中全新世以来东海内陆架泥质沉积物来源…………………………………… 徐方建,李安春,李铁刚,陈世悦,操应长,董春梅,邱隆伟(1-1)
大港油田西58-8稀井网区河道砂体预测 ………………………… 张国一,侯加根,刘钰铭,赵 彬(1-7)
红河深水扇沉积物重力流特征 …………………………………… 李 冬,王英民,王永凤,徐 强(1-13)
惠民凹陷西部深层断裂样式与古近纪盆地原型的性质倪金龙,刘俊来,林玉祥,王智敏,韩作振,李 月,曹淑云(1-20)
塔里木盆地塔中地区卡塔克古隆起演化和沉降-反转史 ………………… 周爱红,孙 玥,冯 宇(1-28)
塔南凹陷南屯组近岸水下扇沉积特征及有利含油相带分析…………………………………… 苗长盛,刘招君,方 石,张 革,张君龙,胡 菲,孙晓娟(1-34)
湖相礁灰岩圈闭的成因类型及其对油气成藏的控制作用 ………………… 刘鑫金,蒋有录,宋国奇(1-40)
陆地多次反射折射波定量分析 …………………………………… 郭朝斌,李振春,岳玉波,郭振波(1-45)
保幅炮域高斯波束偏移 …………………………………………… 岳玉波,李振春,刘 伟,张 晴(1-52)
通讯槽对电磁波传播随钻测量信号的影响 ………………………………… 魏宝君,徐 丹,王莎莎(1-56)
高邮凹陷南断阶东部阜宁期构造应力场及其对断层的控制作用……………………………………………… 戴俊生,王霞田,季宗镇,马晓鸣,冯阵东,张效恭(2-1)
高温高压条件下甲烷和二氧化碳溶解度试验 … 范泓澈,黄志龙,袁 剑,高 岗,童传新,冯 冲(2-6)
阿克库勒地区三叠系湖底扇沉积及其主控因素……………………………………………… 陆金波,王英民,张 雷,王改云,吴嘉鹏,陈玲玲(2-12)
准噶尔盆地车排子地区新近系沙湾组沉积特征 ……… 杨少春,孟祥梅,陈宁宁,张世奇,向 奎(2-20)
东营凹陷博兴油田沙四上亚段滩坝砂岩油气富集特征及成藏主控因素 … ………… 谭丽娟,郭 松(2-25)
准噶尔盆地西北缘乌-夏断裂带油气成藏组合特征 ……………………… 辛 也,王伟锋,吴孔友(2-32)
断陷盆地构造枢纽部位油气富集规律 … ……… 喻 顺,吕修祥,柳广弟,徐宏节,解启来,刘小平(2-39)
基于双平方根算子的保幅角度域成像 …………………………… 张 敏,李振春,叶月明,朱旭峰(2-45)
基于测井资料的裂缝面孔率标定裂缝孔隙度的数值模拟及应用………………………………………… 王晓畅,李 军,张松扬,谭茂金,古扎丽克孜·依明(2-51)
阵列声波测井中反射纵波和横波信号提取方法 ……… 王 兵,陶 果,王 华,李 卫,谭博蕾(2-57)
湿地的沉积特征及石油地质意义 … ………………………………… 金振奎,苏 奎,张永生,苏妮娜(3-1)
伸展构造物理模拟中存在的问题及解决办法 … ………… 冯阵东,戴俊生,张继标,王霞田,孔令强(3-7)
有机质生烃动力学模型对比 …………………………… 王 民,卢双舫,董 奇,薛海涛,黄立明(3-12)
准噶尔盆地腹部超压顶面附近油气成藏机制…………………………………… 杨 智,王京红,林森虎,吴松涛,刘 烨,李奇艳,张培智(3-19)
界面约束法在曲流河储层构型建模中的应用 … ……………………………………… 刘太勋,陶自强(3-26)
冀中坳陷潜山内幕油气藏的多样性与成藏控制因素…………………………………… 高先志,吴伟涛,卢学军,崔周旗,孔令武,贾连奇,王海潮(3-31)
宋站南地区葡萄花和扶杨油层的油源分析 …………… 王雅春,徐光波,刘洛夫,朱晶光,张洪斌(3-36)
共偏移距共反射面元叠加方法 ………………………… 李 栋,李振春,孙小东,蒲 路,何 畅(3-42)
基于自回归滑动平均模型和粒子群算法的地震子波提取 ……… 戴永寿,牛 慧,彭 星,王少水(3-47)
基于时空双变网格算法的碳酸盐岩裂缝型储层正演模拟 … ………………………… 张 慧,李振春(3-51)
水驱油地层电阻率变化规律数值模拟及拐点影响因素分析 … ……………………… 申辉林,方 鹏(3-58)
基于uClinux的测井仪器调试台架前端机软件设计 … … 吴文河,鞠晓东,成向阳,卢俊强,邓 林(3-63)
基于嵌入式架构的井下高精度模数转换器高温测试系统设计……………………………………………… 门百永,鞠晓东,乔文孝,邓 林,成向阳,卢俊强(3-67)
库车坳陷构造挤压增压定量评价新方法 ……… 张凤奇,王震亮,宋 岩,赵孟军,柳少波,方世虎(4-1)
松辽盆地北部泉三、四段异常高孔隙带预测………………………… 孟元林,丁桂霞,吴河勇,姜文亚,修洪文,李亚光,王又春,王正伟(4-8)
歧口凹陷缓坡带层序地层模式 … …… 孟繁有,李 勇,何 川,肖敦清,蒲秀刚,袁淑琴,刘子藏(4-14)
扇三角洲储层微观剩余油分布模拟试验……………………………………………… 刘太勋,徐怀民(4-20)
东营凹陷古近系红层砂体有效储层的物性下限及控制因素……………………………………………… 王 健,操应长,高永进,刘惠民,刘晓丽,唐 东(4-27)
准噶尔盆地车排子凸起带轻质油成藏机制 …………… 刘洪军,张枝焕,秦黎明,朱 雷,席伟军(4-34)
油伴生CO2气的成因及其石油地质意义 …… 曲希玉,刘 立,杨会东,刘 娜,张立东,王卫学(4-41)
辽东湾地区锦州25-1大型轻质油气田成藏条件与成藏过程 … …………… 田立新,徐长贵,江尚昆(4-47)
辽东湾地区烃源岩生物标志物特征与油源对比…………………………………… 田金强,邹华耀,周心怀,徐长贵,姜 雪,郭 珍,杨元元(4-53)
岩石物理模型约束拉梅参数提取方法 ……………………………………… 张世鑫,印兴耀,张繁昌(4-59)
矢量有限元素法在随钻电阻率测井模拟中的应用 …… 张中庆,穆林雪,张 雪,李飞虎,王卓远(4-64)
济阳坳陷桩西古潜山储层裂缝的分形特征 …………………………………………… 周廷全,陈俊侠(5-1)
东营凹陷民丰北带古近系沙三段成岩演化及其对储层物性的影响…………………………………………………………………… 操应长,陈 林,王艳忠,隋风贵(5-6)
南海深水块体搬运沉积体系及其油气勘探意义 ………………… 王大伟,吴时国,吕福亮,王 彬(5-14)
准噶尔盆地西北缘车排子地区下白垩统层序地层与沉积演化 … 杨 勇,陈世悦,向 奎,杨俊生(5-20)
准东三台-北三台地区储层沥青和稠油特征与成因分析……………………………………………… 路俊刚,陈世加,王绪龙,王 熠,张纪智,石正灏(5-27)
准噶尔盆地网毯式油气成藏输导体系 …………………………… 刘桠颖,徐怀民,姚卫江,刘楼军(5-32)
惠民南部地区油气运移通道组合类型及其成藏作用 …………… 李继岩,谭明友,吴孔友,宋国奇(5-37)
能量屏蔽作用的类型、形成机制及应对方法……………………………………………… 杨庆道,王伟锋,尹以东,赵玉生,李继白,胡建辉(5-44)
基于2D反褶积成像条件的保幅叠前深度偏移 … ……… 孔 雪,李振春,叶月明,黄建平,郭 倩(5-51)
鄂尔多斯盆地北部晚古生代物源体系及聚砂规律 … …… 陈安清,陈洪德,徐胜林,时 国,张成弓(6-1)
松辽盆地南部乾安北地区扶余油层沉积微相分析 … …… 陆道林,狄帮让,李向阳,王世瑞,王树平(6-8)
基于蚂蚁算法的断裂自动解释技术在黄珏南地区的应用…………………………………… 张继标,戴俊生,赵力彬,毛成栋,田腾飞,吉亚明,李石磊(6-14)
塔里木盆地库车坳陷依南2气藏类型的判别………………………… 邢恩袁,庞雄奇,肖中尧,张宝收,姜振学,李 峰,郭继刚,马中振(6-21)
东营凹陷沙河街组四段孢粉相特征及其生烃潜力 ………………………… 张 淼,陈清华,徐金鲤(6-28)
岩块超声横波速度高精度测试方法试验研究 … ……………………………………… 魏建新,狄帮让(6-36)
双重约束下的密度三维反演 ………………………………………………… 刘 展,于会臻,陈 挺(6-43)
海洋电磁勘探中空气波相互作用机制和水深影响分析……………………………………………………… 沈金松,詹林森,王鹏飞,马 超,连福明(6-51)
模拟过套管电阻率测井响应的递推矩阵方法 …………………… 魏宝君,田 坤,张 旭,刘 坤(6-59)
利用元素录井资料的随钻岩性判别方法 …………………………………… 李春山,陈英毅,孙 卫(6-66)
变系数二阶流体在偏心环空中非定常流压力梯度的数值计算………………………………………………………………… 崔海清,李 楠,杨立国,宋兴良(1-61)
内外压力对油井管柱等效轴向力及稳定性的影响……………………………………………… 李子丰(1-65)
减速涡轮深部防斜打快技术 … ………………… 蒋金宝,孙 雪,赵国顺,董伟哲,王甲昌,王慧文(1-68)
大位移钻井全井段岩屑动态运移规律 ……………………………………… 郭晓乐,汪志明,龙芝辉(1-72)
“三高”气田固井水泥体系研究……………………………………………… 黄洪春,郑新权,刘爱萍(1-77)
压力指数决策技术及其应用进展………………………………………………………………… 赵福麟(1-82)
用逐步稳态替换法确定低渗油藏合理井距 …………… 李爱芬,刘艳霞,张化强,袁忠超,吴子森(1-89)
多孔介质中溶质弥散传输过程的体积微元建模法 ……………… 王长江,姜汉桥,覃生高,李俊健(1-93)
双重介质油藏基质动用程度及规律 …………………… 杨胜来,李梅香,王立军,康铭辉,张小霞(1-98)
水力压裂参数优化的解析方法 ………………………………………………………………… 马新仿(1-102)
固井二界面泥饼仿地成凝饼与凝灰岩成岩的关联性……………………………………………… 顾 军,杨卫华,张玉广,高玉堂,刘 霞,李天府(2-64)
井底压差对岩石破碎的影响机制 …………………………………………… 郑德帅,高德利,张 辉(2-69)
射流冲击载荷对井底岩石应力场的影响…………………………………… 常德玉,李根生,沈忠厚,黄中伟,田守嶒,史怀忠,宋先知(2-74)
基于有限元的低渗透油藏水平井试井分析 … ……………………………… 樊冬艳,姚 军,王子胜(2-80)
基于出砂特征半径的水平井出砂临界生产压差预测模型 ……… 尉亚民,王爱萍,董长银,刘春苗(2-85)
基于Darcy-Stokes耦合模型的缝洞型介质等效渗透率分析 … …… 李亚军,姚 军,黄朝琴,刘永辉(2-91)
低渗透变形介质油藏流入动态关系 …………………… 王海勇,王厉强,于晓杰,南友利,许大伟(2-96)
基于渗透率张量的各向异性油藏两相渗流数值模拟 ……………………………… 单 娴,姚 军(2-101)
Screening of Gas Injection Techniques for IOR in a Low Permeability Reservoir of Xinjiang Oilfield…………………REN Shao-ran,NIU Bao-lun,HOU Sheng-ming,ZHANG Liang,GU Hong-jun(2-107)
定向井抽油杆柱空间形态的计算方法 …………………………… 狄勤丰,王文昌,胡以宝,姚建林(3-72)
底部钻具规则涡动轨迹的内摆线描述方法 …………… 马汝涛,纪友哲,贾 涛,韩 飞,朱英杰(3-76)
固井封固系统初始作用力及其影响 ……………………………… 郭辛阳,步玉环,李 娟,沈忠厚(3-79)
基于高频振动信号分析的稠油出砂量监测方法 ………………… 刘 刚,贾宗文,刘志国,何宝生(3-84)
考虑井筒变质量流动的砾石充填水平井产能预测……………………………………………… 李明忠,李彦超,王卫阳,姚志良,王一平,孟维龙(3-89)
高能气体压裂载荷计算模型与合理药量确定方法 ………………………… 吴飞鹏,蒲春生,陈德春(3-94)
低渗透油藏CO2混相驱油机制及影响因素 ……………………… 苏玉亮,吴晓东,侯艳红,侯照锋(3-99)
考虑动态滤失系数的压裂井裂缝闭合及返排优化 ………………………………… 任 山,慈建发(3-103)
竖直套管对随钻磁测量参数影响的试验研究 ………… 管志川,刘永旺,史玉才,王建云,韦节宏(4-72)
关于“套管柱三轴抗拉强度公式”的讨论………………………………………………………… 韩志勇(4-77)
围压条件下井底环空循环吸入式粒子射流破岩试验……………………… 倪红坚,杜玉昆,张树朋,马 琳,王瑞和,陈 祎,艾尼瓦尔·麦麦提(4-81)
垂钻系统单轴稳定平台测量算法 ……………………………………………………… 孙 峰,王瑞和(4-85)
钻杆内加厚过渡区岩屑颗粒冲蚀的模拟与试验验证 ……………………… 王明波,周卫东,王瑞和(4-89)
水平井注采井网条件下加密水平井产能评价模型 …… 阴国锋,徐怀民,叶双江,李玉蓉,仇建平(4-93)
改进的IIk反褶积算法在变流量试井中的应用 ……………………………………… 聂法健,张艳玉(4-98)
油气层爆燃压裂裂缝动态延伸模型 … …………………………… 陈德春,吴晓东,李海波,吴飞鹏(4-103)
改进的CO2驱相对渗透率模型及其应用………………………………… 任闽燕,王 珍,徐 阳,牛保伦,贾英良,李兆敏,任韶然(4-108)
利用钻柱振动频谱判别钻柱复杂情况的方法 ………… 李春山,王崇敬,陈 添,梁宏伟,孙 卫(5-56)
柴油机尾气钻井注气量定量分析……………………………………………………… 侯学军,高德利(5-61)
