2012年10月8日,戈登和山中伸弥因“成熟细胞可被重编程而成为多能的发现”而被授予诺贝尔生理或医学奖[1]。该奖的科学背景[2]引用了戈登1962年发表的体细胞核转移论文[3]和山中伸弥2006年诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cell,iPSC)的论文[4]作为该发现的重要贡献。
虽然与山中伸弥原始研究论文[4]一起发表的评论[10]声称“Takahashi and Yamanaka (2006) 在描述赋予胚胎干细胞的发育能力给终极分化体细胞的最低因子要求上迈出了一大步”,山中伸弥本人在回复笔者的批评[11]时曾明确否认了这一成就。山中伸弥表示他同意iPS细胞的起源可能是与成纤维细胞共存的组织干细胞或前细胞。 他甚至宣称从未声称从终极分化的细胞产生iPS细胞[12]。后来他改变了立场。但他的辩护,连同他的支持者如叶利希等的辩护,已被驳斥[13]。山中伸弥后来的专利申请事实上也支持笔者的iPSC是由已有的干细胞转化而来的观点。
在提交了最初的iPSC专利申请[14]后山中伸弥又提交了另外两个iPSC专利申请[15-16]。已被授权的最初专利申请描述用山中因子产生iPSC[14]。后交的两个专利申请描述如何利用干性标记选择“安全”的iPSC[15-16]。从这些专利描述看,iPS重编程效率是很低的,而iPSC很可能就是来源于已有的干细胞[17],恰如笔者 已表明的那样[11,18]。
1 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012,Sir John B.Gurdon,Shinya Yamanaka[EB/OL].http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2012/.
2 Mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent.[ [EB/OL]. http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2012/advanced-medicineprize2012.pdf.
3 Gurdon JB. Developmental capacity of nuclei taken from intestinal epithelium cells of feeding tadpoles[J]. J Embryol Exp Morph,1962,10:622-640.
4 Takahashi K, Yamanaka S. Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors[J]. Cell,2006,126(4):663-676.
5 Gurdon JB. The egg and the nucleus: a battle for supremacy [EB/OL].http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2012/gurdon-lecture_slides.pdf.
6 刘实致信诺贝尔奖大会警告不要欺骗国王给伪科学颁奖[EB/OL].http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_502041670102ektc.html.
7 Hanna J,Saha K, Pando B,et al. Direct cell reprogramming is a stochastic process amenable to acceleration[J]. Nature, 2009,462(7273):595-601.
8 Liu SV. Outright misrepresentation should be an easy target amendable for invalidation[J]. Logical Biology,2009,9:91-107.
9 Liu SV. Fast protest against a fast hype on iPS cells[J]. Top Watch,2009,4(2):44-47.
10 Rodolfa K, Eggan K. A transcriptional logic for nuclear reprogramming[J]. Cell,2006, 126(4): 652-655.
11 Liu SV. iPS cells: Stem cells induced from terminally differentiated cells or just pre-existing stem cells being detected[J]? Logical Biology,2007,7(3):63-65.
12 Liu SV. Further comments on the nature of iPS cells[J]. Logical Biology,2007,7(3):69-72.
13 Liu SV. Rebuttal against an authoritative but ungrounded peer review[J]. Logical Biology 2007,7(3):73-75.
14 Yamanaka S. Somatic cell reprogramming by retroviral vectors encoding Oct3/4. Klf4, c-Myc and Sox2. US ,8129187. 2012-03-06.
15 Yamanaka S. Selection method of induced pluripotent stem cells. US,20120156684. 2012-06-21
16 Yamanaka S. Method of selecting safe pluripotent stem cells. US , 20120171717A1. 2012-07-05.
17 Liu SV. Understanding iPSCs by dissecting Yamanaka’s patent disclosures[J]. Logical Biology 2012,12(2):69-73.
18 Liu SV. iPS cells: a more critial review[J]. Stem Cell Dev,2008,17(3): 391-397.
19 Buganim Y, Faddah DA , Cheng AW ,et al. Singlecell expression analyses during cellular reprogramming reveal an early stochastic and a late hierarchic phase[J]. Cell,2012,150(4): 1209-1222.
20 Liu SV. Increased cloning efficiency over differentiation hierarchy: True paradigm shift or false outlier presentation?[J]. Logical Biology 2006,6(4), 110-112.
21 Liu SV. Further arguments against defense for increased cloning efficiency over differentiation hierarchy[J]. Logical Biology,2007, 7(1): 5-11.
22 Trosko JE. Commentary: “re-programming or selecting adult stem cells?”[J]. Stem Cell Rev,2008,4(2): 81-88.