
2011-10-26 09:37
中国科技信息 2011年19期


Computer Chips Might Be up to 1,000 Times Faster as Early as 2013. But It All Depends on A Very Strange New Kind of Glue...

Co m p u t e r m a k e r IBM has gone into partnership with a glue specialist to create 'skyscraper' computers -building huge sandwiches of silicon chips by sticking layer after layer of chips covered w i t h t i n y c o m p o n e n t s together.

It's hoped the process will create smartphones and PCs up to 1,000 times faster than today's - which may be on the market as early as 2013.

The company, 3M, also make heat resistant glues, a d h e s i ve s u s e d i n t h e aerospace industry and sticky tape - but the hi-tech glues created in collaboration with IBM could actually be the key step towards making the next evolutionary leap in computing.

Today's attempts at piling chips vertically - known as 3D packaging - face problems from overheating. New glues could potentially conduct heat through a stack of densely-packed chips and away from logic circuits that could be burnt out by the heat.

The research aims to create 'stacks' of up to 100 layers of silicon.

Crucial to the development of the new chips will be techniques that allow IBM to slather glue over 100s of chips at once. Current techniques for gluing chips are described as being akin to frosting a cake slice by slice.

This material fits underneath computer chips when they're attached to printed circuit boards - the unique part of what we're doing is that our glue conducts heat out to the edge of the sandwich,' Mike Bowman, marketing manager for 3M says. 'Our glue will spread heat more evenly through the chip. With conventional chips, with just one or two layers, but once you're stacking chips, the problem can become very severe.’

Today's chips, including t h o s e c o n t a i n i n g 3D transistors, are in fact 2D chips that are still very flat structures,’ said Bernie Meyerson, a vice president of IBM Research, in a statement.

So far, most increases in computing power have been driven by scientific breakthroughs that allow chip makers to etch ever-smaller circuits onto ever-smaller chip wafers. The new '3D' approach could accelerate gadgets such as tablet computers to unheard-of new speeds.

'Our scientists are aiming to develop materials that will allow us to package tremendous amounts of computing power into a new form factor – a silicon skyscraper,' said Meyerson.

'We believe we can advance this, and create a new class of semiconductors - faster, with lower power usage, ideal for tablets and smartphones.'

Other 3M glues are used in hi-tech industries such as solar power, as well as in markedly lower-tech e n v i ro n m e n t s s u c h a s carpentry.

Both companies did not speculate on a release date for the new technology, but insiders speaking to tech sites such as The Register said versions could be on the market as early as 2013.


电脑制造商IBM已经与一个胶水专家合作,利用胶水把一层层芯片粘在一起,研制 “摩天楼(skyscraper)”电脑。



3M公司还生产用于航空航天业的耐热胶水、粘合剂和胶带,但是它与I B M联合研制的这种高科胶水,事实上是计算机信息处理技术能否向前迈进一大步的关键步骤。现在把芯片垂直叠加在一起的技术——3D封装面临产品过热等问题。新型胶水应该让叠加在一起的芯片具备良好的导热性,确保逻辑路线不会因过热而烧毁。该研究打算制造由100层芯片组成的商用微处理器。

研制这种新型芯片的关键,是寻找可以把超过100层芯片粘贴在一起的方法。当前的芯片粘贴技术被形容成就像用糖霜把蛋糕片一层层粘贴在一起。I B M研究部副总裁伯尼·梅尔森在声明里说:“现在的芯片,包括那些具有3D封装技术的芯片,事实上仍是2D芯片,它们拥有非常平坦的结构。”迄今为止,大多数计算机能力的提升都是受到科学突破的驱使,科学家通过这些新突破,可以在更小的芯片上雕刻更小的电路。这种新型“3D”方法能够大大提高平板电脑等电子产品的速度。他说:“我们的科学家打算研发一种材料,我们通过它可以显著提高电脑的能力。我们认为我们能够实现这个目的,创造出新型半导体,它的速度更快,能耗更低,是平板电脑的理想之选。”


My 2 Suns: Bounty of New Exoplanet Discoveries Includes a World Orbiting a Binary Star

The hundreds of distant worlds, some large and some small, that are known to dot the galaxy provide plenty of intrigue for the scientists who hunt them. But the catalogued planetary population has just gotten a lot larger and more diverse, thanks to word this week of a newly identified planet orbiting two suns, more than a dozen newfound "super-Earths," and strong indications that the Milky Way Galaxy is home to an almost unfathomable number of planets awaiting discovery.

More than 350 researchers from around the globe gathered at the Extreme Solar Systems (ESS) II conference in Grand Teton National Park, Wyo., to share their findings on these newfound exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system, of every size and configuration.