风动潜孔锤反循环钻井最小注气量模型 …………………………………… 黄 勇,殷 琨,朱丽红(5-65)
钻井液连续波传输的OQPSK调制原理与性能分析 … ……………………… 李忠伟,王瑞和,房 军(5-70)
缝洞型储层缝宽动态变化及其对钻井液漏失的影响 … 李大奇,康毅力,曾义金,练章华,杜春潮(5-76)
机械防砂筛管挡砂介质堵塞机制及堵塞规律试验…………………………………… 董长银,贾碧霞,刘春苗,吴建平,王登庆,孙德旭,韩晓龙(5-82)
基于无因次压降曲线的注水优势流动通道识别方法 …………… 谷建伟,张秀梅,郑家朋,樊兆亚(5-89)
双水平井导向钻井磁测距计算方法 ………………………………………… 刁斌斌,高德利,吴志永(6-71)
自吸环空流体式自激振荡脉冲射流性能分析与优化…………………………………………… 倪红坚,马 琳,艾尼瓦尔,杜玉昆,王瑞和,陈 祎(6-76)
水力喷砂射孔与起裂大型物理模拟试验……………………………………………… 胡强法,朱 峰,李宪文,付钢旦,赵 文,吕维平(6-81)
板状油藏大斜度井流入动态 ……………………………………… 王海静,仝兴华,薛世峰,高存法(6-88)
渤海油田早期聚合物驱动态规律及见效时间判断方法…………………………………… 姜汉桥,郑 伟,张贤松,何春百,陈民锋,陈付真,胡庆贺(6-95)
压敏性特低渗透油藏压裂水平井产能计算 ………………………………… 郝明强,王晓冬,胡永乐(6-99)
基于能量平衡方法的套管抗挤规律分析 … …………… 闫相祯,刘复元,王同涛,杨秀娟,王建军(1-106)
浮式海洋钻井钻柱对大钩位移的响应分析 … ………… 张彦廷,武光斌,姜 浩,刘振东,张文凯(1-110)
纳米SiO2填充UHMWPE/PTFE/纳米MMT复合材料的摩擦磨损行为 … ………… 雷 毅,郭建良(1-115)
旋流型管壁分配器取样孔分流特性 … ………………… 曹学文,吴梁红,宗 媛,杨 涛,张文静(1-119)
管道油流携水系统的界面分布 … 徐广丽,张国忠,BRAUNER N,ULLMANN A,刘 刚,张 鑫(1-124)
基于提升小波包的往复压缩机活塞-缸套磨损故障诊断 ……… 陈敬龙,张来斌,段礼祥,胡 超(1-130)
测量温度对青海原油等温胶凝特性的影响 … …………………… 林名桢,李传宪,杨 飞,马 勇(1-135)
裂缝-孔隙油藏蒸汽辅助重力泄油过程的自适应网格数值计算 ………… 罗海山,王晓宏,施安峰(1-140)
海上自升式钻井平台桩靴穿刺现象的数值分析 …………………………………… 张浦阳,丁红岩(2-117)
内壁椭圆度对高钢级套管挤毁变形的影响试验 … …… 王建军,闫相祯,林 凯,冯耀荣,宋生印(2-123)
幂律流体同心环空内层流脉动流的数值分析 ……………………………………… 黄善波,李兆敏(2-127)
自动生成四边形网格的方法及其在数值模拟中的应用 … ………………… 修荣荣,徐明海,黄善波(2-131)
管翅式换热器流动和换热的低阶模型模拟 ………………………………………… 丁 鹏,陶文铨(2-137)
热油管道油温波动随机数值模拟及影响因素敏感性分析 … ……………… 张文轲,张劲军,宇 波(2-141)
注过热蒸汽井热力计算 ………………………………………………………………………… 盖平原(2-147)
永冻区埋地管道周围土壤水热力耦合数值计算 … ………………………… 马贵阳,杜明俊,李 丹(3-108)
成品油管网运行优化 ………………………………………………………………… 梁永图,刘增哲(3-115)
一种胶凝原油剪切测试的新方法 … ……………………………… 刘 刚,王志方,张国忠,杜 强(3-119)
地层蓄热效应对输气管道数值模拟精度的影响 … ……………… 丁延鹏,李玉星,郝宏娜,毕研军(3-124)
基于台风验证载荷的平台时变可靠性分析与更新 … ……………………… 陈团海,陈国明,许亮斌(3-129)
SiCp/2024Al铝基复合材料表面颗粒暴露及真空钎焊分析……………………………………………………… 冯 涛,王引真,楼松年,张蒙蒙,李春鹏(3-135)
大型储罐地震作用下罐壁抗失稳可靠度分析 … …………………………… 程旭东,胡晶晶,徐 剑(3-140)
低比转速离心泵叶轮的水力设计数值方法 … …………………… 周 鑫,张永学,姬忠礼,江翠伟(4-113)
膨胀波纹管焊接机器人的研制及其机构运动分析 … …………… 陶兴华,朱宏武,曾义金,徐立力(4-119)
稠油热采出砂机制试验研究 ……… 林日亿,李兆敏,陆杏英,杨建平,谭红旗,尹家文,赵宏宁(4-123)
超声速旋流分离器内气液两相流流动特性 … ………… 文 闯,曹学文,杨 燕,张 静,杨 涛(4-129)
LNG FPSO液舱内储液晃动特性的数值模拟 … 陈海阳,李玉星,孙法峰,臧垒垒,王武昌,喻西崇(4-134)
改进点源法在火灾热辐射计算中的应用 …………………………………………… 李 玉,康青春(4-140)
煤层气井气体对有杆泵排采的影响 … …………………………… 刘新福,吴建军,綦耀光,赵培华(4-144)
黏弹性流体环空内脉动层流流动的理论解析 … ……………………………………… 黄善波,李兆敏(5-94)
基于LBM方法的天然气水合物沉积物中多相流动规律研究……………………………………………… 喻西崇,刘 瑜,宋永臣,李清平,庞维新,白玉湖(5-99)
一种真实地形计算流体力学网格生成方法 … ……………………………… 章 博,陈国明,孔令圳(5-104)
准平衡理论在CH4+CO2水合物法分离中的应用 … ……………………… 唐建峰,曾大龙,王传磊(5-109)
桩顶与承压板新型构造方式下的单桩承载特性 … …… 李 静,吴葆永,姜 琳,王林富,李 娟(5-114)
地面驱动螺杆泵负载扭矩波动机制 ………………………………………………… 杨永华,郑学成(5-120)
深水采油树下放过程钻柱力学分析 … ……………………………………… 林秀娟,肖文生,王鸿雁(5-125)
高钢级钻杆韧性指标的研究 … …………………………………… 李方坡,韩礼红,刘永刚,王 勇(5-130)
新型电聚结器结构参数对液滴聚结特性的影响 … …… 何利民,杨东海,罗小明,李德泉,杨 帆(6-105)
基于同位网格的一种新的定压边界处理方法 ……………………………………… 王 辉,徐明海(6-112)
海洋油气集输系统中强烈段塞流压力波动特性 … ……………… 吕宇玲,何利民,牛殿国,罗小明(6-118)
浮式钻井平台钻柱升沉补偿系统研究 … ……………… 姜 浩,刘衍聪,张彦廷,刘振东,武光斌(6-122)
地下储气库天然气运移的等效渗流模型 … ……………………… 王保辉,闫相祯,杨秀娟,冯耀荣(6-127)
埕岛粉喷桩复合地基应力比试验 … ………………………………………… 颜庆智,闫相祯,江立群(6-131)
静电分离器中电流体流场可视化研究………………………… 孔祥领,朱宏武,MOHAMED Alshehhi,AFSHIN Goharzadeh,丁 矿(6-135)
液化天然气项目取水结构整体物理模型试验 … …………………………… 时恩哲,王登婷,罗立群(6-140)
不同倾斜角新型板式换热器特性及场协同原理分析 … ………… 郭春生,杜文静,王 飞,程 林(6-144)
咪唑啉缓蚀剂分子结构与缓蚀性能的量子化学分析……………………………………………………… 胡松青,贾晓林,胡建春,石 鑫,郭爱玲(1-146)
抗温环保型降滤失剂改性玉米淀粉的合成与评价………………………………… 迟姚玲,郑力会,冀德坤,易玉峰,范成伟,丁福臣,赖作龙(1-151)
超高温抗盐聚合物降滤失剂的研制及应用 … 黄维安,邱正松,徐加放,薛玉志,李公让,江 琳(1-155)
新型促凝剂DWA改善固井水泥低温性能的实验 …… 王成文,王瑞和,彭志刚,王爱国,步玉环(1-159)
纳米镍催化剂对胜利超稠油水热裂解降黏的影响…………………………………………… 吴 川,雷光伦,姚传进,盖平原,曹嫣镔,李啸南(1-164)
注空气过程轻质原油低温氧化动力学 … ……………… 侯胜明,刘印华,于洪敏,牛保伦,任韶然(1-169)
CuUSY分子筛制备及其吸附脱硫性能研究 … …………………… 宋 华,孙兴龙,常 凯,王 登(2-152)
S2-对聚合物黏度的影响 ………………………………………………………………………… 王其伟(2-157)
抗剥落剂对沥青表面自由能的影响 … …………… 魏建明,张玉贞,张 晏,YOUTCHEFF S JOHN(2-162)
稠油油藏化学驱采收率的影响因素 … ………………… 蒋 平,葛际江,张贵才,丁保东,刘晓玲(2-166)
钻井废弃物高强度固化处理新技术 … ………………… 张现斌,邱正松,陶瑞东,黄维安,钟汉毅(2-172)
短小芽孢杆菌C-9葡聚糖内切酶基因的克隆及其在酿酒酵母中的表达…………………………………………………………………………… 杨金莹,吕建仁,党宏月(3-144)
α-氨基酸癸胺衍生物缓蚀性能的理论评价 … 胡松青,郭爱玲,陈生辉,胡建春,张 军,郭文跃(3-148)
磷改性HZSM-5上甘油气相脱水制备丙烯醛 … ………………… 谷云磊,石孝刚,崔秋凯,李春义(3-154)
PAFSi-PAM+-CTAB复合体系在胜利油田钻井废水处理中的应用……………………………………………………… 王慧云,全先高,石茂建,王 军,郭继香(3-163)
油田井筒防蜡剂的合成与性能表征 ………………………………………………… 张玉祥,宋昭峥(3-168)
催化裂化沉降器内流场数值模拟与连接结构优化 … …………… 刘美丽,毛 羽,王江云,王 娟(3-173)
陶瓷滤管循环过程中残余粉尘层微观结构分析 … ………………………… 迟化昌,姬忠礼,杜 博(3-179)
四丁基溴化铵水合物的生成-分解特性 … ………………………………… 丁 垚,宫 敬,彭 宇(4-150)
江苏油田卤水输送管道中硫酸钙结垢趋势预测 … …… 袁存光,唐仕明,于剑峰,刘树文,郑秋花(4-154)
分散型镍、铁催化剂用于重油-煤的加氢共炼研究………………………………… 戈 军,石 斌,杨圣闯,李慎伟,郭龙德,郭智慧,张建芳(4-157)
两种不同水解制备法对纳米TiO2光催化活性的影响 …………………… 孔庆池,孔祥银,任志波(4-164)
水解酸化-好氧处理含油污水中微生物群落变化研究…………………………………………… 包木太,闫广彬,陈庆国,杜春安,郭省学,李希明(4-167)
道路沥青水损害组分及其影响因素 … ……………………………………… 宋艳茹,王成秀,张玉贞(4-172)
聚合物黏弹性提高驱油效率研究 …………………………………………………… 吴文祥,王德民(5-134)
黏弹性流体驱替微孔道中残余油滴的水动力学机制 … ………… 杨树人,王德民,夏惠芬,刘丽丽(5-139)
磺酸盐驱油体系在多孔隙砂岩中的滞留与吸附损耗 ……………………………… 段友智,李 阳(5-143)
SBS改性AH-70沥青乳化前后性能及微观结构研究 … ………… 张芹芹,范维玉,王铁柱,南国枝(5-146)
再生剂制备技术及再生沥青的评价 … ……………………………………… 李振海,王国峰,魏建明(5-152)
杀菌剂对不同生长状态下生物黏泥的作用效果 … …… 刘 芳,夏 璐,常 新,杨 飞,赵朝成(5-157)
氢氧化铁引发含硫油品储罐自燃的动力学机制 … ………………………… 赵声萍,蒋军成,王卫宁(6-148)
羟基取代双烷烃链苯磺酸盐水气界面单层膜的分子动力学模拟 … ……… 王业飞,于维钊,胡松青(6-153)
响应曲面法优化混合菌KW8-2修复石油污染土壤 … … 刘春爽,张云波,赵东风,赵朝成,刘其友(6-159)
高效产絮突变体Enterobacter sp.W16-c的筛选及其产絮特性…………………………………………… 赵东风,刘春爽,赵朝成,张云波,刘其友,吴文华(6-164)
钻井液降黏剂MAA的合成与性能评价………………………………………………………… 高 峰(6-169)
纳米TiO2的合成与光催化性能 ………………………………… 刘欣梅,张新功,耿春香,胡春华(6-174)
一种新型铁氮光催化剂的制备和筛选 … ………………………… 耿春香,王志伟,张秀霞,赵朝成(6-179)
基于多特征集成分类器的人脸表情识别 … ………………………………… 郑秋梅,吕兴会,时公喜(1-174)
一阶差分方程周期边值问题一个或多个正解的存在性 …………………………… 许晓婕,费祥历(1-179)
基于Unscented卡尔曼滤波的目标位置和信道参数同时估计算法 … …… 宋保业,田国会,周风余(2-178)
多目标产业结构优化最优控制模型的改进及求解 ………………………………… 王 峰,李树荣(2-182)
采用改进Logistic模型预测中国石油消费量…………………………………………………… 纪利群(4-177)
钻井液连续波随钻测量系统设计及风洞模拟试验 ………………………………… 刘新平,薛希文(4-182)
信息化与能源效率的关系研究 ……………………………………………………… 李雷鸣,贾江涛(5-163)
一种新型软开关逆变器拓扑 … ……………………………………………… 张加胜,刘希臣,胡向阳(5-167)
