碳纳米管电极对铅和铜的检测研究…………………………………………………………杨绍明,查文玲,江 丹,刘 斌,魏志鹏,郑龙珍(1)
稀疏表示的人脸识别及其优化算法………………………………………………………………………………………………郑 轶,蔡体健(10)
应用于地铁车辆的数据记录系统…………………………………………………………………………………………………曾桂珍,金 意(15)
移变模式双站SAR信号模型及电磁仿真研究…………………………………………………………………刘志伟,张月园,陈嘉琪,郑 晴(24)
图的反符号全控制数……………………………………………………………………………………………徐保根,张亚琼,罗 茜,丁宗鹏(35)
钢桥面环氧沥青防水黏结层耐久性影响分析…………………………………………………………………王 胜,叶 奋,武金婷,蒋国杰(39)
基于压缩感知和字典学习的背景差分法………………………………………………………………………………郭厚焜,吴 峰,黄 萍(43)
基于合同治理的承包商与设计单位合谋防范研究……………………………………………………………………尹贻林,董 宇,张力英(54)
动态分段技术在道路空间数据建模中的应用……………………………………………………………………………………秦 鸣,唐 甜(61)
基于DEA的城际铁路列车开行方案评价 ………………………………………………………………………………………曲思源,徐行方(79)
基于ARIMA模型的全球跨国快递业务量预测 ………………………………………………………………………………张仲斐,赵一飞(102)
高校学报数字出版的发展现状与对策分析…………………………………………………………姜红贵,王全金,王建华,李 萍,刘棉玲(113)
我国物流园区发展现状及政策浅析…………………………………………………………………………郭 捷,王来军,魏 亮,刘 扬(117)
WTP差异化条件下再制造闭环供应链的协调定价策略 ………………………………………………………………………………郭军华(121)
高铁钢轨预打磨效果及轨面不平顺分析 ………………………………………………………………………………王庆方,许玉德,周 宇(1)
基于模糊综合评判的智能行程时间预测算法 …………………………………………………………………………李庆奎,吕志平,葛智杰(6)
核桃壳对模拟废水中Cr(Ⅵ)的动态吸附特性研究 ……………………………………………………………………………鲁秀国,钟 璐(10)
氙灯加速老化对沥青混合料性能的影响………………………………………………………………………………何文华,郭韦韦,杨 群(15)
电力企业信息系统应用集成技术研究 …………………………………………………………………………………………谢承旺,周 娟(27)
一种优化同步整流AC/DC变换器的应用研究…………………………………………………………………………黄占伟,周 娟,谢承旺(36)
一种基于Rough集的案例推理模型的构建 ……………………………………………………………………………………龚锦红,凌仕勇(42)
非线性模型在钢桥面铺装层温度场计算中的应用…………………………………………………于 江,周 灵,叶 奋,武金婷,李林萍(47)
上海自然博物馆基坑地下连续墙变形研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………李岩松,邹吉聪(51)
多层次交通网络的UE与SO混合均衡与效率损失……………………………………………………………………曾明华,肖 瑜,黄细燕(57)
道路速度一致性评价指标模糊化评价方法 ……………………………………………………………………………………赵琳琳,李海琼(63)
全柔性铰链平面并联微动机器人的静刚度性能分析 …………………………………………………………………………钟春华,杨春辉(68)
多寡头供应商横向联盟的综合博弈机制研究 …………………………………………………………………………………马熠秋,胡 昊(72)
基于Qtopia的数码相框软件开发…………………………………………………………………………………………………………周 洁(88)
江西省信息产业投入产出分析 ………………………………………………………………………………………黄 辉,韩胜娟,毛 鑫(101)
我国技术进步对能源效率的空间面板分析 …………………………………………………………………………陈治理,詹国华,蔡 伟(108)
中国慈善活动实施现状调研的数据分析 ……………………………………………………………………………胡卫萍,李玉芬,史子浩(116)
PSO优化的LS-SVM在列车弓网系统的建模研究…………………………………………衷路生,齐叶鹏,杨 辉,龚锦红,张永贤,颜 争(1)
蒽和环戊二烯酸酐化合物Diels-Alder反应的理论计算……………………………………徐文媛,徐娜娜,唐 静,杜瑞焕,李 敏,胡 林(7)
基于Vague集贴近度的工程项目投资快速估算方法 ……………………………………………………………………………………易 欣(11)
随机粗糙面上电磁散射的高效迭代IEM计算 ………………………………………………………………张晓燕,李 子,江代力,刘志伟(16)
基于OpenCV和DirectShow的交通运动目标检测算法研究…………………………………………………………刘 馨,马宏锋,王宏斌(21)
桥梁温度跨度对CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道无缝线路的影响 ……………………………………………………………………………陈小平(26)
基于EDV-Hop的免测距定位算法研究 ………………………………………………………………………汤文亮,陈 松,周金栋,黄智水(40)
高浓度制药含磷废水处理技术研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………………张桂英,江立文(56)
基于AHP-模糊综合法的浅埋隧道施工风险评估 ……………………………………………………………………李得昌,杨新安,王树杰(67)
ANSYS三维模型中SOLID65单元的内力提取问题 ……………………………………………………………………………………肖挺松(74)
铁路车辆钩舌故障分析 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………朱成九,朱爱华(80)
变流器差模EMI的建模研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………袁义生,闫 勋(88)
信息对称及不对称下逆向供应链的激励机制研究………………………………………………………………………………………王 静(98)
科技期刊影响因子形成因素分析 …………………………………………………………………王建华,王全金,刘棉玲,李 萍,姜红贵(103)
从跨文化翻译视角看《聊斋志异》两个英译本…………………………………………………………………………………龙春芳,熊 欣(107)
