Instruction for author

2010-08-15 00:53

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Biomedical Research (JBR), a peer-reviewed bimonthly biomedical publication, intends to provide biomedical researchers in China and other countries an open forum to disseminate important new information about biomedical research. JBR is covered by major abstracting and indexing services and welcomes submissions from authors worldwide. It publishes original research articles, review articles and case reports, and Letter to the Editor is also accepted. JBR covers the latest developments in multidisciplinary areas of biology and biomedicine, and focuses on mechanistic studies at the molecular level. Manuscripts with innovative ideas and/or approaches that bridge different fields are considered with priority. The main subject areas include, but are not limited to, biochemistry/biophysics, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, protein science, structural biology, and translational medicine.

General Requirements

All submitted manuscripts should contain original research that has not been previously published partly or in full in print or electronic format and is currently not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts from any country are welcome,which must be written in English. JBR also publishes reviews, which are mainly by invitation. Original article should summarize results of a complete, rigorously designed study supported by data and figures. The recommended length for a full-length article is 3,000 to 5,000 words, excluding references, tables, or figures. We restrict the number of figures to six. Case reports focus on the explain unusual cases, promote knowledge about known or new disease processes or manifestation contributing to better understand such diseases, other up-to-date knowledge on small populations or few patients. Submissions should not normally exceed 2,000 words or 3 published pages including figures, diagrams and references. Letter to the Editor is usually written to comment on a current issue debated or published based on the viewpoint of writer, and it should be limited to 2,000 words.

Details of Submission Requirements

Cover letter

A cover letter from the corresponding author must accompany the manuscript and should provide a brief description of what was known in the field, the conceptual advances provided by and the significance of the reported findings. The authors are encouraged to suggest appropriate reviewers and are permitted to make request for exclusion of up to three reviewers. Cover letter should state that the submitted material is original research, has not been previously published, and has not been submitted elsewhere while under review by JBR. The cover letter is confidential and will not be sent to the reviewers. The cover letter should contain names of all authors and their complete mailing addresses and identifies the correspondence author.

Manuscript components

Manuscript should be arranged in the following order: (a)Title section, including Title, Running Title, Keywords, Authors, Author Affiliations, and Correspondence. (b)Abstract. (c)Introduction. (d)Materials and Methods. (e)Results. (f)Discussion. (g)Footnotes,including acknowledgement and abbreviations. (h)References. (i)Figure legends. (j)Tables. (k)Figures. (l)Supplemental data.Text components of the manuscripts (a-i)should be prepared with Microsoft Word in 12 pt with one point five line-space on one side of A4 (297×210 mm)sheets with all pages numbered. Tables(j)should be prepared in Microsoft Word with single space. Figures (k)should be converted to PDF format. Your manuscripts can be submitted through the online submission system ( email: (

Research article format

TitleThe title should be informative and concise, and reflect the content of the article in terms understandable to a broad readership. It should be no longer than 150 characters (including spaces)and contain no non-standard acronyms or abbreviations.Running title The running title that describes the key meaning of the paper should be provided and kept within 60 characters (including spaces).

Running titleThe running title that describes the key meaning of the paper should be provide and kept within 60 characters(including space).

AuthorshipAuthor names should be spelled out in full, with the given name first and the family name last. Affiliations (including department/subunit, institution, city, province/state/region, postal code and country)should be provided for each author. If the authors are affiliated to different units, the affiliation sequence should follow the order of the author list, marked at the right upper corner of the author names using a, b, and c, etc. Corresponding author's name, full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address should be provided. Any change in authorship after submission must be approved in writing by all authors.

Up to six key words, separated by commas, are allowed. They should be taken from those recommended by the Index Medicus Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)browser list at http:∥

An unstructured abstract consists of a single paragraph of no more than 150 words. A structured abstract consists of four paragraphs, labeled Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions, and is limited to 250 words. The abstract should clearly state the main objective of the study, the key methods, major results and their significance. References should not be included in the abstract.

IntroductionIt mainly includes the background of the research through literature citation, the questions to be addressed, the objectives of the research, and the main methods used.

Materials and MethodsMethods should be described in sufficient details so that other laboratories can replicate the results and verify the claims. Generally, standard procedures should be referenced, though significant variations should be described. Appropriate experimental design and statistical methods should be applied and described wherever necessary for proper interpretation of data and verification of claims. All novel materials and procedures should be described in sufficient detail to allow their reproduction (e.g.,DNA constructs, genetic stocks, enzyme preparations, and analytical software).