一种基于生理双向调节机制的协同进化算法 … ………………… 刘 宝,王君红,丁永生,夏伯锴(5-173)
一种求解最优控制问题的非均匀控制向量参数化方法 … ……… 雷 阳,李树荣,张 强,张晓东(5-180)
一种声学测温技术中声波飞渡时间的测量方法 … ………………………… 王明吉,张利巍,曹 文(6-183)
Journal of China University of Petroleum
(Edition of Natural Science)
Vol.35 2011
Provenance of mud sediments in the inner shelf of East China Sea since mid-Holocene……………XU Fang-jian,LI An-chun,LI Tie-gang,CHEN Shi-yue,CAO Ying-chang,DONG Chun-mei,QIU Long-wei(1-1)
Channel sandbodies prediction in west 58-8 sparse borefield of Dagang Oilfield…………………………………………………………………ZHANG Guo-yi,HOU Jia-gen,LIU Yu-ming,ZHAO Bin(1-7)
Characteristics of sediment-gravity flows in Red River deep-water fan…………………………………………………………………LI Dong,WANG Ying-min,WANG Yong-feng,XU Qiang(1-13)
Style of deep faulting and its control on the Paleogene basin evolved into the western Huimin depression,Eastern China ………NI Jin-long,LIU Jun-lai,LIN Yu-xiang,WANG Zhi-min,HAN Zuo-zhen,LI Yue,CAO Shu-yun(1-20)
Evolution and subsidence-tectonic inversion history of Kartake paleo-uplift in Tazhong area of Tarim Basin………………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Ai-hong,SUN Yue,FENG Yu(1-28)
Sedimentary characteristics and favorable oil-bearing facies belts analysis of near-shore subaqueous fan of Nantun formation in Tanan depression………………MIAO Chang-sheng,LIU Zhao-jun,FANG Shi,ZHANG Ge,ZHANG Jun-long,HU Fei,SUN Xiao-juan(1-34)
Genetic types of lake reef limestone traps and its control over oil and gas pool formation…………………………………………………………………………………LIU Xin-jin,JIANG You-lu,SONG Guo-qi(1-40)
Quantitative analysis of multiple reflected refraction of land ………GUO Chao-bin,LI Zhen-chun,YUE Yu-bo,GUO Zhen-bo(1-45)
Preserved amplitude shot domain Gaussian beam migration ………………YUE Yu-bo,LI Zhen-chun,LIU Wei,ZHANG Qing(1-52)
Influence of communication slots on signal of electromagnetic propagation measurement while drilling……………………………………………………………………………………WEI Bao-jun,XU Dan,WANG Sha-sha(1-56)
Structural stress field of Funing sedimentary period and its control on faults in the east of south fault terrace in Gaoyou sag…………………DAI Jun-sheng,WANG Xia-tian,JI Zong-zhen,MA Xiao-ming,FENG Zhen-dong,ZHANG Xiao-gong(2-1)
Experiment on solubility of CH4and CO2at high temperature and high pressure……………………………FAN Hong-che,HUANG Zhi-long,YUAN Jian,GAO Gang,TONG Chuan-xin,FENG Chong(2-7)
Sedimentary characteristics and main controlling factors of sublacustrine fans of Triassic in Akekule area……………………………LU Jin-bo,WANG Ying-min,ZHANG Lei,WANG Gai-yun,WU Jia-peng,CHEN Ling-ling(2-12)
Depositional characteristics of Shawan formation in Neogene of Chepaizi area,Junggar Basin……………………………………YANG Shao-chun,MENG Xiang-mei,CHEN Ning-ning,ZHANG Shi-qi,XIANG Kui(2-20)
Hydrocarbon accumulation features and main controlling factors of beach bar sandstone in upper Es4formation in Boxing Oilfield,Dongying depression ………………………………………………TAN Li-juan,GUO Song(2-25)
Oil-gas plays characteristics analysis of Wu-xia fault belt,the northwestern margin in Junggar Bain…………………………………………………………………………………XIN Ye,WANG Wei-feng,WU Kong-you(2-32)
Hydrocarbon enrichment rules at structural pivot position in rift basin………………………………………YU Shun,LÜ Xiu-xiang,LIU Guang-di,XU Hong-jie,XIE Qi-lai,LIU Xiao-ping(2-39)
Amplitude-preserved imaging based on double square root wave-equation in angle domain…………………………………………………………………ZHANG Min,LI Zhen-chun,YE Yue-ming,ZHU Xu-feng(2-45)
Numerical simulation and application of fracture surface porosity calibrating fracture porosity by logging data………………………………………WANG Xiao-chang,LI Jun,ZHANG Song-yang,TAN Mao-jin,Guzhalikezi-Yiming(2-51)
Extraction method of P and S reflection waves from array acoustic logging data…………………………………………………………………WANG Bing,TAO Guo,WANG Hua,LI Wei,TAN Bo-lei(2-57)
Depositional characteristics and petroleum geological significance of wetland……………………………………………………………………JIN Zhen-kui,SU Kui,ZHANG Yong-sheng,SU Ni-na(3-1)
Problems and solutions in physical simulation of extensional structures……………………………FENG Zhen-dong,DAI Jun-sheng,ZHANG Ji-biao,WANG Xia-tian,KONG Ling-qiang(3-7)
Comparison on hydrocarbon generation kinetic models………………………………………………WANG Min,LU Shuang-fang,DONG Qi,XUE Hai-tao,HUANG Li-ming(3-12)
Hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism near top overpressured surface in central Junggar Basin…………………………YANG Zhi,WANG Jing-hong,LIN Sen-hu,WU Song-tao,LIU Ye,LI Qi-yan,ZHANG Pei-zhi(3-19)
Application of bounding surface restriction to meandering river reservoir architecture modeling………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Tai-xun,TAO Zi-qiang(3-26)
Multiplicity of hydrocarbon reservoir and accumulation controlling factors within buried hills in Jizhong depression…………………GAO Xian-zhi,WU Wei-tao,LU Xue-jun,CUI Zhou-qi,KONG Ling-wu,JIA Lian-qi,WANG Hai-chao(3-31)
Oil-source correlation of Putaohua and Fuyang oil layers in South Songzhan area,Songliao Basin………………………………………WANG Ya-chun,XU Guang-bo,LIU Luo-fu,ZHU Jing-guang,ZHANG Hong-bin(3-36)
Common-offset common-reflection-surface stack method……………………………………………………………LI Dong,LI Zhen-chun,SUN Xiao-dong,PU Lu,HE Chang(3-42)
Seismic wavelet extraction based on auto-regressive and moving average model and particle swarm optimization…………………………………………………………………DAI Yong-shou,NIU Hui,PENG Xing,WANG Shao-shui(3-47)
Forward modeling of carbonate fracture reservoir based on time-space dual variable grid algorithm…………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Hui,LI Zhen-chun(3-51)
Numerical simulation of formation resistivity variation in water drive process and analysis of influence factors of inflection point ……………………………………………………………………………SHEN Hui-lin,FANG Peng(3-58)
Design of front-end computer software for logging tool test-bench based on uClinux……………………………………………WU Wen-he,JU Xiao-dong,CHENG Xiang-yang,LU Jun-qiang,DENG Lin(3-63)