人力资本对经济增长影响的动态分析 …………………………………………………………………………………………………李进江(111)
大学生防御性悲观的现状分析 ………………………………………………………………………………………胡 燕,杨东明,李雪峰(121)
基于信号预处理和Hilbert变换的滚动轴承故障诊断……………………………………………………………………………杨 超,李亦滔(1)
空腹式无铰拱桥开裂荷载计算方法研究 ……………………………………………………………胡常福,李 丽,王锦燕,朱江桃,陆小雨(5)
非齐次空间上几类积分算子的有界性 …………………………………………………………………………………………叶晓峰,胡媛媛(12)
宽电刷直流电机换向过程分析及电抗电势算法 ………………………………………………………………………………刘敏军,袁 梅(19)
多机器人系统连通性主动控制研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………………王晓明,江 慧(24)
基于BP算法的中密度纤维板热压机压力控制研究 …………………………………………………………………王野平,陈文倩,江华荣(29)
高承压水条件下地铁深基坑减压降水研究 …………………………………………………………………李培妍,宋福贵,宫全美,杨海东(40)
强流束在三圆筒单透镜中的传输研究………………………………………………………李超龙,石海泉,刘正方,吕 珂,朱丽华,邱万英(52)
关于圈Cn的IC-着色和IC-指数……………………………………………………………………………周 娟,谢承旺,徐保根,黄占伟(64)
不同平面线形下驾驶模拟器速度有效性验证…………………………………………………………………………刘 兆,熊 坚,郭凤香(69)
基于随机Petri网的GSM-R越区切换成功率的形式化分析 …………………………………………………………张友兵,刘 岭,何祖涛(73)
一种新型接触网开关综合监控系统的设计与实现 ……………………………………………………………………………熊 亮,张 锴(86)
基于直接负荷控制的交通运输市场决策模型 …………………………………………………………………………………王正彬,郑康立(92)
房地产企业战略联盟行为的博弈分析……………………………………………………………………………………………………易 欣(96)
劳动力成本上升对产业结构升级转型的影响研究 …………………………………………………………………郑延智,黄顺春,黄 靓(113)
隐喻修辞批评略论 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘 远(118)
解构《发条橙》之反面乌托邦主题 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………姜桂芬(123)
基于matlab/simulink的车辆建模与故障分析……………………………………………………………………………………颜 秋,刘永明(13)
机械式半主动控制橡胶节点的计算机仿真 ……………………………………………………………………………………刘高明,沈 钢(18)
地铁运营下钢弹簧浮置板轨道减振分析 ………………………………………………………………………………………蒋崇达,雷晓燕(23)
基于复杂网络的社交网站用户评价模型研究…………………………………………………………………………徐翔斌,涂 欢,王佳强(38)
基于Web的货车检修工序监测系统的研制 …………………………………………………………………丁振凡,王小明,邓建明,邱新亮(44)
基于改进双闭环控制的光伏并网系统研究……………………………………………………………………………陈 诚,王 勋,程宏波(50)
基于高精基准的面对面垂直度评定与软件开发…………………………………………………………………………………………林 翔(57)
基于反推方法的交通运输行业碳排放评估研究………………………………………………………………………闫 琰,周嗣恩,杨新苗(62)
城市交通拥堵背景下的出租车管制效应分析 …………………………………………………………………………………陈文强,吴群琪(68)
技术效率、技术进步与铁路行业生产率增长分析 ……………………………………………………………………于兆宇,张 诚,张志坚(74)
基于Hyperworks的汽车背门扭转模态频率灵敏度分析 ………………………………………………………………………冯 杰,陈蓓蓓(80)
哈罗德·布鲁姆影响诗学视域下的诗史重构 ……………………………………………………………………………………………杨 龙(83)
人身保险中故意致害行为之法律效果……………………………………………………………………………………………………凌 晨(94)
大学生就业预期结构研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………………朱晓妹,连 曦,丁通达(100)
休闲体育教育的文化审视 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………严红玲(111)
考评式结社与清代小说 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………阳 达(116)
高速铁路连续屏障减振效果分析…………………………………………………………………………………………………刘 腾,雷晓燕(1)
枝节加载的高性能双模双频段滤波器 ………………………………………………………………王 斌,官雪辉,王晓燕,袁 野,刘海文(6)
Sasobit应用于温拌排水沥青混合料的研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………王 坤,陈景雅(11)
基于主客观安全性的高速公路评价研究 ……………………………………………………………………周小焕,郭忠印,李志中,王晓安(20)
非连通图C2n+1∪Gn-1的优美性 ………………………………………………………………………………………吴跃生,王广富,徐保根(25)
燃料电池与超级电容复合双电源系统功率控制研究 …………………………………………………………………………徐晓玲,刘 珺(30)
温拌排水沥青混合料目标配合比研究 ………………………………………………………………………车常伟,陈景雅,陈 俊,高晓月(35)
三相PWM整流系统的研究……………………………………………………………………………………………陈 诚,王 勋,程宏波(40)
共形平坦流形中具有常平均曲率的超曲面 ……………………………………………………………………………………宋晴晴,宋卫东(45)
压剪型城轨弹性车轮分析研究……………………………………………………………………………………………………………王 洋(50)
一类二阶复域微分方程的解与小函数的关系 …………………………………………………………………………………李明星,肖丽鹏(54)
