Botanist and founder of Chinese pteridology. Born in Wujin,Jiangsu Province. Received BS from Jinling University in 1925.Research professor and director, Department of Phytotaxonomy and Phytogeography, Institute of Botany, Chinaese Academy of Sciences.
In his early years, Qin established the Lushan Arboretum and Botanical Garden and led to prospect the suitable area for growing seedlings and afforesting Cjinchona and rubber trees in Yunnan.He was engaged in pteridology in all his life. He published “On the Natural Classification of the Family, Polypodiaceae” in 1940, in which Polypodiaceae, the largest and confused family containing 90% of the total fern spjecies, was divided into 33 families with 249 genera. This achievement made a powerful impact on the pteridology circles, exerted profound and lasting influence on the development of fern taxonomy,and was given the Longfu’s Biology Prize. In 1978, he compiled“The Chinese Fern Families and Genera: Systematic Arrangement and Historical Origin”, which was adopted by all of the herbaria in China and accepted by international colleagues successively. This work won the first class prize of the Natural Science Award of the Chinese Academy of Science and State Science and Technology Commission.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
Botanist. Born in Haining, Zhejiang Province. Graduated from the College of Natural Sciences, University of Illinois, USA in 1914 and later studied in the University of Chicago and Harvard University.Received MS from the University of Chicago. Professor and director,Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Qian was one of the founders of modern botany in China. He was the first to publish works on plant taxonomy, plant physiology,geobotany and florology in China. He made systematical studies on the families of Orchidaceae, Urticaceae, Leguminocae, and Ranunculaceae and found many new species. He made collections and investigations on the taxonomy of families and genus, forest plants and the flora and vegetation in many areas of China. Together with other botanists such as Hu Xianxiao, he established the early research institutions and academic societies in China and wrote “Advanced Botany”, the first textbook in China for college students in biology.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
Plant physiologist. Born in Yanzhou, Shandong Province.Graduated from Nankai University. Received Ph.D. from California Insititute of Technology, USA in 1938. Research professor and honorary director, Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Yin found that the rate of photosynthesis of Elodea changes transiently at the moment when the color of light is shifted and further proved that photosynthesis has two photochemistry reaciion systems.He coordinated the research and development in antibiotic production and established China’s first photosynthesis laboratory, which made important progress in the understanding of the mechanism of photosynthetic phosphorylation, especially the existence and character of a high-energy intermediate state. Using tissue chemistry method invented by himself, he clarified the phosphorylase in plant organs and tissues, demonstrated the occurrence of phosphorylase in the plant, and showed that the formation of starch from sugar under illumination was related to phosphorylation.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
涂 治1901.08~1976.03
Agriculturist. Born in Huangpi, Hubei Province. Graduated from Qinghua University in 1924. Received Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, USA in 1929. Director, Xinjiang Agriculture and Forestry Bureau and Xinjiang Agrucultural Bureau, vice president, Xinjiang Association of Science and Technology, professor and president,August Ist Agricultural College, first vice president, Xinjiang Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, president, Xinjaing Acasemy of Agricultural Sciences, chairman, Xinjiang Science Society, and member, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
Tu made an active contribution to the education, sciences and the development of agricultural production in Xinjiang. He popularized actively advanced agricultural technologies, such as forage-field crop rotation, haploid breeding, spriinkling irrigation, filmmulched rece nursery, etc..
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.