Atlantoaxialjoint fusion using anterior transarticular screw fixation and bone grafting for atlantoaxial joint instability

2011-08-15 00:54:32王文军WangWenjuDptOrthop1stAffilHospNanhuaUnivHengyangHunan421001ChinClinBasicOrthopRes2010176180
外科研究与新技术 2011年2期

王文军(Wang Wenju,Dpt Orthop,1st Affil Hosp Nanhua Univ,Hengyang,Hunan 421001)…∥Chin J Clin Basic Orthop Res.-2010,2(3).-176~180

Atlantoaxialjoint fusion using anterior transarticular screw fixation and bone grafting for atlantoaxial joint instability

王文军(Wang Wenju,Dpt Orthop,1st Affil Hosp Nanhua Univ,Hengyang,Hunan 421001)…∥Chin J Clin Basic Orthop Res.-2010,2(3).-176~180

ObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical application of atlantoaxial joint fusion using anterior transarticular screw fixation and bone grafting for atlantoaxial joint instability.MethodsTwenty-three cases of atlantoaxial joint instability were treated by atlantoaxial joint fusion using anterior transarticular screw fixation and bone grafting.ResultsNo postoperative complications of spinal cord,vertebral artery or esophagus injuries happened.The patients were followed up from 4 to 45 months with an average of 18.4 months.Atlantoaxial joints in all patients showed good stability while 21 patients showed good position of the screws and 17 patients gained solid fusion.ConclusionAtlantoaxial joint fusion using anterior transarticular screw fixation and bone grafting is an effective method for the treatment of atlantoaxial joint instability for it can recover the instant stability and obtain the bone graft of CI-C2 efficicntly.11 refs,4 figs.