基于博弈论的无控制路段人行横道处人车强行分析 …………………………………………………………………………周雪峰,郑长江(65)
江西地区典型村镇河流蒋巷河水质污染现状及分析 ………………………………………………………邹国林,王全金,朱 平,宋嘉俊(70)
基于nRF905的水稻田监测系统的研究………………………………………………………………………黄招娣,潘泽中,朱 路,黄德昌(75)
双向变流器控制策略的研究………………………………………………………………………………………………………………曹 晖(80)
家庭教育中的性别意识研究………………………………………………………………………………………………………………李 曦(85)
域外旅游合同立法模式及内容对我国的启示…………………………………………………………………………郭英华,朱 英,傅丽芳(90)
基于消费者决策心理的公交换乘算法的设计 ………………………………………………………………………颜桂梅,林宇洪,郭建钢(102)
后现代视角下井冈山红色旅游的多元化开发 …………………………………………………………………………………………刘春莲(109)
乔布斯iPhone 4发布会演讲的戏剧主义修辞批评分析…………………………………………………………………………………张爱宁(113)
A Research of Lead and Copper Testing by the Preparation of Carbon Nanotube Electrodes ……………………………………Yang Shaoming,Zha Wenling,Jian Dan,Liu Bin,Wei Zhipeng,Zheng Longzhen(1)
On Experiment of Relationship between Soil Nailing Supporting Strength and Cohesive Force ………………………………………Yu Xiaojin(6)
Face Recognition Based on Sparse Representation and Optimization Algorithms……………………………………………Zheng Yi,Cai Tijian(10)
Data Recording System Applied to the Metro Vehicles………………………………………………………………………Zeng Guizhen,Jin Yi(15)
Experiment of A-TlG Welding with Activating Fluxes on 3003 Aluminum Alloy ……………………Zhou Zejie,Huang Zhichao,Cao Gaohao(20)
Variant Bistatic SAR Signal Model and EM Simulation …………………………………Liu Zhiwei,Zhang Yueyuan,Chen Jiaqi,Zheng Qing(24)
Traffic Volume Forecast Based on Gray Markov Chain Model ……………………………………………Liu Zongming,Jia Zhixuan,Li Xingli(30)
The Reverse Signed Total Domination Numbers of Graphs ………………………………Xu Baogen,Zhang Yaqiong,Luo Xi,Ding Zongpeng(35)
Durability Analysis of Epoxy Asphalt Waterproof Bonding Layer of Steel Bridge Deck ……Wang Sheng,Ye Fen,Jia Xiaoyang,Jiang Guojie(39)
Background Subtraction Based on Sparse Representation and Dictionary Learning ………………………Guo Houkun,Wu Feng,Huang Ping(43)
On Impact of Non-point Source Pollution in Ganjiang Downstream ……………………Xu Liukai,Wang Quanjing,Xiang Sulin,Zou Guolin(48)
A Study on Collusion-proof between Contractor and Design Unit in Construction Engineering………………Yin Yilin,Dong Yu,Zhang Liying(54)
Application of Dynamic Segmentation in Spatial Data Modeling of Urban Road Management System ……………………Qin Ming,Tang Tian(61)
Application of GPR Technology in the Location Detection of Bridge Prestressed Pipeline ……………………………Pan Haijie,Huang Fuwei(67)
A Research of China’s Financial System Based on Composite Stability Index ……………………………………………………Pan Yangchun(71)
Evaluation of Train Operation Plans of Intercity Railway Based on DEA ………………………………………………Qu Siyuan,Xu Xingfang(79)
Classification of Apple Surface Defect Based on Active Thermal Imaging Technology …………………………Zhou Jianmin,Zhang Ruifeng(86)
On Lawrence’s Ecological Thinking and Its Origin ………………………………………………………………………………Shan Weihong(90)
Influencing Mechanism of University Brand Image on Brand Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty………………………………………Shen Pengyi(95)
Forecasting of Global Transnational Express Business Volume Based on ARIMA Model …………………………Zhang Zhongfei,Zhao Yifei(102)
System People or Moral People?………………………………………………………………………………………………………Li Yongan(108)
