A Connection Forged in Iron

2010-04-29 00:44:03PATRICKWROKPOH


The Liberian Governmentsmulti-billion dollar deal withChina Union for mining rightsis set to bring much neededemployment and boost thecountrys economy

The West African state of Liberia is onecountry in the region that relies heavilyon mining of iron ore to boost its economyalong with the annual revenue generatingcapacity of the government. But two separatecivil wars that broke out in the country, first in1989 and then in 2003, have ravaged the sector.In the process, the conflicts hampered thegovernment's ability to deliver social servicesto the people and pay civil servants on time.The 14 years of civil war stagnated the ironore sector, leaving many Liberians, especiallyordinary people who depend on mining fortheir livelihood, unemployed during this time.It also badly dented the government coffers.