Sp ring Festiva l is the one tim e of yea r w hen fam ilies across China a re ab le to reunite in cheer and celebra te the com ing o f the New Yea r. Now, w ith the Yea r o f the Rabbit upon us, the Hilton Beijing’s aw a rdw inn ing Elem en ts restau ran t is hosting a w eek-long Chinese New Year celeb ra tion and the w ho le city is inv ited! From Janua ry 22-28, Elem en ts w ill be serving up a specia l a ll-you-can-ea t bu ffet m enu fea turing Sp ring Festiva l c lassics such as trad itiona l dum p lings andnian gao(rice cake).
These excep tiona lly va luab le offers w ill add to this yea r’s cheer, so be su re to b ring the w hole fam ily and ring in the Yea r of the Rabb it w ith Hilton Beijing and Elem en ts restaurant.
Elem en ts Chinese New Yea r Bu ffet Janua ry 22-27, 2011
Dinner Bu ffet: 248 yuan per person Janua ry 28, 2011
Sea food Ca rniva l Dinner Bu ffet: 328 yuan per person
Sub ject to 15% su rcha rge
Ce leb ra te the m ost sp lend id and eagerly an ticipa ted ho lidays w ith delectab le Chinese New Yea r cakes and beau tifu lly packaged ham pers from the China W orld Hote l, Beijing. Choose from fish cakes, coconu t m ilk cakes, tu rn ip cakes, an assortm en t o f dum p lings stu ffed w ith lotus,red bean or sesam e pastes, or a dazzling se lection o f Chinese New Yea r g ift sets and Sp ring Festiva l ham pers.
For you r Sp ring Festiva l celeb ra tions,choose from an inv iting selection o f set m enus m ade up of superb ly p repa red Hua iyang and Can tonese d ishes a t the Summ er Pa lace restauran t.
1088 yuan+15% per room per night for Superior room s on ly
1138 yuan+15% per room per night for De luxe room s on ly
1288 yuan+15% per room per night for Grand De luxe room s on ly
1488 yuan+15% per room per night for M Club room s on ly
The above ra tes a re inc lusive of one da ily b reakfast; the p rice o f M Club room s inc ludes tw o daily breakfasts.
● Com p lim entary Internet service
● The above package cannot be used in con junc tion w ith other specia l hote l p rom otions and con tract ra tes
● Va lid un til Ma rch 6, 2011
Wha t Wom en Wan t, w hich w ill be re leased soon, w as film ed in The Westin Beijing Financia l Street. It sta rs Gong Li and Andy Lau, and is d irected by Chen Dam in.The film is a rem ake of Me l Gibson’sWha t Wom en Wan tfrom 2000. During film ing,Hote l Manager Doug las A riza Giamm a ria(le ft) w as photog raphed w ith Gong Li and Andy Lau.
Ga ther you r loved ones and usher in the Yea r of the Rabbit w ith a sum p tuous Chinese New Yea r reun ion d inner a t the Hotel Kun lun’s Jin Yuan Restaurant. Have a good sta rt to the New Yea r w ith food p repa red for good luck.
Feb rua ry 2-9, 7:30-10:00 p.m.
Pa rties of 4-6 peop le receive a com p lim en ta ry bottle o f designa ted top qua lity Chinese liquor or one bottle of Dragon Sea l Red W ine and a free flow of designa ted soft d rinks.
Pa rties o f 8-10 peop le receive tw o comp lim enta ry bottles of designated top qua lity Chinese liquor or tw o bottles o f Dragon Sea l red w ine and a free flow of designa ted soft d rinks.
Am erican hote lier Joseph E. Zitnik has been nam ed genera l m anager of the Crow ne Plaza Beijing Chaoyang U-Tow n, a new 360-room, five-sta r hote l tha t opened on Janua ry 2011 in Beijing’s Cen tra l Business District.
Joseph has over 20 yea rs’ experience in the hosp ita lity industry,inc lud ing opening or reb randing seven hote ls as genera l m anager.
In 1999 he joined theIn tercon tinen ta l Hote ls Group China as genera l m anager and opened or reb randed IHG hote ls a lso in Guam and Tha iland as w ell as fou r hotels in China. He has w orked for IHG for over 10 yea rs, m ost recen tly as a rea genera l m anager o f the IHG Tian jin Cluster. He a lso served as genera l m anager of the Crow ne Plaza Tian jin Binha i.
A m om en t o f love shou ld be sha red w ith specia l som eone a t the Crow ne Plaza Pa rk View Wuzhou Beijing:
Ca fé Asia: 988 yuan net per coup le,ga la bu ffet, d iam ond ring as the lucky d raw p rize
Ye llow Stone: 658 yuan net per person, rom an tic Western set d inner,w ith chocola te bu ffet and live band
Brazilian Churrascos:299 yuan net per person, a variety of m ea t and sea food BBQ, w ith Cham pagne or Va lentine’s cocktail
In add ition, the hotel offers a Luxury Package: 9999 yuan per coup le, inc lud ing lim ousine service, six course set m enu,persona l v io linist, 109 beau tifu l roses, one night deluxe room stay, tw o hours m assage trea tm en t
On Decem ber 17, 2010, the hotel m anagem en t team o f the Pa rk Plaza Beijing Science Park visited Daxing Dandelion Schoo l and spen t a m em orab le a fternoon w ith m ore than 40 students celeb rating an ea rly Ch ristm as. Genera l M anager Terry Manns and San ta Claus p resented Christm as g ifts and sw eets to each studen t.
Du ring this even t, Executive Che f Tony taught students how to m ake cupcakes w ith lovely decora tions. La ter, studen ts sang Christm as ca rols and w rote New Yea r w ishes on handm ade ca rds.
The ca rds w ill be collected by the hotel to hang on the Ch ristm as tree in the hote l lobby.
“Today rep resen ts the first day of a new rela tionship w ith the school w ith the hotel looking to ho ld a num ber of activ ities to support the school in the com ing year,” said Manns.
Dandelion School, a nonp rofit educationa l institu te loca ted in Daxing District,in the outskirts of Beijing, is the first and on ly m idd le schoo l built especia lly for the child ren of low-incom e m ig ran t fam ilies in Beijing.