An Analysis on the Status Quo of Digital Publishing of University Journal and Its Countermeasures…………………………………………………Jiang Honggui,Wang Quanjin,Wang Jianhua,Li Ping,Liu Mianling(113)
A Brief Analysis of Developing Status of China's Logistics Park and Policy………………………Guo Jie,Wang Laijun,Wei Liang,Liu Yang(117)
Pricing Strategies of Remanufacturing Closed-loop Supply Chain Based on WTP Differentiation …………………………………Guo Junhua(121)
Pre-grinding Effect of High-speed Railway and Track Irregularity Analysis …………………………………Wang Qingfang,Xu Yude,Zhou Yu(1)
Intelligent Travel Time Prediction Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgment ……………………Li Qingkui,Lu Zhiping,Ge Zhijie(6)
Dynamic Adsorption Characteristics of Cr(Ⅵ)to Walnuts Shell …………………………………………………………Lu Xiuguo,Zhong Lu(10)
Effect of Xenon Lamp Accelerated Aging on the Performance of Asphalt Concrete ………………………He Wenhua,Guo Weiwei,Yang Qun(15)
Vibration Control Analysis of Long-span Space Lattice Structure with Lead Extrusion Dampers ……………………………………………………………………Yang Mingfei,Xu Zhaodong,Huang Xinghuai(21)
A Research on Application Integration Technology in Power Enterprises ……………………………………………Xie Chengwang,Zhou Juan(27)
Design and Realization of Virtual Driving Simulation System for CRH3 EMU ……………………………………Wu Haichao,Zhang Anquan(31)
On Application of an Optimized Synchronous Rectification AC/DC Converter……………………Huang Zhanwei,Zhou Juan,Xie Chengwang(36)
A Model of Case-based Reasoning Based on Rough Set ……………………………………………………………Gong Jinhong,Ling Shiyong(42)
An Application of Non-linear Regression Model in Temperature Field Calculation of Steel Deck Pavement …………………………………………………………………Yu Jiang,Zhou Ling,Ye Fen,Wu Jinting,Li Linping(47)
A Research on the Deformation of Continuous Wall in the Foundation Pit of Shanghai Natural History Museum………Li Yansong,Zou Jicong(51)
Mixed Equilibrium and Efficiency Loss of UE and SO with Multilevel Transportation Network ………Zeng Minghua,Xiao Yu,Huang Xiyan(57)
Fuzzy Evaluation Methods of Road Speed Consistency Evaluating Indicator …………………………………………Zhao Linlin,Li Haiqiong(63)
Static Stiffness Analysis of a Planar Parallel Manipulators with Monolithic Flexure Joints ……………………Zhong Chunhua,Yang Chunhui(68)
On Synthetically Game Mechanism of Horizontal Alliance of Multi-oligopolistic Suppliers …………………………………Ma Yiqiu,Hu Hao(72)
Analysis and Implementation of Transition Strategy IPv6 of Campus Network Based on Dual Stacks ………………………………Du Yanzhe(79)
Microcomputer Monitoring Methods of Power Supply Device in the Railway Generator Car ………………………………………Luo Shimin(83)
Development of Digital Picture Frame Software Based on Qtopia ………………………………………………………………………Zhou Jie(88)
A Comparison and Outlook on Measuring Methods of Human Capital Stock of Domestic Scholars ……………………………Han Shengjuan(94)
Input-Output Analysis on Information Industry in Jiangxi Province ……………………………………Huang Hui,Han ShengJuan,Mao Xin(101)
Impact Analysis of Technical Progress on Energy Efficiency in China-Empirical Analysis Based on Spatial Panel Data Model ………………………………………………………………………………Chen Zhili,Zhan Guohua,Cai Wei(108)
