2010-10-14 09:26
Beijing Review 2010年46期


“Thai Me Up”

Experience the authentic Thai cuisine w ith the num ber one ce leb rity chef Duanporn Songvisava from Bo Lan Essen tia lly Tha i in Bangkok. Indu lge yourself w ith the w orld-renow ned d ish“M assam an Curry,” w hich has been nam ed by CNN as the m ost popu la r d ish in the w orld.

Save the da te for the “Thai Me Up” food festiva l a t In terCon tinen ta l Shangha i Puxi.You can w in the opportunity to fly w ith Thai Airw ays and en joy a w onderfu l stay a t InterCon tinenta l Bangkok.

Lunch Bu ffet: 228 yuan per person

Dinner Bu ffet: 288 yuan per person

* A ll above Ra tes a re sub ject to a 15 percen t surcha rge

Da te: October 7 to 16, 2011

Tim e: 11:30 am to 2:30 pm, 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm

For reserva tions, p lease ca ll: (86 21)5253 9999-6319

Welcom e to Hilton Hotels &Resorts of Sanya, Ha inan

Na tiona l Day Specia l Offer

Rose Body Scrub + Yin Yang Arom a tic Massage

90m ins 1,080 yuan

The skin is ex fo lia ted, nou rished, rev ita lized and p rotected w ith a m ixture of na tura l p roducts: rose flow ers and honey. Fo llow ed by a relaxing Chinese y in yang a rom a tic m assage, the skin w ill be rehyd ra ted, and the body and m ind be re freshed.

Argy le Hote l Managem en t Group’s Advice on Accessing Chinese Hote l Ma rket

Kevin Zhang, Chief Executive Officer of China A rgy le Hotel M anagem en t Group,w as invited to the 2011 Asia Hotel and Econom ic Forum this Sep tem ber. The forum is held in Singapore every yea r, ga thering hotel g ian ts from a round the w orld to d iscuss the tendency of the hosp ita lity industry in Asia. This yea r’s forum w as focused on the them e “Gaining access to China’s $205 b illion tou rism industry th rough investm en ts in second tier cities.” Zhang delivered a speech on the sub ject and offered va luab le advice on investing in the Chinese m a rket.An excerp t from his speech fo llow s:

The hosp ita lity m a rket in China’s second tier cities

Accord ing to the sta tistics o f A rgy le Hotel Managem en t Group, 73 percent of the overa ll revenue o f hotels in China’s second tier cities cam e from custom ers w ho took business trips or vaca tions from 2007 to 2010. Am ong these custom ers, senior business m anagers and w e ll-educa ted peop le accounted for 85 percent. The average budget o f business trips per person w as betw een 250 and 450 yuan in 2010. The top p riorities for 90 percen t o f hote l custom ers cover three aspects: com fortab le sleep,convenien t o ffice equipm en t and hea lthy ca tering. Therefore, the m ed ium and senior leve l hote ls a re custom ers’ favorite choices w hen they a re traveling.

Sta ff recruitm en t and tra in ing

Accord ing to a questionnaire survey, 65 percen t of hote l m anagers ind ica ted tha t it’s d ifficu lt to find qua lified sta ff. The m ain reason is tha t m ost o f the universities tha t o ffer m a jors in hotel and tourism m anagem ent open in m etro cities ra ther than in second tier cities. Additiona lly, 70 percent of hotel sta ff in these sm a ller cities have no re levan t experience before w orking.

Advice on accessing Ch inese hote l m arket

It is expected tha t the speed o f u rbanization in China w ill exceed 50 percent in three yea rs. The five-sta r and luxury hote ls have reached a lim it in m etro cities, w hile the m ed ium and above hote ls w ill con tinue g row ing in sm a ller cities in next 10 yea rs.In terna tiona l hotel g roups shou ld access these segm en ts o f the Chinese m a rket to m eet the needs ra ther than sim p ly expand luxury b rands. In add ition, in terna tiona l hote l m anagem en t is not yet fam ilia r in second tier c ites. There fore, in terna tiona l hote ls m ust know c lea rly abou t Chinese investors. And keep ing comm un ica tion is very im portan t du ring the coopera tion w ith Chinese pa rtners.

Shang ri-La Hotel Changsha to Welcom e Guests in 2015

Shang ri-La Asia has signed an ag reem en t w ith Huayuan Rea l Esta te Beijing, one o f China’s m a jor rea l esta te com panies, to open a new hote l in Changsha, cap ita l o f Hunan Prov ince in cen tra l-sou th China. The hote l w ill be loca ted on the low er reaches o f the Xiang jiang River, a b ranch of the Yang tze River. The 460-room luxu ry hote l,the first to be opera ted by Shang ri-La Hote ls and Resorts in Hunan Prov ince, is schedu led to open in 2015.

Shang ri-La Hote l Changsha w ill occupy the top 20 floors o f the city’s iconic 268-m ete r-high build ing, overlooking the Juzizhou Islet, a fam ous scen ic island in the m idd le o f the Xiang jiang River, the Yue lu Moun ta in and the city. The low er floors o f the build ing w ill house o ffices and the ho te l’s food and beverage ou tlets and m eeting fac ilities.

Designed w ith com fort in m ind, and to take advan tage o f the v iew s over the city and the river fron tage, the hote l’s 430 guestroom s w ill be an average size o f 45 squa re m eters and inc lude 90 Horizon Club room s,w ith the c lub lounge set on the top floor.There w ill be 29 Bay Suites rang ing in size betw een 135 and 225 squa re m eters and one Bay Presiden tia l Suite spanning over 300 squa re m eters.

The hote l w ill fea tu re a va riety o f d ining and en tertainm en t op tions inc lud ing an a llday d ining restau ran t, a Chinese restau ran t w ith 15 p riva te d in ing room s, a roo ftop specia lty restauran t, a tea lounge, a ba r and a lobby lounge. Recrea tiona l fac ilities inc lud ing an indoor sw imm ing poo l, spa and a hea lth c lub w ill be ava ilab le.