Design of high temperature test system for high-accurate ADC based on embedded structures………………………MEN Bai-yong,JU Xiao-dong,QIAO Wen-xiao,DENG Lin,CHENG Xiang-yang,LU Jun-qiang(3-67)
New method of quantitative evaluation on pressurization resulted from tectonic compression in Kuqa depression…………………………ZHANG Feng-qi,WANG Zhen-liang,SONG Yan,ZHAO Meng-jun,LIU Shao-bo,FANG Shi-hu(4-1)
Prediction of anomalously high porosity zones of K1q3and K1q4in northern Songliao Basin……………………………………MENG Yuan-lin,DING Gui-xia,WU He-yong,JIANG Wen-ya,XIU Hong-wen,et al(4-8)
Sequence stratigraphic models on gentle slope of Qikou depression……………………………MENG Fan-you,LI Yong,HE Chuan,XIAO Dun-qing,PU Xiu-gang,YUAN Shu-qin,et al(4-14)
Micro-remaining oil distribution simulation test of fan delta reservoir … ……………………………LIU Tai-xun,XU Huai-min(4-20)
Petrophysical parameter cutoff and controlling factors of effective reservoir of red beds sandbodies of Paleogene in Dongying depression…………………………………WANG Jian,CAO Ying-chang,GAO Yong-jin,LIU Hui-min,LIU Xiao-li,TANG Dong(4-27)
Accumulation mechanism of light oils in Chepaizi uplift belt of Junggar Basin…………………………………………………LIU Hong-jun,ZHANG Zhi-huan,QIN Li-ming,ZHU Lei,XI Wei-jun(4-34)
Genesis of oil-associated CO2and its significance in petroleum geology…………………………………………QU Xi-yu,LIU Li,YANG Hui-dong,LIU Na,ZHANG Li-dong,WANG Wei-xue(4-41)
Hydrocarbon accumulation conditions and process of Jinzhou 25-1 large-scale light gas-oil field in Liaodong Bay…………………………………………………………………………TIAN Li-xin,XU Chang-gui,JIANG Shang-kun(4-47)
Biomarker characteristics of source rocks and oil-source correlation in Liaodong Bay……………………………………TIAN Jin-qiang,ZOU Hua-yao,ZHOU Xin-huai,XU Chang-gui,JIANG Xue,et al(4-53)
Lame parameter extraction method with rock physics model constraint………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Shi-xin,YIN Xing-yao,ZHANG Fan-chang(4-59)
Application of vector finite element method to simulate logging-while-drilling resistivity tools…………………………………………ZHANG Zhong-qing,MU Lin-xue,ZHANG Xue,LI Fei-hu,WANG Zhuo-yuan(4-64)
Fractal characteristics of fracture in Zhuangxi buried-hill reservoir,Jiyang depression…………………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Ting-quan,CHEN Jun-xia(5-1)
Diagenetic evolution of Es3reservoir and its influence on property in the northern Minfeng sub-sag of Dongying sag …………………………………………CAO Ying-chang,CHEN Lin,WANG Yan-zhong,SUI Feng-gui(5-6)
Mass transport deposits and its significance for oil&gas exploration in deep-water regions of South China Sea……………………………………………………………………WANG Da-wei,WU Shi-guo,LÜ Fu-liang,WANG Bin(5-14)
Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary evolution of Lower Cretaceous series in Chepaizi area,northweastern margin of Junggar Basin ……………………………………YANG Yong,CHEN Shi-yue,XIANG Kui,YANG Jun-sheng(5-20)
Characteristics and origin analysis of viscous oil and reservoir bitumen in Santai-Beisantai area………………………………LU Jun-gang,CHEN Shi-jia,WANG Xu-long,WANG Yi,ZHANG Ji-zhi,SHI Zheng-hao(5-27)
Meshwork-carpet type hydrocarbon reservoir transportation system in Junggar Basin………………………………………………………………LIU Ya-ying,XU Huai-min,YAO Wei-jiang,LIU Lou-jun(5-32)
Composite models of migration pathways and their controls over hydrocarbon accumulation in the south of Huimin depression ……………………………………………LI Ji-yan,TAN Ming-you,WU Kong-you,SONG Guo-qi(5-37)
Types of energy shielding effect,formation mechanism and countermeasures………………………………YANG Qing-dao,WANG Wei-feng,YIN Yi-dong,ZHAO Yu-sheng,LI Ji-bai,HU Jian-hui(5-44)
Preserved amplitude prestack depth migration based on 2D deconvolution imaging condition………………………………………………KONG Xue,LI Zhen-chun,YE Yue-ming,HUANG Jian-ping,GUO Qian(5-51)
Provenance and sandy accumulation regularity of Neopaleozoic in North Ordos Basin…………………………………………CHEN An-qing,CHEN Hong-de,XU Sheng-lin,SHI Guo,ZHANG Cheng-gong(6-1)
Sedimentary microfacies analysis of Fuyu oil-bearing layer of north area in Qian-an,south of Songliao Basin……………………………………………LU Dao-lin,DI Bang-rang,LI Xiang-yang,WANG Shi-rui,WANG Shu-ping(6-8)
Application of automatic fault interpretation technology based on ant colony algorithm in south Huang-jue area……………ZHANG Ji-biao,DAI Jun-sheng,ZHAO Li-bin,MAO Cheng-dong,TIAN Teng-fei,JI Ya-ming,LI Shi-lei(6-14)
Type discrimination of Yinan 2 gas reservoir in Kuqa depression,Tarim Basin……XING En-yuan,PANG Xiong-qi,XIAO Zhong-yao,ZHANG Bao-shou,JIANG Zhen-xue,LI Feng,GUO Ji-gang,MA Zhong-zhen(6-21)
Characteristics of palynofacies and its hydrocarbon generation potential of member 4 of Shahejie formation in Dongying depression ……………………………………………ZHANG Miao,CHEN Qing-hua,XU Jin-li(6-28)
Experimental research on ultrasonic method based on laboratory measurement for accurate estimation of shear wave velocity ………………………………………………………………………WEI Jian-xin,DI Bang-rang(6-36)
3D inversion method of density based on double constraint ……………………………LIU Zhan,YU Hui-zhen,CHEN Ting(6-43)
Analysis of air wave interaction mechanism and effect of sea water depth on electromagnetic prospecting……………………………………………SHEN Jin-song,ZHAN Lin-sen,WANG Peng-fei,MA Chao,LIAN Fu-ming(6-51)
Recursive matrix method for simulating response of through-casing resistivity logging…………………………………………………………………………WEI Bao-jun,TIAN Kun,ZHANG Xu,LIU Kun(6-59)
Lithology identification method while drilling based on element mudlogging information…………………………………………………………………………………LI Chun-shan,CHEN Ying-yi,SUN Wei(6-66)
Numerical calculation of pressure gradient of unsteady flow of the second-order fluid with variable coefficients in eccentric annulus…………………………………………………………………CUI Hai-qing,LI Nan,YANG Li-guo,SONG Xing-liang(1-61)