Data Analysis on Survey of Implementation Status of Chinese Charity Activities ……………………………Hu Weiping,Li Yufen,Shi Zihao(116)
An Interpretation of the Ideal Female Image in Tang Legendary and Its Cultural Connotation ………………………Gao Cuiyuan,Gao Danka(121)
Modeling of Train Pantograph-catenary System Based on LS-SVM Optimized by PSO ……………………………………………………………………Zhong Lusheng,Qi Yepeng,Yang Hui,Yan Zheng,Gong Jinhong(1)
Theoretical Calculation on the Diels-Alder Reaction of Anthracene and Cyclopentadiene Anhydride Compound …………………………………………………………………Xu Wenyuan,Xu Nana,Tang Jing,Du Ruihuan,Li Min,Hu Lin(7)
Fast Estimation Method for Project Investment Based on Vague Sets Proximity……………………………………………………………Yi Xin(11)
Efficient Iterative Algorithm of Electromagnetic Scattering from Random Rough Surface………Zhang Xiaoyan,Li Zi,Jiang Daili,Liu Zhiwei(16)
A Research of Moving Object Detection in Complex Traffic Based on Open CV and Direct Show ……Liu Xin,Ma Hongfeng,Wang Hongbin(21)
Effects of Bridge Expansion Length on Continuous Welded Rail of CRTSⅡSlab Ballstless Track………………………………Chen Xiaoping(26)
Equivalent-shear Finite Element-iterative Method of P-Δ Effect of Pile under Inclined Loads ………………………………………Li Weizhe(31)
A Research on Merging Unit Based on IEC61850-9-2…………………………………………………………………………………Tian Liping(36)
A Research on Range-free Localization Algorithm Based on EDV-Hop ……………Tang Wenliang,Chen Song,Zhou Jindong,Huang Zhishui(40)
A Safety Sight Distance Calculation in the Skewed Intersection Based on the Driver’s Observation Features…………………………………………………………………………………………Guo Zhongyi,Liu Tianlong,Zhou Xiaohuan(46)
Literature Review and Consideration on the Elevator Group Control System in China …………………………………………Zheng Xiaofang(51)
Treatment Technology of High-concentration Pharmaceutical Waste Water Containing Phosphorus ………………Zhang Guiying,Jiang Liwen(56)
Application and Analysis of Multi-searching Algorithms to Color Transter between Medical Images …Qiu Yunli,Jiang Xiangang,Fan Deying(61)
Risk Assessment of Shallow Buried Tunnel Based on AHP and Fuzzy Synthesis Method………………Li Dechang,Yang Xinan,Wang Shujie(67)
Internal Force Retrieval from FEM Model Built with ANSYS SOLID65 Elements ………………………………………………Xiao Tingsong(74)
Failure Analysis on Coupler Knuckle of Railway Vehicle ………………………………………………………………Zhu Chenjiu,Zhu Aihua(80)
On Misjudgment Phenomenon of MPPT Load Mutation Based on Perturbation and Observation Method……………………Wang Chungsheng(83)
Model Research on Differential EMI of Converters ………………………………………………………………………Yuan Yisheng,Yan Xun(88)
On Developing Strategy of Competitive Sports in Jiangxi Universities under the New Situation ………………………………Yang Guocheng(92)
Research on Incentive Mechanism of Reverse Supply Chain under Symmetric and Asymmetric Information…………………………Wang Jing(98)
An Analysis on the Form Factors of the Impact Factor in Sci-tech Periodicals …………………………………………………………Wang Jianhua,Wang Quanjin,Liu Mianling,Li Ping,Jiang Honggui(103)
