
2010-12-25 07:02:26李静
重庆与世界 2010年5期

文/本刊记者 李静


文/本刊记者 李静




记者:东亚银行重庆分行自 05年成立以来已有 5年时间,目前在重庆的发展状态是怎样的?你认为东亚银行进驻重庆这几年来带给重庆市民最大的影响或者说在重庆发展最大的成就是什么?

吴任斌: 2005年 12月东亚银行重庆分行正式成立,重庆成为东亚银行在内地设分行的第十一个城市。从开业之初只经营外币存、贷款业务,到07年下半年开始经营全面的人民币业务,我们的业务发展经历了数个阶段,一直保持着良好的发展势头。随着法人银行——东亚银行(中国)有限公司于 07年上半年的正式成立,全面的业务开放给予了东亚银行重庆分行飞跃式发展的条件,也给予了东亚银行重庆分行铺设分支网点,把外资银行的产品及服务推向重庆市民的机会。 2008年是我们银行进入高速发展的快车道时期,各项产品渠道得以进一步的铺设——东亚银行成为全国首家推出人民币借记卡和贷记卡的外资银行。进驻重庆的这些年来,东亚银行不断地给予重庆企业和市民创新的融资及理财产品;同时,也注重加强同业间交流,与本地银行相互学习,共同进步。




吴任斌:东亚银行从 1918年在香港成立,到在上海成立首间分行,90多年来从未间断在国内的业务。外资银行本地化是必然的发展趋势。我行也是第一批在国内注册的法人银行,因为我们一直以“扎根中国”、“服务全国”为发展理念,所以非常重视内地市场,为内地居民提供更多元化的银行和金融产品及服务。而在国内网点设置规划方面,在沿海地区网点成熟布局的基础上,我们着力进军中、西部及东北部,全面开拓内陆金融市场。


吴任斌:香港作为亚洲金融中心,金融体系完善,各项金融业务开展方便、快捷,市场比较成熟,发展空间有限。相对来说,重庆金融发展虽较为落后,但近年已不断吸引到世界 500强在内的大批企业和金融机构来渝投资,今后的发展空间很大。






As the on ly m unic ipa lity in the west o f China, by right o f the strong po lic ies and location advantage, Chongq ing is g radua lly becom ing the financ ia l strategy hinge o f the uppe r reaches o f Yang tze River and the b iggest m odern cosm opo litan c ity in southwest o f China. With the geog raphica l advantage as we ll, it has laid a so lid foundation fo r c reating the financ ia l cente r in Chongq ing.

In recent years, there are m any fo reign banks se ttled in Chongq ing, m ore and m ore foreign financ ia l institu tions estab lished in Chongq ing too, and the financ ia l s tree t b u ild ing is in p rog ress. As a rep resen tative o f foreign banks in Chongq ing, BEA bank is p laying an im po rtant ro le for the econom ic deve lopm ent o f Chongq ing. The Genera l Manage r o f BEA bank Chongq ing b ranch, Vic tor from Hong Kong is an eyew itness who w itnesses the rap id deve lopm en t o f Chongq ing. He is a lso a partic ipant who is ac tive to get to the p rocess o f build ing the Financ ia l Cente r. During ou r conversa tion, Vic to r repeated ly em phasized that the “financ ia l is the m othe r, the rap id deve lopm en t o f loca l Financ ia l Industry p lays an im portan t ro le in m any sec to rs.”

Jou rna list: It has been 5 years since BEA bank has been estab lished in Chongq ing, how is the operation go ing? W hat is the g reatest im pact to Chongq ing peop le o r the b iggest ach ievem en t since BEA estab lished in Chongq ing?

Victo r:Chongq ing is the 11th c ity that BEA Bank set its b ranch in the m ain land. From the beg inning we on ly dea l in foreign cu rrency deposits and loans to ope rate the tota l RMB business, our business has gone th rough severa l stages and m ain tains good m om en tum o f deve lopm ent. As ou r lega l person bank - the Bank o f East Asia (Ch ina) Ltd estab lished in 2007, the com p rehensive se rvices o ffers BEA bank b ranch the cond itions o f deve lopm en t and op portunity to put ou r p roduc ts and services to the pub lic o f Chongq ing. In these years, BEA o ffers Chongq ing ente rp rises and the pub lic innovative financ ing and financ ia l p roduc ts and focus on streng thening the comm unication between the p ro fessions at the sam e tim e, learning w ith loca l banks and m aking join tly p rog ress.

Jou rna list: W ha t is the com petitive advan tage o f BEA am ong so m any fo reign banks in Chongq ing?

Victo r:The key to the com petition is p roduc ts and se rvice. Fo r custom ers, w hoever has good p roduc ts and services, they w ill choose that one. No m atter Chinese-funded banks o r foreign cap ita l. W ith superior service and ad vanced p roduc t, BEA takes the lead in both deposit and c red it business am ong fo reign banks in recent years.

Jou rna list: Now dom estic banking industry is open to fo reign banks, as a m em ber o f fo reign banks in Chongq ing, how does BEA set up o rien ta tion deve lopm en t?

Victo r:BEA bank estab lished in Hong Kong in 1918, and set up the first b ranch in Shanghai, it has never stopped the dom estic business for over 90 years. A foreign bank to loca lize is an inevitab le trend. We are a lso the first ba tch o f dom estic reg iste red lega l person bank just because we have "Root in China," "Serve China" as our development philosophy. Therefore, we attached great importance to the mainland market; provide a diversity of the banking and financial products and services to mainland residents.

Journalist: Chongqing has always been called the “small inland of Hong Kong,” as a Hong Kong person, what do you think of the economic development between Chongqing and Hong Kong?

Victor:As the financial center of Asia, Hong Kong has really perfect financial system, and its financial business is convenient and fast, the market is mature but the space of development is limited. Compared to Hong Kong, the financial development of Chongqing is little behind, but in recent years Chongqing has constantly attracted a large number of top 500 enterprises and financial institutions come to invest, and the space of development is very strong.

At present the financial formats is complete, mature and formed a financial system with the most financial institutions and the most complete organizations in the western region. Combined active financial markets, it has already formed an advantages of the financial sector with striking feature. In my opinion, this city has spread out the best prospect.

Journalist: You are the General Manager of BEA bank of the Chongqing Branch, the member of Chongqing Political Consultative Conference, and Chairman of Hong Kong Macau Enterpriser Branch Chongqing Oversea Association, by holding many offices and shouldering immense responsibilities, how do you coordinate different social roles?

Victor:Trough different social roles look independent; in fact they are inextricably bound. The social function of bank is to provide a financing platform to help customers develop. Banks provide information as reference for customers to seek partners to invest mainland or overseas.

The important goal of setting up Chongqing Hong Kong & Macau chamber of commerce is to promote Chongqing and attract more Hong Kong & Macau enterprises to invest here, meanwhile, promoteHong Kong & Macau and help Chongqing enterprises going out.

As a member of CPPCC, I have opportunity to make contributions to Chongqing's economic development. Therefore, my role is like a "spokesman”, not just attract and encourage a lot of qualified customers of BEA bank to invest in Chongqing, but also help more Chongqing enterprises get on the international stage.

Building up the Financial Centre BEA Bank is Ready——In te rview w ith V ic to r, Gene ra l Manage r o f BEA Bank

W ritten by Aggie and Gary Hynson

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