Influence of internal and external pressure on equivalent axis force and stability of pipe string in oil wells …………LI Zi-feng(1-65)
Technology of deviation control and drilling fast by decelerating turbine in super-deep wells………………………JIANG Jin-bao,SUN Xue,ZHAO Guo-shun,DONG Wei-zhe,WANG Jia-chang,WANG Hui-wen(1-68)
Transient cuttings transport laws through all sections of extended reach well……………………………………………………………………………GUO Xiao-le,WANG Zhi-ming,LONG Zhi-hui(1-72)
Cement systems for well cementation in gas fields with high pressure,high gas production rate and high sulfur concent………………………………………………………………………HUANG Hong-chun,ZHENG Xin-quan,LIU Ai-ping(1-77)
Pressure index decision-making technique and its application progresses …………………………………………ZHAO Fu-lin(1-82)
Determination of reasonable spacing in low permeability reservoirs by means of series of steady state analysis……………………………………………LI Ai-fen,LIU Yan-xia,ZHANG Hua-qiang,YUAN Zhong-chao,WU Zi-sen(1-89)
Finite volume modeling method for random process of dispersive flow in porous media………………………………………………………WANG Chang-jiang,JIANG Han-qiao,QIN Sheng-gao,LI Jun-jian(1-93)
Producing degree and law of matrix in dual-porosity reservoir………………………………………YANG Sheng-lai,LI Mei-xiang,WANG Li-jun,KANG Ming-hui,ZHANG Xiao-xia(1-98)
Analytical method for parameter optimization in hydraulic fracturing ……………………………………………MA Xin-fang(1-102)
Association between tuff diagenesis and mud cake to agglomerated cake(2-MTA)at cement-formation interface………………………………………GU Jun,YANG Wei-hua,ZHANG Yu-guang,GAO Yu-tang,LIU Xia,LI Tian-fu(2-64)
Mechanism for effect of down hole differential pressure on rock failure ……………ZHENG De-shuai,GAO De-li,ZHANG Hui(2-69)
Influence of water jet impact load on bottom-hole rock stress field…………………………CHANG De-yu,LI Gen-sheng,SHEN Zhong-hou,HUANG Zhong-wei,TIAN Shou-ceng,et al(2-74)
Horizontal well testing analysis in low-permeability reservoirs based on finite element method………………………………………………………………………………FAN Dong-yan,YAO Jun,WANG Zi-sheng(2-80)
Prediction model for critical sanding pressure drawdown in horizontal wells based on characteristic break radius…………………………………………………………WEI Ya-min,WANG Ai-ping,DONG Chang-yin,LIU Chun-miao(2-85)
Estimating equivalent permeability of fractured-vuggy media based on coupled Darcy-Stokes model……………………………………………………………………LI Ya-jun,YAO Jun,HUANG Zhao-qin,LIU Yong-hui(2-91)
Inflow performance relationship for low permeability&deformed media reservoir………………………………………………WANG Hai-yong,WANG Li-qiang,YU Xiao-jie,NAN You-li,XU Da-wei(2-96)
Numerical simulation for two-phase flow in heterogeneous reservoirs based on full permeability tensor……………………………………………………………………………………………………SHAN Xian,YAO Jun(2-101)
Screening of Gas Injection Techniques for IOR in a Low Permeability Reservoir of Xinjiang Oilfield…………………………………………REN Shao-ran,NIU Bao-lun,HOU Sheng-ming,ZHANG Liang,GU Hong-jun(2-107)
Calculation method of sucker rod strings space configuration in directional well………………………………………………………………DI Qin-feng,WANG Wen-chang,HU Yi-bao,YAO Jian-lin(3-72)
Hypocycloid method for describing regular whirling of bottom hole assembly………………………………………………………………MA Ru-tao,JI You-zhe,JIA Tao,HAN Fei,ZHU Ying-jie(3-76)
Initial forces on cementing isolation system and its effect on isolation system………………………………………………………………GUO Xin-yang,BU Yu-huan,LI Juan,SHEN Zhong-hou(3-79)
Sand content monitoring method of heave oil wells based on high-frequency vibration signal analysis…………………………………………………………………LIU Gang,JIA Zong-wen,LIU Zhi-guo,HE Bao-sheng(3-84)
Productivity prediction for gravel-packed horizontal well considering variable mass flow in wellbore………………………LI Ming-zhong,LI Yan-chao,WANG Wei-yang,YAO Zhi-liang,WANG Yi-ping,MENG Wei-long(3-89)
Load calculation model and determination method of reasonable charge for high-energy gas fracturing……………………………………………………………………………WU Fei-peng,PU Chun-sheng,CHEN De-chun(3-94)
Mechanism of CO2miscible displacement in low permeability reservoir and influencing factor…………………………………………………………SU Yu-liang,WU Xiao-dong,HOU Yan-hong,HOU Zhao-feng(3-99)
Fracture closure and flowback optimization for fractured wells considering dynamic fluid loss coefficient……………………………………………………………………………………………………REN Shan,CI Jian-fa(3-103)
Experimental study on influence of vertical casing on magnetic surveying parameters of measurement while drilling…………………………………………GAUN Zhi-chuan,LIU Yong-wang,SHI Yu-cai,WANG Jian-yun,WEI Jie-hong(4-72)
Discussing on formula of tri-axial tension strength of casing string ………………………………………………HAN Zhi-yong(4-77)
Rock-breaking experiment on particle jet circulatory suck-in bottom-hole annulus fluid under ambient pressure…………………………………NI Hong-jian,DU Yu-kun,ZHANG Shu-peng,MA Lin,WANG Rui-he,CHEN Yi,et al(4-81)
Measurement algorithm in single-axis stabilized platform of vertical drilling system …………………SUN Feng,WANG Rui-he(4-85)
Numerical simulation and experimental validation of drill pipe erosion caused by cuttings grain in heavy weight transition region …………………………………………………WANG Ming-bo,ZHOU Wei-dong,WANG Rui-he(4-89)
Productivity evaluation model for infill horizontal well in horizontal injection and production pattern……………………………………………YIN Guo-feng,XU Huai-min,YE Shuang-jiang,LI Yu-rong,QIU Jian-ping(4-93)
Application of improved IIk deconvolution method in variable flow well test ……………………NIE Fa-jian,ZHANG Yan-yu(4-98)
Fracture dynamic extending model for oil formation exploding fracturing………………………………………………………………CHEN De-chun,WU Xiao-dong,LI Hai-bo,WU Fei-peng(4-103)
An improved relative permeability model and its application for CO2injection EOR process……………………………REN Min-yan,WANG Zhen,XU Yang,NIU Bao-lun,JIA Ying-liang,LI Zhao-min,et al(4-108)