A Comparison of Two Translation Versions ofLiao Zhai Zhi Yifrom Cross-cultural Translation Perspective ……Long Chunfang,Xiong Xin(107)
Dynamic Analysis on the Effect of Human Capital of Economic Growth ……………………………………………………………Li Jinjiang(111)
Status Quo of the Adaptation of Chinese Classical Literature into Movies …………………………………………Ruan Xueyun,Gong haiyan(116)
Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearings Based on Signal Preprocessing and Hilbert Transform …………………………………Yang Chao,Li Yitao(1)
Research on Cracking Load Computing Method for Open-spandrel Hingeless Arch Bridges……………………………………………………………………………Hu Changfu,Li Li,Wang Jinyan,Zhu Jiangtao,Lu Xiaoyu(5)
Boundedness of Integral Operators in Inhomogeneous Spaces ………………………………………………………Ye Xiaofeng,Hu Yuanyuan(12)
Analysis on Commutation Process of DC Motors with Wide Brushes and Calculation of Reactance Electrical Potential ……………………………………………………………………………………………………Liu Minjun,Yuan Mei(19)
Research on Active Control of Multi-robot System Connectivity ……………………………………………………Wang Xiaoming,Jiang Hui(24)
A Study on BP-based Pressure Control for Medium-density Fiberboard Hot Press ………………Wang Yeping,Chen Wenqian,Jiang Huarong(29)
Simulation Study of Buck Converters Based on MATLAB/GUI ………………………………………………………Xu Zhibang,Shi Xiaoying(35)
Pressure Reduction Dewatering in Deep Foundation Pit of Subway under High Confined Water ………………………………………………………………Li Peiyan,Song Fugui,Gong Quanmei,Yang Haidong(40)
Growth of Solutions of Several Classes of Higher Order Non-homogeneous Differential Equations …………………………………………………………………………………Li Zhaowei,Liu Huifang,Li Yanling(46)
A Study of Intense Pulsed Beam Transfer in Three-tube Einzel Lenses …………………………………………………Li Chaolong,Shi Haiquan,Liu Zhengfang,Lv Ke,Zhu Lihua,Qiu Wanying(52)
An Immune Algorithm for High-dimension Dynamic Function Optimization ………………………………………………………He Zhenmei(57)
IC-Colorings andIC-Indices of Cycles ……………………………………………Zhou Juan,Xie Chengwang,Xu Baogen,Huang Zhanwei(64)
Analysis on Speed Validation of the Driving Simulator Based on Different Plane Alignment ……………Liu Zhao,Xiong Jian,Guo Fengxiang(69)
Formal Analysis of GSM-R Handover Success Rate Based on the Stochastic Petri Net ……………………Zhang Youbing,Liu Ling,He Zutao(73)
Research on Sneak Circuits in the ZVZCS Phase-shifted Full-bridge Converter ……………………………………Zhang Zuwei,Lin Zhiming(81)
Design and Implementation of a New Type of Comprehensive Monitoring and Control System for OCS Switch………Xiong Liang,Zhang Kai(86)
Transportation Market Decision-making Model Based on the Direct Load Control………………………………Wang Zhengbin,Zheng Kangli(92)
Game Analysis on Strategic Alliance Behavior of Real Estate Enterprises …………………………………………………………………Yi Xin(96)
Major Recent Developments of Supply Chain Collaboration under E-commerce Environment …………………Zhang Minghua,Kong Lingyi(102)
Analysis of Production Efficiency in Railway Industry Based on the Stochastic Frontier Function …………………Zhang Zhijian,Yu Zhaoyu(108)
A Study on the Effects of Labor Cost Rise on Transformation and Upgrading of Industrial Structure …………………………………………………………………………Zheng Yanzhi,Huang Shunchun,Huang Liang(113)
