
2010-08-15 00:52:23



粤北下庄矿田东、西部“交点”型铀矿化差异分析 ………………………………………… 张辉仁, 王 军, 徐海文,等(1)

α径迹蚀刻方法在砂岩型铀矿研究中的应用——以通辽地区砂岩铀矿为例………………………………………………………… 徐 喆, 吴仁贵, 蔡建芳,等(9)

粤北九峰岩体的地球化学特征与成因研究 ……………………………………………… 尹征平, 凌洪飞, 黄国龙,等(15)

西天山乌孙山地区大哈拉军山组火山岩形成的构造背景 ……………………………… 程春华, 张芳荣, 余 泉,等(22)

南宁盆地Ⅲ级阶地——断层控制下的埋藏阶地……………………………………………………………… 严小敏, 李细光, 汪劲草(29)

相山西部河元背地区构造特征及深部找矿方向探讨 …………………………………… 胡茂梅, 邵 飞, 张 鸿,等(36)


基于混合像元分解的火星南极矿物制图研究 …………………………………………………………… 王 红, 祝民强(43)

地图综合中线要素综合的不确定性分析 ……………………………………………………… 朱煜峰, 周世健, 臧德彦(48)

应用改进的时空地理加权模型分析城市住宅价格变化 ………………………………… 张金牡, 刘 彪, 吴 波,等(53)

权的确定方法在核电施工控制测量中的应用探讨 ……………………………………………………… 陈本富, 郭先春(60)

VRS技术工作原理及其在地形测量中的应用………………………………………………………………………… 吴国荣(64)


九连环中生物碱的提取工艺研究 ………………………………………………………… 王 莉, 赵 炜, 何仰清,等(67)

D293固相萃取分离/ ICP-AES在线测定环境样品中铀 …………………………………… 徐晶晶, 雷春华, 花 榕,等(71)

碳纳米管酸氧化改性 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 辛育东, 刘晓东(75)

基于巯基壳聚糖修饰电极对天然水体中溴离子的测定 ………………………………… 庄确真, 白 武, 元慧玫,等(79)


高温养护和粉煤灰掺量对外掺氧化镁混凝土膨胀和劈裂抗拉强度的影响 ………………… 韦润锋, 邓 敏, 莫立武(83)


激光快速成型系统中 STL文件浏览器的设计与实现 …………………………………………………… 徐 玮, 贾宏伟(88)

基于 Zlib的图像差异压缩算法研究与实现 ……………………………………………………………… 陈 钧, 刘爱华(92)


基于MC34063的便携式仪器电源电路设计 ………………………………………………… 管小明, 李跃忠, 王晓娟(97)



中国大陆及邻区新生代以来的一种构造形式:右旋运动及效应 ……………………… 邱瑞照, 严光生, 谭永杰,等(101)

江西广丰早白垩世碱性橄榄玄武岩中单斜辉石矿物化学及其地质意义 ………………… 项媛馨, 余达淦, 巫建华(120)

江西南部余田群长英质火山岩SHR IMP锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义 ……………………………… 冀春雨, 巫建华(131)

扬子与华夏地块拼接时代的再研究 ………………………………………………………………………………… 胡肇荣(139)

相空间重构克里格法的矿藏储量预测研究 ……………………………………………… 李长春, 王祝文, 孙 刚,等(143)

中国东南部丹霞地貌的区域构造控制…………………………………………………… 骆 丁, 肖渊甫, 湛 龙,等(147)

甘肃马泉金矿地质特征及找矿标志……………………………………………………………………… 鲁挑建, 姜启明(154)

班公湖-怒江结合带西段沙木罗组的发现及意义 …………………………………………… 谢冰晶, 程 捷, 黄传冠(159)


近直立铀矿体上土壤层中氡迁移模型的正演研究 ……………………………………… 张 叶, 杨亚新, 陈 越,等(165)


九岭山深埋长大隧道岩爆问题预测……………………………………………………… 周龙茂, 龚育龄, 杨普济,等(169)


基于DT M的城市网格化管理部件数据的质量评价 …………………………………… 曾绍炳, 周世健, 洪中华,等(173)

解析空中三角测量的作业流程研究 ………………………………………………………………………………… 赵俊羽(178)


超声波-芬顿法协同降解亚甲基蓝的研究…………………………………………………… 梁喜珍, 周跃明, 王 梅(183)


模糊多属性群决策在铁路系统评价中的应用…………………………………………………………… 赵京梅, 杨志辉(187)