ResultsResults can be described using text, tables and figures. The text should complement the materials given in the Tables and/or Figures but should not be simple, direct repetition of the information in the Tables and/or Figures. Please provide full details of statistical analysis either in the text or in the Tables and/or Figure legends. Please include the type of test, the precise data to which it was applied, the value of the relevant statistics, the sample size and/or degrees of freedom, and the probability level.

DiscussionThe main purpose of the Discussion is to comment on the significance of the results and set them in the context of previous work. Hypothesis should be rational and evidence-based. Please avoid repeating information in the Results section.

AcknowledgementsA list of contributions, credits, potential conflicts of interests, and previous presentation of the information reported in the manuscript.

AbbreviationsAbbreviations used in the text should be defined. However, some common names, such as GTP, RNA, PBS, and PCR, may not be defined. All nomenclature, including gene names and symbols, should be used in a scientifically accurate manner following the nomenclature conventions adopted by the scientific community.

References, which should be more than 30 for original research, must be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance in the text, and listed in number order in the reference list: do not alphabetize. Each reference citation within the main body of the text should be a superscript Arabic number (in square brackets). Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references and correct citation in the text. Please pay particular attention to the content, year, volume, page and so on. Journal titles should be abbreviated in accordance with the Index Medicus. The names of all the authors are listed if six or fewer, followed by their initials, and, if there are more than six authors, only the first six authors are listed followed by et al.References published within the past five years are preferred. Do not cite uncompleted work or work that has not yet been accepted for publication as references. All references should be presented using the following format:

Journal articles:

[1]Su DH, Chang YC, Chang CC. Post-traumatic anterior and posterior pituitary dysfunction. J Formos Med Assoc 2005; 104:463-7.

[2]Kaplan NM. Coronary heart disease risk factors and antihypertensive drug selection. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1982; 4(Suppl 2):S187-9.

[3]World Health Organization. Immunoglobulin E: a new class of human immunoglobulin. Bull WHO 1968; 38:151-2.


[1]Plum F, Posner JB. The Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma, 3rd edition. Philadelphia: FA Davis, 1980:123-33.

[2]Levinsky NG. Fluid and electrolytes. In: Thorn GW, Adams RD, Braunwald E, et al, eds. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 8th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977:364-75.

Figure legendsThe legends should be typed below the reference of manuscript and limited limit to 60 words or less. Dyeing methods and enlargement multiples should be indicated for a section graph of tissue. Every figure should contain a title, and the figure legend should follow the title closely and provide enough information to make the figures understandable without frequently referring to the text. Do not describe methods in figure legends unless they are necessary to interpret the results conveyed by the figure. All symbols and abbreviations that are used in the figure should be defined in the legends.

TablesTables should be a three-line graph and cited consecutively in the text. All numbers should be written in the same decimal point. Not applicable data should be represented by a "-". Take care to distinguish between "zero" and "not done" as an entry in the table. Tables also should be practically self-contained and self-explanatory. All tables should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Ensure all symbols or abbreviations are explained. Label each table at the top with an Arabic numeral followed by the table title. Insert explanatory material and footnotes below the table. Designate footnotes using lowercase superscript letters (a, b, c)reading horizontally across the table. Abbreviations that are used in a table should be defined in the footnotes. Please prepare the tables in MS Word with a single-space format. Do not embed tables as graphic files, document objects,or pictures.

FiguresFigures (graphs, charts, photographs, and illustrations)should be practically self-explanatory and labeled professionally.Dimensional drawings and diagrams should include only the essential details with as little lettering as possible. The magnification for micrograph should be indicated by scale bars, inscriptions should be legible, and the symbols and letters should be consistent among the panels. Figures should be cited in the text, and should be sequenced in the order cited. Each table/figure should occupy a single page. Please label the figure number on the top left-hand corner of each page.

Please make sure that the letters, labels and symbols are in proportion to the figure and are easily readable after the figures are reduced to printable size. For example, the final text should be at least 2 mm in size and the graph lines should be at least 0.5 pt in weight. We recommend that all graphs be submitted in the intended publication size.

Drug NamesUse the Recommended International Non-proprietary Name (RINN)for medicinal substances, unless the specific trade name of a drug is directly relevant to the discussion.

UnitsPlease use the metric system for the expression of length, height, weight, mass, area and volume. Temperatures are to be given in degrees Celsius. Use of Systeme International (SI)units is preferred for all hematological and clinical chemistry measurements.

Supplemental MaterialsSupplemental materials that are directly related to the conclusion are welcomed. However,unrelated data may be removed by editors. Depending on the nature of supplemental data, they can be in plain text, MS Word, MS Excel, JPEG, TIFF, and video. We encourage authors to submit supplemental documents in PDF format if applicable.