Design of nano-piezoelectric immunosensor array to detect bone sialoprotein

2011-08-15 00:54:32ChenYuDeptMedResGuangzhouGenHospGuangzhouMilCommandGuangzhouGuangdong510010ChinClinBasicOrthopRes2010226230
外科研究与新技术 2011年2期

陈 钰(Chen Yu, Dept Med Res,Guangzhou Gen Hosp,Guangzhou Mil Command,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510010)…∥Chin J Clin Basic Orthop Res.-2010,2(3).-226~230

Design of nano-piezoelectric immunosensor array to detect bone sialoprotein

陈 钰(Chen Yu, Dept Med Res,Guangzhou Gen Hosp,Guangzhou Mil Command,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510010)…∥Chin J Clin Basic Orthop Res.-2010,2(3).-226~230

ObjectiveWith the unique properties of Au nanoparticles,a nano-piezoelectric immunosensor microarray was designed using AT-cut 10 Hz quartz crystal to detect blood sialoprotein(BSP)expression from clinical serum.MethodsMonoclonal antibody of BSP was thiolated by heterobifuncfional cross-linkers Sulfo-LC-SPDP.Next,the hydrosulfuryl-antibodies were fixed on the surface of gold-membrane electrode via Au nanoparticles modified to make a bio-sensitive membrane,which constructed the nano-piezoelectric immunity chips.BSP expression from the serum of healthy adults and patients with osteoporosis were examined alter immunoreaction.ResultsThe detection of reference standard serum at dilution of 1∶9,1∶8,1∶7,1∶6,1∶5,1∶4,1∶3 and 1∶2 showed that constructed BSP nano-immunosensor array had good linear relationship with serum detection results when the serum dilution ranged between 1∶9 and 1∶2;the linear equation was y=872.66 x-58.258(correlation coefficient=0.974).The serum BSP expression levels of patients with osteoporosis were higher than those of healthy adults using BSP piezoelectric immunosensor array(t=20.162,P=0.000).ConclusionThe BSP nano-piezoelectric immunosensor array can be used for quantitative detection of serum BSP with the advantages of simple structure,easy operation,good stability,high sensitivity and specificity.23 refs,3 figs.
