
2011-04-18 06:42
阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2011年4期

In a famine1-stricken city, a wealthy and kind baker gathered a few poorest children together, took out a basket of bread and said to them: "Each one of you can take one bread from the basket. You can come and take one bread from here before the famine is over." Soon the hungry children rushed forward like a swarm2 of bees. They squeezed3 around the basket to get the biggest bread. But after they grabbed4 their bread, they left without expressing any thanks to the kind baker except one little girl called Eva who did not struggle to strive5 for the bread, and just stood modestly a step away to take the smallest bread in the basket until the others left. She did not leave in a hurry until she had kissed the baker's hand to express her thanks.

The next day, the baker put another basket of bread in front of the boys. They rushed to the bread away madly, leaving the poor, humble little girl only the bread half as big as that the day before. When she returned home, her mother cut the bread in half, many new shining silver coins fell out. Her mother cried in surprise: "Return the money as soon as possible, the baker must have kneaded them in the bread carelessly. Eva, please return them quickly." When Eva told the baker the truth, the baker said benevolently: "No, my child, there is nothing wrong, because I had put the coins in the bread to award you. Hope you can keep a heart of tranquility6, peace and gratitude forever as now. Go home to tell you mother that the money belongs to you." She ran home excitedly to tell her mother the good news. That is the award which she got for her heart of gratitude.




①famine n.饥荒

②swarm n.蜂群,一大群

③squeeze v.压榨,挤

④grab v.抢夺,攫取,夺取

⑤strive v.努力

⑥tranquility n.安静

Buying Bread买面包