64.care for 65.coming along

66.come by 67.choose 68.cleaned

69.comes out 70.comes ture

71.compared 72.compare with

73.can 74.Canadian 75.clean up

76.complained to 77.cooked



79.danger 80.dangerous 81.dares 82.dealt

83.decide 84.decisions85.depends 86.died

87.discovered 88.discussed 89.discussion

90.dislikes 91.does well 92.drew 93.drew

94.draw 95.dress 96.dropped 97.drop

98.dry 99.dry


100.each 101.Each 102.early 103.early

104.either 105.either 106.end 107.ended

108.ended 109.enough 110.entered

111.escaped 112.excuses 113.Excuse

114.expectig 115.expensive 116.extra117.electronic


118.fool 119.fool 200.forgot 201.friendly

202.fun 203.France 204.famous

205.failed 206.fell asleep 207.fell

208.far 209.favorite 210.fed 211.feels

212.feeling 213.fetch 214.fought215.fill

216.find 217.finished 218.fit 219.fits

220.fix 221.fixed 222.fix


223.guess 224.German 225.Germany

226.Giraffes 227.glue 228.grey 229.got

230.getting 231.get 232.get 233.get

234.got over 235.get 236.got,ready

237.ready,for 238.get,to

239.get,up 240.give 241.given,away

242.given,up243.going 244.go 245.went

246.went 247.greet 248.grows


249.hidden 250.holding 251.hopes 252.hurry

253.hurt 254.half 255.hang

256.happen 257.hate 258.health259.hand in

260.hand out261.happen 262.hard 263.have fun

264.holding 265.held 266.hope 267.harmful


269.including 270.information 271.introduce

272.invention 273.invited 274.in order to



276.join 277.joking 278.just 279.journey


280.keep 281.kick 282.kind 283.knife



285.last 286.laugh 287.laid

288.learn,learning 289.left 290.left

291.lies 292.lift 293.light294.listed

295.listen 296.lively 297.locked

298.looked 299.look,up 300.looked through

301.lost 302.lovely 303.less


304.made up 305.married 306.meanings

307.meet 308.mistook 309.mix 310.mouse

311.move 312.miss


313.nearly 314.neither 315.nervous

316.necessary 317.noticed

318.near 319.nor 320.news 321.next

322.note 323.notes 324.no longer


325.offered 326.once 327.own 328.

own 329.owns 330.owner 331.opened

332.operate 333.orange 334.order


335.park 336.parks 337.prefer

338.prepare 339.pushed 340.public

341.provides 342.practice 343.point

344.pleases 345.pleasure 346.pleasant

347.planted 348.pay 349.past

350.passed 351.pay attention to

352.paid for 353.pick up 354.playing with

355.plenty of 356.pretended 357.put off

358.put on 359.put on 360.Put out

361.put up 362.put up




364.rain 365.raised 366.repaired

367.reply 368.report 369.reports

373.reminds 374.refused 375.remember

376.reached 377.ran out of


378.sounds 379.sound 380.spend

381.stolen 382.station 383.succeed

384.success 385.successful386.suggest

387.Suppose 388.sure 389.surprise

390.sweet 391.support 392.solve

393.set off 394.set up 395.shout at


396.Take 397.taste 398.think

399.till 400.traveled 401.trouble

402.turn 403.type


404.unless 405.until 406.used up




408.walked 409.waste 410.watch

411.wonder 412.works 413.worry

414.waiting for 415.wake up


1~5 BBDCB 6~10 BCDAA 11~15 ABABB

16~20 DAABA 21~25 CBDAC 26~30 BBDBB


370.rises 371.

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