Physicist. Born in Shanghai. Graduated from Tsinghua School (the predecessor of Tsinghua University) in 1918.Received Ph.D. from Harvard University, USA in 1923.Elected academician of the Central Academy of Sciences in 1948. Professor, Peking University.
Ye precisely measured the value of Planck Constant with his cooperator in the 1920s, and the value was used by physical academic circles for 16 years. He studied the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the permeability of ferromagnet and measured the permeability of Fe, Ni, Co and two kinds of steel under the pressure of 12,000kg/cm2.The theoretic analysis was qualitatively consistent with the expermental data. He made several original achievements in the aspect of the history of natural seiences. He was engaged in education for over 50 years and made important contributions to the training of scientefic researchers and the development of Chinese education.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
Mathematician. Born in Jintan, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from Jintan Middle School in 1924 and studied assiduously by himself later. Held a post in the Deparment of Mathematics,Tsinghua University in 1931. Professor, Southwest Associated University in 1938, research prfessor, Princeton Institute of Mathematics, and professor, Princeton University and University of Illinois, USA in 1946. Elected academician of the Central Academy of Sciences in 1948. Research professor, director and honorary director, Institute of Mathematics and Institute of Applied Mathematics, vice president, Chinese Academy of Sciences, vice president, University of Science and Technology of China, foreign menmber, American National Academy of Sciences, and eledted as one of the 88 contemporary great mathematicians by Chicago Museum of Science and Technology.
Hua was mainly engaged in the research and teaching in the fields such as analytic theory of numbers, matrix geometry, typical group, theory of automorphic function, multicomples function theory, partial differential equation, multi-dimensional numerical value integral and so on,and made outstanding attainments. He obtained remarkable achievements in the solution to the estimating problem of Gaussian completing triangle sum, improvement of Waring and Talle problem, verification of fundamental theorem abouti one dimensional projecting geometry and the applied research of modem number theory method.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
Mathematician. Born in Jingde, Anhui Province. Graduated from Nankai University in 1920. Rrceived Ph.D. from Harvard University , USA, in 1930. Professor, Beijing University.
Jiang was mainly engaged in the teaching and research on fixed point theory, Morse theory, complex space and fiber bundles and made outstanding attainments. In his early years, he successfully substituted the tool of complex space for hyperbola geometry, and along with others, he proposed the Luen’s concept of self-mapping and directed others to make significant breakthrough in the calculation and accomlishment of Nilson Number. He directly applied the Morse theory to analytics and obtained many important results in harmonic function. He gained many creative achievements in the complex space and fiber bundles. He made important contributions to the education in China.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
Mathematician. Born in Beijing. Graduated from Tsinghua University in 1933. Received Ph.D.from London University,and SC.D. from Cambridge University, UK in 1938 and 1940,respectively. Elected academician of the Central Academy of Sciences in 1948. Professor, Peking University.
Xu was an outstanding and world well known Chinese scholar in the field of mathematical statistics and theory of probability. In his early research career, he published a series of remarkable papers on multivariable statistic analysis and statistic inference. He improved matrix transformation techniques and generalized the application of matrix theory in amthematical statistics. He made significant achievements in the study of square root optimum expectation in Gaussian-Marckov model and obtained outstanding results in the field of probability theory. Together with his colleagues, he introduced for the first time the concept of total convergence and set up a new specialty in the study of limit theory. He achieved many important results in the aspects of classification of matrix-couples under certain transformations and the limit distribution of order statistics. He also did tremendous word for the development of Chinese education and the training of probabilists and statisticians.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.