On Metaphor Criticism …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Liu Yuan(118)
Deconstruction of the Dystopian Theme ofA Clockwork Orange…………………………………………………………………Jiang Guifen(123)
Robust Design of the Vehicle Suspension System Based on Dual Response Surface Methodology and BBD………………………………………………………………………Cheng Xianfu,Yuan Junping,Wu Zhiqiang,Huai Chuangfeng(1)
Research on Ultimate Creep Coefficient of Core Concrete in Concrete-filled Steel Tube Columns ………………………Li Yongjin,Liao Feiyu(7)
The Analysis of Vehicle Model Establishment and Malfunction Based on Matlab/Simulink ……………………………Yan Qiu,Liu Yongming(13)
Simulation of Rubber Nodal Points with Mechanical Semi-active Control ……………………………………………Liu Gaoming,Shen Gang(18)
The Vibration Damping Analysis of Steel Spring Floating Slab Tracks in Subway Operations ……………………Jiang Chongda,Lei Xiaoyan(23)
A New Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem ………………………………………………………Lv Shanguo,Cao Yiqin,Chen Hongli(29)
Simulation Research on Fault Location of AT Traction Power Supply………………………………………………Yang Fengping,Wang Xiyan(34)
Research on the User Rating Model of SNS Based on Complex Network ………………………………Xu Xiangbin,Tu Huan,Wang Jiaqiang(38)
Development of Truck Maintenance Procedures Monitor System Based on Web ………………………………………………………………Ding Zhenfan,Wang Xiaoming,Deng Jianming,Qiu Xinliang(44)
Photovoltaic Grid-connected System Based on Modified Dual Closed-loop Control …………………Chen Cheng,Wang Xun,Cheng Hongbo(50)
An Analysis on Defensive Pessimism of University Students ……………………………………………Hu Yan,Yang Dongming,Li Xuefeng(121)
The Evaluation and Software Development of High-precision Flat-to-flat Perpendicularity Error ……………………………………Lin Xiang(57)
An Estimation of Carbon Emissions in Transportation Sectors with Backcasting Method …………………Yan Yan,Zhou Sien,Yang Xinmiao(62)
Effect Analysis of Taxicab Industry Regulation in the Context of Urban Traffic Congestion…………………………Chen Wenqiang,Wu Qunqi(68)
An Empirical Study on Technical Efficiency,Progress and Railway Industry Productivity……………Yu Zhaoyu,Zhang Cheng,Zhang Zhijian(74)
Sensitivity Analysis of Torsion Mode Frequency of Car Rear Door Based on Hyperworks Software ……………………Feng Jie,Chen Beibei(80)
On the Reconstruction of Poetic History in the Perspective of Harold Bloom’s Influence Poetics ……………………………………Yang Long(83)
The Collaboration Model and Algorithm of Just-in-time Delivery Incentive Contracts Based on 88 Response Time Uncertainty……………………………………………………………………Fang Zhongmin,Chen Zhiya,Zeng Minghua(88)
Legal Consequence of Intentional Damage in Personal Insurance Contract ……………………………………………………………Ling Chen(94)
Research on College Students’Employment Expectation Structure ………………………………………Zhu Xiaomei,Lian Xi,Ding Tongda(100)
Rethinking of Vocal Singing Techniques ………………………………………………………………………………Tang Yuqin,Zhou Lintian(106)
The Cultural Study on Leisure Sports Education……………………………………………………………………………………Yan Hongling(111)
On the Competitive Associations in the Fictions of Qing Dynasty ………………………………………………………………………Yang Da(116)