The most exotic of the latest batch of exoplanets is the world with two suns, like Tatooine of Star Wars or Dr. Who's Gallifrey. The planet, named Kepler 16 b for the NASA Kepler spacecraft that spotted it, revolves around two stars locked in a tight binary pairing; the planet's wide, nearly circular orbit keeps it well outside the stars' orbital dance. The trio is not the only so-called circumbinary system known, but it is the first for which researchers have been able to measure the properties of both stars and the planet so precisely, and the first system where the planet has been directly detected, rather than inferred. [Read more about other planets Kepler has found.]

The researchers, led by Laurance Doyle of the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., announced the finding at the ESS conference and with a September 15 press conference in California that included a visual-effects supervisor from Lucasfilm, the makers of Star Wars. Doyle, Joshua Carter of the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), and their colleagues also described the Kepler 16 system in a study in the September 16 issue of Science.

Kepler 16 b is reminiscent of Saturn in its dimensions and mass, but slightly denser, implying that its makeup skews more to elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. The giant planet orbits its parent stars every 229 Earth days. As curious a s K e p l e r 16 b i s, t h e stellar binary that hosts it is noteworthy as well. The smaller of the two stars is just one fifth the mass of our sun, making it the smallest mainsequence star whose physical properties are well known.

The astronomical oddball was not the only news from the Kepler mission at the ESS meeting. Sarah Ballard, a CfA graduate student and member of the Kepler team, described on September 12 a newly uncovered pair of planets orbiting the star Kepler 19.

Kepler 19 b, only twice as Earth's diameter, is among the smallest exoplanets known to date. But it is likely a miserable place: at just 13.5 million kilometers from its host star, the planet's surface is likely a toasty 480 degrees Celsius.

The Kepler spacecraft detects planets such as Kepler 19 b by watching them dim the light of their host star as the planets pass in front, or "transit." Ordinarily, those transits will occur at regular intervals, like celestial clockwork, but oddities in Kepler 19 b's transit times suggest the influence of the other half of the pair—a larger, unseen planet also orbiting Kepler 19 and perturbing the motion of its neighbor.

Kepler is hardly the only planet-finding campaign meeting with success and making news this week at the Wyoming confab. A search based at institutions in the U.K. and Spain, the Wide-Angle Search for Planets (WASP), reported the discovery of some two dozen new planets. And a European contingent from the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) had an even bigger haul to unveil.

There seem to be plenty of targets to go around: most of the tens of billions of yellow-orange stars in the galaxy might harbor planets, new HARPS data suggest. Previous HARPS results had implied that up to half of these stars could have planets, but a new statistical analysis shows the percentage to be even higher, about 70 percent, Francesco Pepe of the Observatory of Geneva in Switzerland said during a press conference announcing the HARPS results on September 12.

T h e H A R P S t e a m announced about 50 new planets, of which 16 are super-Earths—planets larger than our own but smaller than Neptune or Uranus. Statistical models suggest that four in 10 stars harbor super-Earths. One of the newfound HARPS planets, HD 85512 b, orbits on the edge of the habitable zone, a temperate band surrounding a star where temperatures could support liquid water and just maybe extraterrestrial life.

HARPS is an instrument that measures the wobble c a u s e d b y a p l a n e t's gravitational tug on its host star, so it can be used to estimate planetary mass. It is not able to measure the diameter of planets, so these "super-Earths" could be large and gaseous, like Neptune, or small and rocky, like Earth, the researchers say.

Studying super-Earths is a particularly fruitful area of planetary science, says David Latham of the CfA, who was not involved in the HARPS work. "It's a kind of planet we don't have in our own system," he says. In fact, the existence of super-Earths has come to light only in the past few years.

Between the super-Earths, the circumbinary planet, and the dozens of other new discoveries, researchers are now turning up exoplanets in unprecedented numbers. "We are really in the age of discovery of new worlds," said Lisa Kaltenegger of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany, and the CfA during the press conference.

科学家发现奇特行星 其天空将有“两个太阳”



美国华盛顿市卡耐基学院的阿兰-勃斯(Alan Boss)是该项研究的合著作者,他说:“这是一项惊人的天文发现!再一次地将科幻演变成现实!”当《星球大战》中出现拥有两颗太阳的塔图因行星时,许多科学家便猜测这样的行星或许真地存在,目前这项最新研究得以证实。


9月15 日,诺尔在美国宇航局新闻发布会上发言称,我们再一次地看到科学事实比科幻故事更具奇特性,这些将科幻演变为科学事实的重大发现将使科学家更一步扩大想象空间,探索我们的科学假想。


Kepler-16(AB)-b与恒星之间的距离为地日距离的四分之三,它的体积与土星较为接近,虽然密度只有土星的50%,表明它富含重元素。位于加州山景城的地外文明搜索学会(SETI)的天体物理学家劳伦斯-道尔(Laurance Doyle)是该项研究负责人,他说:“据我们分析Kepler-16(A B)-b行星并不适宜居住。”


环绕两颗恒星运行的行星叫做“环双星行星(circumbinary planets)”,两颗恒星在空间运行轨道环绕的一点叫做“多体质心(barycenter)”,研究人员在多体质心位置发现它们的轨道出现轻微变化,表明行星的存在导致两颗恒星出现潮汐效应。








