
2010-06-13 02:10:52
科技传播 2010年16期



1913.10 .16 ~1992.6.18


1955 年选聘为中国科学院院士(学部委员)。

Nuclear physicist. Born in Shaoxing ,Zhejiang Province.Graduated from Qinghua University in 1936. Received French national doctor degree under the guidance of Yueori Curies in 1940.Research professor and special advisor, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Qian made many important achievements in the research on nuclear physics. He discovered the phenomena of threefission and four-fission of heavy atom nuclear and scientifically explained the mechanism of three-fission. He made outstanding contributions to the establishment and development of nuclear energy science in China and the development of atom bomb and hydrogen bomb. Qian also made important contributions to the organization and promotion of scientific activities of Chinese Academy of Sciences as well as that in China.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.


1912.10 .9 ~2010.7.30


1955 年选聘为中国科学院院士(学部委员)。

Mechanics expert and mathematician. Born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from Tsinghua University in 1935. Received Ph.D. from Toronto University, Canada in 1942.President and professor, Shanghai University.

As one of the originators of many academic organizations,Qian has obtained outstanding achievements in the research and education of mechanics and applied mathematics. He founded the intrinsic theory of thin plates and thin shell and presented the nonlinear differential equations of shallow shell. In the field of generalized variational principles and finite element theory, he made several excellent results and offered some original views in the theory of electrical machinery computation. He presented many practical suggestions in education, economy and science and technology and made important contributions in developing China’s education.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.


1906.7 .9 ~1999.7.26

物理学家。江苏无锡人。1929年毕业于上海大同大学。1934年至1937年在英国伦敦大学留学。解放后任中国科学院物理研究所研究员,1958年起任中国科技大学教授。早年研究晶体范性形变、晶体缺陷和晶体错位理论。建立体心立方晶体随着晶体不同形变温度有三种不同滑移面的实验规律。在光谱学方面找到了以Green-Twyman 干涉仪研究光谱精细结构的方法。抗战期间与同事们共同研制光学显微镜及多种其他应用官学器具。开创了中国电子显微镜在固体物理方面的研究工作。在中国科技史研究和推进方面做出了重要贡献。在发展教育、培养科学人才等方面做了不少工作。

1955 年选聘为中国科学院院士(学部委员)。

Physicist. Born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from Shanghai Datong University in 1929.Studied in London University,UK from 1934 to 1937. Research professor, Institute of Physics, and professor, University of Science and Technology of China of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In his early years, Qian studied crystalopasticity, crystal defect and theory of dislocation. Baesd on the experiments, he formulated a rule that body-centered cubic crystals may have three different glide planes as the crystal is deformed at different temperature. He found a new method to study the structure of spectrum with Green-Twyman interferometer. From 1938 to 1945,together with his colleagues, he built hundreds of optical microscopes and other optical parts for war purpose.He also made important contributions to the research and promotion of scientific and technological history of China. He has done a vast amount of work in the development of education.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.

黄 昆

1919.9 .2 ~2005.7.6


1955 年选聘为中国科学院院士(学部委员)。

Solid-state physicist and semiconductor physicist.Born in Beijing. Graduated from Yanjing University in 1941. Received Ph.D. from the University of Bristol,UK in 1948. Research professor ,director and honorary director, Institute of Semiconductors,Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Huang has been mainly engaged in research on the theory of solid-stated physics and semiconductor physics.He is known for many world-class achievement and is one of the pioneers of semiconductor physics research in China.In the 1950s, he and his collaborators first put forward the quantum theory of multi-phonon transitions,i.e. Huang-Pekar’s theory. He was the first to develop the theory of coupled modes between phonons in crystals electromagnetic waves and basic equations related to the model, “Huang’s Equation”. In the 1940s, he was the first to develop the theory that impurities and defects in solid materials result in X-ray diffuse scattering, which was named “Huang’s Scattering”. He proved the equivalence of the theory of adiabatic approximation of non-radiative transitions to the static coupling theory and clarified some cardinal problems in this filed.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.

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