湖北省郧县南化塘镇黄柿中学 刘小荣 供稿
With less than two weeks to go before the Spring Festival gala(春 晚 )night,rehearsals(排练)took place at CCTV’s main studio.Youngmagician(魔术师)Liu Qian,who earned superstarstatus(地位)for hisunbelievable(令人无法相信的)performance(表现)at last year’s gala,performed again this year,and (1)hereveals(解释)this time his magic show will be morestunning(惊人的).
Taiwan magician Liu Qian brought closeup magic onto the Spring Festival Gala stage last year.Eggs,rings,these daily household items,with which Liuconjures(变戏法)up mind-boggling(犹豫)magic shows.
Liu Qian,magician,said,(2)in the past,the audience saw the magician standing in afaraway(遥远的)place,using a lot ofsplendid(华丽的)props(道具).Nowadays,I think there should be some changes.
(3)Liu Qian and the_ directing crew(组员)of the magic section are considering different ways that Liu will perform his magic.They will decide which plan will be finally used,based on audience’sreaction(观众反应)to rehearsals.
Jin Qiu,director of magicacrobatic(杂技)section,said,“Liu has prepared three plans for his show.I think all of them aremiraculous(令人 惊 奇 的 ),even after I’ve watched them many times.So I think the audience will think so,when they first see it.”
Liu says in one plan he will not even use his hands.(4)He will alsowield(施加)his magic with audience members standing around him.(5)Liu’s magic is one of the mostanticipated(期待)shows during the night.