【Abstract】In this paper, we will focus on the textual functions of degree adverb+noun.Firstly, this structure has organizational function in a clause. Secondly, this construction has appraisal functions and expresses the speakers subjective attitudes towards the objects concerned.
【Key Words】the degree adverb+noun, metonymy, appraisal
The degree adverb+noun always directs another noun in a sentence by functioning as predicate, attribute, complement and adverbial, which can in fact make the whole text coherent. And due to special meaning of noun in this structure, this structure has the function of appraisal towards the object concerned.
1. The organizational functions of the degree adverb+noun
The degree Adv+N construction as a component of the clause serves various organizational functions. The following sections will present the analysis.
(1)即便是前80回曹雪芹也已经写得很清楚了,黛玉这样的性格是不合时宜的,更加是当时社会所不容的,她太小女子,太敏感,生就一副多愁多病身,各种迹象显示她不能胜任贾府未来的内务领导者、王熙凤继承人的角色,贾母虽然因为黛玉是自己的外孙女而非常疼爱,可是“在贾府上下颇得人心”的薛宝钗却更家能讨她的欢喜。(Sina.com, Sept.13, 2005)
(2)它(指一盘歌带)有一个很民族的名字——“红腰带”。(China National Radio, Evening Program, Oct.14, 1994)
(3)陶大宇爽快地透露,那是很久前在家中洗澡时不小心滑倒弄伤的,到医院缝了六、七针,不过医生说等伤慢慢完全长好了不会留下很明显的疤痕。陶大宇还很“唐僧”地要记者提醒大家“冬天洗澡,小心路滑”。(Nanjing Daily, Jan.17, 2004)
(4)怎么搞的,你这家伙现在变得好市侩吆!(China Youth, June 4, 1991)
In Example (1), “太小女子” (too small woman-like) is used to describe “林黛玉” (Lin Daiyu), stating the reason why she is unpopular in Jia Family; in Example (2) 很“唐僧”(very Monk Tang-like) humorously describes the speaking manners of “陶大宇” (Tao Dayu), that is, too wordy. in Example (3) “很民族” (very nation-like) modifies “名字”(name)in Example(4) “好市侩” (very sordid merchant-like) further comments “你” (you).
2. The appraisal function of the degree adverb+noun in the text
We hold that the degree adverb+noun has the appraisal function. To be more specific, the degree Adv+N construction is a linguistic resource for the expression of the speakers attitude toward the objects concerned.
ATTITUDE, as the main system of Appraisal Theory, deals with the values by which speakers or writers evaluate human behavior and objects and associate emotional or affective response with participants and processes. Attitudes have to do with evaluating things, peoples character and their feelings.” (Martin & Rose 2003:22). These evaluations can be intensified and made directly or indirectly in a text. Besides, they can also be negative or positive. ATTITUDE is composed of three systems: AFFECT, JUDGEMENT and APPRECIATION. Technically, the resources for expressing feelings are referred as Affect, resources for judging character as Judgment and resources for valuing the worth of things as Appreciation (Martin & Rose, 2003).
(5)“鸟人”甘朝晖等最是有心。出发前,她们精心制作了一面“青年志愿者”红旗和五个木制鸟屋。还从家里带来了钳子、铁丝。看中了湖边几棵百年榆树,便央大伙帮忙挂了上去。看着自己送给鸟儿的礼物,她们很母亲地笑了。(sxdsb. voc. com.cn Oct.14, 2004)
In Example (5), “很母亲” (very mother-like) assesses the behavior of smiling and conveys the writers favorable feeling.
(6)王庆平,一个普通的军人,当他死去一年多以后,人们忽然发现,在当今社会道德十分缺失的时候,他居然像一盏耀眼的明灯照亮着人们前进的道路。为什么说,他的精神比雷锋更加雷锋呢?在今天市场经济时代,处处讲的是钱,考虑的是个人的利益,谁还肯牺牲自己去挽救别人。(World Literature.com, Jun.27, 2006)
In Example(6), the writer intends to praise “王庆平” (Wang Qingping), and his praise is realized by using the construction “更加雷锋” (more than Leifeng-like). “雷锋” (Leifeng) has become a very positive image in Chinese culture, and he is in agreement with our Chinese traditional virtues, “helpful” and “selfless”. By saying that “王庆平的精神比雷锋更加雷锋”(Wang Qingpings spirit is more than Leifeng-like), the writer praises “王庆平s” (Wang Qingping) moral grounds about the truthfulness, and his behavior conforms to our social norms. In this way, the writer shows his positive judgment towards “王庆平s” (Wang Qingping) moral quality and also his personal admiration.
(7)很中国的刮痧 很传统的讲究. (Hangzhou.com.cn, Jul.26, 2006)
The degree Adv+N construction “很中国” (very China-like) concerns the valuation or assessment to the treatment with the great social significance. It indicates that their Guasha treatment has a long history and is very efficient, thus intensifies the force of persuasion.
In conclusion, by using examples, this section has discussed a variety of appraisal effects achieved by the degree adverb+noun construction. We can see that the construction can perform the evaluative function more forcefully and implicitly than its corresponding adjective
[1]Martin, J.R. & Rose, D. Working with Discourse: Meaning beyond the Clause [M]. London: Continuum, 2003.
[2]Martin, J.R. & White, P.R.R. The Language of Evaluation: Appraisal in English [M]. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.