Nursing care for a Cancer Patient before Chemotherapy
Patient:What side effects w ill chemotherapy have?
Nurse:Chemotherapy has many side effects including gastrointestinal tract reaction such as nausea,vomiting,and constipation;allergic responses;bone marrow dep ression as drop off w hite cell and p latelet count;damege of liver function;and alopecia.But,not all side effects w ill occur and not all patients have the same side effects.
Patient:How to p revent these side effects?
Nurse:Befo re chemotherapy,we w ill run several examinations for you,including blood test,CT,electrocardiogram,etc.to understand your body and your tumo r conditions.We w ill select amost effective treatment plan w ith the least side effects fo r you.Your docto r w ill discuss the detailed p lan w ith you.The docto r w ill carry out p re-treatment for you before the chemotherapy by using some drugs to p rvent vomiting,allergic reactions,and to p rotect your liver function.In addition,reasonable foods and drinks,good mood and enough sleep are very important too.Themajo rity of the patients receiving chemo therapy have only minimal side effects after p re-treatment.Therefore you don’t have to worry.
Common Abbreviation(English)
CEP cerebral evoked potential 大脑诱发电位
CF colonofiberscop 纤维结肠镜
Chol cholesterol 胆固醇
CI cardiac index 心肺排血指数
CKG cardiokymogram 心动图
CO vardiac output 心脏排血量
CO2CP carbon dioxide combing power 二氧化碳结合力
CMA Chinese Medical Association 中华医学会
CPK creatine phosphokinase 肌酸磷酸激酶
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏
Cr creatinine 肌酐
CRP C reactive p rotein assay C 反应蛋白测定
CRT capillary resistance test 毛细血管脆性试验(束臂试验)
CRT clot retraction test 血块收缩试验
CSF cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊(髓)液
CSFP cerebrospinal fluid p ressure 脑脊液压力
CT computed tomography 计算机断层扫描
CT coagulation time 凝血时间
CVP central venous p ressure 中心静脉压
D-2D dimensional echocardiogram dopp ler 多普勒二维超声心动图
db decibel 分贝
DBP diastolic blood p ressure 舒张期血压
DCG dynamic electrocardiography 动态心电图
2-DE two-dimensional echocardiogram 二维超声心动图
D IC diffuse o r disseminated intravascular coagulation弥漫性血管内凝血
DM diastolic murmur 舒张期杂音
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 去氧核糖核酸