Determining method for downhole drill string movement station by using drill string vibration frequency spectrum……………………………………………LI Chun-shan,WANG Chong-jing,CHEN Tian,LIANG Hong-wei,SUN Wei(5-56)
Quantitative analysis of gas injection volume for diesel engine tail gas drilling ………………………HOU Xue-jun,GAO De-li(5-61)
The minimum gas injection volume model of pneumatic DTH hammer reverse circulation drilling……………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Yong,YIN Kun,ZHU Li-hong(5-65)
Analysis on OQPSK modulation principle and system performance of continuous pressure wave signal in drilling fluid channel … ………………………………………………………LI Zhong-wei,WANG Rui-he,FANG Jun(5-70)
Dynamic variation of fracture width and its effects on drilling fluid lost circulation in fractured vuggy reservoirs…………………………………………………LI Da-qi,KANG Yi-li,ZENG Yi-jin,LIAN Zhang-hua,DU Chun-chao(5-76)
Blocking mechanism and blocking laws experiments of sand retention media in mechanical screens………DONG Chang-yin,JIA Bi-xia,LIU Chun-miao,WU Jian-ping,WANG Deng-qing,SUN De-xu,HAN Xiao-long(5-82)
Method of recognizing preferred water flow channels with dimensionless pressure drop curve…………………………………………………………GU Jian-wei,ZHANG Xiu-mei,ZHENG Jia-peng,FAN Zhao-ya(5-89)
Magnet ranging calculation method of twin parallel horizontal wells steerable drilling…………………………………………………………………………………DIAO Bin-bin,GAO De-li,WU Zhi-yong(6-71)
Performance analysis and optimization of self-excited pulsed jet suck-in annulus fluids…………………………………………………NI Hong-jian,MA Lin,ANWAR,DU Yu-kun,WANG Rui-he,CHEN Yi(6-76)
Physical simulating experiments of hydrajet perforating and fracture initiation process………………………………………HU Qiang-fa,ZHU Feng,LI Xian-wen,FU Gang-dan,ZHAO Wen,LÜ Wei-ping(6-81)
Inflow performance of highly deviated well in slab reservoir…………………………………………………………WANG Hai-jing,TONG Xing-hua,XUE Shi-feng,GAO Cun-fa(6-88)
Dynamic law and method of judging effective time of early polymer flooding in Bohai Oilfield……JIANG Han-qiao,ZHENG Wei,ZHANG Xian-song,HE Chun-bai,CHEN Min-feng,CHEN Fu-zhen,HU Qing-he(6-95)
Productivity calculation of multi-fractured horizontal well in ultra-low permeability pressure-sensitive reservoirs…………………………………………………………………………HAO Ming-qiang,WANG Xiao-dong,HU Yong-le(6-99)
Analysis of casing collapse pressure based on energy balance method……………………………………YAN Xiang-zhen,LIU Fu-yuan,WANG Tong-tao,YANG Xiu-juan,WANG Jian-jun(1-106)
Response analysis of drill string for hook displacement in floating offshore drilling……………………………………ZHANG Yan-ting,WU Guang-bin,JIANG Hao,LIU Zhen-dong,ZHANG Wen-kai(1-110)
Friction and wear behavior of nano-SiO2filled ultra high molecular weight polyethylene/polytetrafluoroethylene/nano-montmorillonite composites …………………………LEI Yi,GUO Jian-liang(1-115)
Extracting characteristics of pipe wall sampling hole in swirled distributor……………………………………………CAO Xue-wen,WU Liang-hong,ZONG Yuan,YANG Tao,ZHANG Wen-jing(1-119)
Interface profile in oil-dragging-water pipeline system………………………………XU Guang-li,ZHANG Guo-zhong,BRAUNER N,ULLMANN A,LIU Gang,ZHANG Xin(1-124)
Diagnosis of reciprocating compressor piston-cylinder liner wear fault based on lifting scheme packet…………………………………………………………CHEN Jing-long,ZHANG Lai-bin,DUAN Li-xiang,HU Chao(1-130)
Effect of temperature on isothermal gelling properties for Qinghai crude oil……………………………………………………………………LIN Ming-zhen,LI Chuan-xian,YANG Fei,MA Yong(1-135)
Adaptive mesh refinement technique for numerical simulation of SAGD process in fracture-pore reservoirs…………………………………………………………………………LUO Hai-shan,WANG Xiao-hong,SHI An-feng(1-140)
Numerical analysis on punch-through phenomenon of offshore jack-up drilling platform………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Pu-yang,DING Hong-yan(2-117)
Experiment on collapsing deformation of high-grade steel casing with inside ovality………………………………………WANG Jian-jun,YAN Xiang-zhen,LIN Kai,FENG Yao-rong,SONG Sheng-yin(2-123)
Numerical analysis of laminar pulsating flow for power-law fluid in concentric annulus……………………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Shan-bo,LI Zhao-min(2-127)
Automatic generation method of quadrilateral meshes and its application to numerical simulation…………………………………………………………………………XIU Rong-rong,XU Ming-hai,HUANG Shan-bo(2-131)
Reduced order modeling of fluid flow and heat transfer in tube-fin heat exchanger ………………DING Peng,TAO Wen-quan(2-137)
Stochastic numerical simulation on oil temperature fluctuations of hot crude pipelines and sensitivity analysis to related factors ………………………………………………………………ZHANG Wen-ke,ZHANG Jin-jun,YU Bo(2-141)
Thermodynamic calculation for superheated steam flow in well bore ……………………………………………GAI Ping-yuan(2-147)
Numerical calculation for temperature coupled with moisture and stress of soil around buried pipeline in permafrost regions ………………………………………………………………MA Gui-yang,DU Ming-jun,LI Dan(3-108)
Optimal operation of multi-product pipeline network …………………………………………LIANG Yong-tu,LIU Zeng-zhe(3-115)
A novel method for shear test of gelled crude oil ………………LIU Gang,WANG Zhi-fang,ZHANG Guo-zhong,DU Qiang(3-119)
Effect of underground heat capacity on numerical simulation accuracy of transient flow in natural gas pipelines………………………………………………………………DING Yan-peng,LI Yu-xing,HAO Hong-na,BI Yan-jun(3-124)
Time-dependent reliability analysis and updating of offshore platforms based on typhoon proof load………………………………………………………………………CHEN Tuan-hai,CHEN Guo-ming,XU Liang-bin(3-129)
Analysis on SiCp/2024 aluminum matrix composites surface reinforcements exposing and vacuum brazing……………………………………FENG Tao,WANG Yin-zhen,LOU Song-nian,ZHANG Meng-meng,LI Chun-peng(3-135)
Reliability analysis on anti-buckling effect of large storage tank shell under earthquake………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Xu-dong,HU Jing-jing,XU Jian(3-140)