日本开发出镍钌催化剂燃料电池 可降低电池成本






Antiviral restriction factor transgenesis in the domestic cat

Studies of the domestic cat have contributed to many scientific advances, including the present understanding of the mammalian cerebral cortex. A practical capability for cat transgenesis is needed to realize the distinctive potential of research on this neurobehaviorally complex, accessible species for advancing human and feline health. For example, humans and cats are afflicted with pandemic AIDS lentiviruses that are susceptible to species-specific restriction factors. Here we introduced genes encoding such a factor, rhesus macaque TRIMCyp, and eGFP, into the cat germline. The method establishes gametetargeted transgenesis for the first time in a carnivore. We observed uniformly transgenic outcomes, widespread expression, no mosaicism a n d n o F1 s i l e n c i n g. TRIMCyp transgenic cat lymphocytes resisted feline immunodeficiency virus replication. This capability to experimentally manipulate the genome of an AIDS-susceptible species can be used to test the potential of restriction factors for HIV gene therapy and to build models of other infectious and noninfectious diseases.

美科学家培育出夜光猫 可帮助治疗艾滋病





Moçambique deverá ser a prazo um exportador“substancial” de gás natural

Mo ç a m b i q u e deverá ser a prazo um expor tador“substancial” de gás natural, com a projectada construção de um terminal de LNG na província de Cabo Delgado (norte), de acordo com a Economist Intelligence Unit.

As descobertas de gás efectuadas ao longo do último ano na região pela norte-americana Anadarko Petroleum, salienta a EIU no seu mais recente relatório sobre Moçambique, deverão ter confirmado a viabilidade do desenvolvimento de um terminal de gás natural liquefeito (LNG).

E s t i m a t i v a s n ã o confirmadas citadas pela Economist apontam para reservas mínimas de 10 biliões de pés cúbicos (mais de 283 mil milhões de metros cúbicos) de gás natural,“muitas vezes mais do que o único campo de gás actualmente em produção em Moçambique”, em Pande/ Temane (na província de Inhambane, sul do país).

“A produção (de Pande/ Temane) é exportada para a África do Sul através de um gasoduto. (Mas) os depósitos de gás natural em Cabo Delgado estão demasiado longe daquele gasoduto e de consumidores finais industriais na região”, refere o relatório.

Esta situação”, adianta,“sugere que uma unidade de LNG para aceder ao mercado internacional de exportação é a única opção realista para desenvolver” os novos campos descobertos.

C o m e s te p ro j e c to, M o ç a m b i q u e “p o d e tornar-se um exportador substancial” de gás natural, adianta o relatório.

A E I U p re vê q u e a s exportações moçambicanas r e g i s t e m u m i m p u l s o nos próximos dois anos, sustentadas pelo alumínio, car vão, gás e produtos a g r í c o l a s, p e r m i t i n d o uma contracção do défice comercial em 2012.

Em Maio, a brasileira Vale iniciou a extracção de carvão na sua mina em Moatize, província de Tete, e as exportações deverão começar este mês de Julho, atingindo 1 milhão de toneladas este ano.

Para o próximo ano, o objectivo de exportações é de 6 milhões de toneladas, quase duplicando para 11 milhões até 2014.

Já em operação está o depósito de areias pesadas de Moma, da irlandesa Kenmare Resources, e no final deste ano deverá iniciarse a produção de uma outra exploração carbonífera, de Benga, da australiana Riverdale Mining.

Em grande parte devido ao crescente investimento em projectos de exploração de recursos minerais e de infra-estruturas, a EIU prevê um crescimento médio de 7,4% ao ano para a economia moçambicana, em 2011 e 2012, com a inflação a recuar para 5% no próximo ano.

P a r a a c o m o d a r a expansão das exportações de carvão, o porto de Maputo anunciou recentemente um programa de expansão, estando a operadora do terminal carbonífero de M a to l a, a s u l-a f r i c a n a Grindrod, a concluir um estudo de viabilidade para mais do que duplicar a capacidade até 2014, para 20 milhões de toneladas anuais.

O “forte crescimento”, refere a EIU, é partilhado pelo resto do porto, que inclui um terminal de contentores e outros de açúcar e citrinos.

Este ano, as exportações através daquele por to deverão atingir 12,6 milhões de toneladas, mais do dobro das 5 milhões de toneladas registadas em 2003.

A s o p e r a ç õ e s beneficiaram de melhores operações ferroviárias no porto, com o tempo de“turnaround” dos comboios da África do Sul para Maputo a reduzir-se de uma média de 200 horas para apenas 90 horas.

A M a p u t o P o r t Development Company e s t i m a q u e, c o m u m i n v e s t i m e n t o d e 750 milhões de dólares ao longo dos próximos 20 anos, a capacidade do porto poderá ser quadruplicada para 50 milhões de toneladas.

