On Co-integration and Causality between Urbanization and Services Industry…………………………………Zeng Guizhen,Zeng Runzhong(121)
The Study on Isolation Effects of High-speed Train Continuous Barriers …………………………………………………Liu Teng,Lei Xiaoyan(1)
Design of High-performance Dual-mode&Dual-band Bandpass Filter with Stub-loaded Resonators ……………………………………………………Wang Bin,Guan Xuehui,Wang Xiaoyan,Yuan Ye,Liu Haiwen(6)
A Performance Study on Sasobit Additive Applied to Warm Mix Porous Asphalt Mixture………………………………Wang Kun,Chen Jingya(11)
The Monitoring System Design of Emergency Diesel Generator Set in Weiqiao Plant ……………He Renwang,Chen Wenjun,Dong Qingwei(16)
An Evaluation Study on Expressways Based on Subjective and Objective Safety…Zhou Xiaohuan,Guo Zhongyin,Li Zhizhong,Wang Xiao'an(20)
Researches on the Gracefulness of Unconnected GraphC2n+1⋃Gn-1………………………………Wu Yuesheng,Wang Guangfu,Xu Baogen(25)
The Power Control Study of FC+UC Hybrid Power Supply System ………………………………………………………Xu Xiaoling,Liu Jun(30)
A Study on the Target Mix Ratio of Warm Porous Mix Asphalt …………………………Che Changwei,Chen Jingya,Chen Jun,Gao Xiaoyue(35)
The Research of Three-phase PWM Rectifier System …………………………………………………Chen Cheng,Wang Xun,Cheng Hongbo(40)
On Hypersurfaces with Constant Mean Curvature in a Conformally Flat Manifold ……………………………Song Qingqing,Song Weidong(45)
The Analysis of Elastic Wheels on Compression-shear Urban Rails …………………………………………………………………Wang Yang(50)
The Relationship Between Solutions of Second-order Complex Differential Equations and Small Growth Functions …………………………………………………………………………………………Li Mingxing,Xiao Lipeng(54)
The Prompting System Design of Automatic Route Information for Railway Operations …………………Liu Juping,Yu Weiqing,Ye Jangling(61)
An Analysis of Road-grabbing at Non-intersection Crosswalks without Signal Control Based on Game Theory………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhou Xuefeng,Zheng Changjiang(65)
The Status Quo and Analysis of Water Pollution in the Typical Village River Jiangxiang River of Jiangxi Province …………………………………………………………………………Zou Guolin,Wang Quanjin,Zhu Ping,Song Jiajun(70)
A Research on the Paddy Field Monitoring System Based on the NRF905 ……………Huang Zhaodi,Pan Zezhong,Zhu Lu,Huang Dechang(75)
A Research on Control Strategies for the Bidirectional Converter…………………………………………………………………………Cao Hui(80)
The Study on Gender Consciousness in Family Education……………………………………………………………………………………Li Xi(85)
Inspirations of Extraterritorial Travel Contracts’Legislative Modes and Contents to China ………………Guo Yinghua,Zhu Ying,Fu Lifang(90)
Domestic Literature Review on the Socialist Core Value Outlook ………………………………………………………………Huang Sansheng(96)
The Design of a Bus Transfer Algorithm Based on Consumer Decision-making Psychology…………Yan Guimei,Lin Yuhong,Guo Jiangang(102)
On Diversified Development of Red Tourism in Jinggang Mountain from the Post-modern Perspective …………………………Liu Chunlian(109)
A Dramatic Criticism Analysis on iPhone 4 Product Launch Speech ………………………………………………………………Zhang Aining(113)