Hydraulic design of low specific speed centrifugal pump impeller by numerical method……………………………………………………………ZHOU Xin,ZHANG Yong-xue,JI Zhong-li,JIANG Cui-wei(4-113)
Development and mechanism motion analysis of welding robot for expandable profile liner…………………………………………………………………TAO Xing-hua,ZHU Hong-wu,ZENG Yi-jin,XU Li-li(4-119)
Experimental study on sand production mechanism of heavy oil thermal recovery…………………………LIN Ri-yi,LI Zhao-min,LU Xing-ying,YANG Jian-ping,TAN Hong-qi,YIN Jia-wen,et al(4-123)
Flow characteristics of gas-liquid two phase flow in supersonic swirling separator……………………………………………………WEN Chuang,CAO Xue-wen,YANG Yan,ZHANG Jing,YANG Tao(4-129)
Numerical simulation of liquid sloshing characteristics in LNG FPSO containers…………………………CHEN Hai-yang,LI Yu-xing,SUN Fa-feng,ZANG Lei-lei,WANG Wu-chang,YU Xi-chong(4-134)
Application of improved point source model in fire radiation calculation ……………………………LI Yu,KANG Qing-chun(4-140)
Effect of gas on sucker rod pump for coalbed methane well ………LIU Xin-fu,WU Jian-jun,QI Yao-guang,ZHAO Pei-hua(4-144)
Theoretical analysis of pulsating laminar flow of viscoelastic fluid in annuli ……………………HUANG Shan-bo,LI Zhao-min(5-94)
Study of multiphase flow laws in sediment with gas hydrate based on LBM method……………………………………YU Xi-chong,LIU Yu,SONG Yong-chen,LI Qing-ping,PANG Wei-xin,BAI Yu-hu(5-99)
A method for computational fluid dynamics grids formation on complex terrain…………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Bo,CHEN Guo-ming,KONG Ling-zhen(5-104)
Application of quasi-equilibrium theory in CH4+CO2separation model based on hydrate formation………………………………………………………………………TANG Jian-feng,ZENG Da-long,WANG Chuan-lei(5-109)
Bearing characteristics of single pile with new construction between pile's top and bearing plate……………………………………………………………LI Jing,WU Bao-yong,JIANG Lin,WANG Lin-fu,LI Juan(5-114)
Oscillation mechanism of ground drive screw pump load torque …………………………YANG Yong-hua,ZHENG Xue-cheng(5-120)
Drill string mechanical analysis of running deepwater oil tree ……………LIN Xiu-juan,XIAO Wen-sheng,WANG Hong-yan(5-125)
Investigation on toughness index of high grade steel drill pipe………………………………………………………………LI Fang-po,HAN Li-hong,LIU Yong-gang,WANG Yong(5-130)
Effects of structural parameters of new electrostatic coalescer on coalescence characteristics of water droplet…………………………………………………HE Li-min,YANG Dong-hai,LUO Xiao-ming,LI De-quan,YANG Fan(6-105)
A numerical treatment of specified pressure boundary conditions based on collocated grid…………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Hui,XU Ming-hai(6-112)
Pressure fluctuation characteristics of severe slugging in offshore oil-gas gathering and transportation system………………………………………………………………LÜ Yu-ling,HE Li-min,NIU Dian-guo,LUO Xiao-ming(6-118)
Research on drill string heave compensation system for floating drilling platform…………………………………………JIANG Hao,LIU Yan-cong,ZHANG Yan-ting,LIU Zhen-dong,WU Guang-bin(6-122)
Equivalent seepage model of natural gas migration in underground gas storage reservoir……………………………………………………WANG Bao-hui,YAN Xiang-zhen,YANG Xiu-juan,FENG Yao-rong(6-127)
Experiment of pile-soil stress ratio of DJM pile composite foundation in Chengdao…………………………………………………………………………YAN Qing-zhi,YAN Xiang-zhen,JIANG Li-qun(6-131)
Visualization study of electrohydradynamic flow field in electrostatic separator…………………………KONG Xiang-ling,ZHU Hong-wu,MOHAMED Alshehhi,AFSHIN Goharzadeh,DING Kuang(6-135)
Physical model test on water intake structure for liquefied natural gas project………………………………………………………………………………SHI En-zhe,WANG Deng-ting,LUO Li-qun(6-140)
Characteristics and field synergy principle analysis of new-type plate heat exchangers with different inclined angles………………………………………………………………GUO Chun-sheng,DU Wen-jing,WANG Fei,CHENG Lin(6-144)
Quantum chemical analysis on molecular structures and inhibitive properties of imidazoline inhibitors……………………………………………………HU Song-qing,JIA Xiao-lin,HU Jian-chun,SHI-Xin,GUO Ai-ling(1-146)
Preparation and evaluation of fluid loss reducer of heat-resistant and environment friendly modified starch………………CHI Yao-ling,ZHENG Li-hui,JI De-kun,YI Yu-feng,FAN Cheng-wei,DING Fu-chen,LAI Zuo-long(1-151)
Development and application of ultra-high temperature anti-salt polymer fluid loss reducer………………………………HUANG Wei-an,QIU Zheng-song,XU Jia-fang,XUE Yu-zhi,LI Gong-rang,JIANG Lin(1-155)
Experiment on improving low-temperature properties of oil well cement by a novel accelerator DWA………………………………………WANG Cheng-wen,WANG Rui-he,PENG Zhi-gang,WANG Ai-guo,BU Yu-huan(1-159)
Influence of nano-nickl catalyst on viscosity reduction of Shengli extra-heavy oil by aquathermolysis……………………………WU Chuan,LEI Guang-lun,YAO Chuan-jin,GAI Ping-yuan,CAO Yan-bin,LI Xiao-nan(1-164)
Kinetics of low temperature oxidation of light oil in air injection process…………………………………………HOU Sheng-ming,LIU Yin-hua,YU Hong-min,NIU Bao-lun,REN Shao-ran(1-169)
Preparation of CuUSY adsorbent and its adsorptive desulfurization performance…………………………………………………………………SONG Hua,SUN Xing-long,CHANG Kai,WANG Deng(2-152)
Effect of S2-ion on polymer viscosity……………………………………………………………………………WANG Qi-wei(2-157)
Effect of anti-stripping agents on surface free energy of asphalt binders…………………………………………………WEI Jian-ming,ZHANG Yu-zhen,ZHANG Yan,YOUTCHEFF S John(2-162)
Influence factor on oil recovery efficiency for chemical flooding of heavy oil reservoir……………………………………………JIANG Ping,GE Ji-jiang,ZHANG Gui-cai,DING Bao-dong,LIU Xiao-ling(2-166)
Novel technology of high strength stabilization/solidification of drilling waste…………………………………ZHANG Xian-bin,QIU Zheng-song,TAO Rui-dong,HUANG Wei-an,ZHONG Han-yi(2-172)
Cloning of glucanase gene from Bacillus pumilus C-9 and its expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae…………………………………………………………………………YANG Jin-ying,LÜ Jian-ren,DANG Hong-yue(3-144)