数据挖掘中决策树分类算法的研究 ………………………………………………………………………………… 李如平(192)


基于MATLAB和Dsp Builder的电网信号F IR滤波器设计 …………………………………………… 葛远香, 胡开明(197)



相山大型火山岩热液铀矿床成矿深部轨迹及其模拟实验 ……………………… 刘正义, 刘章月, 温志坚, 杜乐天(201)

江西南部蔡坊盆地火山岩系层序与地质时代…………………………………………………………… 徐勋胜, 巫建华(211)

云南中甸普朗斑岩铜矿成因探讨 …………………………………………………………… 尹 静, 邱文龙, 胡清华(219)

新余铁矿田铁矿成矿地质特征与成因分析 ……………………………………… 曾书明, 周建廷, 王学平, 刘 川(231)

南岭地区中 酸性花岗岩成矿专属性信息模型研究——以热液型铀矿、钨锡矿为例 …………………………………………………………………… 黄宏业, 秦其明(241)

柴达木盆地北缘逆冲构造与砂岩型铀矿的关系初析 …………………………… 乔建学, 赵希刚, 刘 林, 陈 秋(252)

豫西卢氏产铀伟晶岩地质特征及其找矿前景分析 ………………………………………………………………… 李靖辉(257)

基于MapGIS综合找矿信息香炉山钨矿田钨矿资源预测 ……………………………………………… 刘 勇, 周贤旭(262)

基于DEM的大别山地区地貌特征研究 ……………………………………………………… 程三友, 李英杰, 刘少峰(270)

渤海西部河口潮间带区海水及沉积物中重金属研究………………………………………………………… 张效龙, 丁德文, 徐家声, 刘敦武, 王慧艳, 陶常飞(276)

黑方台黄土塬区地面变形成因分析 ………………………………………………………… 何维山, 许 琦, 刘长春(281)


离子色谱法测定地表水中六种无机阴离子 ………………………………………………… 李文娟, 陈井影, 王志畅(286)

高效液相色谱法测定奥沙利铂注射液中奥沙利铂的含量和有关物质……………………………………………………………………………… 闫占宽, 李语如, 宋晓光, 梁喜珍(290)


CAN总线通信接口设计 ……………………………………………………………………… 张建文, 冯 林, 李百余(293)


同伦摄动法在一类线性积微分方程初值问题中的应用………………………………………………… 阮周生, 孙 海(297)



毛堂群变质火山岩形成环境探讨………………………………………………………………………… 刘征华, 张传恒(301)

陕西富县地区晚三叠世延长期岩相古地理特征 ………………………………… 陈彦庆, 陈洪德, 陈安清, 赵俊兴(310)

应用ET M+数据解译甘其毛道地区地层 ………………………………………… 吴志春, 刘林清, 郭福生, 李满根(320)

信江盆地构造特征及其与丹霞地貌关系研究………………………………………………………… 姜勇彪, 郭福生, 刘林清, 胡中华, 吴智勇, 吴志春(325)

湖南九嶷山钨锡矿床锡矿物质组分及选矿试验研究………………………………………………………… 庄 晓, 刘云华, 付建明, 陶霞清, 刘树生, 魏均启(332)

埃及西奈阿布泽尼玛地区铀矿成矿地质特征及控制因素分析…………………………………………… 张运涛, 裴荣富, 张小平, 曾文乐, 王浩琳, 黄符桢, 邵长亮(339)

西北某区地下水同位素特征分析…………………………………………… 马应明, 李桂新, 王青海, 张永浩, 何艺峰, 刘 莉, 沈 忠(345)

江西姚畈矽卡岩型白钨矿床成矿特征探讨 ………………………………………………… 龙细友, 张 敏, 肖 剑(351)


蒙特卡罗方法与拟蒙特卡罗方法的历史、现状及展望 ……………………………………… 朱 辉, 刘义保, 游 运(357)

基于Matlab的光学衍射仿真 ………………………………………………………………………………………… 吕 波(363)


弱酸-中-弱碱性介质中的水-碳酸钙作用——砂岩铀矿地浸过程中碳酸钙堵塞机理及其预防………………………………………………………… 祝永进, 史维浚, 孙占学, 李学礼, 陶 峰, 漆 璐(369)


光通信链路模型分析与调制器偏置点修正……………………………………………………………… 杨志高, 陈福深(374)

基于 SSH框架的社区管理信息系统设计 …………………………………………………………………………… 杨钟鸣(379)

