ARCHTECTS: Avanto Architects/Ville Hara, Anu Puustinen
之后,顺着天窗的引导进入礼拜堂。礼拜堂敞开,高耸的空间的尽头是被照亮的石砌墙的交界处,在这里吊唁者将与死者见面。通往墓地的墙是半透明的,两面都罩着锈面的铜网,寓意显示今生和来世的屏幕。离开礼拜堂时将走过一个小花园,到达墓地。道路虽然曲折,但向前延续。□(司马蕾 译)
1 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: KUVIO)
Cemetery chapel is situated in the vicinity of the historic Church of St. Lawrence in Vantaa.
The old stone church with its bell tower remain the dominant features in the landscape. The chapel has been divided in smaller parts to adapt with the scale of the surroundings. The stacked stone walls of the cemetery are echoed in the design-a series of three chapels of different sizes are nested within orthogonal masonry walls.
The building uses similar materials as the old structures in the area: rendered brickwork, natural stone, patinated copper sheet and mesh. The partition walls are in-situ cast white concrete. The lifespan target for the chapel is two hundred years. An open art competition was scheduled before the final construction documents were drafted, so that the art could be integrated as a seamless part of the architecture.
Space for Grief
The chapel is designed to assist the mourner,giving space for grief. The people attending the funeral follow a silent route through a series of sacral spaces, punctuated by intermediate rooms.The intermediate spaces prepare the visitors for the next phase of the funeral. The whitewashed masonry walls and a continuous skylight next to it lead from one space to the next, from the low and dark to the lofty and light.
2 总平面/Site plan
3 外景/Exterior views(摄影/Photos: KUVIO)
Path, a Symbolic Route
The chapel's architecture is a depiction of the passage of a Christian soul from here to the hereafter.
We approach alongside the outer wall. The wall and the bell tower at its end speak of the earthbound journey and its ending. We turn the corner and, sheltered by an overhang, follow the wall, to a small courtyard-a small pond, with natural stones at its bottom.
We enter a dimly lit lobby with a low ceiling,we can glimpse the entrance court and the old garden of the vicarage behind us. Here it is possible to stop for a moment and reflect on the experiences and life shared with the deceased.
We follow the skylight to the chapel. The chapel opens up, a high space terminating in the brightly lit junction of the masonry wall, where the deceased will be met by the mourners. The wall towards the graveyard is semi transparent, glazed with a patinated copper mesh on either side, a screen between this life and the hereafter. From the chapel we exit, through a small garden, to the graveyard.The path turns-but continues.□
4 外景/Exterior views(摄影/Photos: KUVIO)
5 外景/Exterior views(摄影/Photos: KUVIO)
6 外景/Exterior views(摄影/Photos: KUVIO)
获奖情况/Competition: 2003年公开建筑竞赛一等奖/Open architecture competition, 1st prize, 2003
竣工时间/Year of Completion: 2010
建筑面积/Gross Area: 1 879m2
造价/Total Cost: €10M
业主/Client: Vantaa Parish Union
助理/Assistants: Felix Laitinen, Tommi Tuokkola,Jonna Käppi, Piotr Gniewek, Asami Naito
室内设计/Interior Designer: Avanto Architects Ltd/Kai Korhonen
景观设计/Landscape Architect: Landscape Architects Byman Ruokonen Ltd / Eva Byman, Niina Strengell
结构设计/Structural Design: R J Heiskanen Engineers Ltd / Kari Toitturi, Helena Lomperi
暖通设计/HVAC Design: Leo Maaskola Engineers Ltd/Jukka Sainio, Esa Leino
电气设计/Electric Design: Veikko Vahvaselkä Engineers Ltd/Rauno Nyblom, Lassi Jalava
灯光设计/Lighting Design: Tülay Schakir
声学设计/Acoustic Design: Akukon Ltd/Olli Salmensaari
织物设计/Textile Design: Avanto Architects Ltd
总承包商/Prime Contractor: Rakennuspartio Ltd
电气制造/Electric Contractor: Lassila & Tikanoja Ltd/Building Services/Electric Services
暖通制造/HVAC Contractor: Sähköpeko Etelä-Suomi Ltd
艺术家/Artists: Petti Kukkonen, Pekka Jylhä
景观制造/Landcape Contractor: Lemminkäinen Ltd and Suomen Graniittikeskus Ltd
7 首层平面/Ground floor plan
8 地下层平面/Basement plan
9 北立面/North elevation
10 西立面/West elevation
11 剖面/Sections
12 剖面/Sections
13 东立面/Eest elevation
14 南立面/South elevation
15 院落草图/Courtyard sketch
16 入口/Entrance
17 大厅/Lobby
18 走廊/Corridor(16-18摄影/Photos: Tuomas Uusheimo)
19 大型礼拜堂草图/Large chapel sketch
20 中型礼拜堂/Middle chapel
21 大型礼拜堂/Large chapel(20、21摄影/Photos: Tuomas Uusheimo)
22 礼拜堂内的艺术雕塑/Sculptures in the chapel(摄影/Photos: Minna Hopia)
23 礼拜堂内的艺术雕塑/Sculptures in the chapel(摄影/Photos: Minna Hopia)
24 礼拜堂内的艺术雕塑/Sculptures in the chapel(摄影/Photos: Minna Hopia)
25 小型礼拜堂/Small chapel(摄影/Photo: Tuomas Uusheimo)