Theoretical evaluation of corrosion inhibition performance of decylamides of α-amino acids derivatives…………………………HU Song-qing,GUO Ai-ling,CHEN Sheng-hui,HU Jian-chun,ZHANG Jun,GUO Wen-yue(3-148)
Preparation of acrolein from gas-phase dehydration of glycerol on phosphorous-modified HZSM-5…………………………………………………………………GU Yun-lei,SHI Xiao-gang,CUI Qiu-kai,LI Chun-yi(3-154)
Application of composite flocculant PAFSi-PAM+-CTAB to treatment of drilling waste water from Shengli Oilfield…………………………………………WANG Hui-yun,QUAN Xian-gao,SHI Mao-jian,WANG Jun,GUO Ji-xiang(3-163)
Synthesis and characterization of well paraffin inhibitor ………………………………ZHANG Yu-xiang,SONG Zhao-zheng(3-168)
Numerical simulation of flow field and optimization of linkage structure in FCC disengager……………………………………………………………………LIU Mei-li,MAO Yu,WANG Jiang-yun,WANG Juan(3-173)
Microstructure analysis of residual dust cake for ceramic filter during cycles …………CHI Hua-chang,JI Zhong-li,DU Bo(3-179)
Formation-dissociation characteristics of TBAB hydrate …………………………………DING Yao,GONG Jing,PENG Yu(4-150)
Scaling trend prediction of calcium sulfate in brine pipeline in Jiangsu Oilfield……………………………………YUAN Cun-guang,TANG Shi-ming,YU Jian-feng,LIU Shu-wen,ZHENG Qiu-hua(4-154)
Study on dispersed Ni and Fe catalysts for coal-heavy oil co-processing……………………………GE Jun,SHI Bin,YANG Sheng-chuang,LI Shen-wei,GUO Long-de,GUO Zhi-hui,et al(4-157)
Effect of two different hydrolysis methods on photocatalytic activity of nano-TiO2…………………………………………………………………………KONG Qing-chi,KONG Xiang-yin,REN Zhi-bo(4-164)
Study on change of microbial community structure in hydrolytic acidification-aerobic biological treatment oily wastewater…………………………BAO Mu-tai,YAN Guang-bin,CHEN Qing-guo,DU Chun-an,GUO Sheng-xue,LI Xi-ming(4-167)
Moisture damage-component of road asphalt and its influencing factors………………………………………………………………………SONG Yan-ru,WANG Cheng-xiu,ZHANG Yu-zhen(4-172)
Research on improving oil displacement efficiency using viscoelastic behavior of polymer……………………………………………………………………………………………WU Wen-xiang,WANG De-min(5-134)
Hydrodynamics mechanism of viscoelastic fluids displacing residual oil droplets in micro pores…………………………………………………………………YANG Shu-ren,WANG De-min,XIA Hui-fen,LIU Li-li(5-139)
Retention and adsorption loss of sulfonate displacement system in porous formation sand ……………DUAN You-zhi,LI Yang(5-143)
Study on performance and microstructure of SBS modified asphalt AH-70 before and after emulsification……………………………………………………………ZHANG Qin-qin,FAN Wei-yu,WANG Tie-zhu,NAN Guo-zhi(5-146)
Preparation of recycling agent and evaluation on recycled asphalt ……………LI Zhen-hai,WANG Guo-feng,WEI Jian-ming(5-152)
Effect of biocide on biofouling formation at different growth conditions………………………………………………………LIU Fang,XIA Lu,CHANG Xin,YANG Fei,ZHAO Chao-cheng(5-157)
Kinetics mechanism of spontaneous combustion of oil tank containing sulfur caused by Fe(6-OH)3…………………………………………………………………ZHAO Sheng-ping,JIANG Jun-cheng,WANG Wei-ning(6-148)
Molecular dynamics simulation of hydroxyl substituting dialkyl benzene sulfonate self-assembly membrane at air-water interface ………………………………………………………WANG Ye-fei,YU Wei-zhao,HU Song-qing(6-153)
Bioremediation condition optimization of crude oil contaminated soil using response surface method with microbial consortium KW8-2………………………………LIU Chun-shuang,ZHANG Yun-bo,ZHAO Dong-feng,ZHAO Chao-cheng,LIU Qi-you(6-159)
Screening and characteristics of bioflocculant production mutant Enterobacter sp.W16-c………………ZHAO Dong-feng,LIU Chun-shuang,ZHAO Chao-cheng,ZHANG Yun-bo,LIU Qi-you,WU Wen-hua(6-164)
Synthesis and properties evaluation of MAA copolymer as drilling fluids viscosity-reducer …………………………GAO Feng(6-169)
Synthesis of nano-TiO2and its photocatalytic properties……………………………………………………LIU Xin-mei,ZHANG Xin-gong,GENG Chun-xiang,HU Chun-hua(6-174)
Preparation and selection of a new-type iron-nitrogen photocatalyst………………………………………………GENG Chun-xiang,WANG Zhi-wei,ZHANG Xiu-xia,ZHAO Chao-cheng(6-179)
Facial expression recognition based on multi-feature and combining multiple classifiers……………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Qiu-mei,LÜ Xing-hui,SHI Gong-xi(1-174)
Existence of single and multiple solutions for first order discrete periodic boundary value problems………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Xiao-jie,FEI Xiang-li(1-179)
Target position and channel parameter simultaneous estimation algorithm based on Unscented Kalman filter…………………………………………………………………………SONG Bao-ye,TIAN Guo-hui,ZHOU Feng-yu(2-178)
Improvement on a multi-objective optimal control model of industrial structure optimization and its solution…………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Feng,LI Shu-rong(2-182)
A modified Logistic model for forecasting petroleum consumption in China …………………………………………JI Li-qun(4-177)
Continuous-wave drilling fluid telemetry measurement while drilling system design and wind tunnel simulation test………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Xin-ping,XUE Xi-wen(4-182)
Relation between infomationization and energy efficiency …………………………………………LI Lei-ming,JIA Jiang-tao(5-163)
A new topology of soft-switching inverter …………………………………ZHANG Jia-sheng,LIU Xi-chen,HU Xiang-yang(5-167)
Collaborative evolution algorithm based on physiological bi-regulation mechanism……………………………………………………………LIU Bao,WANG Jun-hong,DING Yong-sheng,XIA Bo-kai(5-173)
A non-uniform control vector parameterization approach for optimal control problems……………………………………………………………LEI Yang,LI Shu-rong,ZHANG Qiang,ZHANG Xiao-dong(5-180)
Measurement method of acoustic flying time in acoustic temperature measurement technique………………………………………………………………………………WANG Ming-ji,ZHANG Li-wei,CAO Wen(6-183)