基于GIS的无线网络覆盖模拟建模 ………………………………………………………… 朱 立, 夏 洪, 钱 敏(384)


基于 SVG的空间数据展现研究……………………………………………………………… 陈红华, 李满春, 李飞雪(389)


Zakharov-Kuznetsov方程新的周期解和孤立波解………………………………………………………… 高 云, 乐励华(393)

正交多项式曲线拟合 ………………………………………………………………………… 朱晓东, 鲁铁定, 陈西江(398)



DiversityDifferentiation of the Eastern Part and theWestern Part of Xiazhuang“Intersection Type”Uranium-ore,North of Guangdong Province…………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Hui-ren, WANG Jun, XU Hai-wen,et al.(1)

Application ofAlpha Track Etching in Research of Sandstone-type Uranium Ore——A Case of Study in Sandstone-type Uranium Deposit of Tongliao Area………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Zhe, WU Ren-gui, CAI Jian-fang,et al.(9)

Research on Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis of Jiufeng RockMass in Northern Guangdong Province………………………………………………………………………………YIN Zheng-ping, LING Hong-fei, HUANG Guo-long,et al.(15)

The Tectonic Setting ofVolcanic Rocks forDahalaJunshan Formation inWusunMountain Region,West TianshanMountain………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Chun-hua, ZHANG Fang-rong, YU Quan,et al.(22)

The Third Terrace in NanningBasin——A Buried Terrace by Contraled Fauct…………………………………………………YAN Xiao-m in, LI Xi-guang, WANG Jin-cao(29)

The Structural Characteristics of HeyuanbeiArea in theWest Part of Xiangshan and itsDirection ofDeep Prospecting……………………………………………………………………………………………HU Mao-mei, SHAO Fei, ZHANG Hong,et al.(36)

MineralMapping based on the SpectralUnmixing in Antarctica ofMars ………………………………………WANG Hong, ZHU M in-qiang(43)

Data Uncertainty and Process ofLine Generalization inMap Generalization …………………ZHU Yu-feng, ZHOU Shi-jian, ZANG De-yan(48)

Analysis ofUrban House Price Variations by Improved Geographically and TemporallyWeightedModel………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Jin-mu, LIU B iao, WU Bo,et al.(53)

Discussions about How to Dete rmineWeight in NPP’s Construction Control Surveying ………………………CHEN Ben-fu, GUO Xian-chun(60)

Technology and Application in Geography Surveying ofVRS………………………………………………………………………WU Guo-rong(64)

Study on the Alkaloids Extraction Technology ofDelphinium giraldii …………………………WANG Li, ZHAO W ei, HE Yang-qing,et al.(67)

Determination ofUranium in Environment Samples by ICP-AES with Solid Phase Extraction Separation into D293Resin…………………………………………………………………………………………XU Jing-jing, LEI Chun-hua, HUA Rong,et al.(71)

Oxidation ofMultiwalled Carbon Nanotubes byMixed Acid ………………………………………………………XIN Yu-dong, LIU Xiao-dong(75)

Determination ofBromine Ion inWater at Glassy Carbon ElectrodeModified with Derivative of Chitosan Film……………………………………………………………………………………ZHUANG Que-zhen, BAIW u, YUAN Hui-mei,et al.(79)

Effect of Curing at High Temperatures and Content of FlyAsh on the Expansion and Split-tensile Strength of ConcreteMixed withMgO……………………………………………………………………………………………………W EI Run-feng, DENGM in, MO Li-wu(83)

A STL File Browser to the Design and Implementation on Laser RP System……………………………………………XU Wei, JIA Hong-wei(88)

Research and Realization of Image Difference Compression Algorithm based on Zlib …………………………………CHEN Jun, LIU Ai-hua(92)

Design of Power Supply Circuit based onMC34063 Used in Portable Instrument ………GUAN Xiao-m ing, LI Yue-zhong, WANG Xiao-juan(97)


A Tectonic format ofDextralMovement and its Effect of Continental China&AdjacentAreas since Cenozoic…………………………………………………………………………………QIU Rui-zhao, YAN Guang-sheng, TAN Yong-jie,et al.(101)

Mineral Chemistry and its Geological Significance of Clinopyroxenes from the Early CretaceousAlkaliOlivine Basalt on the Guangfeng,Jiangxi……………………………………………………………………………………………XIANG Yuan-xin, YU Da-gan, WU Jian-hua(120)

