
2012-06-02 09:49:14武汉大学商学院2010级刘洋编译
中学生英语 2012年4期

武汉大学商学院2010级 刘洋 编译


武汉大学商学院2010级 刘洋 编译



1.One day,there was something wrong with my aircraft and I was forced to land in the Sahara Desert.Unexpectedly,I met the little prince here.He asked me to draw him a sheep,and I did.一天,我的飞机出了故障,被迫降落在撒哈拉大沙漠上。在这儿,我意外地遇到了小王子。他请我画一只绵羊送给他,我照做了。

2.The little prince was a miraculous child.He came from a very small planet that was scarcely any larger than a house.There were two active volcanoes,one extinct volcano and some flowers on it.小王子是个神奇的孩子。他来自一个跟房子差不多大的星球。那里有两座活火山、一座死火山和一些花儿。

3.The little prince loved his beautiful rose very much,but his rose was rather hypocritical,so the little prince quarreled with her and sadly left for other planets.小王子非常喜欢他那美丽的玫瑰,但是他的玫瑰很虚伪,所以小王子和她发生了争执,悲伤地离开了他的星球,到其他星球旅行去了。

4.The first planet he visited was inhabited by a king.The old king insisted that his authority should be respected and that he tolerated no disobedience.He always liked ordering all the things,though there was just only one person—himself on the little planet.他到达的第一个星球上住着一个国王。老国王坚持自己的威严必须得到尊重,绝不能忍受别人的不服从。虽然他的星球上只住着他自己,但他总爱对所有的事情发号施令。

5.The second planet was inhabited by a conceited man.He was only interested in others’admiration.The little prince felt puzzled,so he went away to continue his journey.第二个星球上住着一个自负的人。他喜欢别人对他的崇拜。小王子对此感到不理解,所以他走了,继续他的旅途。

6.The next planet was inhabited by a drunkard.This was a very short visit.The man was always drinking to forget that he was ashamed of drinking itself.It made the little prince very confused.下一个星球上住着一个酒鬼。这次的造访很短。那个酒鬼只是不停地喝酒,而他喝酒的原因却是为了忘却他不停喝酒的羞愧。这让小王子很困惑。

7.The fourth planet belonged to a businessman.This man was so busy counting how many stars he “had” that he did not even give a glance at the little prince’s arrival.But his work was of no significance.第四个星球是属于一个商人的。这个人很忙很忙,忙着计算它拥有多少星星,小王子到来的时候他连头都没有抬一下。但他的工作是没有任何意义的。

8.The fifth plant was strange.There was just enough room on it for a street lamp and a lamplighter.Because of the rapid circling speed,the lamplighter had to light and put out the lamp every one minute.Though his work was meaningful,he was lazy and liked sleeping.第五颗星球很奇怪,那上面只容得下一盏路灯和一个点路灯的人。因为这个星球自转得很快,点灯人不得不每隔一分钟把那盏灯点亮,然后再熄灭。虽然他的工作很有意义,但是他十分懒惰,总爱睡懒觉。

9.The sixth planet was inhabited by an old gentleman.He was a geographer and was writing a book.And it was he who introduced the earth to the little prince.第六个星球上住着一个老先生。他是一个地理学家,正在写一本书。他介绍小王子到地球上看看。

10.So the seventh planet was the Earth.The Earth was not just an ordinary planet! It was extremely large and there were many people on it—many kings,geographers,businessmen,drunkards and more adults.接下来的第七个星球就是地球了。地球可不是一个普普通通的星球!它特别大,上面有许多人,包括很多国王、地理学家、商人、酒鬼和大人们。

11.Then in a desert of Africa,the little prince met a gold snake.The snake told him it could help him when he grew too homesick for his own planet.But the little prince refused.然后在非洲的沙漠上,小王子遇到了金蛇。金蛇说如果小王子十分想念自己的星球,他可以帮助小王子。但小王子谢绝了。

12.The little prince crossed the desert and met only one flower with three petals.He continued to climb a high mountain and walked for a long time through sand,rocks and snow.小王子穿行在沙漠中,只遇见了一朵有着三片花瓣的花。接着,他爬过了一座高山。然后,他又在沙漠、石块、雪地中走了很久很久。

13.At last,he came upon a road.There was a garden,with roses blooming.Then the little prince missed his rose and his planet,feeling very sad.最后,他终于走到了一条路边。那里有一座花园,里面满是盛开的玫瑰。这让小王子想起了他的玫瑰和他的星球,于是,他感到很难过。

14.It was then that the fox appeared.Because of the color of the wheat in the fields(the little prince has hair of that golden color),the fox begged the little prince to tame it.He did.The fox also taught him to love and be responsible.就在那时,狐狸出现了。因为麦田的颜色会让它想起小王子(小王子有一头金黄色的头发),所以它请求小王子驯养他。小王子答应了。狐狸教会他懂得了爱和负责。

15.The little prince continued his journey and orderly met a rail switchman,a merchant and me.We talked a lot and developed our friendship.Finally,he went back to his home.I missed him very much.小王子继续他的旅程,依次遇见了扳道工、商人以及我。我们聊了很多并成为了朋友。最后,小王子回到了他的星球。我非常想念他。

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