2011-12-24 20:37:00
Beijing Review 2011年40期


“As different social and cultural traditions exist in different countries, we fully respect the various concerns of each country. Our goal is to find common ground to cooperate to fight cyber crime while safeguarding network security.”

Qian Xiaoqian, Vice M inister of the Information Office of China’s State Council, calling for increased international efforts to safeguard network security at the opening ceremony of the Fourth U.S.-China Internet Industry Forum on November 8

“The responsibility of lawmakers is to urge the government to take concrete steps to meet its prom ises.”

Chen Zhili, Vice Chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature,on November 6 revealing China is drafting a law on combating climate change

“It is not that the Americans have not pumped enough liquidity into the market and now to say let’s pump more into the market is not going to solve their problems.”

Wolfgang Schaeuble, German Finance M inister, questioning U.S. easy money policies, after the U.S. Federal Reserve announced it would spend $600 billion to buy government bonds, in the hope the cash injection w ill kickstart the country’s economy

“Stability there redounds to stability in the region.”

Benigno Aquino, President of the Philippines, on the significance of Myanmar’s fi rst election in 20 years, which was held on November 7, for the Southeast Asian region

“I would strongly advise the governments not to allow long-term unemployment to build up by providing direct subsidized work experiences to the unemployed after nine to 12 months of unemployment.”

Christopher Pissarides, Nobel Economics laureate, suggesting unemployment benefi ts should be limited to a maximum of one year to ward off long-term joblessness

“I struggled w ith myself, I struggled w ith my own pain, but I made it to the finish line.”

Edison Pena, the Chilean m iner, who completed the New York City Marathon less than a month after he was rescued from the collapsed mine

“We are not claim ing that bilingualism in any way prevents Alzheimer’s or other dementia, but it may contribute to cognitive reserve in the brain, which appears to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms for quite some time.”

Fergus Craik, researcher w ith Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute in Canada. Scientists there found speaking two languages may help delay the onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms by up to five years