The SHR IMP Zircon U-Pb Dating of Felsic Volcanic Rocks and Its Geological Significance from Yutian Group in Southern Jiangxi…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………JI Chun-yu, WU Jian-hua(131)

Study on Yangtze and Cathaysian Block ConnectAge……………………………………………………………………………HU Zhao-rong(139)

Phase Space Reconstruction Kriging Prediction ofMineral Reserves ……………………LI Chang-chun WANG Zhu-wen, SUN Gang,et al.(143)

The Tectogenesis Control ofDanxia landform in Southeast China …………………LUO Ding, XIAO Yuan-fu, ZHAN Long, ZHANG Lin(147)

Geological Characteristics and Prospecting Criteria ofMa-quan Gold Deposit,Gansu …………………………LU Tiao-jian, JIANG Qi-m ing(154)

The Found and the Significance for theWestArea of SamutLuo Group in the BanGongLake-Lu River Suture………………………………………………………………………………………XIE B ing-jing, CHENG Jie, HUANG Chuan-guan(159)

The Fo rward Study of Soil RadonMigrationModelAbove the NearVerticalUranium Ore …ZHANG Ye, YANG Ya-xin, CHEN Yue,et al.(165)

On Forecasting the Questions of Rock-burst in the Jiuling Shan Deep and Long Highway Tunnel…………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Long-mao, GONG Yu-ling, YANG Pu-ji,et al.(169)

The Quality Evaluation for ComponentData in Urban GridManagementBased on DT M……………………………………………………………………………ZENG Shao-bing, ZHOU Shi-jian, HONG Zhong-hua,et al.(173)

AnalyticalAerotriangulation-engineering Research …………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Jun-yu(178)

Study on Degradation ofMethylene Blue byUltrasonic Irradiation Cooperated with Fenton Reagent…………………………………………………………………………………………LIANG Xi-zhen, ZHOU Yue-m ing, WANGM ei(183)

FuzzyMultiple Attributive Group DecisionMakingMethodology’Applications on the Evaluation of the Railway System ……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Jing-mei, YANG Zhi-hui(187)

Research ofDecision Tree Classification Algorithm in DataMining…………………………………………………………………LI Ru-ping(192)

The FIR FilterDesign of Power SignalBased onMatlab and Dsp Builder ……………………………………GE Yuan-xiang, HU Kai-m ing(197)


Analysis on Deep Metallogenic Trace and Simulation Experiment in Xiangshan Large-scale Volcanic Hydrothe rmal Type Uranium Deposit…………………………………………………………………………LIU Zheng-yi, LIU Zhang-yue, WEN Zhi-jian, DU Le-tian(201)

Stratigraphical Sequence and Geochronology of the Volcanic Rock Series in CaifangBasin,South Jiangxi………………………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Xun-sheng, WU Jian-hua(211)

The Genesis in Yunnan of Zhongdian Pulang Porphyry CopperDeposit… …………………………YIN Jing, QIU W en-long, HU Qing-hua(219)

Iron Ore-Forming Geological Characteristics and Analysis in Xinyu Iron Ore Field……………………………………………………………………ZENG Shu-m ing, ZHOU Jian-ting, WANG Xue-ping, LIU Chuan(231)

Research on InformationModel forMetallogenic Specialization of the Inte rmediate-acidMagmatic Rocks in Nanling Region:A Case of HydrothermalUra

nium Deposit and Hydrothermal Tungsten and Tin Deposit… …………………………………………………HUANG Hong-ye, QIN Qi-m ing(241)

The Relationship Analysis of Thrust Structure and Sandstone Type Uranium Deposits atNorthernMargin ofQaidam Basin………………………………………………………………………………QIAO Jian-xue, ZHAO Xi-gang, LIU Lin, CHEN Qiu(252)

Geological Characteristics and Prospective Analysis ofUranium-producing Pegmatites in Lushi,Western Henan Province …………LI Jing-hui(257)

Tungsten Ore Resources Prediction of XiangluMountain based onMapGIS Integrated withMulti-prospecting Information…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Yong, ZHOU Xian-xu(262)

Geomorphology Features of the Dabie Orogenic BeltBased on DEM Data ……………………CHENG San-you, LI Ying-jie, LIU Shao-feng(270)

HeavyMetal in Seawater and Sediment Investigation atBohai SeaWestern Estuary Tidal Zone………………………………ZHANG Xiao-long, DING De-wen, XU Jia-sheng, LIU Dun-wu, WANG Hui-yan, TAO Chang-fei(276)

