
2012-04-09 08:54建筑设计斯诺赫塔奥斯陆事务所
世界建筑 2012年6期


1 远景/Distant view(摄影/Photo: Roger Brennhagen)

2 平面/Plan


地段位于多夫勒山国家公园外海拔1 250m处,俯瞰着斯诺赫塔山脉。





挪威野生驯鹿中心展馆是一个提炼了当地建筑传统的坚固的建筑,提供了一个封闭的游客聚集场所,也丰富了多夫勒的独特景观。□(厉奇宇 译)

3 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: Ketil Jacobsen)

4 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: diephotodesigner.de)

5 剖面/Section

6 南立面/South elevation

7 西立面/West elevation

8 北立面/North elevation

By appointment of the Norwegian Wild Reindeer Foundation Snøhetta has designed an observation and information pavilion at Hjerkinn in Dovre,Norway.

The spectacular site is located on the outskirts of Dovrefjell National Park at around 1 250meters above sea level, overlooking the Snøhetta mountain massif.

The main purpose of the 90m2building is to provide shelter for school groups and visitors as mountain guides lecture about the unique wildlife and history of the Dovre Mountain plateau.

Dovrefjell is home to wild reindeer herds, musk oxen, arctic foxes and a variety of endemic botanical species. A long history filled with travellers, hunting traditions, mining and military activities have left their mark on this land. Today, modern tourism and recreation continue to shape the cultural landscape of this place. Dovrefjell also holds significant importance in the consciousness of Norway. National legends, myths, poetry, music, and pilgrimages celebrate the mystic, eternal, and grounded qualities of this robust place. The founding fathers of the Norwegian constitution are "agreed and faithful, until the fall of Dovre!”

Natural, cultural and mythical landscapes form the basis of the architectural idea. The building design is based on a contrast between a rigid outer shell and a soft organic-shaped inner core. A wooden core is placed within a rectangular frame of raw steel and glass. The core is shaped like rock or ice is eroded by natural forces like wind and running water. Its shape creates a protected and warm gathering place, while still preserving visitor's access to spectacular views.

Considerable emphasis is put on the quality and durability of materials so that the building can withstand the harsh climate. The shelter's simple form and use of natural building materials reference local building traditions. And at the same time, new technologies will be utilized to bring modern efficiency to the fabrication process. The wood core will be manufactured using a large scale robot-controlled milling machine based on digital 3D models.

9 内景/Interior view(摄影/Photo: Ketil Jacobsen)

Tverrfjellhytta is a robust building that refines local building traditions, provides a protected gathering place for the visitors and enriches the unique landscape of Dovrefjell.□(图片提供/Images courtesy: Snøhetta Oslo)

业主/Client: 挪威野生驯鹿中心/Norwegian Wild Reindeer Center

所用材料/Used Materials: 松木,生铁,玻璃/Pine wood, raw steel, glass

施工方法/Construction Methods: 计算机数控铣削,现场焊接钢/CNC-milling, steel welded on site

家具制造商/Furniture Manufacturer: Djupevaag Shipbuilders

建筑面积/Floor Area: 90m2

造价/Costs: €500 000

所获奖项/Award: 2011年世界建筑节展陈建筑奖/2011 WAF-Display Winner



Jury Citation

This is a marvellous work in a grand natural landscape. The contrast of the geometry of the visitor centre with the natural surroundings creates something very strong.
