The relationship of tension and blood flow of the expanded pedicled fasciocutaneous flap in pig

2011-08-15 00:54:32张志宏ZhangZhihongDeptPlastSurgLaserMedBeijingAnzhenHospCapUnivMedSciBeijing100029ChinPlastSurg201026286289
外科研究与新技术 2011年2期

张志宏(Zhang Zhihong,Dept Plast Surg Laser Med,Beijing Anzhen Hosp,Cap Univ Med Sci,Beijing 100029)…∥Chin J Plast Surg.-2010,26(4).-286~289

The relationship of tension and blood flow of the expanded pedicled fasciocutaneous flap in pig

张志宏(Zhang Zhihong,Dept Plast Surg Laser Med,Beijing Anzhen Hosp,Cap Univ Med Sci,Beijing 100029)…∥Chin J Plast Surg.-2010,26(4).-286~289

ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of wound closure tension on the blood flow of the expanded pedicled fasciocutaneous flap,so as to find the best tension for the blood supply of the flap.Methods8 piglets,aged 9 -12 months,were used.On each side of pig back,a cephalicly based expanded fasciocutaneous flap was designed.The size of the flaps was 5 cm ×20 cm.In the control group,the flaps were not elevated(0 g tension).In the experimental group,the flaps were treated at the end with the tension of 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,and 900 g after elevation.The blood oxygen satureation(StO2)of the flaps was measured under different wound closure tension.ResultsThe flap StO2raised along the increase of tension until the tension reached 200-300 g.Then the flap StO2decreased when the tension continued to increase above 200 -300 g.ConclusionThe tension of 200-300 g is good for the blood flow of expanded pedicled fasciocutaneous flap.So the flap flexibility can be best used and the complication can be avoided.9 refs,5 figs,1 tab.