Ground Deformation in HeifangtaiLoess Yuan ………………………………………………………HE W ei-shan, XU Qi, LIU Chang-chun(281)

Determination of Common Inorganic Anions by Ion Chromatography in Surfacewaters …LIW en-juan, CHEN Jing-ying, WANG Zhi-chang(286)

Oxaliplatin Dete rmination ofOxaliplatin Injection Liquid by High Performance Liquid Chromatography………………………………………………………………………YAN Zhan-kuan, LI Yu-ru, SONG Xiao-guang, LIANG Xi-zhen(290)

Design of Communication Interface Based on CAN ………………………………………………ZHANG Jian-wen, FENG Lin, LI Bai-yu(293)

Application of Homotopy PerturbationMethod(HPM)in Initial Problem ofA Kind ofLinear Integro-Differential Equation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………RUAN Zhou-sheng, SUN Hai(297)


Research on Formation environment ofmetamorphic volcanic ofMaotang Group ………………………LIU Zheng-hua, ZHANG Chuan-heng(301)

Lithofacies-Paleogeography Characteristics of Yanchang Formation in the Fuxian Area of the OrdosBasin…………………………………………………………………CHEN Yan-qing, CHEN Hong-de, CHEN An-qing, ZHAO Jun-xing(310)

ApplyLandsat ET M+Data to Interpret the Strata of the Gan QiMao Dao area………………………………………………………………………………WU Zhichun, LIU Linqing, GUO Fusheng, LIM angen(320)

A Study on the Structure Features and Its Relationship with the Danxia Landforms in XinjiangBasin………………………………JIANG Yong-biao, GUO Fu-sheng, LIU Lin-qing, HU Zhong-hua, WU Zhi-yong, WU Zhi-chun(325)

Mineralogy andMineral Separation Experiment of the JiuYiMountainW-Sn Deposit in Hunan………………………………………ZHUANG Xiao, LIU Yun-hua, FU Jian-m ing, TAO Xia-qing, LIU Shu-sheng, WEI jin-qi(332)

Uranium Metallogeny and Ore Controlling Factor in Abu Zenima District,Sinai,Egypt ZHANG Yun-tao, PEI Rong-fu, ZHANG Xiao-ping, ZHENGWen-le, WANG Hao-lin, HUANG Fu-zhen, SHAO Chang-liang(339)

The Analyses of Isotope Characteristics of Groundwater in a Northwest Region……………………………MA Ying-m ing, LI Gui-xin, WANG Qing-hai, ZHANG Yong-hao,HE Yi-feng, LIU Li, SHEN Zhong(345)

Discussion onMetallogenic Characteristics of Jiangxi Yaofan Skarn-type Scheelite Deposit……………………………………………………………………………………………………LONG Xi-you, ZHANGM in, XIAO Jian(351)

Monte CarloMethod and Quasi-Monte CarloMethod………………………………………………………ZHU Hui, LIU Yi-bao, YOU Yun(357)

The Simulation ofOpticsDiffraction onMatlab……………………………………………………………………………………………LÜBo(363)

TheWater-Calcite Reaction inWeakacid-Nutral-WeakalkilityMedia——TheMechanism ofBlock-up by Carbonate in Leaching and Its Protect……………………………………………………ZHU Yong-jin, SHIW ei-jun, SUN Zhan-xue, LI Xue-li, TAO Feng, QI Lu(369)

Analysis for theModulatorBiasOptimization of Radio Over FiberLinks… ……………………………………YANG zhi-gao, CHEN Fu-shen(374)

Design of CommunityManagement Info rmation System Based on SSH Framework ……………………………………………YANG Zhong-m ing(379)

The Research of Coverage SimulationModeling ofW irelessNetwork Based on GIS ………………………ZHU Li, XIA Hong, QIAN M in(384)

SpatialData Development Research Based on SVG ……………………………………………CHEN Hong-hua, LIMan-chun, LI Fei-xue(389)

A New Periodic and SolitaryWave Solutions to Zakharov-Kuznetsov Equation …………………………………………GAO Yun, LE Li-hua(393)

Orthogonal Polynomial Curve Fitting …………………………………………ZHU Xiao-dong, LU Tie-ding, CHEN Xi-jiang(398)

矿产勘查(2020年9期)2020-12-25 02:53:40
科技传播(2019年22期)2020-01-14 03:06:54